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"The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously." Former USSR leader Mikhail Gorbachev gave this reply to workers in the Urals. (Soviet Youth, May 4, 1990)

"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?" President Ronald Reagan, to the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations, September 21, 1987

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberg group at Evian, France May 21, 1992.

Supplemental Essay #1: Russian Nuclear Warfighting Capability

For Russia to fight a successful nuclear war against the United States a successful counterforce strike is necessary. Counterforce strikes seek to destroy the majority of an enemy’s nuclear weapons before they can be fired. If destruction is not possible then the effects of a counterstrike must be minimized. In short, the goal of nuclear warfighting is to render the enemy’s nuclear forces impotent.

America possesses about 7400 nuclear warheads. These are divided roughly equally among land based Intercontinental ballistic missiles [ICBM], submarine launched ballistic missiles [SLBM] and bombers ("Table of U.S. Strategic Forces").

These warheads are stationed on the launchers as follows:

Launcher type:

ICBM -- 575 launchers -- 2075 warheads

SLBM -- 18 sub / 408 SLBM launchers -- 3264 warheads

Bombers -- 179 launchers -- 2000 warheads

A majority of these weapons are vulnerable to a first strike. Russia can launch nearly 3600 warheads on 755 ICBMs to destroy the land based weapons [ICBM and bombers] before they are used ("Table of Russian Strategic Forces").

In reality far fewer than 755 missile would be needed. Russia’s complement of SS-18s could be launched against U.S. ICBMs-- with 3 Russian warheads targetted against each U.S. missile silo only 1575 warheads would be required for a systematic attack against American ICBMs leaving 5675 warheads for use against other targets (Ibid.).

Bombers [which can be scrambled during a crisis] and submarines [12 of which are always on patrol] are somewhat less vulnerable. In the 1980’s it was estimated that the Soviet Union could destroy 65 to 80 percent of American ICBM’s using two warheads per silo (Friedman, 1987 at 113). Currently a larger number of Russian warheads may be targetted at a smaller number of American silos increasing the probability of a kill.

Other likely first strike targets would include the submarine bases in Bangor, Washington and King’s Bay, Georgia as well as Air Force bases. Industrial and economic targets would be hit as well, to prevent American industrial might from restoring the U. S. military machine. Command control and communications facilities would be targetted by both conventional military forces and Russian special forces called spetznatz (Lunev at 24):

These elite special forces are under the control of my former employer, the GRU. Some units are assigned to the Special Destinations Group. They penetrate countries shortly before a war and perform military sabotage that Americans would call terrorism. . . . During wartime, they would try to assassinate as many American leaders as possible, as well as their families. They would also blow up power stations, telephone systems, dams and any strategic weapons that cannot be taken out by long range weapons.

American submarines that were on patrol would be subject to anti-submarine warfare and bombers would fly under the threat of intercept by Russian air defences. Under these conditions the United States would be forced to attempt a coordinated response to a first strike in the first nuclear war. Training is not a foolproof substitute for experience and the United States military has no nuclear warfighting experience. The effectiveness of an American response can be expected to be mitigated by the sheer psychological shock of what is occurring.

An uncoordinated second strike of even one half of American nuclear warheads would be an acheivement under these conditions. At current force levels, a second strike could consist of as many as 3500 warheads. One of Russia’s inheritances from the Soviet Union is an integrated air and missile defene system, complete with underground civil defences for major cities (Donnelly 1988 at 1165-9). In addition to an extensive civil defence program, the Russian military has been engaged in a massive undertaking to hololow out a mountain for a nuclear-survivable command post (Atlas and Gallagher).

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko stated on 14 March 1997 that "the main military installations that protect not only Belarus but the western part of the Russian Federation are located on Belarussian territory. It is in Belarus, above all, that anti-missile defense systems are deployed ("Russian Aerospace Defences")."

The Commander of Russian space defenses Colonel General V. Smirnov asserted that ballistic missile defenses ensured "protection from missile strikes of the targets having the greatest military-political and economic significance (Ibid).

An integrated air-missile defense system along with extensive underground shelters and a historical record of enduring hardship--none of which the United States possesses--makes Russia a formidible enemy in a nuclear exchange.

Supplemental Essay #2: Who is the Middle East Antichrist?

Shamil Basaev

One of the recurring themes in Catholic prophetic tradition is role of Russia as God’s instrument of judgment on a sinful world. Lucy de los Santos [now Sister Lucia] was one of the three children who received prophecies from an apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima and she had this to say about Russia:

The Blessed Virgin has told us that many nations will disappear from the face of the earth, and Russia will be the instrument of heavenly punishment for the world, if we do not obtain beforehand the conversion of that poor nation.

The conversion of Russia was to take place as one of two tasks chartered for the Roman Catholic Church by the Marian apparition: the Third Secret of Fatima was to be published in its entirety in 1960; and the Pope and the bishops were to consecrate Russia to Mary (Martin 1990 at 631).

I have already written of Russia’s role in the punishment of the Whore Babylon through the nuclear war prophecy of the Seventh Seal. But the errors of Russia spread beyond the destructive influence of a state built on the lie of post-communism. The seeds for the emergence of the Middle Eastern Antichrist may lie in Chechnya-- brought forth by the same pattern of error that Russia has followed since the fateful year of 1917.

Chechnya is a region of southern Russia, tucked away in the Caucasus Mountains. During the regime of Stalin the area was Russified [today we call it "ethnic cleansing"] as part of that dictator’s sceme to supress nationalism in the outlying republics; as of 1994 50% of Chechens were ethnic Russians (Golitsyn 1995 at 225). Chechnya is entirely landlocked and within traditional Russian borders--it has no access to the outside world.

For these reasons, Golitsyn argues that "the idea of a serious independence struggle is a non-starter (Ibid.). After further analyzing the incompetence of the Russian military in supressing the rebel Chechens by noting a number or irregularities, including (Ibid.):

the use of inexperienced troops instead of special forces [spetznatz]; allowing the rebels a line of communication for their base in the city of Grozny, and; allowing the rebels to escape with their hostages despite overwhelming Russian military force,

Golitsyn concludes that the Chechen crisis was fomented by the Russian government to influence American military spending and provide a "possible planned prelude to a change of government (1995 at 225-8)."

This second point is particularly prescient given this Associated Press story:

MOSCOW (AP) - Russian lawmakers are expected to vote next month on whether to impeach President Boris Yeltsin, the speaker of Parliament said Tuesday. . . .

Parliament's impeachment committee has already said Yeltsin should be removed from office for instigating the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, using force against hard-line lawmakers in 1993, launching the botched war in Chechnya and neglecting the military ("Yeltsin Impeachment Vote Looms").

Russia’s path of falsehood is the road that leads to the opening of the forces of chaos both in the West and in the Middle East. Russia’s contrived war in Chechnya, pursued for political purposes has brought to the fore a man who may stand as a false Christ.

Shamil Basaev was born in 1965--a nexus year in Catholic prophecy. Thomas St. Jude Germine in his prophetic E-zine "Apokalypso" has this to say about 1965:

A 13th Century prophecy concerning the incarnation of Antichrist will help us to narrow the date down further. St. Bridget of Sweden recited it as follows:

When the Feast of St. Mark shall fall on Easter,

the Feast of St. Anthony on Pentecost, and of St.

John on Corpus Christi, the whole world shall

cry, Woe!(31)

For a date in the 13th Century, the Julian calendar would be seven days behind the Gregorian, so that our April 25th would be their April 18th -- a date which fell on Easter in the year 1965.

We find additional confirmation of the year 1965 in an alternate rendering of this same prophecy, in which the prediction is made that the first pope to cross the Atlantic Ocean will do so in a year when the Feast of St. Mark falls on Easter, etc. The first to make the transatlantic crossing during his pontificate was Paul VI, who did so in October 1965.

The year 1965 also crops up in the vision of the Melanie Calvat -- the Seeress who encountered an apparition of the Most Blessed Virgin on the Mountain of La Salette, not far from Grenoble, France, in September 1846 . . . [T]he Secret of La Salette, like the Third Secret of Fatima, is essentially a warning to the Faithful that the Keys of St. Peter will, for a time, appear to be held in the hands of the False Prophet, the apologist of Antichrist. ("Moloch").

Germine’s research [backed by extensive work in astrology and mythology] indicates that the Middle Eastern Antichrist was born in 1965 and will capture the Roman Catholic Church. We have seen that the Middle Eastern Antichrist will seduce the Roman Catholic Chruch into his camp during the second war of the tribulation.

In the realm of prognostication, exact answers are impossible to find. Instead a wise researcher would behoove himself to look for a nexus--a collapse of several elements of prophecy and events or circumstances that tend to constellate around a single point. I took this approach at the start of this essay, examining Nostradamus’ "King of Terror" quatrain through connections into other fields of research.

This same analytical approach will stand in good stead here. In Shamil Basaev we have a man who:

arises [both literally and politically] out of Russia and her falsehood;

was born in 1965, a year identified in prophecy as important in the incarnation of the Antichrist, and;

is a fundamentalist Moslem, which connects him to the prophetic tradition of an Antichrist from that region. I return to Nostradamus, writing in his Epistle:

Then the great Empire of Antichrist will begin

where Attila's was, and Xerxes will descend with

a great and innumerable host...

We would also expect an Antichrist to be a parody of Jesus, with the timing of events approximately similar but with dark overtones. This mockery of God is a recurring tactic of Satan--see Supplemental Essay #3 "Psychosexual Symbolism and The Creation Story: The Satanic-Nazi Connection."

Basaev does not let us down. In 1995 Basaev and his guerillas assaulted the Russian town of Budennovsk, taking over 1,000 hostages and establishing himself as a force in the Chechen struggle. At that time he was 30 years old, the same age as Jesus when he began his ministry.

This is not the only contrasting parallel between the two. While running for President of the Chechen Republic, Basaev made a name for himself as a man who would restore the harsh penalty of the law, as reported on the Russia Today website:

A national hero in Chechnya, but much hated in Moscow . . . Basaev's toughness and his promise to stamp out post-war crime ruthlessly has won him many backers, especially among young people. He has advocated public executions for serious crimes.

In opposition to a man who would restore the harsh rebuke of the religious law, Jesus fulfilled the lawas the apostle Paul wrote in his epistle to the Galatians (5:14): "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Nostradamus takes note of a man arising out of this region who would restore the burden of the law in 3Q60:

Throughout Asia great prohibiting of outlaws.

Even in Mystia, Lycia and Pamphilia:

Blood will flow because of absolving,

A young dark man filled with evildoing.

"Mystia, Lycia and Pamphilia" are south central Turkey, Iran and Iraq. Hogue (1997 at 267) states that these three regions comprise modern Kurdistan. Chechnya is just north of this region between the Black and Caspian Seas. This area was controlled by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries and was referred to as "Tartary," "Tatars" being another name for Mongols (McKenzie 1987 at 88). With this in mind, we turn to another quatrain, 5Q54:

From the Black Sea, and great Tartary,

There will be a king who will come to see France:

[He] will penetrate through Russia and Armenia,

And in Byzantium he will leave his bloody rod.

"Byzantium" is the ancient name of Istanbul and may refer to the city specifically of to Turkey [possibly including the Balkans] by extension. Armenia is yet another former Soviet Republic that lies between Mystia, Lycia, Pamphilia and Chechnya.

Basaev is at the right place at the right time with standing as a potential warrior-prophet to lead a jihad against the West and Russia. As Germine writes, "All of which conforms nicely to Nostradamus' forecast that Antichrist will begin to build his dominions "piece by peace" out of the same Asian steppes from which swept the hordes of Attila the Hun ("Moloch").

Germine then inserts this meaning-laden sentence: "As it turns out, Attila has more in common with his infernal alter-ego than the locale of their respective realms, for both men follow the pattern of Cain and Nero in being murderers of their own brothers (Ibid.).

Which segues us into Supplemental Essay #3: Psychosexual Symbolism and the Creation Story: The Satanic-Nazi Connection.

Supplemental Essay #3:
Psychosexual Symbolism and the Creation Story:
The Satanic-Nazi Connection

I was watching "The History of the SS" on the Discovery Channel the other evening when over footage of SS troops in formation I heard the soldiers described as "black phalluses." Intrigued, I began to think about the use of symbolism in the Nazi movement and what that can tell us of their aims.

Eastern mystic tradition and the Book of Genesis both allude to a void–a darkness that exists in the absence of energy and light. This void receives the energy of God, which is slowed to be perceived as permanent. This is the essence of the philosophical tradition of idealism: that the objects in the material world are made of "mind stuff."

Creation as the interjection of the light / energy of God into the dark void is not just a metaphysical concept; the material world is an abstraction of the Mind of God, and we see a metaphor for Creation in nature: the sex act, in which the creative energy of the male essence is "interjected" into the passivity of the feminine aspect. Out of this new life is created.

Prior to the act of creation, there is no form–just an inchoate idea in the chaos of thought. Until the creative act occurs--which brings solidity to an idea–there is no form and no reality that can be perceived by the senses.

God the Father is the energy of the universe that we cannot perceive directly; even in our everyday experience we do not see energy, only the effects that it has on objects.

God the Mother is the material world from which we are born. As an aside, had the settlers of the New World been true to their convictions, the Native would have taught us about God the Mother and the settlers would have taught them about the Father and Son. Creation would have been perfected in America: God’s Country.

I digress. Returning to the concept of God as father and mother, we see some interesting evidence turn up in the field of linguistics. Mark Pickles includes this nugget of information:

The final or crowning intellectual paradigm, then, is nothing less, and

never could have been anything less, than the revelation of the extent

of God's omnipotence, and this revelation, this proof of God's

omnipotence (proof that God is, as the Catholics say, 'the Lord of

History'), might be described as the Pattern of all patterns, or better,

the Mother of Patterns (cp etymologies of pattern, paternal, Father, and

material, mater, Mother), running through created (material) reality and

human history and the evolution of human knowledge. Indeed, in the

simple etymological sense, 'History' simply means 'Knowledge', and

knowledge is essentially words, the words common to all discourse

('...ologies') or logos [emphasis in original].

The Nazi program seeks to turn this on its head. As we have delved into topics of prophecy, conspiracy and the End Times we see a pattern of social chaos from which the fascists will establish order. As it says on the back of our greenbacks under the incomplete pyramid that many conspiracy theorists link to the Illuminati: "Novus Ordo Seclorum:" A New Order for the Ages.

Order out of chaos was the modus operandi for Nazis and fascists around the world in the 1930’s when they promised security order and discipline to nations crying for stability in the short time following a world war, an influeza pandemic and world wide depression. This should sound familiar to those who have read this document. Only the names change; ideas spring forth from the subconscious seeking expression in the material plane of existence until their form has been exhausted. It is the nature of things.

God the Father is the pattern of all things and God the Mother provides the material for all things, then the Nazi program is the rape of the Father by the bad son. First we would expect to see Satan try to kill the good Son, and sure as sugar we see the Tribulation of the Church as a means to eliminate God the Son from the material plane of existence.

God the Son acts through His Body–the Church in the material world. Those who are chosen must surrender their egos to the Will of God and accept what enters them. That is to say that Jesus Christ asks that we become feminine in order to receive Him. True to form, the Christian church, who is the Bride of Jesus Christ in "mystery" form

(Ephesians 5:24-33).

As Cain slew Abel, the Nazis must kill the Body of Christ to prevent his return. Once accomplished, Satan will seize New Jerusalem and symbolically rape God with the spirit of death. The spirit of death is alien to God, who is life. By raping the virgin God, Satan will kill the King and extend his infernal rule over the cosmos. This is the dark side of our collective dream–we dream to kill our Father and have our mother [the material realm] to ourselves. The Nazis are the personification of Freudian psychology and are the shadow of our collective conscious–wearing black, engaged in sadistic behavior, with a symbolically homosexual agenda. Merged with the form of Godliness in the guise of the Middle Eastern Antichrist–another fratricidal focus [who will also seek to kill the Good Son] in the dream-- evil will be perfected.

Then Jesus and His Church will return to take the Kingdom for the Father.

The End.

P.S.- The narrator actually said "black phalanxes"!

Appendix: List of Executive Orders Comprising Martial Law

The following "Executive Orders" now recorded in the Federal Register, and therefore accepted by Congress as the law of the land, can be put into effect at any time an emergency is declared:

10995--All communications media seized by the Federal Government.

10997--Seizure of all electrical power, fuels, including gasoline and minerals.

10998--Seizure of all food resources, farms and farm equipment.

10999--Seizure of all kinds of transportation, including your personal car, and control of all highways and seaports.

11000--Seizure of all civilians for work under Federal supervision.

11001--Federal takeover of all health, education and welfare.

11002--Postmaster General empowered to register every man, woman and child in the U.S.A.

11003--Seizure of all aircraft and airports by the Federal Government.

11004--Housing and Finance authority may shift population from one locality to another. Complete integration.

11005--Seizure of railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities.

Source: "The Fema Gulag"


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Golitsyn, Anatoliy. New Lies for Old. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1984.

Golitsyn, Anatoliy. The Perestroika Deception. London: Edward Harle, 1995.

Hogue, John. Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies. Rockport, MA: Element, 1997.

Holy Bible, King James Version.

"Jiang signals return to hard line," South China Morning Post, Internet Edition. 24 December, 1998

Keith, Jim. Black Helicopters II: The Endgame Strategy. Lilburn, GA: IllumiNet Press, 1997.

Lee, William T. "Russian Aerospace Defences in the New World Disorder." at

Lunev, Stanislav with Ira Winkler. Through the Eyes of the Enemy. Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 1998.

Martin, Malachi. The Keys of This Blood. New York: Touchstone, 1990.

Marshall, S.L.A. The American Heritage History of World War I. New York: American Heritage, 1964.

Metcalf, Geoff. "Enter the Dragon." June 1, 1998.

Perloff, James. The Shadows of Power. Appleton, WI: Western Islands, 1988.

Pickles, Mark. "The Word."

"A 'race against time' for U.N." Kansas City Star. Dec. 12, 1998: A5.

Reed, Terry and John Cummings. Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. Penmarin, 1995.

Rhodes, John.

Robertson, Pat. The New World Order. Dallas: Word Publishing, 1991.

"Russian merger proposal." Kansas City Star. December 27, 1998: A16.

Talbot, Michael. The Holographic Universe. New York: HarperCollins, 1991.

Terzinski, Vladimir. "Secret Research on Antigravity and Space Flight by the German Secret Societies During World War II." Steamshovel Press, No. 9 (Fall 1993).

Toronto, Richard. "The Shaver Mystery." Fate Magazine.

United States Department of Commerce. 8 May 1997. "TRANSCRIPT: EIZENSTAT BRIEFING ON LOOTED NAZI GOLD REPORT."

Vankin, Jonathan and John Whalen. The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1996.

Wadhams, Nick . "Yeltsin Impeachment Vote Looms." Associated Press: 22 Dec 98.

White Sands Missile Range. The V-2 at White Sands Missile Range. at

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