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Peggy's letter to Pastor Harry on Reptilians and Reverse Speech

From : Patty
Sent : Friday, December 23, 2005 4:30 PM
To :
Subject : Fw: from Peggy letter to Pastor

----- Original Message ----- From:

Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:35 AM
Subject: from Peggy letter to Pastor

>Hello Pastor Harry,

This is a long email, but I feel it is important for me to explain what I have learned.

Thanks for your note and questions. I am not offended at all. They are very fair and important. I have asked myself many questions about this also. I am ruthless in getting to the "truth" no matter where it leads.

Pastor Harry, I have had every belief taken from me except one, I live to be of service to the One, the Creator. That's it. I am devoting my whole life to helping in any way that I am able. I have told myself in reverse, that God is my true love. That being said, I will try to address your questions and concerns.

To take a word and spell it backwards and try to pronounce it is not the way reverse speaking works. It is much more sophisticated than that.

When someone says ummm in forward, the reverse will subtly change the sound in reverse to connect it to what that person is addressing. It can be Mom, God, tomb, road, or other words that are similar sounding. Some phrases come out crystal clear and others not so clear. But I have been listening for years and can usually understand the meaning. But for the public I try to use the clearest ones, and yet, for some people (I think Eddie was one) it is always difficult to understand, plus, by the time the phrase goes out over the radio or internet, it has been through two phones, a recorder, and two computers. Even forward speech if it is chopped up in phrases, can be garbled after all that.

The reptilians can manipulate reverse speech but just a little bit, if it sits in my computer for a while. But then the forward speech is also garbled and so its easy to tell when it has been tampered with. This is new to them and they don't know how to mess with it much. Playing with our minds is second nature to them, but they are furious at RS in that it is revealing so much and they don't know how to stop it.

I have reversed (I estimate) between 300-400 people so I have reversed people from all religions, UFOlogists, politicians, channels, mediums, researchers, historians, movie stars, lots of radio announcers while they are interviewing, people who send me their own recordings, myself all the time, and lots of people who are on the other side.

I didn't start with reverse speaking, but with evp. (Spirit voices). When I finally got through to some people living on the other side, but near me and we worked through their lying to me, (I reversed them and could hear when they lied, so they stopped and we actually became good friends) they told me a lot about life on that side. It was a shock because it was unlike anything I had heard before. I would have all kinds of people getting on the equipment on their side, (yes, they use some sort of equipment) and talk to me.

It wasn't until I found out there were children over there in that dark, preditory, police state that I began to really question this whole reality. I began doing the research into all kinds of ancient texts to try to sort out who put these people and little children in this world.

I have to tell you this Pastor, there were Christians there also. They would pray to Jesus to no avail. I asked if anyone ever got out. I was told that there were some people who did ceremonies to Satan and they would disappear. No one knew where they were, but everyone else just stayed there. Francis Haley who was my main contact, had been there since Earth year 1830. This is just what these people in this area knew. It could be different in other areas.

I began to read things to the people on the recorders that I would find that would shed some light on their situation. I also prayed and prayed for help for them. They asked me to help release their children. They didn't ask for themselves but for their little ones. So, these were not horrible people, but people in pain who felt abandoned by God and everyone else. Granted, some were messed up, but many were not.

Then about 1 1/2 years ago, I began to hear that there was a transport coming into that world to take people out and into the Pleiades. They were excited, ecstatic, I got worried. Was it a trick? I reversed, and checked and it seems legitimate.

Then I heard from the Pleiadians. They told me about the net, how people were being eaten and horribly abused and about the reptilians. They were trying to get as many people out as possible using a transport ship. It went on night after night and I would record and listen to the people singing and praying and yes, thanking Jesus for finally helping them.

But on New Years eve last year, the reptilians kidnapped the transport which was underground hidden, and while the Pleiadians were trying to help the kidnapped people, some were killed. I couldn't hear all of the details, but 4 people (including at least one Pleiadian) were killed as the reptilians shot down the ship as it was trying to escape. I can't tell you how the rest faired or if they got out, but the Pleiadians told me that the net was closing tight and they were losing their ability to talk to me through my recorders.

They come through occasionally, but not often. They will usually use my voice and change my reversals. It is very dangerous for any trying to help right now. I have heard once or twice from Francis Haley who is training in the Pleiadies to help out in what is coming up. I again always reverse everyone and it was really him.

This is a little background. I don't blame you if you don't believe this. It is not what we are accustomed to hearing, but it is true.

I have never gotten any contradictions in reverse from all the people I have listened to. It doesn't matter if they are a Christian, Buddhist, Wicca, etc, etc. They all say the same thing. The only difference is whether they have been taken over by a seeded alien reptilian and "serve the net" or if they want to "get out of the net".

This is the short version: This planet and all life were living in a kind of Eden. It was beautiful. A group from the Orion constellation showed up. They had more advanced technology than here although we were not cave dwellers. They became the gods that every text talks about. They came, they saw, they conquered, and the main reason was for the meat.

They were very advanced geneticists and were able to shut part of the mind down, while inserting their own dna. They could put people into a trance, wipe their memories, give them visions, prophecies etc. The human mind is their playground.

During the last cataclysm, (flood stories) which was caused by the passing of Planet X, they left, loosened the net, and once the chaos was not as great, sent down their underlings (greys or what have you) to insert more of their dna so people could be more easily possessed. They no longer walked the Earth, but walked within men who were put in positions of power. They also mated with the women to make sure their seed would spread and this was the start of ruling families on this planet.

Meanwhile, they tightened the net and within the net we have all of our heavens and hells. They created every religion and political, financial, structure on this planet all for control.

(******* - Editor's Note: As for 'Christianity', Jesus never said that He was bringing 'religion', but a 'relationship' with God. In fact, is was the ultra-religious people, the Pharisees, who crucified him. See the movie: THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST - Branton)

They manipulated people into war and that is their favorite meat. A young healthy soldier, killed quickly in battle with all that andreneline is prime rib. When the soldier wakes up in the astral, he is quickly captured, usually taken to Mars which they own, and killed again.

There have been a limited number of reptilians here and so when humans die and are plunked into a heaven or hell depending upon their beliefs and their conduct, they aren't all eaten. I've listened to people in a true hell world and they don't realize that they were conned into their horrible behaviors by constant manipulation in their minds by this group who then laugh, snatch their astral bodies, torture, torment, rape, and finally kill and eat. The people believe that it is because they were sinners, which they were, but they had a lot of help getting to that point.

Good people were put in different heavens depending upon their beliefs, but its always in the net. When the reptilians want, they will toss these people back down (reincarnation) and they are back in the game. It goes on and on and has for thousands of years.

As for the meat, I have hundreds of reversals from everyone talking about this. These reptilian aliens not only consume astral bodies, which are just as physical in that world as ours, but the elements, energy, emotions, chemicals that are stored in flesh and bone. I've heard them talk about an "oxygen rich fix in warm fat" and memory bones.

Yes, I've also had many conversations with the reptilians. I no longer talk to them because they will do anything to pull me into dramas and I need to stay clear. But when I was talking, they told me that there were huge numbers coming here from the home world (Orion). They told me that in 2004 they were amassing around New York for a take over. I didn't understand and thought they meant a war or bomb or something like 9/11.

No, they now stand ready to capture anyone who dies there.

Also, they suck energy from physical people usually at night. People are pulled out of body, stuck with needles, raped, have astral fluids extracted, abused, then have their memories wiped, and stuck back in bed.

While sucking energy, it feels like a faint tingly vibration. This is why so many people suffer from fatigue, and unexplained pain. It comes through into the physical and plagues a huge part of the population.

They also douse the air with chemicals to break down our immune systems so we become more vulnerable to sickness, because they are getting ready to leave and don't want as many people left alive or healthy here.

(******* - Is she saying that they are behind the 'Chemtrail' conspiracy? - Branton)

When planet X comes in, which it is inbound, but from the South, or bottom of the planet and can't be detected yet, it will smash their net. The govt. which is completely dominated by alien seeded humans has built a large telescope and also since they own NASA, they are keeping track of their "nemisis" as they call it. They also call it God coming back.

(******* - True, other sources have referred to Planet X as Planet 'Nemesis' - Branton)

These entities will be seen because the net which is already fraying from all the solar activity is coming down.

This is the hand of God at work who is furious at this group who have been torturing us for eons. God is now going to kick them off and into a hell world of their own. They will suffer what they have done to all of us. I have heard that he is appalled that they have killed and abused in His Name. He is "Yelling" now I have heard as our true allies like the Pleiadians and others are assisting in taking care of matters here.

I have heard that many will die, but this horror is so entrenched on this world that it will take a giant force to kick it off. That force is coming in the guise of Planet X. The big boys who are trying to get off planet on a ship hidden in Iraq called the Phoenix, will be brought down.

The rest are going underground and have been told to come up and try to take contol of the panic and shock which will be here, are going to fail.

The human race will find the meat lockers underground and see what has been happening and how we have all been duped. There will be reptilian heads that will roll. The reptilians who hang around me because I am now red flagged, are all begging me to help them. Yeah right...

No one is really dead. The eaten ones are sleeping in spirit and here is when we will have our resurrection... life will be raised, uplifted, healed, made whole, given back their birthright as true spiritual beings and beloved by the One, the Creator. Our future is assurred, and we are going to be revered by all other worlds for what we have suffered and endured.

This is for all life, no matter what religion. We are not seperate, but all part of the One and will be given great merit and joy when we are on the other side of upcoming events.

Pastor Harry, if you were to send me a tape, I would guarantee, you would say the same thing, as everyone tells the same story. I would ask that you just tuck this story in the back of your mind and see how it plays out. We don't have long to wait, a few years at the most.

Thanks for writing.

Peggy Kane