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Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 09:58:15 -0600 (CST)
From:"Shanna" <>  Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book
Subject: please read
I found your website, with all the dreams that these people have been 
having and I would like to tell you my own. I didnt have this dream myself, it 
was my father's dream, but God has given me visions before so that when 
the time came for my father to tell me his vision I would believe him. My 
father bought land in Oklahoma and his life long wish was to set up his own 
house there and to have a motorcycle shop next to his home. His dream 
started with his seeing that, he saw his house and he saw his shop and then 
his vision turned red as though blood had covered everything and God spoke 
to him, in audible words. "These dreams will never come to pass." And then 
it was almost as if he was sitting in a school room watching a 
documentary. China and Russia would invade America. China would want to destroy 
America because we interfere with Taiwan. Taiwan wants to be independent, China 
wants it to remain part of China. America buts in and says that they will 
back Taiwan. Russia wants to invade America because one they are still 
angry about the race to arms, we basically made them broke because they tried 
to keep up to us on our fire arms but they didnt have enough money and are 
now broke. This invasion also has to do with the massive amount of oil 
that we as Americans consume. But the Chinese and Russians will first attack 
from the sky. Commercial planes, or planes disguised as commercial planes 
will fly over and paratroopers will fall from the sky, and we wont even be 
able to fathom that we are being invaded, they will be able to get into 
our bases and get all of our reserve artillerary and use it against us. Over 
80% of the population in texas will be automatically killed without 
question. Occuping forces will come up through Mexico. Florida will be nuked. 
I've seen many people say California will be nuked, this was not in his 
vision, all he said was Florida because of the way it is more separated from 
the states ( the shape and all ). This will last for ten months before the 
citizens will be able to regroup and push back the invaders, and then 
because of our resistance they will leave seeing themselves as victorious in 
destroying our country. Over 30% of the American population will be killed. 
Almost all big cities will be deserted and we will go back to life as it 
was in the 1920's because that is how horrible the devastation will be. My 
father asked God if this could be stopped or if they must be and God told 
him that this will happen, but if his people repent and turn back to Him 
the time period may not last ten months, it may be shorter. He has also 
given us a time frame. It will happen within the next 3-5 years. He also told 
me there were some warning signs to look for, signs that this will all 
come to pass.
1) In Greece, or Turkey, somewhere in Europe there will be an 
assassination of a president or king and civil revolutions will start
2) The US involves (itself with) Turkey, China and Taiwan.
3) There is a boat that will sink, this will cause many people to enlist, 
however within 30 days of this boat sinking we will be invaded.
This is the vision my father has given me, I needed to share it, I needed 
to know that I might be able to help save a few lives, please take this to 
heart and warn others, the time is coming and we must prepare.

"Thus with violence will Babylon, the great city, be thrown down, and will 
be found no more at all."