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"Planetran" : Trans-planetary subway systems
Paperback Cover Price: $15.00  Discounted Web Price: $13.50    Pages: 35
RAND Report : Describes a subway concept called "Planetran" comprising electromagnetically supported and propelled cars traveling in underground evacuated tubes, able to cross the United States in one hour.   It will require advanced tunnel-boring machines, such as hypersonic projectile spallation, laser beam devices, and the "Subterrene" heated tungsten probe that melts through igneous rocks.
* The idea of high-speed train travel using electromagnetic suspension was first put forward in 1905.
If you doubt the possibility that the U.S. government "Black" projects engineers have he ability to secretly construct an underground tube-shuttle system, think again. Here is a quoted article that appeared in the Los Angeles Times newspaper on June 11, 1972. It is an interview with the lead physicist at the RAND corporation "think tank" about how economical, technologically achievable and environmentally friendly such a Very High Speed Transit (VHST) network would be...
  LA to NY in half an hour...
******** TUBE SHUTTLES to connect Top Secret Facilities.
Originally conceived in 1957, apparently by Lockheed, and taken over at some point by the Rand Corporation.
Robert Salter of the Rand Corporation suggested, at the 1978 annual meeting of
the AAAS, the adoption of the "Planetran" concept.
****************** A relatively old idea that is not really Science Fiction.
A "Vactrain" :  Theoretically, vactrain tunnels could be built deep enough to pass under oceans, thus permitting very rapid intercontinental travel. The modern concept of a vactrain, with evacuated tubes and maglev technology, was pioneered in the 1910s by American engineer Robert Goddard, who designed detailed prototypes while a university student.
"'Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT) is a new kind of transportation system that requires less than two percent of the energy of current transportation methods. It is also much safer, and can be faster.   The ETT Patent is assigned to Inc. (et3 stands for Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies) : E-mail to: