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From: "kwiknr3" Add to Address Book
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Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 21:27:21 -0000
Subject: [ShaverMystery] Alleged tunnel from Valentia Island to Skellig Rock/Island in Kerry Cnty,Ireland

These details may be of interest to those of you who may wish to track down the mysterious staircase found on Valentia Isle that leads down into the earth, as described in Theo Paijmans' posting at>Contents>Mundus Subterraneus
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Skellig Rock monastery on Skellig Michael island:
"Skellig Rock monastery" "Skellig Michael island" and there's a cave pictured HERE.

"There are two islands; one is a bird sanctuary and the other is where the monastery is located."

"The county of Kerry is situated in the south west of Ireland. It contains many ancient ruins of monastic settlements and ancient forts some as old as 2200 BC."

Note that Skellig is apparently visible from the mainland, particularly Valentia. Also, the distance to Skellig is likely less than the 11 miles mentioned in the Theo's story; probably more like 6-8 miles as mentioned in various places on the Net (but, of course, it could be a matter of the starting point reference, as Valentia is 3 miles wide itself).
