While looking into Underworld/Hollow Earth Theories it would be
criminal not to take notice of four books which were written as
fact ... stories of travel to underground cities.
Darkness over Tibet (1937) by T. Illion.According to the info on
the back cover, "Darkness over Tibet [is] "The First authentic and
fully detailed account of an underground city in Tibet by the only
westerner ever to visit there and come back and tell about it".
David Hatcher Childress reissued this well documented book in his
Mystic Traveller Series thru the Adventures Unlimited Press.
Beasts, Men and Gods (1922) by Ferdinand Ossendowski.The author
tells of his flight across from Russia to escape from those who would
harm him during the Russian revolution in 1920 and his travels all
across Asia during that period. The last part [5] tells of his
adventures in the Subterranean Kingdom of "The King of the World."
Lewis Stanton Palen tells us in an included "Explanatory Note":
"When one of the leading publicists in America, Dr. Albert Shaw of
the 'Review of Reviews', after reading the manuscript.. ..[wrote] ...
the succession of trying and thrilling experiences recorded seems in
places too highly colored to be real, or, sometimes, even possible in
this day and generation. I desire therefore, to assure the reader at
the outset that Dr. Ossendowski is a man of long and diverse
experience as a scientist and writer with a training for careful
observation which should put the stamp of accuracy and reliability on
his chronicle.
Eyes of the Superstitions (1993) andBeneath the Superstitions (1995)
by Kaye Kizziar concerning her personal knowledge of UFOs and
underground bases in the mysterious Superstition Mountains of Arizona.