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From: THE MATRIX 2 - by Valdamar Valerian

Underground UFO Bases and Wag Stations

Alien beings have established bases in selective areas around the globe.

In central Texas's Robertson County - UFOs have virtually become nightly callers. Along with related ground level phenomena, including : Unexplained tracks on the ground ; Mysterious deaths and disappearances of livestock ; the interference of normal radio reception ; strange code being received on citizens band radio ; power black outs ; etc.

UFO's are using the area near Calvert, Texas as a base dr way station - Caverns exist beneath farmland on the outskirts of town. "There is a complex network of Caves and Tunnels which connect somewhere under¬ ground. A check of geographical survey maps will show that Calvert is built directly on top of a fault line which zigzags for miles in all directions." The ranchers and farmers in this area have reported hearing peculiar noises coming from deep beneath their feet. "Individuals living five or six miles outside Calvert have repeatedly been driven out of their homes into the cool evening air by the sound of generators. It appears to them as if a steady droning noise is originating from all directions but is loudest when ears are placed to the ground." This bit of information has led me to conclude that UFOs operating around here have established bases for themselves far beneath the Earth's crust.

Going a step further, UFOnauts are probably obtaining the necessary energy to power their ships and bases by making use of existing under¬ ground bodies of water. "This portion of the state is crisscrossed with hot mineral streams that flow silently deep Inside the Earth. Placed under extreme pressure, these streams could make one hell of a hydrodynamic generator, supplying any space visitors with all the energy they need and without having to construct anything at all above ground which would give their presence away."

Southern California, as well, has UFO , Sasquatch incidents and strange underground occurrences. One of the most sgnificant took place in April 1973. when three students camped in the San Gabriel Mountains on the western edge of the great Mojave Desert, "felt uneasy" and suddenly saw a gigantic man-like figure that frightened the campers. The next day , three-toed footprints measuring 18 Inches long were found in the hard-packed soil of the area. The UFO Research Institute (UFORI) in Redondo Beach, Calif, was called in for scientific evaluation. After extensive field work in the campground area, UFORI discovered the sound of geared machinery and what might be compared to hydroelectric plant noise coming from 'beneath the forest floor'. While beyond normal hearing range, the subterranean sounds were picked up by special microphone? placed directly on the ground. Nearby the remote campground is an abandoned silver mine which cuts through the mountain. One end has been closed by landslides and the other end sealed off by forestry personnel to protect explorers from the dangers of cave-ins. Sounds of operating machinery have been recorded coming from within the mine AFTER MIDNIGHT. Sightings of UFOs in this area are common place.

We are dealing with a superior technology with all the hallmarks of a military operation on a very large scale. Though most of the UFOs sighted are from the Inner Earth, for the simple reason that this is their home base, there are other ufonauts keeping a watchful eye on us.