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--- "mistyrainbow3 <>" <>
> To:
> From: "mistyrainbow3 <>" <>
> Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 11:54:35 -0000
> Subject: [technorealities] Aust. underground bases
> Welcome to Ashley O'Toole from Australia, who runs a conspiracy 
> magazine. 
> I just spotted this in the newsletter. 
> Someone may want to connect it with the Fortress Australia article.
> Can you add anything to this Ashley or Branton or anyone else?
> "Samantha" writes:
> Hi there from the land down under, I thought I'd better add my ten
> cents worth to all your editorials about books on underground bases,
> especially Mr. Branton.
> Whilst I can't divulge any info on my proof, as certain people would
> lose high positions in the military hierarchy, I can tell you and
> your subscribers that there are as many as 147 of them under the U.S.
> (that I know of) and at least 12 in our "lucky" country.
> Whilst I was a serving member of the R.A.A.F. I saw a lot of things
> I was not supposed to see, got involved with some people I shouldn't
> have, and would not play their games, so I changed my
> mustering(trade)
> and was posted to two different bases to do the training courses.
> Whilst on those courses I was shown evidence of direct and
> unscrupulous involvement of the CIA and U.S. Military covert
> operations section, now called NSA, in our elections.
> I was in the military, but I was a great supporter of Gough
> Whitlam's policy of removing ALL U.S. bases from Australian soil, as
> well as exposing to all Australians what was going on under our
> country, and still is as we speak.
> The fact that the CIA directly intervened, also sanctioned by the
> Queen of England, in our election process and took away my vote has
> been a sore point of mine for all those years and is also the reason
> I do not vote any more.
> I used to delight in getting the aircrew and ground crew of the
> U2 contingents, drunk as monkeys and listen to talk of their so-
> called "TOP SECRET" modifications to those sneaky aircraft, and they
> in turn would laugh and also be amazed at the way we could stand in
> the back of a Chrysler utility truck at 110m.p.h. and try our
> darndest to fit the landing wheel struts into the slots at the tip of
> the wings on those same U2's so the wingtips would not scrape the
> ground........Those were the days!!
> I've seen photo's you would not believe even if I published them, of
> 17 floors of accommodation, supermarkets, vehicle storage (not your
> everyday vehicles), hospital facilities, and the list goes on, and
> all of this under the ground at Pine Gap, Exmouth, and four other
> locations, one of them so close to Canberra, you could spit.
> The "aerial" at Pine Gap goes down at least 8 miles, so who does the
> maintenance and servicing on the water-bore, which obviously goes
> further?
> So to all the would be's if they could be's and author's everywhere,
> YES there are underground bases, but not the way you think...They're
> much larger than you can imagine, they're manned 24 hrs. a day, they
> are not being used for what you may think even in your wildest
> dreams!
> Every President knows about them and says nothing, Every western
> Prime Minister knows about them and says nothing (Except for
> Gough Whitlam). Count the amount of underground tests performed by
> each government, everywhere, and you will get a plainer picture of
> the bigger picture...Oh yes, and by the way Henry Kissinger and
> the Rockefeller's are directly involved!!!
> Another little gem of interest, since 1971 there have been an
> unprecedented amount of flights and deliveries to Darwin,
> Cairns, and Canberra with some very strange items on board, so much
> so, my colleagues in the R.A.A.F. tell me it would be worth it to re-
> enlist just to get a better look at what's going on, because I can
> verify there are an enormous amount of covert operations going on
> around Australia right at this very moment.
> Never in history has an Australian Prime Minister visited an
> American President so often in such a short space of time
> as is happening now, because the crunch for us is on it's
> way...Port Arthur was just the beginning!!
> P.S. If anyone is still looking for Frank Valentich's plane, or
> any information about him, you might want to travel to Sale Air
> Force Base in Victoria, Australia......The plane itself is
> in pristine condition...But who would believe it all now!!!
> Ex-Air Force, but definitely not proud of it!!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Sanity Stream" writes:
> Hi there,
> This might interest readers of your newsletter... I
> was browsing the Sci-Fi Channel's website and noticed
> they're airing a new movie about mind control called
> CONTROL FACTOR this coming Saturday, Jan. 18th.
> It deals with voices in the head and "a highly
> classified government mind-control project."
> Here's a link:
> Maybe it'll help wake up a few of the sheep?
> * If you have any comments, please send them to:
> =====================================================================
> "The Universal Seduction" by world recognized authors, investigative
> journalists, scientists and researchers. Goals of the NWO, alien
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> govt. time-travel and cloning, HAARP, chemtrails and CIA channeling
> programs.
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> Conspiracy Journal - Issue 193, 1/17/03
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