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I posted the comments below several times to the pro-Nazi Hollow Earth page:

Hollow Earth Hohle Erde 3_5 This video will blow your mind_(360p).avi

... but each time it was deleted, which is understandable when dealing with the 4th reich that is trying to take over the USA...

Here were/are my comments...

Our mysterious geoconcavitic (hollow) sphere: -- click on this link OR copy/paste it into the translator at: ... If the Nazi's made it to the hollow earth they are all probably dead by now, considering that the "lost" 9 1/2 tribes of Israel control much of that inner land, called "Arzareth". Half of the tribe of Joseph (consisting of the tribes of Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh) live in the hollow earth, but the "other half" lives on the surface as the Anglo-Saxons of Britain, Australia/New Zealand and the USA... And of course you know that the Allies of the USA and Britain etc. kicked the Nazi's asses in world war II AND in Operation Hijump in Antarctica following the war. Trump's secret military forces are attacking the Nazis AND their reptilian collaborators beneath the USA (NazCIA/fascist "Paperclip" underground military/industrial bases) in the current UNDERGROUND WAR (see: ) and rescuing many of their young prisoners, some who have spent there whole lives down there having been born to other subterranean prisoners. But NOW they are being set free... Hallelujah !!!