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The DIFFERENCE between "communism" and Industrialism can be clearly seen in the photo in the following link, which shows South Korea from space brightly lit up, whereas North Korea shows only smatterings of light, mostly in the areas of political power and control...

The gross excesses of "Capitalism" are clearly evident by the massive light "pollution" in South Korea, whereas in North Korea we see a humble, quiet, peaceful BLACKNESS which, undoubtedly, allows the North Koreans to SLEEP soundly and without light distractions, that is, when their empty stomachs are not keeping them awake because millions of North Koreans can only afford one meal a day, if that...

So then... we 'commend' (a word that sounds strangely similar to 'condemn'!?) North Korea for its frugality (although some in the west have been so arrogant as to call it "poverty") and humility in its economic affairs...

(NOTE: If you have not yet guessed it, the comments previously given are blatant SARCASM!)