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From:"Doc" <>  Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert
Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 20:19:59 -0700


Bishop Koyle said that Wall Street would have a major drop sometime before the total failure, and at that time the Government would step in to help save it. In October 1988 (Black Monday) the stock market came to within two hours of total catastrophe, and the Government stepped in to prevent it. Then again on 11 September 2001 when the Twin Towers of the Trade Center came crashing down, the markets took a big tumble when they reopened for business. On his radio talk show, G. Gordon Liddy reported that a friend of his working for Merrill Lynch, a stock brokerage firm, called to tell him that the government was feeding funds into the market.

Koyle also said that when the mine came in, all the mines in Tintic District in Utah would be at a stand still. This is pretty much the case today. The mining industry will attempt to again become operational. but, before they get going, and the mines can do any good for the economy, the crash will come.

At a thursday night meeting the bishop told stockholders that a big employer in Salt Lake City, Kennecott Copper and a new modern steel plant built on the edge of the Utah Lake as a result of the war efforts in WW II, Geneva Steel, would both close down toward the end times. This happened about 40 years later. First Kennecott shut down it's Bingham Canyon operation in Utah and then Geneva Steel followed suit soon after. They both reopened their doors within a couple of years with Geneva reopening with new owners. Geneva closed once again due to cheap foreign steel imports and presently (2004), Kennecott is wondering if they will be around in the next few years.

Near the time of the end, many of the General Authorities will become quite old. Troubles will start when three leaders will die in close proximity to one another. The new replacements will not be able to hold the Church together.

The final struggle toward the end was further emphasized in another dream in which he saw heavy, dark, black clouds gather over the valley and weigh depressingly heavy over the mine until there appeared to be no hope for the mine at all. Everything seemed to be crushed out of existence and the whole thing had come to an end. The Dream Mine really appeared to be finished and ended.

The rich will grow richer and the poor poorer, until many will be blue in the face with hunger when the mine comes in. The mine will come in following an unusually hard winter.

There will be very little gasoline. Stockholders were advised to keep their tanks filled. The railroad rails will be rusty when the mine comes in.

The two Nephites who visited Bishop Koyle, the morning of January 10, 1914, told him that later on the Lord would send messengers to help with the mine, but who whould hide or disguise their identity. He was told that after a while the disguised messengers would back out of the picture, but just before the mine 'came in' they would show up again but this time in their true identity. The financial condition of the mine will be so bad at the end that a white-haired man from the north will have to come to furnish the money needed to outfit the processing of the black ore. Is this man Al Sinclair or in reality Alma the Younger? The Bishop along with Al Sinclair said that the messengers would return. Blaine Gardner said this a number of times through the years beginning in the mid sixties. When the messengers come to remain in their true identity and oversee the work, the wicked will not be able to get off the hill fast enough.

There will be a setting in order: first the mine, then the Church, then the state, then the nation. They will be brought up short like a wild colt at the snubbing post. At the end things will happen so fast that a person will not be able to tell what is to occur first.

The mine will not come in until eleven families can live in perfect unity and harmony. There will be a sifting of those worthy of the work. It will be possible after all stock is sold for a person contributing to the work of bringing the mine into eventually get 2,500 shares of stock apiece. He saw that the best place to live and to work would be at the mine. Those who worked there would be the best off.

The Church will renew persecution towards the mine. However, the mine will increase in strength and unity. Whereas, the unity and strength of the Church will decrease.

In the end there will be a great apostasy in the Church. A rift in leadership will cause many members to leave. Something will happen to make members congregate in and around the churches, and at various other locations to discuss and ponder the great disturbing changes occurring. This will mark the commencement of the time of problems for the Church, as well as the time of apostasy.

The Church is to be set in order just after an April conference.

War would be brought to our coast line, but we would not be invaded at this time. Foreign problems will commence. A Russian invasion of the U.S. and Canada would come later.

He was shown that a Republican Administration would made great efforts to save the economy. He also said prices and our entire wage structure had risen higher and higher would go higher and higher and all at once something happened and overnite the props would be knocked out and everything would come down. This condition of rising prices would be brought about by strikes. The whole thing came down with a crash to about 20 cents on the dollar. Property would only be worth l/5 of its former value but his mortgage and other fixed debts would remain the same. The disaster which followed rated 4-inch headlines in newspapers throughout the country.

According to Velma Kunz who was the wife of a miner that lived on the hill near the mine, the bishop would many times get the miners off to work and then come on down the hill. He would many times stop in and talk to Velma. One day she asked when the economic crash would occur. He was sitting at the time with his arms across his chest and then he dropped his head down. She thought he had gone to sleep. After a period of time he opened his eyes and looked up at her and told her this. The overnite crash would occur on a holiday weekend where the holiday falls on a monday.

This time of trouble will be ushered in by a financial crash; we go to bed at night and awake in the morning with no light, water, gas or heat. There will be little or no electricity. Lanterns will be back in use. Streetcars and buses will no longer be running in Salt Lake City.

An earthquake along the Wasatch Front will open and drain the winze in the mine when the the time came for it to be worked.

Economic conditions will be so bad that people will say that the mine has come into production too late to do any good. However, that will not be the case since work will commence in numerous areas of the mine at the same time following the second batch of ore. The mine will come in when the Federal Government is in disarray. Some say that the mine will come in in the late summer or the fall.

Bishop Koyle said that on the first shipment of gold that there would be a small piece in the paper near the mining page and few people would see it. It would be about one inch long in the paper. At this same date and on this same paper there would be four-inch headlines. We were never told what those headlines would be about. Also, when the second shipment of gold was made, there would be a jam at the mountain and hundreds of people would never get up there to be in the midst of it. I understood this jam would reach for several miles.

After the economic collapse, goods can be purchased for very little if a person has hard cash.

A small notice would appear in the paper about the mine shipping it's first shipment of ore to be processed but the biggest economic disaster in the world would be the news of the day and would affect everyone.

It will be almost too late to get the grain when it is obtained. When the mine comes in, there will be only three months to obtain needed goods from the East Coast and three more months to obtain goods from Denver. We learned through the Bishop we would have nine months to build the grain bins and store food. That would be the longest that money would be good until the trucks will not be running and transportation fails. .

According to Bishop Koyle, there would be an earthquake which would drain the winze when the time should come for it to be worked.

Depression will occur just before drought.

Koyle saw that the US President would die in office just a while after the mine came in. The leaders of the nation will be blown out of office as if by a whirlwind. He saw them look up and down the country everywhere to try to find a man to take his place and they would not be able to find one and the nation wandered in chaos. They will hide fearing for their lives. That's how bad it will get.

The mine would pay it's first dividends or relief from the mine in November or December. When at first the mine comes in, things will have been so difficult and desperate with so much trouble between people that stockholders will wonder if it was all worth it. Wise stockholders will replace food storage before there is no more food to be had.

One time in about 1946 an attorney who was quite interested in the Mine, and sometimes he attended the thursday night meetings, said to the Bishop, "How are you going to stop the Government from taking about 94% of the gold away from you?" The Bishop said, "Turney, there ain't goin' to be no Government when the Mine comes in!"

He told him of a period of four years of famine and explained that the first two years the Saints would be able to get by, but the third and fourth years they would have nothing to eat unless it was prepared and stored up against that time. Then there would be two more years which would be a recovery period.

Well now, Bishop Koyle will tell you the most important thing for you to do. You should have your houses filled with a large amount of food, and go inside and cut off your radio, TV, your telephone, and your daily papers. You will not want to know what is going on in the outside world at all. I saw that two out of every three people on the earth would lose their lives from starving, or from being killed on account of the judgments of God that would be in full swing. I saw that I could walk great distances right here in Utah, by stepping from one man's dead body to the other.

Also he said, "We will have a mild open winter after the mine comes in, which will permit us to pour concrete all winter long to build the grain bins He spoke of a fall following the dry, hot summer that would be more like spring when the mine turned out, and it would be followed by a very mild, open winter which would permit the uninterrupted construction of a series of large grain bins, or elvators which would hold a million bushels of wheat. These would be built high on the hill near the mine and get them filled up against this time of great distress and famine. These would hold one million bushels of grain. A stair-step concrete grainbin will be built on the terraces provided to store wheat. Hardly will one section be completed that it will be filled while the next section is being built. This we would do, he said, barely in the nick-of-time before it would be too late when no more food supplies could be purchased at any price. The mine will also support stocking grain in Idaho.

He also saw that we would buy our wheat at 50 to 60 cents per bushel, and that it would be bought out of the first and second years of crops in those famine years. He looked up and down the state everywhere on the third year of famine, and he could not buy a bushel of wheat for a bushel of gold.

As early as 1911, his prediction about the economic decline and collapse was recorded by Carter Grant. At that time he told about how he saw the Dream Mine establish a bank on a certain corner in Spanish Fork and later on he spoke of another one at the mine about 200 feet or so to the northwest of the north end of the concrete retaining wall, which was built many years ago, and it is below the place where the grain bins will be built. I not only saw individuals coming for relief, but I saw us helping large business concerns, many of which seemed looking toward us for aid, thankful, indeed, when we gave them relief. I saw that there was a purpose for our getting the ore at this Relief Mine; and the doubters would soon understand, knowing something better than they do now. The other banks seemed to be useless and, although filled with money, they would lend hardly any of it for fear that it could not be paid back. And when they did lend any of it they were after high interest rates. Unemployment was widespread, and many people were losing their farms and homes because most of them would be mortgaged at this time. The other banks, he said, would arise against our bank, demanding that we cease letting money out at four percent with little or no security. Since we had plenty of gold back of us from this mine, there was nothing they could do about it. This crash would cause every bank in the country to eventually fail except those established by the Relief Mine which would have enough gold back of it to survive. Gold would become very powerful as a medium of exchange. He said that here in Utah we would return to gold and silver coinage, and that our local economy would hold up about two years longer than the rest of the nation.

Bishop Koyle saw that after the Mine came in, all the churches and schools would be closed down for a while.

Depression will become so bad in the United States that service boys will be called home home from all over the world to keep money in the country and to keep the peace.

I saw that when this bank was established people came from far and near and we were liquidating their mortgages, letting them have money at 3 or 4% or thereabouts, sending them on their way rejoicing. Isaw how happy they were toward the Relief Mine. I saw that our resources seemed unlimited, for back of us were our rich bodies of ore; and this ore, I was told, would never run out in my day or the days of my children's children.

The purpose of this great wealth was that it must be reserved for building the nucleus for the political Kingdom of God. It would provide an honest money of gold and silver the would make possible the rapid construction of cities of refuge and stock them with food supplies and equip them with essential industries, so that these cities could be a refuge for righteous populations which would be segregated out in fulfillment of the parable of the wheat and the tares, thereby bringing to pass "an entire separation of the righteous from the wicked," as stated in D&C,63:54, and also in Section 86.

Lavawn Owen told Lynn Bishop: "Al Sinclair said that the soil conditioner from the mine is the most important thing that will come out of the mine." He told of strontium 90 fallout and other poisons that will destroy the crops and pollute the air, and that we must get the soil conditioner out of the Relief Mine and apply the electric culture to counteract all these evils and give us wholesome food and restore health to our bodies and minds. The famine will come by destruction of the crops of the earth in draught, floods, or hail, etc.

In this crisis, the Church would exhaust its resources and means to help its members and to be inadequate at the end. The Church will be in such a destitute financial condition that it will be happy to accept tithing from the stock-holders when the mine comes in.

Thus, this venture would become a means of providing food and supplies to a poor and humbled people in distress. This mine would then be called the "Relief Mine".

Here in Utah, big industries would be shut down as well as government related industries and unemployment would be widespread.

We would have our gold and be able to buy our food and grain supplies barely in the nick-of-time he said, because in a short time the situation would grow so bad that all of the automobiles and trains would stop running, and manufacturing would cease because of a complete breakdown in our economy. They would have to put the horseless carriage back in the barn and get the horse out, if they still had a horse. The money will become worthless, not worth the paper it is written on. An armful would not buy a loaf of bread.

About this time, he said, transportation would stop all over the country, and manufacturing would cease, and the people would have to return to their horses, if they had any, or go on foot. Then we could no longer buy any wheat because there was no way to get to where the big supplies were located, nor could it be brought to us. And those who did have any wheat on hand would not sell it for a bushel of gold. Then the really big troubles began with famine, warfare, plagues and judgments, and we would have to make White City and the Dream Mine into a fortress to protect ourselves from ravaging mobs. In many places, he said, the dead would outnumber the living, while in others there would not even be enough living to bury the dead. We would have to build a self-sufficient economy of our own with oil wells and industries to take care of our own needs. This, indeed, would be a time when we would have to live close to the Lord and depend upon Him for both temporal and spiritual salvation. We would learn the meaning of repentance.

White City would become one of many cities to spring up in the valleys of the Rocky Mountains. It would be designated along with others, as a place of refuge, a place of safety and peace from the scourges that would overtake the fallen nations of the world.

A clothing mill will also be established at the mouth of Flat Canyon at the end of the upper prune orchard road.

This beautiful "White City" together with a number of other beautiful cities, were to be rapidly built at this time and would serve as holy places of refuge where the more righteous of the LDS could be gathered out for safety as in the parable of the wheat and the tares. A stone wall will be built along the mine side of the canal (during the mild winter). The mine will become a city of refuge against roving bands. Roving bands and marauders will not be a problem south of the Highline Canal.

In 1934 construction began on the dugway that winds up the side of the mountain from the mill and over the saddle, linking the various tunnels together on the upper claims. This dugway would someday prove to have greater additional importance for the inhabitants of White City during a time of grave danger. Bishop Koyle saw that it would serve them as a means to places of refuge and safety where they could take needed supplies with them and find protection from an invading U.S. Army, larger than was Johnston's Army sent against the Saints about a century ago, This army would have orders to destroy them if they did not surrender and deny all affiliation with the new parliamentary nation.

John H. Koyle was gifted with dreams not directly related to the mine. For example, he saw that during the time of great tribulation there would be a massive earthquake out in the Pacific Ocean that would bring giant tidal waves along our Pacific Coast. This would in turn bring destructive quakes along the San Andreas Fault and wreck great destruction in San Francisco and Oakland.

Koyle said, not long after the mine came in, the U.S. money would become totally worthless. It will be important to purchase the coinage mint machinery being sold as surplus by the Denver mint at the end. The machinery must be brought to the mine within six months of the mine coming in. The machinery is to be set up at the mouth of Flat Canyon.

I saw various industries tied up until the automobiles even ceased running. Men's faces were grave and perplexed.

While working on the Dream Mine dugway, June 17, 1934, I was standing with a pick on my shoulder talking to Bishop John H. Koyle, when the spirit of prophecy came over him, and pointing to me, he said, "Just as sure as you stand there with that pick on your shoulder, the time will come when you young men will have to defend this land against factions that will come here against us. You will defend it by the power of the Priesthood.

"They will send an army out here worse than Johnston's Army to put us down. They will offer protection to all who will deny their faith and surrender to them. And all the Gentiles will go over to them and about one third of the Mormons. Then when they are ready to completely destroy those of us who defy them, something will prevent them from doing it.

"During that time this dugway will serve as a means to refuge for many of our people with their supplies. We take cover in the safety of the tunnels until that army is destroyed together with all who surrender.

In the thirties he spoke of Russia invading Turkey at this time to gain the Dardenelle-Bosporus Water-way. He said that at this time there would be trouble in Palestine or the Mid-East, which in turn would cause war to erupt in the Balkans as Russia mace a great military push toward Palestine and practically wiped Turkey off the European pert of the map.

There would be seven distressful years filled and compounded with drouth, plague, famine, warfare, and other divine judgments that would sweep the wicked from off the face of the earth in preparation of the Lord's second coming.

The nation was in a sad state of famine, mobocracy and chaos exactly as seen and prophecied by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Entire states would be depopulated, with not enough living to bury the dead. This in turn would cause a great influx of tens of thousands refugees, consisting mostly of women and children, looking for food and safety until there were more people living in tents than in houses in the valleys of Utah.

He said that after the Reds took over most of Europe, Asia and Africa, they would invade the United States and Canada, and because of our chaotic condition, we could offer very little organized resistance. He said the Reds would get as far as the Missouri River or Mississippi River before they were stopped by Priesthood powers from heaven that would drive them out of the lands. The Chinese would invade the West Coast and get as far as the Sierra Nevadas before they were stopped by divine intervention and that these invasions would not reach us herein these valleys of the mountains.

"Following this, (100,000 US Army) we will also have the Russians to fight. They will get half way across this country before they are put down." (--To the Missouri River.)

When he had recovered enough to talk about it, I then pointed out that the tunnels would not offer much protection against an army. He then told me that the importance of the tunnels would be understood when this time came. Of course, I did not know in 1934, as I know today, that we would be taking refuge from the wrath of God upon the army and all who would surrender to it, when "the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat."

When the Prophet Moses appeared to the Bishop, he explained how difficult it had been for him to gather Israel and lead them in the paths of God. He also explained how this mine would some day be used to gather Israel from the nations of the earth where they are now scattered.