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In the June, 1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES Cosette Willoughby of Fairacres, New Mexico, told one 'inner earth' researcher sometime during the mid-1980's that she had 'heard' through the grapevine that one could enter the Los Angeles Public library and go to a certain counter and asked if they could see a painting of 'Jesus'. This was supposed to be a secret sign indicating that one actually desired to enter a tunnel which allegedly goes from below the Public library to an underground city beneath Mt. Shasta in northern California. It is interesting that there have been many rumors to the effect that below Los Angeles AND the public Library there are ancient tunnels which lead to a subterranean complex below L.A., and that a similar complex constructed by the same group of ancient native Americans exists below Mt. Shasta in California, and 'possibly' also below the Hopi reservation of Arizona.