Vol. II, No. 1 -- (February, 1996)
(Issue #5 - Final Issue)
THE DRAGON-SLAYER is the official publication of the S.P.E.A.R.S. organization ("Soldiers Protecting Earth Against Reptilian Subversion").
DISCLAIMER: This publication is devoted to exposing malevolent alien interference on Earth, however we do not advocate the teaching that ALL alien activity originating from extraterrestrial, otherdimensional and subterranean realms are necessarily of an evil or malignant nature. As they say, "For every one demon there are two angels..."
Here we are with yet another issue of T.D.S. As you may be aware, this issue is a bit late in coming. This has been due to the fact that your editor is involved in a great many other projects which have taken up much of his time and energy. From this point onward, each issue of T.D.S. will be available every three months or approximatly four issues per year. There may be more (or less) issues depending on circumstances. For this reason I would encourage you to "order" each issue individually rather than "subscribe" for a number of issues. And now, on to the battle...
Sat., 22 July [1995]:
Dear... Knight Resplendent of SPEARS.,
"...I'm heartened to have located you through Dennis G. Crenshaw's THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, and son, you can immediately count me in as a ranking member in SPEARS, yessirree! Why, here's some interesting/inner-arresting draconian research I quite unexpectedly stumbled across...
"Counting the present summer, about three summers ago, I was treading upon some dark territory, researching the 'dark side of the Force' as it were, a foolhardy endeavor to be sure. But, as you know all too well, and you personally know the Way, one must simply be properly armored.
"Specifically, I had wanted the Truth in regard to vampiric stories, such as the "Fictions" of such authors as Anne Rice, Nancy A. Collins, and Brian Lumley which largely concentrate on characters who just happen to be vampires... "Could there actually BE such damned once human individuals, roaming the byways of today's world?"
"My first point of interest was to make contact with an organization which seems to run an ad in every issue of Fate, as you know, the decades-old magazine dealing with topics occult, first begun by Shaver Mystery popularizer, Ray Palmer, now owned by Wiccan publishers Llewellyn Books. As a matter of fact, this one particular advertiser is always the first to run in Fate's classified section, proclaiming that "VAMPIRES EXIST!" and to send five dollars to find out.
"Well, well, well. Wasn't I disappointed to recieve four Xeroxed pages amounting to little more than a come-on partake of the world's first vampire religion, their signet ring, scrying mirror, and pendant (all rather pricy, mind you) all depicting the so-called "Winged Skull of Ur", a slight variation of the ancient Egyptian winged sun disk, except with a skull in place of the sun. Hmn, "Curiouser and curiouser!", as Alice once said.
"So, not wanting to be left out, I knuckled under and spent another $25.00 on their 'VAMPIRE BIBLE'. This publication of the Temple of the Vampire, is no small relic to eternal perdition. Only around twenty-four pages in length, it covers the basic imperatives of the Temple of the Vampire's agenda; how the aspirant may leave humanity and become a living vampire, solely on an ASTRAL level, mind you, but what's to stop the Temple's fledgling's from actually taking part in the imbibing of blood once things start rolling? Also, through black magic rituals clearly outlined, the Initiate is shown how he or she (there're not sexist; they're an equal opportunity DESTROYER...) can align themselves with the undead gods, how to develop his or her vampiric abilities, and how the novice vampire must ultimately prepare for an unprecedented battle of mass scale carnage referred to in their literature as the Final Harvest.
"Here's where the reptilian aspect rears its ugly head. As one familiarizes one's self with their 'VAMPIRE BIBLE', it becomes clear that its basic tenets hail from an exceedingly ancient tradition of black magic...
"Now, very soon on in the reading of the Temple of the Vampire's "Bible", we find out that this ancient tradition from which it claims a direct link, a heritage if you will, is the ancient mostly oral tradition called the Book of Sorcery, or SHURPU KISHPU, and that the initial NAME of this enigmatic Temple is not merely the Temple of the Vampire, but instead, and brace yourself, the Temple of the Vampire Dragon Goddess TIAMAT!
"As you can plainly see, like the ancient biblical adage says all too well, "Seek and ye shall find". What I had begun as an innocent appraisal of contemporary vampire "fiction" as it related to the occult, now began to gain rapid momentum in the definitive and downward spiral into the nethermost reaches of deepest, darkest Tartarus! In other words... I got more than I bargained for."
-- Carsten Avernoson., 150 Chatfield Road., Yonkers, NY 10708-2129
EDITORIAL REPLY: Carsten, I have always considered the serpent race [as in the reptiloids/grays] to be the ultimate astral, psychic and biological "vampires"; astral in that they tend to "feed" off of the emotional energies of the humans they drain; mental in that they implant humans in order to siphon their minds of all useful information so that we might be all the more easily controlled; and biological in that they are well known to take without asking human blood plasma, genetic material and reproductive cells. Yes, there does seem to be a definite connection between the vampire traditions and the aliens... and I'm sure that "DRAC"ula himself would probably agree. - AW.
The following information comes from Steve E. Mar of the Hawaii-based "Department of Interplanetary Affairs" [see his Internet WWW Page under YAHOO / ENTERTAINMENT / PARANORMAL PHENOMENA / UFOS] , and describes how world wars on planet earth may in fact be the outward manifestations of a cosmic war which reaches beyond the confines of this small turquoise sphere:
"...There were thousands of people who fought and died during the last world war, who died never really understanding what they had fought and died for. The deeper truths from World War Two were hidden in secret archives because they were too incredible for the masses. Most of the historians who recorded what happened during that global war never revealed most of what had really happened. Yet there were a few historians who glimpsed an incredible truth... so amazing that they never wrote about it because they themselves could not even comprehend it. Others who gazed on [the] incredible revelations were afraid to release the truth, some fearing the readers would never comprehend it and others fearing the specter of the Illuminati that suppressed it from their educational institutions. It was too bizarre....sounding like something out of a science fiction movie. Yet these hidden secrets were too important and immense for us to ignore and began leaking out through confiscated Nazi diaries, Naval intelligence agents who gazed at secret documents, and witnesses who talked before risking taking their secrets to their graves. In the early 1970s agents of Xian lnternational's Department of Mind, a civilian central intelligence expose agency, began to decipher the pieces of this of the biggest mysteries in the eons of time... and one of the greatest secrets of the last two millenniums.
"Why haven't the average citizens of the nations of the 1990s heard this alternative version of World War Two? The answer to that question comes partly from Hitler himself when he declared, 'the real destiny of Man is something that ordinary men could not conceive of and would be unable to stomach if given a glimpse of it. Our revolution is a final stage in an evolution that will end by abolishing history. My party comrades have no conception of the dreams that haunt my mind or of the grandiose edifice of which the foundations, at least, will have been laid before I die. The world has reached a turning point, and will undergo an upheaval which you uninitiated people cannot understand.'
"The aforementioned words were told to Nazi Party members who Hitler believed were not even ready for his heavy truths. The last world war was not simply a war fought between the Allies and the Axis or Democracy and Despotism. It was a war fought between Science and Magic, and science won. It was also the planetary battlefield of Galactic War III, when alien civilizations sponsoring the Nazis and alien civilizations sponsoring the Americans fought once again for control of planet Earth ... while using its unsuspecting armies as pawns in their interstellar conflict. (The same could be said for the space-time wars being waged between the Philadelphians: the American Navy Intelligence groups backed by humanoid Pleiadean forces; and the Phoenicians: the Bavarian Nazi Intelligence groups backed by reptiloid Orionite forces. Also the Antarctican wars between Navy and Nazi forces, the "Intelligence War" between the Constitutional American Navy COM-12 intelligence organization and the National Socialist Bavarian Nazi AQUARIUS intelligence organization, and so on. - AW.) It is a well documented publicized fact that Hitler often went into trances and spoke to his military commanders. His chair press officer, Dr. Dietrich testified his belief that Hitler was possessed by demons. Hitler told his High Command his belief in the Superman who had ruled the planet in the times of Atlantis and Thule, and after the war of the gods that led to the fall of Atlantis the Superman, who were the Masters of the World, had gone underground. Hitler said he took his orders for the Nazi conquest from the 'Supermen' who lived inside the Earth. (This is confirmed by Trevor Ravenscroft in his book 'THE SPEAR OF DESTINY', who stated in essence that when witnesses stood in the docks at Nuremberg to gave their testimonies to the effect that the Nazi leaders were in contact with a race of cave-dwelling sorcerers beneath the Himalayas, the embarrassed trial officials intentionally ignored them. - AW) In a conversation with, Governor Rausching, a man who tried to tell the Nazi Leader of the great difficulty of genetically creating a new species, Hitler replied "The New Man is living among us now! He is here! Isn't that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the New Man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him!
"However, the Sirian - Orion conflict had been raging across the galaxy for millenniums. Mars and Mercury had been in the second intergalactic War here, victims of nuclear devastation, Maldek had been blown into the asteroid belt, and planets In the Pleiades, Orion, and in other systems had become nuclear wastelands. Earth had seen two nuclear wars... and the Sirians and Orions were bringing in the technology for a third.
"In the early 1930s a group of human aliens, the K-Group or Kondroskans, had secretly contacted President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt and offered technological aid in return for a treaty. Little is known here about that proposal. However, apparently the Pentagon and civilian military & affiliated scientists broke the agreement and the K-Group abandoned the Americans claiming they abused the technology and agreement.
(Note: The 'Kondrashkans' were allegedly a human-like race with olive green skin. Several races of both humanoid and reptiloid natures had reportedly contacted secret [U.S.] government officials around this time via an ocean vessel, whereupon negotiations were carried out. This scenario was said to have had some connections with the Philadelphia Experiment and related events. - AW)
"ln the late 19th Century and early 20th century the great scientist Nikola Tesla was reportedly contacted by the Pleiadeans and their VENUSIAN [and Martian] BASED allies, and given the technology that led to his invention of the AC/DC electric current [and] dozens of electronic devices popular today, hundreds of instruments used in aerospace technology and electromagnetics, and hundreds of patents. Tesla was arguably the greatest scientist of modern times, based on the number of important popular inventions he initiated that he patented. Without the AC/DC Edison's electricity was worthless to the masses and long distance. He was Edison's top inventor, and was also one of the two leading radio technology inventors of the century. He publicly credited extraterrestrials with his inventions, which led many people to believe he was a mad scientist.
"Early in this century Tesla invented a powerful two-way radio device that allegedly picked up intelligent radio signals from Mars and a base on Venus. After Tesla died (or was allegedly assassinated in 1943), Dr. Arthur Matthews and the great Canadian scientist Dr. Wilbur Smith continued to experiment with this communications device. In the 1950s they established the Canadian government UFO Investigation, and claimed they actually arranged a landing and contact with a Venusian based spacecraft using Tesla's technology. The Project Magnet Report, which I have read, contains several inventions allegedly from alien contact that were built by Matthews and actually worked!
"However, in the early 1930s Tesla was a good friend of FDR, and reportedly arranged a secret meeting between the Pleiadean ambassadors and the President. The Pleiadeans allegedly warned the President about the alien contacts with Hitler, and that the greys were supplying the Nazis with technology designs to take over the world (for the greys) and use genetics to create alien hybrids that could live in our atmosphere! The Pleiadeans were said to have offered technology (Philadelphia Experiment, etc. - AW), via Tesla, to neutralize the Nazi attack in exchange for dismantling the Pentagon's war machine and altering our economy to sharing and trade and our government to a spiritual council. The Pleiadeans would not interfere in our government yet they would recommend a new system and if we rejected it they would give us no aid. Roosevelt rejected their offer as a threat to his (and the Pentagon's) power and economic dominance, and Naval Intelligence preferred to work with the Sirians (more of a 'warrior class' type human race who were not as obligated to abide by a 'Prime Directive' as were the Pleiadeans themselves. - AW) and use their technology to defeat the Nazis.
"The greys initially gave the Nazis a technology far more advanced than the Americans had then, including guided missile rockets, Jet planes, superior electronics, superior submarines, etc. and the Germans never lost a battle until late 1940...their science being far in advance of England and the Allies. Meanwhile, unknown to most American military men, Hitler's Inner Circle of advisors met in a secret room and meditated nightly, using magical rituals from their initiations into secret societies. Borman, Himmler, Goering, Hess, and other top Nazi leaders were all advanced degree initiates in the ancient Vril Society from Atlantis (?), still surviving in the 20th Century in secret chambers. The Vril Society was related to the Brotherhood of the Golden Dawn of the most famous magician in the world, Aleister Crowley, Most Nazi SS elite members were initiates in these occult societies or the Teutonic Knights, or even the Knights of Malta (Jesuit connected. - AW) that Mousolini's Italian Axis commanders hired allegiance. The Thule Society in Germany, named after their traditional belief in the Lost Continent of Thule of the Golden Age of the Teutonic Supermen, was a secret order many Nazis were initiated into before the war. The founders of the Nazi empire believed that the Aryans were descendants from the supermen who had ruled the planet from Thule in the golden age, and the Aryans were destined to rule the planet in the future golden age. This Nordic blonde haired blue eyed race, which 'originated' in the Lyran Constellation, was the original super-race on the planet in pre-Sirian Earth. (Maurice Doreal claims that 'they' were an ancient super race of the Gobi area who waged a prehistoric war with a Reptiloid race in Antarctica. As their empire began to crumble the Reptiloids escaped underground and later to other planets and finally to Alpha Draconis where they established a powerful empire. Doreal implies that these 'Nordics' also went underground and then colonized other planets and star systems, including the Lyra sector, until they were driven from there to the Pleiades, etc., following a sudden surprise attack initiated by the Draconian Empire. Doreal claims to have seen a holographic recording of these events in a crystallographic video machine while touring an ancient repository below the Himalayas. He was shown this repository after being invited on a tour of the Mt. Shasta colony by two blond men who had listened to a lecture he had given in California. - AW) The Nazis believed that the history of our planet is in cycles of civilizations that became great and were destroyed. There had been four root-races in the past... Etherian, Thule, Lemurian, and Atlantean...and the Nazis were to be the Fifth root race or the Aryans. (Note: these beliefs were occultic theories which may have had little or no basis in fact, however they were nevertheless used to justify the Nazi's plans for global conquest. - AW) The Nazis believed that planetary cataclysms before the end of this century would destroy civilization on our planet and the Masters of the World would emerge from inside the Earth to lead the Nazis to rule the world. It was the destiny of Nazis to exterminate the other races from foreign planets that had interfered in their perceived evolution of Earth, so that the original Thule Aryan race remained. Hitler regarded the Jews as an inferior race from another planet. (He actually wrote that!)
"Hitler was trained by psychics in Austria and was taught how to hypnotize people and put them into trance so they could be controlled. That is how he mesmerized his generals to follow his orders like robots, even when they were intellectually totally opposed! He had a deep gazing hypnotic stare from his evil controlling eyes. He also had an official psychic department, in his government, that was exposed after the war when troops ravaged Berlin. A few highly paid highly secret highly trained psychics reportedly mastered astral projection, or out-of-the-body travel, and used it to spy on the enemy before battles! One of them was Hanshouser.
"After World War ll the top German scientists who gave Hitler his rockets, jets, and superior Air Force became U.S. 'citizens' and invented the American military rocket program, American jet planes, NASA space program, etc. They included Herman Oberth, the father of the rocket, and his protege Dr. Werner Von Braun! The surviving elite of the Nazi Gestapo and SS became the CIA and INTERPOL! (Oberth actually implied during a speech that 'we' got most of our technology from the grays. I would suspect that 'we' means the CIA and their NAZI progenitors who brought their fascist control system into the United States in an attempt to infiltrate and later gain control of the American government from within. - AW)
"FOR THE ALIENS WHO SPONSORED THE NAZIS, HITLER WAS A BAD INVESTMENT, THE NAZIS WERE ALSO FINANCED AND SUPPLIED WITH OIL, GAS, LINE, ELECTRICITY, VEHICLES, BOMBS, RUBBER, AND WAR SUPPLIES BY CORPORATIONS CONTROLLED BY THE ILLUMINATI (such as the Rockefeller Foundation. - AW). So what went wrong? HitIer's visions of grandeur and power, under the influence of the LSD he received from the Sandoz labs and the cocaine he regularly partook in, went literally to his head.
"As Hitler Spoke, he was trembling in a strange triumphant ecstasy. The man who had no fear of the titanic military might of America and the Soviets combined used to tremble in fear at the thought of the Superman who guided him and [who] came to visit. He was paranoid of letting down the masters from beyond who gave him orders as he pursued what he believed was his divine mission to create the foundations for the Age of Aquarius. Every battle and every political action was carefully timed by Nazi astrologers and psychics who had been trained in Tibet by the llamas they had studied with. People close to Hitler reported he often awoke in the night screaming and in convulsions. He called for help and was paralyzed (similar to many thousands of UFO abduction cases decades later!). Hitler would then stand swaying and dazed, look around the room as if he were lost, uttering 'he is here....he is here...It is he....he has come for me! There....over in the corner...he is there!'
"Who was 'he' who had come for Hitler? perhaps the grey aliens who found it more expedient to have the Nazis perform their genetic experiments for them before abductions -- which are more difficult -- came into popularity. (Take note that the abductee Barney Hill recalled under regressive hypnosis a terrifying encounter with a "German Nazi" with evil eyes who was working with Grays from Reticuli on board the craft that had abducted he and his wife Betty in 1961, almost a decade-and-a-half after the supposed "De-Nazification" of Europe. This Nazi had to have some point of origin... Perhaps the Nazi bases below the Neu Schwabenland region of Antarctica? - AW) Perhaps grey aliens who made a treaty with the leader of the Nazis and planted their secret underground bases in Germany decades before they did the same drama in the United States? And perhaps the invading Orion [star war] empire trying to reclaim the empire they had lost on our planet during [the] first intergalactic war.
"There is considerable evidence that the greys [apparently from the 'Unholy Six' empires of Orion. - AW.] were trying to use the military might of the Nazis and the Axis to take our planet away from its Sirian landlords who have secretly controlled the United States and the Allies via the Illuminati.
(Note: Could this explain why a huge armada of Sirian military vessels are, according to 'insider' astronomers, even now en route to planet earth? Is it possible that they are not happy with the fact that the Grays have betrayed the "joint interaction" projects by confiscating many of the Illuminati's underground bases? Although the Sirian-backed Bavarians have collaborated with the Grays in the past to install a New World Order, there seems to be a growing mistrust and a fear that once the NWO is established the Grays will -- as they are now apparently doing -- stab the Bavarians in the back and take everything! Since the Bavarians need the technology and resources of the Grays to bring about a world dictatorship there appears to be a rift developing in the Illuminati's ranks between those who want to continue working with the Grays and those who want them out of the picture altogether and who fear that those who want to continue collaborating are now under the psychological control of the Grays. In other words, in order to carry out their plans the Illuminati has to walk a thin line by fanning the fire yet not get burned. The rifts developing within the CIA for instance may be a result of this disagreement. Those who have completely sold themselves over to the Grays will continue collaborating, and those who remain will either have to convert to Constitutional values or they will find themselves in the center of a crossfire between an ever-desperate and dangerous reptilian race and a waking giant in the form of the masses of abused Americans and International patriots who are becoming angrier by the day with those who would, be they human or otherwise, rob them of their hard-won freedom and prosperity. - AW)
"In the intergalactic war [the first two] the Orion Empire... (was involved, and was also known as the 'collective'. This article would suggest that a Sirian connection exists or existed as well. - AW.).
"This Golden Age of dynasties left Sirian Egypt in power for centuries as it ruled over a devastated planet. The Hebrews, who were later sponsored by the Pleiadeans; the Orion dominance in Asia; and the Nibirian controlled Sumerian empire were all lost in the sands of time as Luxor spanned the centuries. The Sirian control over the Roman emperors who worshipped their Earth governors as gods was immense. (John Keel even suspects that the Sirian Illuminati -- who may not speak for ALL Sirians by the way -- has been behind the 'Fatima' and other 'supernatural' scams designed to control the masses through manipulation of religious passions and beliefs. - AW) During the Middle Ages the Sirian Masters from their White Lodge established the mystery schools, the Knights of Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Masons, and hundreds of other secret societies that all nobility and regality were initiated into under the oaths of the secrets of the blood codes of death. Most of the initiates in the secret fraternities never knew [that] their masters and 'gods' were extraterrestrials. The High Priests and the kings and the queens who learned the secret never revealed it. Executions were the penalties.
"During the times of the Old Testament the different alien nations fought again for the control of the Earth in the second intergalactic war here (the first war being concurrent to the rise of the Egyptian and Tiahuanacan empires. - AW) and once again the Sirians won. The Pleiadeans again had to flee in the centuries before Christ. Sirius [again] controlled Egypt and MesoAmerica (Tiahuanaco, etc. - AW). During the Middle Ages of kingdoms and feudal lands, the Sirian masters established, through channeling, many conflicting kingdoms, religions, and religions divided into warring factions to keep humanity divided and weak...knowing that a united and strong humanity could expose and stop the Sirian control. By creating ignorance, war between Earthlings over religion and land, and conflicting philosophies humanity would weaken [on] a planetary basis [and] never become a threat to the control from another planet.
"Hitler became so power hungry and mad that his lust for power inhibited his ability to reason. He also had a well-documented case of syphilis that damaged his brain. His vegetarian diet did not stop his diseases due to his high stress. In 1944 the Nazis were testing flying saucers (we have seen the photos!). The blueprints and films were captured when the Allies raided a German rocket base in 1945, yet the saucers had disappeared. Hitler could have won...but he went mad. He began to believe, that under the influence of the Superman, he was more powerful than the Illuminati (which had financially backed him through the Rockefellers, etc. - AW). And when he invaded France and threw the leaders of the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, in jail....and tried to personally take over the Illuminati...they retaliated by pulling the economic plug on the Nazis!
(Note: Following the war the Illuminati reportedly transferred the Nazi Gestapo intact into the CIA, the NSA and the Illuminati's fascist Corporate Empire, a ready-made army who bowed before their new masters in gratitude for saving them from certain death at Nuremberg. However, several Nazi's apparently slipped through the fingers of the Illuminati and made it to Antarctica. The fact that Admiral Byrd was backed by the Rockefellers on some of his expeditions is suggestive, and it has been said by one source that many of the global conflicts that have taken place since World War II have involved attempts to entice the Last Battalion of Antarctica to make a "show of hands". Since Hitler was originally "created" by the Illuminati, he reflected their agendas and one could say that the Jesuit-Illuminists who backed him were the original "Nazis". This would certainly be true with the original Bavarian Thule Society which had established Nazism. The only difference was that they lost control of Hitler at the time. They both were in agreement that the world should be united into a World Government, but were divided as to who should control it. Since the Antarcticans, like the Bavarian Illuminati, must retain some connection to Bavaria and "Der Fatherland", and since both the Illuminati and the Antarcticans are collaborating with the Grays -- as the 1961 abduction of Betty and Barney Hill bears out -- there is probably some kind of "love-hate" relationship involved. If Adolph Hitler did make it alive to the "New Berlin" base below Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica, it is doubtful that he is still alive today, and Hitler himself was the major point of disagreement between the two forces. The strong Jesuit infiltration of the Nazi S.S. and the Bavarian Illuminati would be another factor tending to reunification. If such collaboration on some level has been reestablished and continues to exist between the Rockefeller-Illuminati "Nazi" force and the Antarctican Nazis, it would probably intersect within the Montato exist between the Rockefeller-Illuminati "Nazi" force and the Antarctican Nazis, it would probably intersect within the Montato exist between the Rockefeller-Illuminati "Nazi" force and the Antarctican Nazis, it would probably intersect within the Montato exist between the Rockefeller-Illuminati "Nazi" force and the Antarctican Nazis, it would probably intersect within the Montato exist between the Rockefeller-Illuminati "Nazi" force and the Antarctican Nazis, it would probably intersect within the Montaits of Rome, Italy; the Wicca Masons of London, England; and the Black Nobility of Basel, Switzerland. There can only be one central core for the global conspiracy movement, and those groups which do not tow the party line are given the strong message that they will not get a 'piece of the pie' once the New World Order is established. Let us hope and pray that they get nothing at all! - AW)
"During the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, after never losing a single battle, the llluminati corporations cut off all of Hitler's supplies as his armies were stranded in the snows of a freezing winter outside of Moscow. They cut off the gas and oil for the tanks and planes and weapons, cut spare parts and spare tires for all that was broke and damaged, cut him off from more aircraft and tanks to replace all destroyed...and left his armies stranded and starving after they cut off all the food. Remember that the Illuminati members own all the corporations in the world that produce oil, rubber, electricity, gasoline, weapons, strategic raw materials, electronics, strategic machinery, and all the major food corporations. And they did the same exact boycott to Rommell as the Desert Fox's armies were stranded in the Sahara desert invading Egypt, cut off from all food, oil, spare parts, and materials as they died of starvation on the southern front, Hitler's dreams of capturing the Great Pyramid and Sphinx -- to capture the secret sciences and technology of Atlantis, which the Nazis believed to be hidden in secret chambers -- turned to sand in the great desert. Meanwhile, at the peak of World War II, Hitler made the fatal mistake of sending some of his top scientists and advisors to the Andes in search of Atlantean gold and science he believed he could rule the world with...and another expedition searching for openings to the Inner Earth where he believed they would be greeted by the Superman who had a sanctuary of escape.
"Hitler knew too much. And he abused what he had learned. He was a genius. He was a madman. And he was so controlled by greys that one wonders if maybe he was abducted and had an implant, Speculation?
"Today we know that alien bases inside our planet are very real. We know there are masters and superman who live underground from the Orion Empire, the Sirian Alliance, and at least 30 other alien civilizations!...
"Hitler's twisted cosmology stated Jews were really a form of animal created by genetic hybridization to become part-human but not human... The Nazis hated Western science and Hitler called it "idiotic pride." They believed inter dimensional metaphysics, including magic and psychotronics, would win the war over American technology... The Nazis had even taken the swastika, the Lemurian symbol for the Four Primary Forces of the Universes, and turned it around BACKWARDS to represent the miss-use of the 4 forces... the dark side of magic...
"Hitler found Crowley's voluminous writings to be deadly [the] invisible masters and they will give you all you want on the material plane. Yet you sell them your soul.
"It is a testimony to the pandemonium of history that, when Hitler sold his soul to the Knights of the Powers of Darkness, he sacrificed the German people to his gods. And he sacrificed the Jews the same way they had been sacrificed to the Sirian gods in as many centuries A.D. as in the last round B.C. Twilight of the gods.
"Who is your God? A Sirian. A rebel Pleiadean. A Regalian? A Zetan? Or is it all within? Is it all an illusion or a holographic universe? Or does everything we perceive exist only in the chemistry of our brains? What is the Alpha and the Omega?
Hitler wrote that we would have to make an alliance with the Lords of the Planet and evolve to become lords ourselves, or we will become destined to be slaves to build the new cities for the returning lords of the planet after the devastatio. In a book documenting Hitler's use of magic and the occult, 'Morning of the Magicians', it is said of Hitler's words....Hitler's aim was neither to found a race of supermen nor the conquest of the world....these were only the MEANS TOWARD THE REALIZATION OF THE GREAT WORK HE DREAMED OF. HIS REAL AIM WAS TO PERFORM AN ACT OF CREATION, A DIVINE OPERATION ..... the goal of a biological mutation that would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the apparition of a new race of heroes, demi-gods, and godmen."
"In other words, the Nazi vision of a world German Empire of Aryans was nothing more than temporary public propaganda to later be replaced by a higher yet secret goal...
"During the final days of World War II, when Nazi cities were crumbling under Allied bombs and their mighty armies were being destroyed, the Nazi leaders sacrificed their own people believing they would themselves survive. They were taught that the Supermen would come out of the Earth and save them, and earthquakes, tidal waves, and an axis shift and ice age would destroy America for them before it was too late. They were a few decades off in that prediction: (according to Nostradamus). Hitler's prophecized divine intervention never came, instead his empire fell and the Orions lost another round in their galactic war (Note: The Orion-Reticulan Grays had reportedly backed the "Montauk" Projects that were financed by the Nazi Thule Society to counter the Pleiadean-Sirian backed Philedelphia Projects of the U.S. Navy. > "Time Wars". - AW). The Nazi flying saucers were secretly smuggled to their secret bases in South America along with over 20 billion dollars of Nazi gold, and a secret inner circle which became the Fourth Reich and still exists today! They operate with the greys out of secret underground alien bases in the Southern Hemisphere (especially Antarctica. - AW). Their secret rocket technology ended up at Cape Kennedy and Mission Control. Meanwhile, several German and Austrian scientists escaped to America when the Nazis first came to power, changing the history of American science forever. Among them was Austrian scientist Tesla. Another was Professor John Von Neumann, who is credited with inventing the computer.
(You could generally say that the anti-Nazi Germans who escaped BEFORE WWII began interacting with the Pleiadeans in the Philedelphia Projects; whereas the pro-Nazi Germans who were brought into the U.S.A. and given new identities AFTER the war became the motivating power behind the Orion-controlled Montauk Projects -- perhaps a precursor for galactic war IV? This dispute between German scientists with different ethics could be likened to the German rivalry between the Lutherans and the Romanists of earlier centuries. Just because Germany was officially "Nazi" during World War II, we should not write her off or imply that "the Germans" are the root of the problem. The fact is that there were Germans who both supported and resisted the Nazi Party. It is not a racial issue. In fact the 'real' Nazis were those Illuminists in Rome, London and New York who supported and financed the Nazi war machine from the start. - AW)
"Tesla, Von Neumann, and Einstein formed a team at Princeton University in the 1930s and created a Think Tank consisting of many famous scientists of the times, and began working on Project Rainbow, which is better known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Using Pleiadean technology from TesIa and Sirian tech that Einstein and Von Neumann somehow got a hold of...the Institute of Advanced Science at Princeton created experiments in invisibility and stealth radar deflection. By 1939 they succeeded in surrounding models with resonating electromagnetic force fields to make them invisible to radar and vision. FDR then decided that the way to win World War II was to make ships and planes invisible to radar...and even to view!
"In 1943 the Think Tank, with Naval Intelligence, convinced Admirals that they could make the navy ship Eldridge invisible to enemy radar In Philadelphia Naval harbor, by surrounding it with Einstein's famous Unified Field Theory's application of EM frequencies. The experiment worked too well.
"Shortly after it became invisible to radar, the Eldridge and its whole crew became invisible to the eyes of all witnesses. A bright blue flash and it was gone for 20 minutes! Witnesses on nearby ships were harassed by Naval Intelligence and threatened with treasonable charges if they ever revealed what they saw (some leaked it out and later disappeared, like Carlos Miguel AIlende).
"When the Eldridge reappeared to shocked Naval brass there was absolute terror. Crew members were bursting into flames [spontaneous combustion] and lightning flashed out of their bodies. Many crew members were dead, with bodies frozen into the metal of the ship. Other survivors were totally insane. Some people committed suicide. Hundreds of people ended up in mental institutions to "silence them" and try to cure the insanity.
"A few days later some of the sailors who were in the best condition were in a restaurant in Philadelphia and began bursting into flames and becoming invisible in front of shocked employees and customers. The story broke for one day in the Philadelphia Inquirer before it was censored. The Navy, fearing law suites from relatives and bad publicity quickly covered up this horrendous accident!
"In the 1950s a scientist, Dr. Morris K. Jessup, discovered the documented evidence and tried to publish it in the Varo Edition [of the book 'CASE FOR THE UFO'. - AW], which was censored and banned by the CIA (I have read a rare copy of it. The Varo edition details the Philadelphia experiment and how aliens supplied the technology). Dr. Jessup died under extremely mysterious circumstances when he was healthy and successful, leading many researchers to conclude he was assassinated.
"Xian Intelligence read the Varo Edition in 1973, and was told about the Philadelphia Experiment by 3 former Army intelligence Agents and two former Naval intelligence commanders. But they did not tell us what happened during the 20 minutes the ship disappeared. (According to one source, the ship slipped into and out of nearly a dozen other time frames wherein powerful electromagnetic generators such as hydroelectric facilities were operating that acted as 'magnets' to attract the ship to those time frames for brief periods of time. - AW)
"Tesla tried to stop the experiment protesting no live humans should be used in it. He tried to drop out of Project Rainbow and run off with his technology after the accident. Shortly after that he was found dead, and his laboratory had been broken into and all of his inventions and blueprints ripped-off and ransacked. It has been reported in the intelligence community [that] TesIa was assassinated as a security risk. So what happened to his technology?
"Einstein and Von Neumann were transferred to the atomic bomb project until 1945. And Project Rainbow was put on hold. Einstein died, yet Von Neumann, who somehow ended up with Tesla's technology, recharged the project in Florida in the late 1940s and it became the Phoenix Project (at this point Von Neumann must have 'defected' to the side of the Nazis, as it was the Nazi Thule Society and their front organization the CIA working with the Rigelian-Orion Grays that had financially backed the Phoenix-Montauk Project, and controlled it from behind the scenes. It is possible that Von Neumann was being 'used' and did not discover the truth about the 'users' until it was too late. - AW). They continued secret experiments in invisibility which led to the disappearance of many airplanes and boats in the nearby Bermuda Triangle! (This cannot explain ALL of the "Triangle" disappearances, which have been occurring for centuries. - AW) They also developed Stealth aircraft technology and much of the precision computer hardware used in the Iraq war.
"Congress funded all of it until 1969 when it exposed the Phoenix Project [was] experimenting with using secret technology for mind control, and all funding was cut off.
"The project lost their base in Florida yet made a new alliance with llluminati types in the Pentagon, who arranged an abandoned Air Force Base on Long Island (Montauk) and 20 billion dollars with llluminati types in the Pentagon, who arranged an abandoned Air Force Base on Long Island (Montauk) and 20 billion dollars with llluminati types in the Pentagon, who arranged an abandoned with llluminati types in the Pentagon, who arranged an abando with llluminati types in the Pentagon, who arranged an abandoned Air Force Base on Long Island (Montauk) and 20 billion dollars with llluminati types in the Pentagon, who arranged an abandoned Air Force Base on Long Island (Montauk) and 20 billion dollars and to their utter amazement, found the Eldridge in the time vortice!
"When the Eldridge became invisible in 1943 there were 3 UFOs spying on the experiment (allegedly Sirian). When the ship rematerialized, two brothers were alive and well and told Naval Intelligence they had been to 1983. Nobody believed them, they were judged insane, and Edward Cameron ended up in a mental institution. (Edward Cameron, aka Al Bielek, claims that his brother Duncan did not remain in the past after they disabled the generators on the U.S.S. Eldridge, but that he returned to the future as depicted in the movie THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT, and continued to work with the Montauk Project. - AW)
"It is said that when the energy vortex in 1943 became out of control, Edward and his brother Duncan Cameron dove overboard to escape, hoping to land in the harbor and swim to shore. Instead they landed on the lawn at Montauk Air Force base [Camp Hope] in 1983!
"It was 40 years in the future yet they had only aged I0 minutes! Greeting the Camerons 40 years in the future was Professor Von Neumann, who was now 40 years older! The old man gazed in amazement at the young sailors he had last seen 40 years ago when he was much younger. (Von Neumann knew that they would appear at that time and place as Edward himself had told him so 40 years earlier.)
"Can you imagine the shock of two sailors from 1943 suddenly finding themselves in 1983 watching television, videos, lasers, Porsches, jet planes, computers, freeways, and other marvels that did not exist in 1943! They were in cultural shock. They wanted to stay in this futuristic technological paradise, but they were told they could not. Von Neumann told the sailors that they had to return to 1943 because history said they did! He had to beam them back to turn off the generators on [the] Eldridge because the time vortice was still opening and creating a disastrous and dangerous situation. (That is, history stated that Edward returned to the past... Al Bielek says that Duncan remained in the future until he was sent back in time and became a 'walk-in' in the body of a younger brother who was also named Duncan at the request of the Montauk people -- apparently this had something to do with Sirian "Walk-In" technology, which is often facilitated by implant technology. - AW)
"It is said that Edward went back to 1943 and lived and died with nobody believing his story. Duncan went back then Immediately returned to 1983 where he aged 40 years in only a few weeks! ln the 1980s a Hollywood movie called THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT was made, allegedly based on stolen FBI documents. Most of the movie is true yet the names of people were changed due to potential law suits or assassinations. In order to keep the illegal llluminati Montauk location secret the location in the movie was changed to Nevada. The name of the Eldridge was kept. The movie got great reviews from critics yet was quickly banned from the movie theater circuit. It made some cable TV and home videos, yet it is not a well known video.
"What is not in the video is that a Sirian spacecraft that was spying on the experiment was reportedly sucked into the time hole and crashed in 1983 at Montauk. The ship was confiscated by Von Neumann and his scientists. Later, some Sirian astronauts came to the base and tried to get the motor drive back from Von Neumann, and he tried to keep it from them! Scientists at the project got in a hassle with the Sirians. The Sirians cut them off from further aid. (Is this when the Orions took over? - AW.) The base experiments got out of control and Nichols resorted to protesting after hundreds of researchers had been lost in time. Preston reported that by 1983 they were sending researchers into the past and future with video cameras and filming history, resulting in I0,000 video tapes of the history of our planet! The videos went thousands of years into the past and beyond the year 6,000 into the future, using the 20 year cyclic biorhythm of the Earth. Von Neumann, considered the greatest mathematician in the world by Einstein, had found a way to send people through time without bursting into flames, going crazy, or melting into walls by using Sirian technology.
(Note: The time travel was possible because nature seems to have a peculiar way of dealing with the "paradox". Let's say that past history is FIXED as a CORE reality where past-present-future time-space-material influences have decided the outcome, and that "time" is merely a complexity of EVENTS existing in a kind of ETERNAL NOW, a simultaneous trans-dimensional cause-and-effect where neither cause nor effect necessarily precede the other but are simultaneous. Lets say that someone goes back in time and kills Adolph Hitler when he is a boy. Although it may be a satisfying thought the "event" is unfortunately fixed in time-space so it cannot be undone. This does not mean that from the time travelers 'perspective' the assassination 'failed'. However at that point a quantum alternate quazi-reality will be created as a localized quantum "bubble" which will in'failed'. However at that point a quantum alternate quazi-reality will be created as a localized quantum "bubble" which will in'failed'. However at that point a quantum alternate quazi-reality will be created as a localized quantum "bubble" which will in'failed'. However at that point a quantum alternate quazi-reality will be created as a localized quantum "bubble" which will in'failed'. However at that point a quantum alternate quazi-reality will be created as a localized quantum "bubble" which will inuazi-reality or collective unconscious where the thought-forms of every life form merge and mix, the realm from whence the "universal astral dream symbols" emanate. At the same time they may have a subjective awareness of our Mainstream "tangible" reality, but will not be able to have much of an affect on it, being "trapped in time" as they are -- that is, unless some way is found to phase them back-in to the CORE reality. So time travel can be dangerous, not necessarily to history, but to the travelers themselves. - AW)
"The llluminati has used the Phoenix Project technology to control the Pentagon and other military governments and the masses. This technology was used in the Iraq Kuwait war to kill over 100,000 Iraqis while only losing less than 40 Americans...a ratio considered utterly impossible in conventional warfare. The loss of American aircraft and ships was so ridiculously low, against the 4th largest Army in the world...that it defies rational explanation except for the Phoenix Project tech.
"Secret government documents seen by our connections state that the Sirians and the Orions NOW HAVE AN ALLIANCE and have "already taken control of our planet." It is not a future invasion, the invasion has already taken place! (This seems to conflict with what George Andrews has learned of a continuing conflict between human Sirians and Orion-Rigelian Grays, unless of course there is a resistance movement in Sirius which opposed the Orion alliance and are in fact at war with the Orions, which may in fact be the case. Other sources imply that SOME Sirians are collaborating with the Grays and Insectoids whereas OTHERS are in direct conflict with them, a scenario that is somewhat similar to the conflict between CIA Intelligence's AQUARIUS group which advocates collaboration with Grays and NAVY Intelligence's COM-12 group which advocates retaliation against the Grays. - AW) General McArthur, the hero of the war against Japan, publicly stated in the mass media that "the next war will be an interplanetary war." He said that to West Point graduates in 1955.
"Star Wars is not a Reagan era military project against the Soviet Union. It was reportedly set up by the Sirian/Orion/Pentagon alliance (working within the underground bases below Washington D.C. and those of the Nevada Military Complex -- where the Bavarian Alliance is presently in conflict with COM-12 and their Nordic allies who have "gained the upper ground" at Dreamland, where things are still "out of control". - AW) [to be used] against the friendly aliens that are coming here trying to help us spiritually... [the] PLEIADEAN alliance ... and reportedly against the DRACOS, a reptilian [race] on its way to invade the Earth and a major fear of all governments.
(Note: The SIRIAN-ORION alliance is apparently made up of human mystics and Imperialists working with the short Grays. They, as stated above, may then be in conflict with the PLEIADEAN FEDERATION because the Sirian humanoids do not wish to abide by their Prime Directive; and also in conflict with the DRACONIAN EMPIRE because the Orion grays do not wish to be subject to the tall Reptiloid overlords anymore -- not that the grays are necessarily any less evil than the Dracos. The Bavarian/CIA/Pentagon/Sirian/Orion combine at work below Nevada may be resistant to any activity of the Pleiadeans and Andromedans here on earth, however the part about the Dracos being targeted is unusual in that these 'lizard men' have been seen operating in the Nevada underground WITH the Bavarians/Illuminists. I can only assume that there are Sirian humanoids who ally themselves with the Pleiadean Federation, others that ally themselves with the Draconian Empire, and others that are fiercely independent or ally with the Orion grays. I can also assume that there are Orion grays that ally with the Pleiadean Federation, others that ally themselves with the Draconian Empire, and others that are fiercely independent or ally with the Sirian humanoids. In others words it is not always black and white, there are many "gray" areas [exuse the pun]. Another possibility is this: It has been suggested that the secret government will feign a conflict wherein it will appear that they will join with the 'oppressed grays' to attack their cruel overlords the Dracos or Reptiloids, as a ruse to unite all governments under their control to "defend planet earth from the aliens". Actually the Bavarians, the Dracos, the Orion Grays and Sirian Illuminati according to several reports are involved in present collaborations with each other in a JOINT EFFORT to gain control of the planet. In other words the Grays may not be so much the "unwilling slaves" of the Draconian Reptiloids as they would have us to believe, even in spite of the fact that the Reptiloids seem to be of a higher ranking than the Grays in the alien military machine. However incidents such as the Dulce Wars do indicate that there is MUCH INFIGHTING among the various human, android, insectoid and reptilian manipulators over particular methods and especially over which faction will get the biggest piece of the pie. - AW)
"Tired of being a pawn in a galactic war? Tired of being programmed as to what you believe by a conspiracy that makes you believe you have freedom in order to persuade you that you don't? Tired of your landlords...Sirians...but can you move out of your planet? Tired of aliens who regard you like your scientists regard mice in the lab and aliens who view humans on Earth as a free slave labor force?
"Time to wake up. Act fast. Do not procrastinate. Time is running out! Want to know what to do? We don't have room here, Read Survival into the 21st Century by is in most health food stores. He put the solution out 20 years ago and most people ignored it all...
"If you do not activate by 1996 it will be too late, Read, ET-lOl...the inter-galactic visitors guide to planet Earth for visiting aliens. It may seem like a comic book at first...but whoever wrote it was closer to the truth than anything you ever read in schools."
As suggested by the above document, there are numerous UFO-related sources which have provided evidence that some type of Galactic war is taking place, and that planet earth with its incredible variety of flora, fauna, minerals, genetic resources and water is more or less a "battle ground" between two interstellar forces. These two forces in very general terms may be described as (1) -- A Humanoid FEDERATION with centers in Taygeta Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Vega Lyra, and Wolf 424 (among others); and (2) -- A Reptiloid EMPIRE with centers in Alpha Draconis, Zeta Reticuli, Rigel Orion, and Epsilon Bootes (among others). Battles between these two interstellar forces have reportedly raged ever since the Alpha Draconians invaded the early "Nordic" colonial worlds near the Ring Nebula of Lyra, forcing the human refugees from the Lyran wars to seek refuge in the Pleiades and elsewhere. Later, the Draconians attacked a humanoid civilization in Orion -- particularly Rigel -- taking advantage of the confusion that raged as a result of the civil wars that were being fought between different humanoid cultures there. Refugees from the Orion wars escaped to Procyon, to the Jovian moons of the Sol system, and possibly to Sirius -- which is reportedly still at war with the "Rigelians". At an even later time the "Nordic" culture of Procyon, who were driven from their earlier home in Rigel, again became the target of Reptilian aggression. As the old saying goes: "Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them." Apparently the saurian grays had convinced the Procyonese that they were human-type beings related to the Procyons back in Rigel who had mutated to their present form as a result of radiation poisoning, possibly in an attempt to diffuse the instinctual animosity between the human and serpent races. The fact that the Rigelian grays are green-blooded, egg-laying, slit-eyed, four-fingered reptilians would make such a claim preposterous. Any way, the Grays approached the Procyons with the claim [after thousands of years of indifference and even animosity toward the human races] that they had suddenly converted and only wanted what was best for "us". They managed to establish a technology-trade and diplomatic interactions with the Procyonese, and the reptilian Grays commenced to implement a "Trojan Horse" infiltration of their society, followed by an all-out invasion. Those who were not killed or taken captive as slaves had managed to escape, apparently joining up with the Sirians and Pleiadeans as resistance fighters.
So then, this is a brief history of the galactic conflict as pieced together by numerous contactees. Just what outward evidence is there to support the claim that planet earth (particularly the underground bases and cavern systems) now serves as a "battleground" between these two interstellar forces, both of which are battling it out for control of a "subterranean world" which apparently constitutes a major "strategic zone" in the galactic conflict. Following are several cases which indicate that planet earth is indeed a "battleground" between alien forces, and humans on the surface of this planet who have been caught up in the conflict in one way or the other:
In book "OPERATION TROJAN HORSE" (G. P. Putnam's Sons., New York. pp. 206-207), John Keel -- one of the first researchers to stumble on to the "Trojan Horse" operation of the reptilian grays, reveals some of the covert military activities of these aliens as they apply to their preparations for what may be a future takeover of this planet, and also the answer behind much of the confusion which is rampant in the UFO Research Community:
"...Already you can understand why so many people have been in total confusion for so long. The whole mystery is designed to keep us confused and skeptical... Our skies have been filled with 'Trojan horses' throughout history, and like the original Trojan Horse, they seem to conceal hostile intent... Several hard facts are now apparent: The objects have always chosen to operate in a clandestine manner, furtively choosing the hours of darkness in their enigmatic activities over thinly populated areas, where the possibility of being detected is slight... In other words, flying saucers are not at all what we have hoped they were, they are part of something else. I call this 'something else' Operation Trojan Horse... Operation Trojan Horse is merely the same old game in a new, updated guise. The Devil's emissaries of yesteryear have been replaced by the mysterious 'men in black'... The demons, devils and false angels were recognized as liars and plunderers by early man (trying to get rid of him) by fostering disasters, wars, and sundry evils upon him. There is historical and modern proof that this may be so." (Note the direct connection that the 3rd chapter of GENESIS makes between the Luciferians and the serpent race. - AW)
So how do we stand today? h The following information was taken from an interview with John Lear that was downloaded from a BBS. The question had to do with the present situation and if 'we' still had time to develop a useful defense:
"Lear: It is my understanding that we have already lost the battle [although not necessarily the 'war'? - AW]. This is the reason why MJ-12 is in such a panic. They had a lot of well laid plans to inform us, and when the deception was confirmed about 1984 it was all out the window..."
Although for the most part the alien attacks on planet earth have operated mostly along a plan of covert infiltration, overt conflicts and attacks against native Terrans can and do take place. Eventually as the covert operations of the aliens come to light, they may be forced to go into overt mode, which they prefer to avoid because of the risks. As an example of such overt attacks, researcher Charles Berlitz, collector of numerous paranormal accounts, related the following information on 'UFO-Caused Automobile Accidents':
"In the summer of 1979, two teenaged boys watched unexplained lights pass over their car. Then some sort of energy pinned them to their seaer of 1979, two teenaged boys watched unexplained lights pass over their car. Then some sort of energy pinned them to their seaer of er of 1979, two teenaged boys watched unexplained lights pass over their car. Then some sort of energy pinned them to theer of 1979, two teenaged boys watched unexplained lights pass over their car. Then some sort of energy pinned them to their seaer of 1979, two teenaged boys watched unexplained lights pass over their car. Then er of 1979, two teenaged boys watched unexples in Evanston, Illinois, these incidents are not unique -- THERE HAVE BEEN 440 CASES 'REPORTED' AROUND THE WORLD OF UFOS PROVOKING CAR ACCIDENTS OR NEAR ACCIDENTS. The UFOs appear to initiate 'electrochemical events' that can stall engines and break block radios with static (Note: this does not necessarily always connotate malicious intent, as a relatively 'benevolent' group of UFOnauts might inadvertently cause havoc with automobiles simply because of the electromagnetic motive force of their craft, and the resulting energy fields - AW).
"Most of the incidents have no scientific explanation, says astrophysicist Mark Rodenghier, who has studied the reports. He points out that the Ford LTD driven by the Minnesota policeman was examined by Ford engineers, who insisted that no known phenomena could cause the automobile to behave in such a way."
The following case was released by N.I.C.A.P., a Washington D.C. based UFO Investigations Organization:
"FIERY RED LIGHT BEAM -- August 9, 1953, at 9:00 p.m., PALM BEACH, Florida. Sonny Desverges, scoutmaster, was scorched by a saucer-shaped craft which shot a fiery red light at him. It burned his arms, hands and the hair had been singed as he covered his eyes and his face. Three boyscouts who witnessed the incident found Sonny unconscious on the ground.
In his article, 'INCREDIBLE UFO INCINERATION'S: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE COMBUSTIBLE KIND', researcher Larry E. Arnold describes the following terrifying encounters:
"...In May 1978 a fire-like oval disk hovered above Kerman, California. Police officer Manuel Amparano halted his patrol to look at it -- an instinctive response he soon regretted.
"The UFO shot out a 'bright bluish beam of light' and then disappeared upwards. Standing in that beam -- the target of it? -- was the hapless policeman. Soon he was lying on a hospital bed suffering 'three degree burns and facial blisters.' According to SPECULA (April-June 1979), observers remarked that the officer's injuries 'resembles microwave radiation burns.'
"...Tiago Machado observed a luminous, metallic UFO land at Pirassununga, Brazil, on February 7, 1969. He walked to within 30 feet of it, when a beam of light from the UFO shot forth and struck him on his legs.
"The teenager was paralyzed, and his legs were burned 'bright red and became painfully swollen.'
"Less than a year earlier, an American youngster had his own macabre meeting with mysterious combusting.
"At dusk on March 14, 1968, Gregory Wells was walking the short distance between his grand mother's house and his parents' home in Beallsville, Ohio. It was a stroll the nine-year-old would never forget, and ONE HE ALMOST DIDN'T SURVIVE. The lad's piercing screams brought his grandmother and mother running into the yard, where they found Gregory rolling on the ground -- his jacket ablaze. He was rushed to the hospital suffering upper-arm burns and shock.
"As police pondered how Gregory's jacket could spontaneously combust and burn its wearer -- the youth carried no matches or cigarette lighter -- their concern shifted to another problem: neighbors of the Wells began reporting the presence of a cylindrical UFO hovering at low altitude.
"Greg, now recovering in the hospital, began to explain what happened as best he could to the curious authorities. Halfway home, he said, he noticed a large stationary luminous object just above some trees. A 'tubelike appendage' emerged from the object's underside and rotated until it pointed directly at him, he said, and then it emitted a sudden flash of bright light or flame. And his jacket ignited in flames around his shoulders!
"That was Gregory Wells' story, impossible and imaginative though it sounded. Yet the officials could find no earthly explanation for the searing of the boy's flesh and, since no charges of false pretense were filed against the lad or the other witnesses, we are left with one explanation: that Greg's story was believed and that he survived a CE [of the] Combustible Kind.
"August 13, 1967; Pilar de Goias, Brazil. During the afternoon Inacio de Souza, 41, stumbled onto a landed UFO surrounded by aliens -- and NOT the kind who walk across borders without passports or visas. De Souza should have stumbled away, but instead fired his gun at them. It proved to be a fatal act.
"In return, according to Keel's THE EIGHTH TOWER, de Souza was hit by a 'beam of green light.' The resulting burn marks [formed] a perfect circle on his chest. After eight weeks of excruciating pain, the Brazilian died [of radiation poisoning].
"On May 20, 1967, Steve Michalak approached a circular metal object he chanced upon at Falcon Lake, Manitoba. He didn't get too close: the UFO shot out 'gas or flame' that burned a 'checkerboard pattern' on his skin.
"Michalak was ill for weeks thereafter; then every 109-124 days his bizarre malady reappeared. The famed Mayo Clinic isolated a 'foreign substance' in the man's blood, John Keel stated in MOTHMAN PROPHECIES without being more efamed Mayofamed Mayo Clinic isolated a 'foreign substance' in the man's blood, John Keel stated in MOTHMAN PROPHECIES without befamed Mayo Clinic isolated a 'foreign substance' in the man's blood, John Keel stated in MOTHMAN PROPHECIES without being more efamed Mayo famed Mayo Clinic isolated a 'foreign substance' in the man's blood, John Keel stated in MOTHMAN PROPHECIES without bfamed Mayo Clinic isolated a 'foreign substance' in the man's blood, John Keel stated in MOTfamed Mayo Clinic isolated a 'foreig pain, as his clothing BURST INTO FLAME! He collapsed, engulfed in fire, upon the road. When found, he was rushed to Jackson-Madison County General Hospital. Medical personnel were baffled by their patient's predicament, and Huckabee was of no help. To his dying breath he was unable to explain how he suddenly became a human torch.
"What fearful force did this elderly gentleman encounter as he walked an 'empty' Tennessee highway that night? The police were as baffled as the hospital staff: neither could place probable cause for the weird combustion. It seemed as though an invisible FINGER-OF-FIRE had sinisterly shot out of the sky......."
(FINAL NOTES: This issue is dedicated to the memory of Maureen Maharry, former secretary to the Department of Interplanetary Affairs -- murdered by an agent of Nazi Intelligence... most likely the same fascist "Paperclip Nazi" infiltrators that have bored into various levels of the C.I.A. and N.S.A. and were responsible for the J.F.K. assassination, as well as other atrocities. See: ). Reproduction of this newsletter is permitted and encouraged...
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[Note... This was the LAST/FINAL issue of "The Dragon slayer" newsletter]