Larry Lawson Newsletter
Massive Russian Ship Movement Off Washington Coast NOW
Thu Sep 15, 2005 21:47
In Russia many local newspapers and news channels are printing articles concerning the huge troop movements leaving Russia at the moment.
The TASS News Agency and Pravda have given out endless reports concerning this issue.
According to various news reports the Russian Imperial Navy, which includes the Baltic Fleet, have now anchored themselves off certain US Navy Bases across America.
Bases such as US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, US Naval Station Everett and US Naval Station Bremerton, all of which are in Washington State, have reportedly accomodated thousands and thousands of sailors and ships from the Russian Imperial Navy and also the Chinese State Navy.
These ships include aircraft carriers, mindsweepers, frigate ships and also a number of nuclear submarines.
Nobody here really knows for sure what the hell is going on, but I feel these troops will come under UNISF and UNMNTF Troop authority jurisdiction and will eventually be used to round up and kill millions of innocent Americans.
I think the Thirteen Reptilian Illuminati Families that run all the banking and finance on this planet have had enough of America and American people, who they feel have become to big for their boots.
The Illuminati are all sick, violent psychopaths, who want to completely reshape America. They only want there to be around 140 million people in America by the 31st of December 2015, so this begs the question, how will they achieve this? I think most forum users here already know the answer to that.