Vol. I, No. 2 (June, 1995)
Welcome to the second issue of THE DRAGON-SLAYER. As promised, we have initiated a new format beginning with this issue, including a new letters section. I have already recieved some excellent feedback from several of the readers of the first issue. Keep the letters (and the information) coming!
With this second issue we will attempt to expose the connections between the Reptilian agenda and the so-called "Men In Black" Phenomena. The "Men In Black" are the notorious Interstellar "Terrorists" who use FEAR to intimidate, silence or in some cases even destroy those who get in the way of their covert activities here on earth -- activities which usually involve some type of subterfuge against the human race in preparation for their planned invasion of the planet. This invasion can only occur once the planet is brought under the control of a global government system whose leaders are themselves under the direct mind-control of the Draconians, if not Draconian infiltrators themselves. These human "elite" are instructed to weaken human resistance and deplete the world's population to the point where resistance to the final assault will be minimal.
A world government is necessary in that the collective mentality of the Reptilian races which seek to assimilate this and other worlds into their Empire cannot deal very well with unpredictable elements such as resistance networks which have a tendency to throw their plans and agendas out of context. The goal of the Alpha Draconians or Draconian Empire (and the various sub-empires they control) is to take control of the earth and use her as a "staging" base from which they can attack their ancient nemesis, the Lyran Federation, or those colonial worlds which were populated by various human refugees from the Lyran wars (i.e. do a net-search for "Lyran Wars" ).
Since the Reptilians must carefully prepare a planet for assimilation/takeover, the preparation period is perhaps the most vulnerable and carefully concealed. Before an overt invasional attack the Draconians must set the stage with covert manipulation. Such operations require utmost secrecy, and this is where the "Men In Black" come in. The term "Men In Black" has been used in the past to describe secret government officials, secret agents of hidden occult societies within or beyond earth, cyborgs, androids (controlled by either humanoids or reptilioids), and also a large percentage of reptilioid infiltrators. This latter classification will be the branch of the "MIB" which we will refer to most often in this issue. The job of the Men In Black is to intimidate, discredit, abduct or murder those who are getting too close to the truth of the "Grand Deception", or who become aware of the INFILTRATION which must be carried out against a target world before the final INVASION or takeover can occur. - B. Alan Walton.
"...In the Jewish legends the serpent is sometimes described as a modified reptilian human-like creature indicating that this description was also gradually evolving into the symbolism of wickedness or Satan into the image and likeness of a man." -- Quote from F. Alfred Morin's book, "THE SERPENT AND THE SATELLITE". (Philosophical Library., New York. p.343)
"The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way..." -- Matthew 13:24-25 (KJV)
SPEARS... I have (recieved) some of my knowledge on (the Planet/UFO?!) NEMESIS from the study of Lana Cantral's book "THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD". Also, 2 books by R.A. Boulay = "FLYING SERPENTS AND DRAGONS" and "DRAGON POWER"... Probably one of the best was from a UFO researcher who went by the name of "CRESTON", who EXPOSED (the Planet/UFO?!) NEMESIS. He was MURDERED for getting this information out.
"I have also got information on NEMESIS from a few private investigators, but at this time I have not been able to keep contact with them..." -- Richard Alfonse., P.O. Box 551., Chisago City, MN 55013.
(Thank you Richard for your most interesting input. The article by Creston was especially interesting and I will certainly include it in a future issue of T.D.S. Just to whet the appetite of the readers, Creston maintains that NEMESIS is a "moon-sized planetoid" [like a massive "Death Star" Space Station 4,300 miles in diameter] that was discovered in Jan. 1989, and which has positioned itself just outside our Solar system. At some point in the future, according to Creston, the "seven to nine foot tall reptilian humanoids" inhabiting this vast space sphere will release huge space liners that will take up positions over major grid-points around the earth. Refer to the NBC mini-series "V" (NOW available as a full set THROUGH local video outlets) for a possible scenario of what might follow. -- A.W.)
(Note: We will begin this issue with an introduction on the suppressed history of planet earth. Many of the readers may be surprised to learn that the ancient conflicts between the LYRAN FEDERATION and the DRACONIAN EMPIRE apparently had their genesis right here on planet earth... - A.W.)
Researcher Walter Kafton-Minkel tells of an ancient legend or history, supposedly recorded on crystalline records within subterranean repositories which make up the outskirts of the ancient underground retreats collectively known as 'Agharta'. Kafton-Minkel, in his book SUBTERRANEAN WORLDS (Loompanics Unlimited., Port Town, Washington. 1989. Ch. 9 - 'The Secret War With the Snake People.') describes a Maurice Doreal of the "Brotherhood of the White Temple" in Sedalia, Colorado. Doreal claims to have met with representatives of this ancient hidden society, which reportedly thrives deep below the Tibetan and Mongolian plateaus. These literal 'underground cities' are said to be part of an ancient high-tech culture made up of an initiatory society of the most advanced minds of the ancient world, who separated themselves from mainstream humanity thousands of years ago in order to develop their culture and sciences far from the uncertain turmoil of the outer world.
Doreal claims to have met not only representatives of Agharta (or Shambhalla - located BENEATH the GOBI desert of Mongolia), but also insists that after a lecture in California he was approached by two representatives of a similar ancient colony that was part of the Aghartan alliance of subterranean cities. These men told him that they came from an underground city below Mt. Shasta in northern California. Doreal insists that he was taken to a huge cavern-city 15 miles wide and 20 miles long which lies approximately 5 miles below the mountain, a vast underground kingdom illuminated by a huge radioactive sphere 'contained' in such a way that only the beneficial color-rays and light-waves could emanate through to the subterranean inhabitants.
These people, as well as their allied colonies below the Far East, according to Doreal, had been in possession of the knowledge of the manipulation of the atom for centuries if not millennia. They also knew the secret of 'warping' space in a way that might be reminiscent to some of the side-effects of the 'Philadelphia Experiment' (or Project Rainbow). They use this technology, among other things, to protect themselves from invasion. As for the ancient records on the crystallographic computer database that Doreal claims he was shown at one point in his experiences... among other things they revealed that the area now known as Antarctica was at some ancient and prehistoric time the semi-tropical home of the "Serpent People", a vaguely humanoid race with heads "like a great snake and their bodies faintly scaled as [with] the scales of a serpent." Since the two races (the serpent race and the human 'giants' that is, according to Doreal) were utterly different in mind as well as in physical form, they did not understand each other at all. War broke out between the humans and their serpentilioid adversaries. According to researcher Kafton-Minkel:
"The Serpent People possessed hypnotic powers which allowed them to appear human to the 'Sons of God' and their other human allies, and they frequently passed among them as spies." (Note: According to Doreal the 'Sons of God' were human giants of 'Evadamic' heritage who attained to a tall stature, while their 'allies' consisted largely of an ancient Nordic-like race of blond, blue-eyed humans - A.W.)
"...the humans developed a trick that could identify a serpent person immediately; the guards in the human cities and fortifications required all those entering to pronounce the word KININIGIN. Doreal didn't say what Kininigin meant, but it was a serpent person's undoing, for that word 'could only be pronounced by human vocal cords.'"
According to Doreal, in these ancient times the blond, blue-eyed race of humans (the ancestors of the Scandinavians) lived in a lush kingdom in what is now the Gobi Desert. They were at war with the Serpent People and had developed a weapon so powerful that they did not know it's full potential. They pointed it at the Antarctican land of the Serpent People and set it off. Most of the Serpent People in that area were destroyed, but the weapon caused the earth to topple to one side, it "began to wobble" and as it did so volcanoes came to life, mountains shifted and large islands sank into the ocean before it was able to re-align itself. When it did, the polar regions had digressed to the point where the lush Antarctica froze instantly. Apparently the surviving serpent people escaped to underground and off-planet bases, and eventually to Alpha Draconis where in the course of time the Reptilian Empire spread to other star systems such as Epsilon Bootes, Altair Aquila, Capella, Zeta Reticuli and Rigel and Bellatrix Orion.
The Nephelim "giants" and the NORDIC race, not to be outdone by their nemesis, also left the surface and established their own subterranean and interstellar colonies. One of the first of these was apparently in the LYRAN constellation (those NORDICS who did not leave the surface of the planet eventually migrated westward to found the Scandinavian countries, according to Maurice Doreal).
Many contactees speak of an ancient interstellar war between a Human Federation based in LYRA and a Reptilian Empire based in DRACONIS, and that today the Reptilian Grays and their larger Reptilioid masters are returning to earth, which -- they have told abductees -- IS THEIR ACTUAL POINT OF ORIGIN. In short, they indent to take back a planet which they believe is theirs. The NORDICS also realize this and want to prevent this from happening. True humans and reptilians can never coexist without compromise for the very nature of the reptilian mind is one of predatory and imperialistic instinct, in that they are vampirial in nature (see issue 1-1 of TDS - A.W.) and have for ages fed off of the life-force-essence of the human races throughout this part of the galaxy. The various reptilioid races of the Draconian Empire have over the ages become "addicted" to human blood plasma - that substance which provides the vitalizing force for the human spirit, soul and body. Earth is being drawn into an interstellar conflict between two powerful extraterrestrial alliances, one human and the other reptilian, but this is another story all in itself.
At this point we will relate another account similar to the one given above. Study it carefully and you will see several correlation's between the following report and Maurice Doreal's story as related through Mr. Kafton-Minkel.
The article below appeared in the "AMAZING ALIENS ENCOUNTERS" folio, Part. I, released by Al Fry (Box 2207-76., Garden Valley, ID 83622). The name of the author, at least on the copy of the 'folio' from which the following information was extracted, was not clearly discernible. However information of a relative nature did appear during the 1980's within a publication that went by the title of "THE CRYSTAL BALL" (newsletter), which MAY have been the original source for the following:
"...I also get a lot of mail requesting that I present further material on the "SIBERIAN AFFAIR". Since this report is being written largely from memory and with little reference to notes and materials, accuracy of the following is not guaranteed... For those who have not read SPECIAL REPORT #2 on UFOs, here is a brief synopsis:
"During the '40's, a Soviet expeditionary team, in search of the location of a huge meteorite that had plummeted into an area in northern Siberia, came across a buried UFO in the ice. The team, after excavating further, discovered an entire city, along with many other UFOs (or saucer-shaped craft) buried under the ice where the meteor had penetrated. There were two different kinds of frozen inhabitants who had inhabited this city. One was composed of "ordinary" humans, possibly of Atlantean heritage, and another, which the revealer of the discovery calls "the Serpent Race".
"These entities...had attempted to take over the political power in Atlantis by SUBSTITUTING themselves for the real rulers of Atlantis (this was apparently what they were also attempting to do with the inhabitants of the 'city' uncovered by the Soviet team, before a sudden 'quick freeze' set in, possibly as a result of an ancient polar shift. The connection to "Atlantis" is only the writers supposition, as during the 1940's and onward there arose many theories concerning Atlantis and its advanced technology - A.W.). This was accomplished through their utterly unique ability to metamorphosis themselves, their bodies, especially their heads and faces, into the likeness of the person who they wanted to duplicate and impersonate. [Modern physics would discount such a thing as being preposterous, yet, through mere mind power, Uri Geller has altered the atomic structure of metal.] Their NATURAL state -- that of the head and face -- appeared snake-like with scales. They also had a unique ability to survive freezing temperatures and to endure the endless passage of time in a state of suspended, deep-freeze animation. When they were revived by the Russians, their guise or appearance was that of the humans they were impersonating. Thus, all of the bodies found looked alike.
"The bodies of the HUMANS, after being thawed out, were lifeless; but those of the 'Serpent Race' came 'to life'. The members of the expeditionary team were supplanted by the Serpent people and done away with. The Serpent people took on their likeness, disguised as it were, and continued the work of de-icing/rescuing the rest of their fellow race within the buried city.
"As more and more scientists and/or military personnel were sent to that area, they were all presumably 'taken over' until there were well over 700 Serpent beings masquerading as Russians. Eventually, the entire city, and all of the disc-craft,\par were 'unearthed'. Maps of Atlantis and of the Earth as they were in the [Antediluvian?] days of Atlantis were found. Strange machines and weapons were also un-iced. These were to be used by the Serpent Race, in the future, to TAKE CONTROL OF THE EARTH. This had been their goal...when they attempted to take over Atlantis. But the Atlantean leaders/rulers found an Achilles Heel: There was a special, vocal sound that the Serpent people were not able to pronounce. When suspected, they were 'tested', and if they were unable to pronounce the word or sound, they were immediately put to death. In this way, Atlantis rid itself of all, or most, of them. Just how they ended up in that northern Siberian area was not stated.
"Anyway, it was only a matter of time before the Serpent people had infiltrated the Politburo and all key positions of power. From there, they planned to pick up where they had left off tens of thousands of years ago (this is the time-period the author assumes was involved, although the actual 'deep freeze' may have occurred only four or five thousand years ago if we consider other chronologies - A.W.). Their disc craft -- which operate by the use of magnetic lines of force -- have been used since about the late '40s to map the entire planet. It has changed quite a bit since their being suddenly frozen by a polar shift of earth's axis. Sooner or later, they will attempt the conquest of the planet, probably through the use of Soviet military might. The following -- and a FEW of the previous statements -- are partly speculation/interpolation on the part of this editor....
"It is very possible that some of the Serpent people have taken over the bodies of some of the world leaders (Note: The 12th chapter of REVELATION suggests the possibility that several of these reptilian 'body snatchers' may attain leading positions within the New World Order itself. In fact, there is even a possibility that -- as might be implied from Isaiah 14:29 -- the Roman Antichrist himself may be one of the so-called human-reptilian 'hybrids' that have been fused with reptilian DNA - A.W). If need be, they can kill off the one they are impersonating, through murder, and they could even 'die' of old age or disease, while actually moving on to another body or another leader. The 'duplicate' they create is an exact likeness, indistinguishable as far as I can surmise. Most of the saucer craft seen since the late '40's have been piloted by these Serpent beings. Frequently, however, they impersonate other people, even created 'outer space' images to make it look as if they are from outer space. Thus the variety of different space people types... (We must state here that there have been a 'few' cases where abductees have approached what appeared to be one of the Nordic or Blond beings on a craft, only to see a sudden transformation into an ugly reptilian creature upon closer examination. However the evidence points to the possibility that these are relatively rare, and that MOST of the Nordic or Human types encountered may in fact be members of the human federations -- the Andromedans, Hyadeans, Pleiadeans, Ummoites, Vegans, Tau Cetians, Epsilon Eridanians, Alpha Centaurians, the Dal-ites and Koldasians, the Kondrashkin, Bernarians, the Korendians, and other human cultures consistently described by contactees - AW.).
"Well, that's about all there is to it, except some speculation..."
The above information on the "SIBERIAN AFFAIR" suggests that reptilian hominoids, posing as human beings, have infiltrated human society en masse, especially since 1947 and beyond. The following account is one of several reports which seem to confirm this frightening possibility.
An anonymous high-level Intelligence worker known only as "Commander X", claims to be a member of the "COMMITTEE OF 12". Could this be the same organization as the notorious high-level Navy Intelligence group "COM-12"? COM-12 is reportedly working to preserve the U.S. Consitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence and engaging in operations to expose the machinations of the CIA-NAZI "AQUARIUS" group and their dealings with the reptilian grays. 'Commander X' publicly, although anonymously released details of an incident which may well have come right out of a John Carpenter movie, if not for the fact that the Commander himself -- from his own high-security position within the Intelligence Community -- is convinced of its potential reality. The "Dulce" base referred to was described in our last issue, and is located under very rugged terrain below a mesa to the northwest of the small town of Dulce, in northwestern New Mexico:
"...Another story comes from a private stationed on the surface at Dulce. He soon realized something mighty 'odd' was going on around there, but it took a while to put his finger on it.
"'One morning last September, I was working on a routine job when another of the young enlistees, a mechanic, came in with a small rush job he wanted welded at once. He had the print and proceeded to show me exactly what he wanted. We are both bending over the bench in front of the welder when I happened to look directly into his face. It seemed to suddenly become covered with a semi-transparent film or cloud. His features faded and in their place appeared a 'thing' with bulging eyes, no hair and SCALES for skin. I stood and looked at it for about 20 seconds. WHATEVER IT WAS stood and looked at me without moving. Then the strange face seemed to fade away, and at the same time recede into the ordinary face of the young man underneath. The dissipation of the imposed face lasted or took about five seconds before it was completely gone and I was standing there weak, my mouth open and staring at the young man who had come in with the rush order. The young man did not seem to be conscious of the elapsed time when I had observed all this but went right on talking about the job as if nothing had happened.
"'This is hard to take but I assure you it was still harder for me. No one can realize a jolt you could get from seeing anything like this until they have experienced it for themselves. It was several days before I had myself convinced that maybe after all what I had seen was real and that I was not suffering from illusions and the beginning of insanity. Days passed before I saw this particular phenomena again. The next time was later at night at the guard house near the front gate, on the way to work. I had purchased some small items and on arriving I went around to the guard house with my slip to retrieve my package. There was only one guard on duty. I handed him the check and he began to look at the package, taking his time. I waited a minute, then happened to look directly at him again. His face began to change. Again a face of a strange creature was imposed. You could see through the imposed face for a few seconds and then it became the only one visible (solidified is the word) and again about 20 seconds duration. Again five seconds for dissipation and the guard started to move normally again, found my package and gravely handed it to me and I walked out without a word being said.'"
Researcher George Andrews, in his book 'EXTRATERRESTRIAL FRIENDS AND FOES' (ILLUMINET PRESS., P.O. Box 2808., Lilburn, GA 30226) quotes a statement made by Valdamar Valerian, director of LEADING EDGE RESEARCH (P.O. Box 7530 - STE 58., Yelm, WA 98597-7530):
"...A friend of mine and four of his friends experimented with crystalline structures a year or two ago (mid-1980's - A.W.), and they figured out how to cut them along certain planes so they could actually see the aura or energy field around people. That's when they discovered that all people aren't people, or the people they thought they were. It appears that some E.T. humanoids have a dark blue ovoid aura. It so happens that all the people they checked that met this criteria also wore dark glasses and made every attempt to act like they really wanted nothing to do with people in general.
"They followed one of these people out into the desert where he evidently had a trailer. After waiting until dusk, they made a pretense of needing help and knocked on the door. After a short while, the light went on and the man came to the door. He looked normal, EXCEPT THAT HIS PUPILS WERE VERTICAL SLITS INSTEAD OF CIRCLES. It works. The only trouble is that it costs $2,000 to put a pair of those glasses together..."
Several areas across the Western U.S. where surface and/or underground military installations exist have reportedly been the sites of "Chameleon" sightings. Aside from Dulce, NM and the Nevada Test Site, other areas where these sightings have taken place include Deep Springs, CA and Dougway, UT. One area of particular interest however is the Madigan Military Hospital south of Seattle, Washington... which has been investigated by Val Valerian. In June of 1992 Valerian released the following article, titled "ALIEN INFILTRATION OF THE MILITARY MEDICAL SYSTEM: MADIGAN HOSPITAL IN WASHINGTON", in his LEADING EDGE newsletter:
"About a year ago, we ran into SEVERAL PEOPLE who stated that they 'had heard' that 'REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS WERE WORKING AT A U.S. ARMY HOSPITAL' NEAR FORT LEWIS, WASHINGTON. At that point, these statements were simply filed away in 'rumor' status, pending the arrival of something more substantial. Descriptions of the nature of and appearance of alien humanoid forms that could be termed 'REPTILIAN' vary widely. REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED IN ITALY AS LOOKING VERY LIZARD-LIKE, EVEN WITH TAILS. Pictures showing some of these entities were published in an ITALIAN magazine and eventually ended up in the United States in The Leading Edge. Logic would seem to tell us that if alien humanoids were in fact in collusion with military medical personnel at a hospital, they would not in fact have the appearance of anything other than humans, or be close enough to humans to blend in. About a month ago, the nature of synchronicity brought me to an espresso bar, where I chanced to engage a lady in her early 50's in some small conversation about an entirely unrelated matter. She had been a nurse for some twenty years, and sixteen of those twenty years had been spent working for the U.S. Army. She retired from the service and was now job hunting in the local area. She was very professional, and seemed to know a lot about the nursing field.
Gradually, her conversation got around to a 'very unusual place', Madigan Military Hospital, which is located on Route 5 south of Seattle. She had applied for work at the hospital and noticed that it was indeed a hospital unlike any she had ever seen before. Madigan is a brand new $150 million dollar facility, built about a year or so ago. From her description, there are small R2D2-type robots that shuttle prescriptions between floors, all the equipment is prototype 'one-of-a-kind', like laser x-rays and a lot of equipment that was extremely high tech. It was not this alone which peaked my interest, but a comment she made later. She made the statement that when she entered a specific lab in the hospital, she noticed that all the personnel were extremely absorbed in their work -- nothing too uncommon about that. But then she stated that she had the thought that some of the equipment looked quite 'alien', AND TWO MEN WHO LOOKED EXACTLY ALIKE TURNED AND LOOKED AT HER IN RESPONSE TO HER THOUGHT. She said that THE EYES OF THESE TWO MEN WERE QUITE PENETRATING AND THAT THEY BOTH MOVED IN UNISON. That got my interest. She then stated that during the tour of the facility, the individual who was escorting her said that the top floor of the hospital AND TWO OF THE SUB-BASEMENT FLOORS were Top Secret R&D areas and were off limits to both military and civilian personnel. That really got my attention.
"Subsequently, I ran into a cable repairman who was installing cable TV in a nearby town, and decided on a hunch to mention to him about the strange nature of Madigan. The hunch paid off. He said he had been involved in the installation of fiber optic networks between the floors of the hospital when it was in its construction stage, and that there was a three foot space in between the floors where the optics ran.
"Since these observations were the result of her (the nurse's) preliminary interview, I talked to her about the idea of getting more information, since she would be going back at least one more time. She agreed to make some tapes of her observations. The transcript of these tapes is as follows:
"'VISIT TO MADIGAN HOSPITAL -- The entrance to Madigan hospital is off of Interstate 5 past Olympia, Washington. The exit is marked as Madigan Hospital, Camp Murray Exit. As you enter the area the hospital sits to the right -- a massive white structure. As you enter the parking lot, there is a pond and sunken area that runs through a bridge which connects the 'medical mall' area to a three story building that serves as the main core of the hospital, where the services like x-ray, nuclear medicine and other services are performed.
"'The three story complex is connected to an eight-story tower dubbed 'the nursing tower.' The tower has a floor that is closed off, and I could find no access to it.
"'I entered the front of the hospital, and the lobby was very typical, but not typical of a hospital of this size. I then went to the information desk and was greeted by an oriental Specialist 4th Class, who was seated. He seemed very low key and laid back. I was directed to Human Resources.
"'As I walked through the corridors, I noticed how beautiful and calm I was beginning to feel. The colors are very soft and conducive to feeling mellow (a 'tranquil-ized' atmosphere designed to negate any apprehensions? - A.W.).
"'The military personnel WERE VERY SLOW-MOVING (which has not been my experience in the past, having served five years as an Army nurse) and LOW KEY. I went to the Human Resources and asked about an application, and was directed to a Master Sergeant - director of personnel.
"'Having been a medical technologist for the better part of 25 years, the equipment I saw at the hospital was far beyond anything I have ever seen. I was shown an area where there was a long room with computer banks on both sides where both civilian and military personnel were working. Before entering the room, I was asked to stand in front of the door, where I was scanned by some beam-like light. I was told that my thermal pattern was being recorded in order to permit my entry to the room.
"'Off this room was another room where procedures were conducted on patients, and I noticed that a patient walked over and climbed on an exam table. The procedure they were doing always requires that the patient must be sedated, HOWEVER I NOTICED THAT THE PHYSICIAN LEANED OVER THE PATIENT AND TOUCHED THE PATIENT IN THE CENTER OF THE FORE-HEAD WITH HIS INDEX AND MIDDLE FINGER OF ONE HAND. IMMEDIATELY, THE PATIENT FELL INTO A STATE OF SEDATION AND THE PROCEDURE WAS STARTED. What kind of doctor can touch a patient in that way and sedate him?
"'I looked around at the other personnel in the room at this time. There were two, a Private First Class and a Specialist 4th Class at opposite ends of the room from where I was standing. BOTH OF THESE MEN WERE THE SAME SIZE, HAD THE SAME SKIN COLOR, AND MOVED IN A VERY DELIBERATE MANNER. I was talking with the Sergeant and happened to say something to myself very softly while having the thought how strange these people seemed. BOTH OTHER MEN TURNED AND LOOKED AT ME ALMOST AS IF TO STARE AT ME. I GOT THIS STRANGE FEELING. I had heard before from a friend whose brother had made the uncharacteristic comment that 'ALIENS WORKED AT MADIGAN'. ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE ROOM AND THE MILITARY PERSONNEL IN GENERAL THAT I HAD SEEN IN THE HOSPITAL SEEMED TO MOVE VERY VERY SLOWLY, ALMOST IN SLOW MOTION. I left the area and went back to the Sergeant's office.
"'A month later, I returned to Madigan with a friend to see, without telling her anything of my experience, if she saw and felt the same things I did. She is very sensitive to variations in electromagnetic fields, and eventually had a headache and became nauseated. There are many other things about this place. Between the floors there are spaces where small robots move to deliver supplies to all the wards and other areas in the hospital, according to the Sergeant. I was told that there is no reason for personnel to go into these areas -- that the robots do all that. I did see one of the robot devices. It looked like the R2D2 character on 'star wars'.
"'My friend and I entered through what is known as the clinic mall. This area houses the outpatient clinic. THERE WERE VERY FEW PEOPLE THERE FOR SUCH A LARGE CLINIC. We were told that THERE ARE THREE FLOORS BENEATH THE HOSPITAL and one floor above that are off limits to ALL PERSONNEL, MILITARY AND CIVILIAN, and that these areas were classified Top Secret and were research and development [R&D] areas. THERE ARE VERY UNUSUAL
ANTENNAS ON TOP OF THE HOSPITAL. The three-story main service area has a complex on top of it THAT APPEARS TO HAVE NO ENTRANCE AND NO WINDOWS. Judging from the way the hospital is built, there are a lot of 'DEAD AREAS' that comprise spaces THAT CANNOT BE ACCESSED FROM THE MAIN SERVICE AREA.
"'The personal feeling we both got being in the hospital WAS THAT WE STARTED TO FEEL VERY DRAINED, AND WE BOTH EXPERIENCED GETTING A DULL HEADACHE. It wasn't until we had driven SEVERAL MILES from the facility that we started to feel better.'"
The following account, taken from the May, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine (pp. 171-173) seems to contain information which would explain many of the 'missing pieces' of the overall 'Men In Black' phenomena. At least some of the 'MIB' have been variously described as oriental or 'androidal' like beings, although as John Keel has stated, others seem to portray reptilian characteristics. Abductee Christa Tilton reportedly encountered some 'MIBs' in a black automobile within Boynton Canyon, near Sedona, Arizona (a reported base site). She described them as follows: "The men did not look right. Their faces had no expression on them whatsoever. They looked like they were wearing chalky tan makeup. Their movements were robot-like and unearthly." The AMAZING STORIES letter, which was quite lengthy and excerpts of which we quote below, was submitted by a Mr. Edward John of (at the time) 475 Fell St., San Francisco, CA.:
"Sirs... I have enjoyed your stories for many years as I have read AMAZING since the first issue back in 1928 if I remember right.
"...I think I can show you an entrance to this subterranean city that he (Richard Shaver) has written about several issues back. Here is what happened to me and you may judge for yourself. In 1931 my mother and I took up a section of land as a cattle raising homestead from the U.S. Government and naturally it was not a choice piece... a person who turned out to be our nearest neighbor gave us some hints and as the place was only six miles from his we stayed at his ranch until we built our house. Then we moved into our own and all in all we stayed there about two years before we quite; and now I will relate the things that caused us to quit, which at the time I did not know much about, but since Mr. Shaver wrote, now I know and marvel that we managed to stand two years without getting killed by these things from below.
"As a note of interest I have had to use 30,000 rounds of ammunition in the period and perhaps that is why we are still here. At night I would sit up fully dressed all night with a rifle in my hands, ready, and an extra one by my side. In about five hours after dark I would hear things moving outside the house and after a while something would try to open the door quietly and I would wait until I saw the knob turn, then let go a clip right through the door and then pull it open and look around outside and there was nothing to be seen. After a couple of nights like that, that performance would stop and something new would be tried.
"There are too many incidents to be told in one letter, the best one was the two disappearing automobiles, which happened at about ten at night over at the neighbor's place. It was as follows: the neighbor and we were sitting on the porch after supper when he saw headlights come over the hill to the fence then along the fence for about half a mile, then go out and that was all that night. So next morning we went to the trail along the fence and there were tire tracks of seven inch width tires and they went along the fence into the box canyon and right up against a smooth boulder about 20 feet in diameter and ended there. Now the car could not turn around anywhere in that place because the road is a trail five feet wide and one side is against our neighbor's fence, which was not damaged and the other was a steep hill that no car could even make in compound low. You know, we have a few mountains here, and as far as backing out I tried that myself in the daytime with help and I could not steer a straight enough path without crossing my other marks so they did not back out or we would have trailed them as my neighbor has lived around there since 1848 and he sure knew his tracking. We never did get an answer to the question of where did the cars go.
"The cars were very large and black and very heavy and now that I compare them they were about twenty years ahead of anything I have ever seen anywhere and I had worked in the auto business for about five years before we took up the land. They were silent, smooth, no wavering of the lights and the trail is extremely rough; in places it has hollows a yard deep, but these cars went through at about 25 mph, and it would even wreck a jeep to do that, so you figure it out and let me know the answer if you can. By wavering of lights, I mean that the beams were steady and not flashing up and down as an ordinary car would do when a rough road is traveled.
"I have been away from there since 1933, but just about three months ago, I drove through with a friend for safety and my place is razed to the ground and everything that was made by human hands has been carried off -- even the old tin cans, and the place would not be noticed unless you knew where is was. The Coast and Geodetic survey had a marker near my house in the front yard and even that is gone; who would want to take a concrete marker and carry it away?
"...after two weeks, you can hear insects running on the ground, (also) forest fires will not burn there. They burnt 250,000 acres, then burnt all around this area; and that stopped the forest rangers. They never could understand because most of it is on the slope of a mountain and it should have gone, but they saw that the wind came down and blew from the top down and blew North, South, East and West at once and that was the only time that the wind ever blew there.
"Also you can detect an ATMOSPHERE of FEAR within 30 miles of the area and you will not get a statement from anyone who lives around there and the people in the valleys are afraid of the people in the hills. One farmer erected 20 foot barbed wire fences and a heavy gate across the road that leads to my old place. The gate would take a tank to knock down, so maybe there is something there, after all (Note: Richard Toronto reprinted a news article in his SHAVERTRON newsletter concerning a Krishna Sect temple that had been built on a mountain BETWEEN Hopland and Lakeport, California -- the same area that Edward John refers to. This sect had come under Federal scrutiny when it was discovered that they had been stockpiling weapons for some unknown purpose. Interesting... - A.W.).
"It is located 110 miles north of San Francisco in Mendocino county and is directly on the old Pieta toll road that ran between Hopland and Lakeport in Lake county of which Clear Lake is quite a summer resort. If you care to look it up on a map get a good auto road map and look due south off the road midway between towns and you will note an area with no roads bounded by Sonoma Lake and lower Mendocino counties and there is it. If you wish to go there, be sure that enough people know where you went. Maybe they will be able to find you. There have been several disappearances along that stretch of road, even trucks have vanished. All the U.S. Government's.
"The U.S. Government has noted the area as rough, unsurveyable and UNEXPLORED...
"Personally I do not care to go near the place, but if there is some way of driving the things out I would help if I can so that someone else could live there safely.
"...Also I forgot to mention there is a cave on the property that has steps leading down and there is no sound when a rock is thrown in. I have never seen it, but I understand that it is there... Also, several people (in the area) have died of heart failure and some have gone insane, I found out later.
"I think the thing that saved us was the fact that I am not surprised at anything and that I am quick to shoot and I can shoot without sighting and by ear and not having the THOUGHT of shooting fixed SO THAT the things would be warned. After that place, I was able to outshoot U.S. Marine sharpshooters. I tried competing in a match and I just never missed any target at any range. If I could see it, I could hit it, 5 out of 5. I have tried practice machine guns at plane models and I hit 3 out of 5 at speeds up to 700 mph scale without using the sights. So the old ranch gave me something worthwhile after all.
"Due to my physical condition, I cannot get into any armed forces, so that talent is wasted, for you see I have a bad leg and cannot walk more than a mile at a time. Since I left the ranch I have been in the radio business and have not owned a gun since '34, because as long as I stay away from there I don't need one..."
Several years following this incident, some people who had befriended Edward John stated that he claimed to know of a man who was not from this planet. He was a radio expert in the Navy and, according to Mr. John, he was born on a world with no temperate zone but where the tropics and the arctic regions were almost adjacent to each other. Still later, others made references to Mr. John as having actually met up with the 'space brothers', essentially becoming another 'contactee' like those who frequented California during the late 1950's and early 1960's.
The following letter appeared in the Sept. 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine:
"Sirs... This concerns Shaver's caves. I wrote to Mr. Johns who had a letter in AMAZING STORIES some time back concerning a cave location in Mendocino County or some other place. He answered, telling me quite a bit, and that on his last trip there with two friends, they were all blanked out for two hours and didn't know where they went or what they did or why. Also they saw wires (as nearly as we can decipher the word -- Ed.) which vanished when they neared them. One of them got a photo of a shadowy being but was told not to go there again.
"--John Preve, Jr., S2/c., USS Hart, DD 594., USNRB., San Diego 36, Calif."
The letter reproduced below appeared in the 'Discussions' section of AMAZING STORIES magazine for Dec. 1946. Under the heading 'Report from the CHMBS' (Cave Hunters Mutual Benefit Society), we read the following:
"Sirs: Arrived okay in Hopland, Mendocino County, California. Hopland is 85 miles north of San Francisco Bay; its population is under 1,000. Its main industry is the raising of hops. The redwood highway runs through Hopland. Mendocino County has beautiful scenery and rugged terrain. Found the road all right. It's near the town, a rural road making a loop from the main highway back into the country WEST of Hopland and RETURNING again some miles further north. The countryside is mountainous, or I should say, hilly. Mostly rocky with a thin layer of soil. Poor farming land, good for pasture, perhaps. Now scorched and parched. A few ranches are scattered in this vicinity, some not occupied though they are in use and good condition. Have learned they work them but will not LIVE on them. Seems to be a goat ranch or two here. Became friendly with one of the men who has goats and who is often in the hills. He gave me a good lowdown. Also have some photographs. Can not be used for proof. This is something which I cannot grapple with, nor comprehend. Causes me to feel weak and jittery and helpless.
"Have torn up half the brush along the roadside to some distance looking for ventriloquists and hoax makers to no effect. Yes, there are voices, mostly in a strange foreign tongue. The voices sounded and after much effort believe they came from above a person in the atmosphere.
"My car, for no reason would stop running for awhile and then for no reason it would start again.
"It is very true that something or somebody does not want settlers in this area -- also very true there are strange phenomena. Guns are ineffective. Have fired at the voices.
"-- C. C. C., c/o L. J. Key., P.O. Box 52., Burke, Idaho."
"Other strange phenomena...although his car had recently been inspected at the garage, it would suddenly stop running...on a bright sunny day he would notice a grotesque shadow traveling in the path of the sun behind him...with the sun in that position, there should have been no shadow cast on the road behind him!
"He handed me a photograph... 'It is one of several I took. How close would you say that the hill is?'...I surmised it was three or four miles distant... 'That is correct. Now look at this one.'
'About a hundred yards,' I ventured.
'Both pictures were taken from identical distances. The first one was taken from the highway looking toward the hill, and the second was taken from the hill toward the same highway where I have previously stood.'...his young friend spoke up... 'I took the photographs of the same vicinity. I assure you my results were the same.' [Unquote]
(Note: This would possibly indicate an area of natural geo-magnetic or electromagnetic phenomena. It may be that this strange natural electromagnetism is capable of 'warping' space to the point where a hundred feet could 'appear' to be a mile, or a mile a hundred feet, and so on. Of course one can see why 'alien' entities would be attracted to such sites, whether they be benevolent or malevolent - A.W.)
The following are excerpts from an article titled "MOUNTAIN OF MYSTERY", by Mary Callahan (Staff Writer) which appeared in THE PRESS DEMOCRAT (Santa Rosa, CA)., Aug. 21, 1994 issue:
"In search of the world's largest cavern -- If Bob Zalusky is right, Lake County's Mt. Konocti contains an underground lake and a volcanic cavern that may be the world's largest...
"MOUNT KONOCTI -- IN hard hats and coveralls layered with dirt, a trio of diggers huddles 67 feet under the ground, burrowing into the earth of Mount Konocti…
"They're looking for what they believe is the world's largest underground cavern and a lake inside the mountain. They seek signs and artifacts of an ancient people said to LIVE IN THE MOUNTAIN before the Modern age. They're out to solve a mystery...
"MT. KONOCTI, is only one of many 'mountains of Mystery', found in the Pacific Northwestern portion of the United\par
States. This lesser known 4,360 foot majestic peak is located 150 miles North by West of San Francisco on the Western Bank of CLEAR LAKE just south of Kelseyville. Just as in the other cases, Mt. Konocti has it's legends...
"'LITTLE PEOPLE' were said to live in the mountain during the 'cold time' before modern man. Some Indian tribes regard it as a sacred place revered for its healing powers. There are stories of UNDERGROUND LAKES inhabited by blind fish, tunnels leading from CLEAR LAKE into the base of the mountain and a gate into the spiritual 'upper world' guarded by a large spider...
"White settlers and early residents reported visits to a bottomless shaft inside the mountain, where objects could be\par
dropped into a hole and found weeks later in the waters of Clear Lake. It is this volcanic vent, a secret passageway to what may be a large cavern, an underground lake and a network of tunnels, that the Konocti crew has sought for four years...
"Volcanic geology supports the vents and cavern structures... More importantly, a MAGNETIC SURVEY...conducted in 1990 identified a LARGE GAP IN THE MAGNETIC FIELD that could only be explained by a deep shaft or large, empty cavern. Although divers have not yet found the tunnel that links Clear Lake with a body of water inside the mountain, a 1960 water spout erupting from the mountainside and signs of seepage on the southeast side strengthens their belief in an internal lake..."
The Vol 3. No. 2 (Summer, 1993) issue of 'UFO UNIVERSE' (Charlotte Magazine Corp., 1700 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10019) contained an article by Don Worley titled 'Abductions and Specters in the Midwest'. The article begins with the following editorial comment, followed by a strange encounter with a couple of MIBS. Some apparent humanoid "alien" groups have reportedly constructed and used automated MIB-like agents or impostors. Other humanoids have personally masqueraded as U.S. Government officials. In many other cases according to John Keel, Christa Tilton, Jason Bishop and other researchers, many of the 'Men In Black' -- especially the apparently demonized 'android' types described by many -- are used as messengers of terror by the reptilian or saurian groups which are usually reticent of appearing to UFO witnesses in their true form. In many cases the MIB's are reptilians themselves! Don Worley writes:\par
"Responsible governments pretend it's not happening -- and with good reason. How do you cope with something that appears from out of nowhere and vanishes back into it?
"On a sunny afternoon in January, 1967, a schoolboy named Reed Thompson took an amazing photo of a barrel-shaped UFO, as it moved slowly through the trees near his home. This was the start of a series of strange events that I would begin to look into as recently as 1992.
"I investigated the first event for APRO, and the color negative was sent to the University of Colorado's government-sponsored UFO Project. The photo of the UFO shows tree limbs reflected from the sides of the object, thereby placing it some 32 feet away from the photographer, up by the tree. This eliminated the idea that it was a hoax created by something tossed into the air (like a small model).\par
"The object left a trail of dead tree limbs in its wake. Reed got one good shot in three tries, then ran outside and watched it as it moved down by a pine tree, about 50 yards away where it vanished. In those days, one didn't know all the right questions to ask, but recently I learned that Reed doesn't remember going back in to the house and suffered from severe nose bleed problems afterward.
"On a warm April day in 1973, two thin, long-haired, grotesque- looking 'individuals' came to the door of Reed's auto parts store. One had to STOOP to get in, and the other was about FOUR FEET tall with a long head. Reed knew he was in trouble when his German Shepherd guard dog ran to a corner and whined in terror. Both beings were dressed in tan clothing and wore HEAVY GLOVES, so little of their skin was exposed. It was their faces that were upsetting. THEY WERE PLASTIC-LIKE AND EXPRESSIONLESS.
"One creature speaking in a mechanical monotone began to ask Reed about the day he took the photo. In fact, it knew the exact time of the event. Reed answered the questions then with a new inflection in its voice, the creature said, 'I MUST have the photograph and negative NOW!' Reed refused, and after a further exchange said the items were in a bank vault and the bank was now closed. This didn't deter 'Mr. Plastic Face,' who said it didn't matter; that they would go get them.
"Two of the witnesses in the store stood off in a corner and later seemed NOT to remember much of what happened. The third observer, Reed's friend Craft, hurried out to look at the car the 'weirdoes' had arrived in. It looked like a 1968 Buick LeSabre, was bright yellow, and had no chrome. Craft peered through a dark tinted window and was shocked to discover the car had NO SEATS OR STEERING WHEEL.
"Meanwhile, Reed left his store, saying it was closed. Out near the car, Craft's elbow brushed one of the specters in tan, and this seemed to really bother the 'bogeyman,' and it quickly moved away. Craft DIED a few years later, at the age of 45. What caused his death remains a mystery.
"Reed hoped his strange visitors would soon give up, so he decided to take a back road to the Versailles welding shop, where he had an appointment. This proved futile when the phantom auto took up a position INCHES FROM his own bumper... In the wild twilight chase that followed -- much to Reed's amazement -- the nemesis behind him was always there. At the welding shop the 'Plastic Facers' parked right behind him and followed him to the door just like a shadow. As Reed opened the door, an arc welder flash was emitted. Reed looked around, and both the unwelcome duo, as well as their car, had vanished (Note: Remember that this madness had been going on for over 25 years - A.W.).
"On Saturday, May 30th, 1992, Reed awoke with a bad headache and discovered his wedding ring was gone. He and his family searched everywhere for it. On Tuesday, he rushed home from his furniture shop to get a blueprint. As he stepped through the front door of the empty house, he stopped when he heard a buzzing sound. The next thing he knew, he found himself standing in the same spot, and there was his wedding ring back on his finger. His nose was bleeding and he felt weak. When he got back to the shop, his worried partner had thought about calling the police. Reed was so white, he looked sick and AN HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES WERE MISSING from his life."
The following excerpts were taken from Antonio Huneeus' article, "THE 'CHUPAS' -- UFO HORROR STORIES FROM BRAZIL", which appeared in the Summer, 1994 issue of UFO UNIVERSE:
(Mr. Huneeus describes the following incident that was investigated by APEX [Association of Extraterrestrial Investigations] in Sao Paulo, one of the best known UFO groups in Brazil, founded by Dr. Max Berezowsky):
"...The affair began near Vitoria, the capitol of (the) state of Espiritu Santo north of Rio state, where there are beaches rich in mineral contents. It happened either in late 1979 or early 1980, [Osni] Schwarz wasn't sure when he told the story in 1986... A youngster called Aeromar sold beverages at the beach, where one day he encountered three men dressed with suits and tie -- highly unusual clothing for the beach, especially in Brazil -- who approached him and said they wanted to talk to him. Aeromar became scared, thinking they were perhaps policemen who wanted to implicate him in a drug case, so he avoided the beach for a few days. As he returned home after dropping off his girlfriend one night, he saw a car with the same three men inside. He ran to the house, but suddenly he couldn't hear well. His mother took him to the hospital where we was not cured, although about a month later he suddenly could hear well again.
"Aeromar moved to Rio, finding work at a bakery in a shift between 4 and 11 PM. One night, as he was crossing one of the many tunnels that link the Rio bays, he saw two of the MIBs walking in his direction. The youngster ran in the opposite direction, only to find the third MIB waiting at a bus stop. He escaped and went back to the bakery, where he told his boss that the Vitoria police were chasing him. The boss accompanied him to the nearest police station to make a complaint, which he did, but he was not believed. The boss then convinced him that he should perhaps move to Sao Paulo, a bigger city where it may be easier to go unnoticed.
"So Aeromar moved to Sao Paulo, finding work in an electrical company and sharing a room with another man. He also became friends with a vendor of beverages from Vitoria who had a stand near a movie theater. While hanging out there one night, a car stopped right in front of the stand and the door opened.
"Even through he didn't want to go, Aeromar LOST HIS WILL and entered the car. The door closed and he found inside -- not surprisingly -- the three same men whom he had been dodging for months. They drove for a while, leaving the city and entering a wooded area.
"The car stopped and they all walked up to a big UFO surrounded by some sort of luminous ring and hovering above the ground. The men walked underneath the craft, which emitted a ray of light and they suddenly were inside. Still drained of any willpower, Aeromar walked to a chair and sat down. From the arms of the chair appeared handles that secured his wrists. An iron bar then pressed his forehead backwards while another gadget fastened his neck. Up to here the men were always dressed with suits, but at this point an incredible transformation took place: the MIB'S HEAD RIPPED OPENED INTO A HEART SHAPE AND THE SKIN BECAME GREEN AND SCALED LIKE A REPTILIAN. Take into account that while the popular image of the MIB was well known 14 years ago, the idea of reptilian abductors was then not in vogue as nowadays.
"Be that as it may, the UFOnauts proceeded to (vocally? - A.W.) interrogate and tell him things that were going to happen both to him and the earth. To make the story even more 'Hollywoodesque', a door in the room opened at one point and Aeromar was able to peek at HUMAN CORPSES HANGING BY THEIR FEET FROM HOOKS. The man naturally became traumatized, remembering only that his straps were loosened. Everything went blank after that...
"Aeromar's conscious recollection places him next back at the theater, but several hours later since there was no traffic in the streets. He returned to his room in panic and began to tell the story to his roommate. A strange force PUSHED HIS BODY, however, throwing it AGAINST THE WALL in front of him, as he remembered the aliens had told him that he shouldn't speak about the experience or he would suffer. Aeromar cried for a while, not knowing what to do. A few days later, his friend contacted the Globo TV network, which was working on a UFO documentary. Globo, in turn, passed the tip to Dr. Max Berezowsky. Aeromar and his roommate went to APEX on a very busy day when the office was full of people. They told the whole story to Dr. Berezowsky and a few assistants, Osni Schwarz among them.
"Berezowsky attempted to do hypnotic regression with the witness, but there was too much interference in the office and Aeromar was in total panic. He was saying that 'they' were going to take him on the next Thursday and that a UFO was going to land in a Sao Paulo neighborhood on Tuesday night. A crowd of people, in fact, went that night to the supposed landing site but nothing happened. Although Dr. Berezowsky was in touch with Aeromar, HE VANISHED A FEW DAYS LATER AND NOBODY EVER SAW HIM AGAIN. I wrote down at the end of my notes on this affair, 'the whole case is like a UFO horror movie.'"
The following information was sent to us via a researcher who is investigating a continuous abduction of a young (at the time) nine-year-old boy in southern Nevada, who may have been taken to underground levels below that same area. Names, addresses and other details have been deleted on request to protect the privacy of the sources. We now quote from a series of research notes that accompanied some drawings of various scenes from the young boys' experiences:
"1: The 'greys', he says they don't use words but communicate THROUGH him. THEY SHOW THEIR DIS- PLEASURE BY WRINKLING THEIR NOSES AND PURSING THEIR LIPS WITH A SLIGHT HISSING SOUND AT HIM; 2: HE SAYS HE FEELS LIKE HE'S BEING WATCHED WHEREVER HE GOES (Note: This is a very common observation made by people who claim to have experienced aerial AND/OR subsurface abductions or encounters with certain alien groups - A.W.); 3: This is what they look like to him (a drawing was included depicting a traditional 'gray' with a somewhat 'wiry' build - A.W.); 4: This is what the uniform they wear looks like to him. He says the box in the middle has different colored flashing buttons; 5: This is the large 'boat', A SORT OF FLOATING ISLAND HE WAS BROUGHT TO (Note: Some aspects of the abduction suggest that the young boy was taken to a large network of water-filled subterranean caverns - A.W.). THERE WERE MANY 'HYBRIDS' ON IT ALSO; 6: These are the hybrids he sees. He says that they sit in a large circle holding hands. There is one small candle with a very large flame going. HE SAYS HE IS NOT AFRAID OF THE HYBRIDS.
(Note: These may have been so-called "hu-brids" with a human soul-energy "matrix". Most of the hubrids are apparently concieved from ova and semen taken from human abductees, and then genetically "spliced" or "infused" with reptilian and/or cattle DNA at the early stages of development. They are slaves of the Grays/Reptilioids from birth and are forced to engage in psychic warfare against humanity. Many women have been impregnated with the Hubrids, only to have the fetus removed during a subsequent abduction near the end of the first tri-mester -- A.W.)
"THERE IS A FEMALE (hu-brid -- A.W.) who BLENDS with him and he says it feels very peaceful and good. When asked if the greys were the only aliens he sees, HE DREW THE REPTILIAN, THESE ARE THE UNIFORMS ON THEM ALSO. HE SAYS THE GREYS COME TO GET HIM, BUT THEY FOLLOW THE LEADERSHIP OF THE REPTILIANS. HE CALLED IT A LIZARD. HE SAID HE SEES HUMAN BEINGS - ALIVE - HANGING FROM A WALL WITH NO EYES, OR MOUTHS LEFT... We know what is happening here and we are ready and willing to do anything we have to. Love & Light, sincerely (Names deleted by request)."
Final notes:
(This issue has been dedicated to the memory of Ufologist M. K. Jessup, who helped to "crack the shell" of the cosmic conspiracy, although at the cost of his own life.)
Reproduction of this newsletter is permitted and encouraged.