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No everybody knows about the sport of powerlifting. Those who do not know about the sport, judge powerlifters on cockiness and over-confidence. Also, some might consider powerlifters bullies, but that’s just what they see on the outside. They figure that powerlifters think too much of themselves. Also, people out there doesn’t know the competitiveness of the powerlifter. If your’re new the sport, this is the right place to learn about it. Powerlifting is all about raw strength. Manly people get into powerlifting because the want to greatly improve their strength. The same reason can be said for me and lots of others I know. You do the squat, bench press, and deadlift and whoever has lifted the most weight wins first place. But that’s rarely the case in powerlifting meets. Some lifters go to meets to do one or two things: to break records and/or to break personal records. In competitions, lifters help out each other. If your used to heavy competition like football or baseball, this could throw you for a loop like it did me at my first meet. Another thing to note is that there is lots of comraderie amongst lifters, as if they are all there to do the same purpose. Somehow, powerlifters become humble over time. I’ve never met a powerlifter who wasn’t. Powerlifters also know their own strength. If you shake a powerlifters hand sometimes, they won’t crush your hand. That’s how in control of their own strength they are. Also, powerlifters respect each other, something that you don’t find everywhere else. Plus, powerlifters external(outside)appearance is deceiving. Some powerlifters might not look strong, but they are strong. I guess that’s what teaches humbleness. Powerlifting is also a sport of endless possibilities. Once you reach a personal best, you have to keep going and going. All in all, in powerlifting, expect the unexpected. I plan on being in this sport for a very long time because of the people I meet and what I can do in the sport. If your reading this, you might want to try the sport out yourself. Who knows, I might see you at a meet.

For years, the deadlift has been the most feared exercise among bodybuilders while its been praised among powerlifters. But what people sometimes forget is that the deadlift determines your strength and is a mass builder. Finnish Bodybuilders and Powerlifters use the deadlift because its the true strength builder. The reason people might not do the deadlift is because of back injures, might make a physique blocky, or they just don’t want to do it. To me, the Deadlift is my best exercise and I love it. I won’t do a workout program without it, because without it, it becomes a missing link. I believe that highly in it. At first, beginners will think that the deadlift it much easier than the squat or bench press. But after a few weeks, they will love it or hate it. Nothing comes easy. And this is true when you talk about the deadlift. Reason why? Because the deadlift effects so much. When you do the deadlift, it hits the back, the lats, the quads, the glutes, the arms and forearms, and even the abs. Which proves that the deadlift produces more results than the bench press and the squats. And everytime you do the deadlift, you get stronger. The feeling of getting stronger is the reason why I like the exericise other than the bench press and the squats. Not only are you getting stronger on the deadlifts, but you are also getting mentally stronger. The mental aspect plays a big part in the deadlift. When I go to deadlift, I tell myself that I am going to pull that weight, no matter what. Sometimes this is another reason why people don’t do the deadlift, is because its requires mental power which invites hard work. Enthusiasm from others can make a difference, maybe even a big difference, in your deadlift. But it all starts from believing you can do the lift. Like the bench press and the squat, there are variations. You can do the deadlift with dumbbells. Just by assuming the same position as you would if you were using the bar. You can also use power racks for partial deadlifts which is beneficial for you deadlift. You can do more weight on the partials and the more weight you do, the more you can do on the regular deadlift. Also the more weight you do on either dumbbell deadlifts or partial deadlifts helps your mental strength also. For instance, if you max on your deadlift is 400, and you do partials with 420, try 405 the next time you max. But remember, both your mental and physical strength can make you move that 405. The deadlift is a great exercise for both powerlifters and bodybuilders. For powerlifters, it can make them stronger and even help them in the squat. For bodybuilders, it can pack on size and strength. Look at pro bodybuilders Mike Francois and Marko Savolainen. You would notice that they have one thing in common, both have mass and thickness. For any avid weight trainer, it can determine how strong they are. In other parts of the world, you would be asked how much you can deadlift. But here, people ask you how much you can bench or squat, not knowing that you true strength lies in deadlifts only. But just like the squat or the bench press, they require just as much work, both mentally and physically. And if you can, try to enjoy it a little. Pulling heavy weight can be a great mental boost. The deadlift can do a lot, that’s why it should be important.

The adrenaline is flowing and coarsing through your veins in your body
as you prepare yourself for the lift,
you see now a monstrous weight as your enemy,
all you can do for 10 seconds is look at it.
You lay on the bench
your moist hands grasp the chalked bar
you take a deep breath
and you take another, nervously
now its just you and this weight, that wants to crush you
with your shoulder blades in and chest out you prepare to lift.
The weight is off the bar
as you bring it to your chest, you know the weight has done its job.
Now its your turn.
As your pushing, your chest is squeezing tightly
your legs are nailed to the floor by the weight
you continue pushing the weight up-but it stops.
But you continue to push for everything now, you can't stop.
The weight begins to move again-but this time faster
and faster,
and faster,
Your partner helps you guide the weight to the bar
The weight is on the bar.
You get up from the bench
your chest is tight
but you did it, you beat the weight
and you walk victorious!!!!!!!!!



What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Androstendione? Most of us sport-minded individuals would think of Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals. Others would thinks of steroids. Those not familiar with the would think of it was an drug. But did you know that androstendione is legal. Did you also know that its and natural substance and not steroids, and promotes good health. Most of us only know half the story on androstendione.


Androstendione is a precursor to testosterone and its said to be the next step ahead of DHEA(Dehydroepiandrosterone). It's also naturally made in both men and women. It's also grown in pollen of scotch pine trees. And if that's not amazing, then this is; Andro(short for androstendione), when taken orally and reasonably, is converted into testosterone by the liver.
Andro was looked at during the 1950's. Scientists then determined that its converted into testosterone by the body. DHEA and 17-Alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone are the only two pathways in the body that can convert andro into testosterone and vice versa.
All studies suggests that androstendione has higher testosterone levels when taken orally that DHEA. Also studies suggest that andro also increases sexual arousal and function. But andro when taken, has the blood levels rising for fifteen minutes and stays elevated for three hours. The maximum peak is around one hour to one hour and thirty minutes. And not only that its safe.


The East Germans used andro as an performance-enhance. A man named Michel Oettel found a way to use andro as an nasal spray. This way the Germans can get the andro to the bloodstream quicker. The testosterone/epitesterone ratio would increase and then goes back to normal the next day. But the testosterone levels remain elevated. This way it would be easy to slide by the drug tests.
In one of Oettel's experiments, he tested his andro nasal spray. He juxtaposed it to ordinary andro. While the testosterone levels in the ordinary andro are delevated, the nasal spray is still elevated days after the end of the experiment. An young swimmer named Raik Hannemann claim it was like an volcanic eruption. Hannemann continued to use the nasal spray because it was mandatory for the 1988 Olympics. But due to the usage of the nasal spray, it damaged his nose membranes. So after all its super-effectiveness, it had an downfall. The purpose of the nasal spray was to get the andro in and out of the blood system before the drug test, and to have its effects remain in the wake of the use of andro.
According to a German Patent application(German Patent No. DE 42 14 953 A1), andro given to men at levels of 50 mg and 100 mg, raised testosterone levels from 140% to 183% to 211% to 237% respectively. Which means taking it orally is just as effective. Oettel knew that his twice-a-day testosterone would increase the performance levels in his athletes. In 1989 experiment, test were conducted using rats and andro. It was proven that a single dose increased muscle mass more than the smaller, frequent dose schedule. The comparison was large dosages and smaller dosages throughout the day. Spiking your natural testosterone levels once or twice a week, keeps your body from lowering its production of testosterone. This is a problem when talking about steroids.


Mark McGwire uses andro to helps him heal better from this weightlifting and the injures he has suffered. But Big Mac isn't the only one who uses andro. Many Baseball players use andro for the reason about and also to increase performance, builds lean muscle mass, decrease bodyfat, and increase size and strength. Andro now and days, is being called the "steroid alternative". Not only are baseball players using them, football , bodybuilding , wrestling , powerlifting and track and field athletes too. Athletes use andro an hour before they train, so they can mimic the effects that were founded by the East Germans. Smart, Isn't it. Fifty to One Hundred mg of andro twice or three times a day is what other athletes take. All studies have shown that andro is very safe. Mark McGwire says he wouldn't jeopardize his health by using an unsafe product and has been assured that androstenedione isn't harmful. Just as stated above, andro can help athletes increase lean muscle, size and strength, decrease bodyfat as well as heightened sexual arousal and function and greater sense of well being.


Because of its effects and post-effects, andro has to be taken within an hour before an workout or physical activity. Then its taken one to three times daily. Now here's where it gets tricky. Because it's a possibility that the body might undo the effects of andro due to prolonged use, its imperative that an athlete cycles andro. By cycling andro every other three to six weeks, the athlete can still get the continued use of andro. And the athlete also gets the effects. Taking andro throughout the day helps maintain high levels of testosterone. But taking andro three times a day could cause the partial shutdown of natural testosterone production.


The one thing people want to hear is that an supplement is safe for usage and its not a drug. That's what exercise-minded people will tell your about androstendione. Hey, McGwire wouldn't of revealed that he's been taking andro and creatine, unless he knew they weren't safe. And even then, McGwire wouldn't of used them. Majority of athletes use andro and creatine, which is a powerful combination in terms of size, power, and strength, to get the effects of steroids.
There is no guarantee that andro will grant you any gains. Reason why is because there are so many factors involved; how intensely you train, how well you eat, your natural recuperation ability, genetics, and your body's response to the supplement. But supplementing andro will boost your testosterone levels sufficiently. But one thing is certain, the use of andro will have the potential for putting on lean muscle mass and solid strength. Andro is not an steroid--but is an legal and safe steroid alternative.

BILBIOGRAPHY Phillips, Bill; Sports Supplement Review 3rd Issue; 1996; pp. 23-27 Neo Elite: Natural Testosterone Support; 1998; Internet access Androstendione; 1998; Internet access Androstendione FAQ; 1998; Internet access Bodytrends Health and Fitness; Androstendione; 1998; Internet access; MORE INFO ON ANDROSTENDIONE


The Deadlift, what is the deadlift you ask?
The Deadlift is not just a exercise, its a test of not just human power--but beyond
There is nothing better that lifting a monstrous weight.
And just like that, you become a human forklift
Doing the deadlift with superhuman weight, makes an person not only strong but-invincible.
When you do the deadlift, you must have no fear for the weight,
you make the weight feel fear as you approach it
you become the bully of the weight.
This is not the squat of the bench press--this is where the men is separated from the boys....
the who can and the cannot
the who will and will not
Because once you start the lift, there is only way you can go--up.
As your going up, your arms begin to stretch,
your biceps and neck begin to pop out veins,
your legs start to quake,
your hands become tighter like a vice,
your face turns red with intensity
and your neck strains.
At this point--its do or die!!!!!!!!!
Then you make it to the top.
After that, you drop the weight and the rest of the world feels your success
and you walk away a superhuman.
The people around you will praise you for doing the unbelieveable.
And that’s what the deadlift is all about!!!!!!!!