FLEET .....USS Esper ..........CREW COMPLEMENT ...............BACKGROUND ...............HAYES, PEPPER |
Pepper The Hayes Rank: Commander Position: Commander, USS Esper, Elven Fleet Race: Human/Trill Birth Place: Federation Science station on Ventax II Parents: Marie (Trill) Keith (Human) Siblings: Scott (deceased) |
Age: 26 Birthdate: May 30, 2388 Sex: Female Hair: Red Eyes: Aqua Height: 5'7" Weight: 120 lbs Previous Assignment: Cheif helmsman, USS Excalibur |
Being the only humans on Ventax II,
Commander Hayes developed a strong relationship with her older brother,
Scott. At the age of 17 she left her home to join her brother who was attending
Starfleet Acadamy on Earth. Shortly after Scott Hayes recieved his first assignment
in Starfleet, he was killed on an away mission to Acamar II. Pepper took his
death hard and knowing how much her brother admired Starfleet officers, she
joined the Academy after his death, hoping to prove to herself she had been
worthy of his friendship. Despite her young age, Pepper's strength and
determination has made her an excellent officer, she has sailed through the
ranks and is currently serving as second in command on the USS Esper. She
has a strong loyalty to the ship's crew, and hopes that she may be able to prevent
misunderstandings like the one that caused her brother's death.