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* Scriptures say that there is evidence for "adaptation", yes... but actual "evolution", no.

* As for the "Big Bang" theory, exploations ALWAYS create chaos, not order.

* "Entropy" is order-to-disorder. It is a PROVEN fact that the universe is subject to entropy, which is the opposite of "evolution". The "Second law of Thermodynamics" PROVES that a Creator/Designer exists.

* Space, Time and Matter all have a scientifically PROVEN beginning/genesis. This cannot be explained by evolutionists.

* Psalm 102 says that the universe is growing old like a garment... this is a proven fact of entropy.

* Less than 1 percent of the planets are composed of hydrogen, like the sun, which means that they could not have "evolved" by bring thrown out of the sun as spheres of molten rock or gas.

* Planets and moons orbit and rotate in different directions and at different speeds, a fact which cannot be explained by the evolutionists' theory on the formation of the universe.

* The moon has little geological similarity with the Earth or its minerals, and so it could not have been "thrown off" the earth when it was supposedly a ball of molten rock and gas.

* Biogeneticists have been forced to admit that life can only come from pre-existing life..

* The earth has ALWAYS had oxygen in its atmosphere, according to rock and fossil studies. This is not allowed in the evolutionists' theory.

* Ameno acids which make up proteins are subject to the Second law of Thermodynamics - or matter going from order to disorder, so they could not have "evolved" into proteins. The simplest livng cells require thousands of complex proteins.

* The nucleus of EVERY cell has a DNA database larger than a 30 volume set of the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA.

* Species sometimes become extinct, however NONE are being developed or appearing as the Evolutionist theory would indicate... at least scientists have NEVER observed a species in the process of "evolutionary" development.

* The fossil record shows NO pre-evolutionary ancestors for fish, nor any other life-form for that matter.

* NO "missing link" between apes and man has EVER been found in the fossil record. The theoy of the "missing link" known as "Nebraska man" and it's 'family', were all formed from a PIG'S TOOTH, and "Piltdown man" was a PROVEN HOAX...

* 2 Peter 3:10 = Atomic fusion.

* Revelation 21: 1-4, 22-29; Psalm 102:25-26 = Entropy (the second law of thermodynamics - things going from order to disorder, as opposed to "evolution".

* Romans 1:20 = the Creator revealed in the Creation.

* Psalms 8:8 & Isaiah 43:6 = speak of the Oceanic currents.

* Job 36:27 = speaks of the Hydrological cycle.

* Jeremiah 33:22 = speaks of innumerable stars

* Jonah 2:5-6 = speaks of mountains on the ocean floor.

* Isaiah 40:22 = the shape of the earth is revealed (long before Columbus)

* Job 26:7 = the Earth hangs on nothing.

* Hebrews 11:3 = molecules and atoms described.

* Collossians 1:15-18 = God holds the atoms together - "by Him all things consist..."

* Job (chapters 40-41) = a description of dinosaurs.