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I - The right to assemble and to worship Deity according to the dictates of ones own conscience shall not be infringed upon, to the degree that in so doing one refrains from violating the civil rights and sovereignty of another.

II - The right to exercise free speech, sovereign thought, and individual expression shall not be infringed upon, to the degree that in so doing one refrains from violating the civil rights and sovereignty of another.

III - The right to bear arms and to defend ones sovereign territory from uninvited intrusion on a Personal, Community, Regional or Republical level shall not be infringed upon, so long as property or territorial lines are clearly designated and/or the intruders are given clear warning of their trespass before force is used, and to the degree that in so doing one refrains from violating the civil rights and sovereignty of another.

IV - The Golden Rule or rather mutual and equal respect for the allotted and sovereign personal space of all citizens, shall be the basis for all legal disciplines within those Family, Community, Regional, or Republical governments or sovereignties who, by majority decision, choose to take part in the common defense provided by the Foundation.

V - All legal retribution or discipline will be determined by judge and jury and will be meted to the exact degree to which the violator has trespassed against the personal sovereignty of another, unless the victim, of the age of 14 years or older, wilfully and without provocation dismisses the charges against the perpetrator.

VI - In anticipation of the advance of the Foundation system of government, the council may or may not by majority vote decide to establish a tri-leveled council which shall be composed of voluntarily elected members from 1. sovereign Communities (or Homesteads with no Community ties); 2. elected members from sovereign Counties or Regions; and 3. elected members from sovereign Republics, States, or Reservations.

VII - The central Council or Congress of the Foundation shall appoint by election, or by lot in the event of a divided vote, an Arbitrator on a semi-annual basis, whose authority shall be exclusively limited to power of decision in the event of a divided council vote; a Speaker whose authority shall be exclusively limited to spokesperson or voice of Congressional committees to Congress in general; and a Chairman whose authority shall be exclusively limited to spokesperson or the voice of Congress to the represented citizens of the Union of Republics whom the council or Congress represents. The above individual positions shall have absolutely no veto power over the majority of the central Council even in times of emergency.

VIII - The central Council of the Foundation shall be composed of duly elected representatives, no more and no less than three representatives, from each of the Sovereignties, Republics, and/or Nation-States which by majority vote have chosen to join in the common defense provided by the Foundation and have unanimously accepted the Foundation directives and have also agreed to exercise a policy of mutual non-intervention as stated in the Foundation directives.

IX - The Union Congress shall forbid the rise of any co-dependent common-wealth which may threaten the eco-political independence of member sovereignties by requiring every member Sovereignty, Nation, Republic or Reservation to IMPORT and EXPORT no more than 33 per cent of all consumable resources, in order to maintain eco-political self-sufficiency and in turn eco-political independence among the borders of all member soveriegnties, with the understanding that history has proven that economic and political independence is synonymous. The Foundation Congress of this Union of American and International Republics shall in turn discourage the rise of abusive yet fragile co-dependent pyramidal structured eco-political systems such as communism, capitalism or corporate fascism, which weaken sovereignty, liberty, and eco-political independence by encouraging dependence on outside rather than internal resources. A company which is operating from within the territorial boundaries of a Federation member sovereignty must give up all rights to citizenship if that corporation violates the directives of inter-regional commerce.

X - The Council or Congress of the Foundation shall be forbidden from intervening in the fraternal, economic, or political affairs of each sovereign Republic, Region, Community, or Family, save for the power to enforce through the established legal system discipline and justice; the power to organize military forces from volunteer militias of the sovereign Union of American Republics, Regions, and Communities for defensive purposes (any and all offensive military actions shall not be allowed); the power to print currency and coins, backed only by precious metals; and the power to include or exclude memberships within the Foundation depending on compliance or non-compliance with Foundation articles and directives. No Council member at any level is to exercise any active association with any organization which would attempt to consolidate under its direct control two or more of the following institutions: organizations of a fraternal, monopolistic, or military nature.

XI - Each central Council member shall upon election receive the highest security classifications available, and shall exercise full oversight and regulatory powers within the deepest levels of the military intelligence system. Any industrial agency in contract with military agencies must be subject to the same regulatory policies as the military agencies with whom they are in contract. The central Foundation Congress shall appoint regulators by vote on a semi-annual basis. Regulators may be re-elected on a semi-annual basis by majority consent of the central Council. Congressional overseers shall possess the authority to regulate the intelligence, industrial, and conventional levels of all military agencies within the Foundation on an inter-Republical, Republical, and Regional level as a requisite for membership in the Foundation, and to ensure compliance of the same with Foundation articles and directives. The member sovereignty, if found in violation will have the choice of conforming to the regulatory process of the Foundation council, or giving up their membership in the same. The Foundation will take a non-interventionist policy toward all independent sovereignties which do not choose to become members of the Foundation, unless those sovereignties pose a definite threat to the boundaries of any Foundation member.

XII - The elected central Council or Congress of the Foundation, as well as the Regional and Community levels of the Council, shall have the delegated and representative power to enact new legislation in order to accommodate for changing conditions and circumstances, so long as the legislation is in keeping with the spirit of the Constitution of the United Republics [formerly United States] of America; the Bill of Rights or the initial ten Constitutional amendments; the Declaration of Independence; and the seven Foundation directives. All citizens shall possess the right to challenge the authority of any act of legislation, in order to convince judge and jury whether or not the legislation is in keeping with the truths that are imputed within these inspired documents. The central Council however must by majority vote choose whether to deactivate or defend such legislation, and all legal costs on both sides of the legal debate must be paid by volunteer contributors other than those actively engaged in the court proceedings. The final decision however shall be according to the vote of the representative central Council. The Foundation is to be a federated government of Council by, of, and for the People. The right of any member to challenge any decision of the central council in a court of law in order to convince members of the central Council shall not be infringed upon.


ten ways to heal a wounded eagle

communism and fascism - the "amazing" differences

the heart of the beast

a new defense for a new century

the united states of america, or a union of american republics?

economic independence = political independence

