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From: ymsgr:sendim?idrisunSend an Instant Message "George Nordahl"
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Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:13:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [montauktimelines] Re: Paul Potter's new UFO Propulsion site
there are major Atlantean remnants under the upper
midwest in USA (minn, WI, upper mich, laker superior,
lake michigan, and parts of canada that surround lake
superior. the overall undergroud base of honeycombs
might equal an area 3/4 size of texas. minn has 10,000
lakes and Wisconsin has 15,000 lakes excluded farm
ponds. most of those 25,000 lakes are doorways. their
far more people living underground than above. some of
the complexs are 115 thousand levels deep. the was an
70 ft dia elevator shaft in OK that was 115 thousand
levels deep beginning at the two mile marker.

--- Misty wrote:

> Thanks Mark,
> Are the Americans the only ones operating Black
> Triangles? I read about a Black Triangle hovering
> over the coast of America somewhere and a fisherman
> started shooting at it. A voice yelled out of it
> --stop shooting we're Americans.
> But then who has the Black Triangles that fly over
> Belgium and go north? I always wonder if they were
> an Atlantean remnant. Supposed to be still some
> there under the Atlantic, as an American sub bumped
> into some lit buildings on the Atlantic Ocean floor,
> some years back and damaged the sub.
> A witness on the sub wrote about it in a UK UFO mag.
> Have got the mag somewhere. When he and a fellow
> (presumably) marine mentioned it, they were both
> taken into an asylum and pumped with drugs when they
> got back to base and told they saw nothing. The man
> eventually managed to escape but it was difficult,
> as the other man was forced to stay in the asylum.
> Some Russians were also snooping around the area at
> the time in a sub.
> I'll pass it on for comment,
> Regards,
> Nicky
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:23 AM
> Subject: Paul Potter's new UFO Propulsion site
> Paul Potter changed his UFO propulsion site to
. It > seems like everybody is
> hopping onto the millimeter wave propulsion and
> lens-focused magnetic
> beams (a la UNITEL) thesedays. The TR-3B "Black
> Triangles" seem to be a
> late 60's manmade craft using liquid metal plasmas
> and exploiting a Brown
> effect.
> He has a lot more essays than before. Plus he has
> updated some (like his
> previous comments on Lazar). As I suspected, it
> seems that too many are
> getting lost in the details and missing the "Big
> Picture". It appears
> that Baker, UNITEL, Lazar, Bearden and others have
> a lot more in common
> even though they use different terminologies and
> strategies. At least
> that was my interpretation of what he was
> implying.
> I'll have more essays archived tomorrow. But the
> ones that I uploaded
> today are:
> (radio-wave
> controlled Electric Field drive system -- makes
> use of TWO millimeter
> waves to produce a "beat frequency" / reminds me
> of the binaural beat
> devices used for biofeedback, remote-viewing
> training)
> (Electrokinetic UFO
> -- Townsend Brown/Lazar/UNITEL )
> (1971 USAF Report of
> ELINT RB-47 jet intercepting electronic signatures
> from a UFO / made me
> think of Paul Bennewitz)
> (Potter's new site's
> index)
> (Potter's retake on
> Lazar and correcting some of his physics mistakes
> while saying he was
> "right on track" on some of the others)
> ("The 4 Great Primary
> Forces / copied by Potter / sounds a little too
> "New Age" for me)