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[The following is an experimental chronology that is based on claims made by numerous abductees, contactees, traditions, and also holy scripture. Note: The dates given are estimates, and are not necessarily the exact time-periods in question. This is a tentative chronology and should not be considered complete]

4000 B.C. -- Jehovah creates Adam and Eve as perfect prototype human beings with possible I.Q.'s nearing 1000 (source: the Holy Bible - book of Genesis)

3500 B.C. -- Man has degenerated into a race of arrogant, violent rebels and begins to use their intelligence to develop even more destructive weapons (source: various legends from around the world; the book of Genesis)

3000 B.C. -- Man has corrupted his knowledge and taken it to the extreme by trying to fuse science with sorcery, in collaboration with fallen angels. Strange genetic spawns are formed by sorcerer- scientists who are intent on playing god. Divine judgement hits the planet as a huge global aquifer collapses and, under tremendous pressure, this underground reservoir explodes out through the crust via the mid-oceanic rifts, sending huge geysers of basalt-laden waters miles into the sky, where it disperses through and consolidates with the mist-like atmosphere of the planet, which in turn 'primes' the hydrodynamic cycle. Emptied of their contents, vast sections of the global aquifer collapse into the ocean floors and trenches, and mountain ranges and continents are pushed upwards. Noah and his family have completed an ark/ship at God's command, and a hairy 'giant' by the name of 'Og' [and his mate, products of a genetic fusion between humans and apes] are allowed into the ark on the condition that they are to be the servants of Noah's descendants in the new world. Sorcerer-scientists on an island- continent off the coast of Florida open up a rift in hyperspace as an experiment with crystal-based electromagnetic manipulation goes out of control, releasing electromagnetic 'subspace fallout' for thousands of years to come. These 'Atlanteans' try to escape the global cataclysm by taking refuge in their underground bases below the east coast of North America and western Europe. They perish from suffocation, starvation, or from drowning as their bases are flooded (source: Creation Research Institute; the Hebrew MIDRASH; numerous legends and claims; deductive reasoning)

2500 B.C. -- Alchemists, working in behalf of the post- diluvian Babylonian Mystery Cult, and under the direction of fallen angels, genetically engineer a race of reptilian humanoids using a reptilian and/or saurian DNA base, and with the aid of occult-technology recovered from underground antediluvian scientific facilities. These reptiloids, some of whom have been fused with humanoid and other strains of DNA, get out of control and rebel. Fallen angels - astral parasites - poltergeists incarnate these creatures and successfully attempt to assimilate - absorb - integrate their physical nature into their own beings. Some remain physical and migrate into existing underground caverns, whereas others are phased-out of the third dimension... from time to time these "repti-poltergeists" or "wer-dracs" possess powerful world leaders in order to assimilate their physicality, thus creating a tri-symbiotic being - a virtual perversion of nature - that is part poltergeist, reptilian, and human... all integrated or superimposed as one entity. Many of these remain on the surface of the planet, and devolop methods for "blending in" with the human population [molecular shape shifting, technotic projection, laser holograms, superficial bio-phasing, etc.]. Several of these escape to Antarctica [at the time a semi-tropical continent] and develop a powerful empire (source: Information given to contactee Maurice Doreal by alleged residents of a hidden underground neo-Mayan colony under Mt. Shasta, California; also Deductive Reasoning)

2000 B.C. -- The center of human civilization is in a lush kingdom in the Gobi region of central Asia. Blue-eyed, blond- haired humans, in alliance with a tall humanoid branch known as the 'Nepheli', wage war against the reptilian empire in Antarctica. The Gobians, in a desperate measure to defend their infiltrated and threatened society, use an experimental super-weapon [a cobalt warhead?] against the Antarcticans, and the explosion knocks the planet off its axial alignment and sends most advanced cultures back into the stone age, except for those who escape underground in order to maintain their scientific continuity. When the planet stabilizes, the poles have shifted. The Gobi begins to turn into an inhospitable desert, burying the remains of the pre-Nordic kingdom under tons of sand; and Antarctica is turned into a frozen wasteland, which in turn buries the remnants of the reptilian empire under tons of ice. Wholly Mammoths in Siberia are frozen solid almost overnight. With their main center of power shattered, reptilian forces in secret outposts all over the planet band together and are forced to take refuge within huge cavern systems that had been discovered underground -- within remnants of the ancient aquifer which remained intact. These multi-levelled hydrothermal caverns become their new abode, especially a massive underground system centered below the general region of Nepal and stretching from Benares India to Lake Manosarowar, Tibet. Many of the former Gobi 'Nordics' also escape underground, into recently discovered cavern systems below the general region of Mongolia and central Asia. As with the reptiloids, the 'Nordics' carefully conceal the entrances to these underground realms, in order to protect themselves from unwanted intruders. Lower down, the Reptilian and Nordic cavern systems intersect, leading to inevitable underground conflicts between the two super-powers. Other Nordics migrate westward and give rise to those tribes which will eventually become the Scandinavians, whereas other more fanatical factions invade India [the 'Aryan' invasion of the Indian sub-continent] and bring with them their 'Hindu' traditions of 'gods', who were essentially humans or 'ancient astronauts' from earth, utilizing sophisticated technology. The reptilians and their underground 'snake-world' also appear in Hindu traditions, which refer to the reptiloids as the 'Nagas', a subterranean race of space-faring reptilians who are very menacing to the human race. Also, ancient vedic texts from India record accounts of strange machines, mercury-powered airships called 'viminas', and even nuclear warfare, resulting from the technology that the 'Aryan' Nordics brought with them during the invasion of India (source: Contactee Maurice Doreal; Hindu traditions related by Reptologist Sherman A. Minton, Jr.; Various vedic texts from India)

1500 B.C. -- The 'Nordics' underneath the Gobi region [within the 'Agharti' kingdom and its capital 'Shambhala the Lesser'] and the Reptiloids underneath the region of Nepal [the seven-levelled reptilian underworld of 'Patala', with its capital 'Bhoga-vita'] continue to wage a species war against each other, first within the caverns of Asia, then within the caverns of the Americas and other continents, then a war for domination of the air, and finally taking their conflict to the moon and mars (source: Richard Shaver; Robert E. Dickhoff; Ferdinand Ossendowski; Nicholas Roerich)

1000 B.C. -- The Nordics and Reptiloids of the SOL system [and of Terra/Earth/Shan] discover hyperspace travel. America would discover how to manipulate hyperspace much later during the Philadelphia Experiment, only 40 years following the Wright Brother's first heavier-than-air flights. Accessing hyperspace is relatively easy, the problem comes with trying to manipulate hyperspace without tragic and dangerous side effects. Within a 1000 years -- by the time of Christ's advent on planet earth, -- a large segment of the galaxy and several dimensions are colonized, due to the advent of instantaneous interstellar and inter-dimensional travel. Life forms on earth had succeeded in "breaking out of the cradle". In most cases the masses of the planet have been intentionally kept in technological darkness and poverty, especially by the more malevolent star-faring groups, in order to provide a constant supply of slaves, bio-genetic sources, and resources for various 'alien' groups which had their original genesis on planet earth. All throughout history regular 'brain-drains' have recruited the most intelligent minds that the surface of planet earth had to offer, these being initiated into the secret societies which operate underground, off-planet or in other dimensions. The war-like masses of planet earth, who were considered a potential threat to the interventionists and non-interventionists alike, are manipulated into a long-range plan of eco-political servitude. The malevolent aliens are terrified at the prospect of a Nordic-backed 'open' or 'free' society on planet earth breaking out of the planetary 'cradle' and thus threatening their galactic empire; and the benevolent aliens are fearful at the prospect of a Draco-backed 'controlled' society [such as the Nazi space forces] being used as mind- controlled warriors to fight the Draconians' galactic battles for them. A Nazi/Bavaria space force based in Antarctica would eventually be responsible for helping the Draco collective to enslave several worlds within the immediate 21 star-system sector of the galaxy. On earth these atrocities were being carried out by a third faction -- the ASTARTE or ASHTAR cult, based in caverns below the Egyptian/Gizeh desert. This cult -- which had/has close ties with Nazi occult societies, the Jesuits, and International Bankers who are the REAL controllers of the planet -- forms out of a collaboration between humanoid and reptiloid techno-sorcerers who are part of an interplanetary 'Masonic' lodge, the lower ranks of which are manifested as the 33 lodge degrees on earth. Fallen elements of the human and serpent [beast] races begin to develop genetically-engineered bodies to be used by their Luciferian masters in order for their masters to operate in and manipulate 3rd dimensional matter and technology. Many of the so-called 'Grey Aliens' are conceived. Fallen elements from the three creations: angels, humans, and beasts, are now fully collaborating as part of Lucifer's ancient rebellion and conspiracy against Almighty God and his warrior angels. The 'Greys' are a frankensteinian combination of reptiloid, insectoid, humanoid and even plant- like DNA combined with sophisticated cybernetics and implant technology which links them into a group-mind, ultimately controlled and incarnated by fallen angels themselves -- Satan's attempt to imitate God and 'create' a race of his own. It is not a creation however, but merely a perversion of that which has already been created. The 'Ashtar' collaboration, and the rebel angels which manipulate much of this 'universal' and non exclusive collective by masquerading as 'ascended masters', eventually establish a large network based in Sirius-B. A faction rises in Sirius-A which resists the expansionist philosophy of the main 'Ashtar' alliance. Since many within the Ashtar collective are linked together psionically via 3rd, 4th and 5th density implants, it was not too hard for the Draconians -- who also have access to 3rd, 4th and 5th density realms -- to 'hack in' to the collective and begin to manipulate it, in spite of any good intentions of some of those semi- individuals who are a part of the Ashtar Alliance. Many of those 'Nordics' who adhere to strict non-interventionist ethics establish the core of their civilization near the Ring Nebula of Lyra, and the Reptiloids establish the base of their empire in Alpha Draconis, whereas other reptilian factions who do not believe in the predatory activities of the 'Draconians' themselves break off and establish independent colonies in other star systems such as Capella, etc. (source: Various contactees and abductees; alien autopsy reports; Vladimir Terziski; the Holy Bible)

500 B.C. -- In a sudden surprise attack, the Alpha Draconian empire destroys three Nordic colonial worlds in the Lyra region. Over 50 million men, woman and children perish in the initial attacks. Vega Lyra escapes the destruction and is able to put up a defence, and receives some of the surviving refugees from the devastated worlds, whereas other refugees escape to Rigel Orion, and to the Pleiades cluster, where they commence to terra-form several worlds which become the base of a large Federation of Worlds. The Hyades and Andromeda constellations [not necessarily Andromeda galaxy] are colonized, as are several worlds within the anti-matter [DAL] universe (source: Billy Meier and other 'Pleiadian' contactees)

BC/AD -- The appearance of JESUS of Nazareth, the LOGOS/WORD/ SON of God, and His ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection. The Nordics in Rigel, after massive infiltration by Draconian forces, wage a desperate war against Reptilian and Grey forces. The surviving Nordics are forced out of the Orion open cluster and take refuge on the Jovian moons of Sol, in Sirius-A, and in Procyon. Other humanoids flee to the outer Orionite systems, yet because of their close proximity to the central empire must capitulate much of their sovereignty over to the Draconian collective. These peoples are used by the collective to serve the empire in a similar fashion as peasants serve a king or dictator, yet on a much larger and more tragic scale (the Holy Bible; Israel Norkin and other contactees)

500 A.D. -- The Orion cluster is now fully controlled by the "United Worlds of Orion" which in turn serves under the authority of the Alpha Draconian empire, Rigel and Bellatrix being major centers of Orionite power. This sub-empire of Orion consists all-in-all of six Orionite star systems at the core, which have succeeded in conquering and subduing several worlds throughout this sector of the galaxy in order to feed their empire's parasitical lust for conquest, many of these worlds are slave-planets where descendants of human colonials live, although their horrifying existence could probably not be considered 'living'. The atrocities of the Draco-Orion empire are known throughout the whole galaxy and has earned itself the title, among many of their Federation enemies, of "The Unholy Six". Devastating battles are waged between the Pleiadeans and Orionites. Whole worlds are devastated. The Sirians, many of whom are descended from refugees from Rigel Orion, begin a long history of interstellar conflict with the Orionites over the disputed sector of space, a star cluster in the immediate vicinity of Sol, containing some 21 life-bearing star systems (source: Alex Collier and other contactees)

1000 A.D. -- Core systems of the Draconian collective include: Alpha Draconis, Rigel Orion, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli. Core systems of the Ashtar Alliance include: Sirius-B, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Altair. Core systems of the United Federation include: Taygeta Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Vega Lyra, Procyon. To better understand these three networks, you could say that the United Federation's MAIN focus is on spiritual development, whereas the Ashtar Alliance's is on intellectual advancement, and the Draconian's on material conquest. We live in a universe of spirit, mind, and matter. The important thing to remember however, is to ensure that spirit dominates over matter, rather than the other way around [that is, a top-down flow of LIFE rather then a bottom-up flow of CHAOS]. There are fallen angels who would try to counterfeit true spiritual LIFE. You will know them by their 'fruits', and by their obsession with materialism, and their advocation of material means for salvation of spirit, for instance so-called salvation by surrendering to a psionic- electronic COLLECTIVE which discourages free agency, sovereignty, creativity, liberty and self-expression. Such a false 'salvation' tends to KILL the spirit rather than set it free. However, the Federated worlds MUST subdue and tame the Draconians, otherwise the Draconians -- who are motivated by unbounded material appetite just like their rebel/fallen angelic masters -- will annihilate the Federation worlds, which the Draconian collective considers to be the only obstacle standing in the way of full galactic assimilation and conquest. They are especially hostile to those hard-core non-interventionists who would try to police the galaxy in an effort to prevent interventionist forces from interfering with the sovereignty and destinies of independent worlds. In order to conquer the nature of the beast without, however, WE must first conquer the nature of the beast within, by making peace with the Almighty SOURCE of all LIFE, by receiving the 'Divine Blood Transfusion' that Jesus the Christ -- the Son of God and the Son of Man, the God-Man -- made possible as a result of the events which took place at Calvary, at the "center of time", BC/AD (source: Various contactees and abductees; the Holy Bible)

1500 A.D. -- Draconian Reptiloids and Rigelian Greys try to attack and conquer the Nordic colonial world in Procyon. They fail, and use the excuse that it was all a mistake and misunderstanding. Incredibly, the Rigelian Greys gain the confidence of certain self-serving members of Procyon intelligence by offering to exchange advanced technology [sound familiar?] in order to make up for the harm done to them as a result of being forced out of their former home-world in Rigel during the Orion wars. The Dracos/Greys gain access to all levels of Procyonian society through a Trojan-horse type of subversion and infiltration. At a critical point, the Dracos-Greys carry out a sudden coup d'etat, and Procyon falls to their control. Many are killed and many, many Nordics are taken captive to be used as slaves or for biological/DNA sources for experimentation. Many of these mind-controlled Nordics are used to gain the trust of the inhabitants of other targeted worlds, including planet earth. Procyon inter-dimensional freedom fighters finally liberate their people in the latter part of the 20th century [earth-time]. The three MAJOR interstellar superpowers in this sector of the galaxy continue to expand multi-dimensionally, wars rage, empires rise and fall into oblivion, whole civilizations are enslaved and liberated, only to be enslaved again. The battle between spirit and matter continues. Many worlds which have lost the knowledge of their ancient genesis on planet earth begin to discover the truth. All eyes begin turning towards planet earth and to the galaxy-shaking events which are beginning to form there. The Almighty One continues with His mysterious and awesome plan to bring His corrupted creation back into the light, including His "lost sheep" which have left the cradle [earth] and have been scattered among the stars. The Almighty One does not seek to destroy the material forces of chaos, but to cleanse them and bring them back under the dominion of spirit. This is accomplished individually. This is also why humans were given a duel spiritual 'body' like the angels and a material 'body' like the beasts. WE are God's vessels to 'tame' the material forces of the universe and bring them into alignment with spirit. Mankind originally possessed such supernatural dominion in the beginning, however they/we forfeited it by succumbing to the lies of the fallen angels who possessed the 'serpent' race as described in Genesis chapter 3. This effectively spawned suspicion and fear within humanity and the simple faith in God which served as the conduit for the flow of divine LIFE was broken at our end, and our supernatural dominion over nature was lost... that is until Jesus the Christ came to restore it by establishing a way whereby ALL who are willing could once again make PEACE with an absolutely perfect and infinite God. We can restore this lost spiritual dominion over a material universe gone 'wild' by CHOOSING to bring our own material nature under the control of our spiritual nature, by the power of the grace that the Almighty One provides through His shed life-blood (source: George Andrews; the Holy Bible)

2000 A.D. -- The conflict between the Pleiadeans and the Orionites is now focusing on planet earth -- which with its strategic location and resources and central role in galactic history is the KEY to the success or failure of either side. In Sirius, a massive civil war erupts as Draconian and Orionite infiltration of the Ashtar/Astarte alliance is exposed by factions loyal to the Androme-Pleiadean non-interventionists. Many within the Alliance, especially in Sirius-A, begin to ally themselves with the Androme-Pleiadean Federationists, whereas many within Sirius-B, including reptiloids, align themselves with the Draco-Orion collectivists. A MASSIVE Draco-Orion backed armada, with battleships upwards of 500 miles long, leaves Sirius-B at sub-light speeds in order to maintain third dimensional integrity [it's easier to phase-in to other-dimensional realities through exceeding light-speed, then it is to phase-back- in to third dimensional reality from an other-dimensional mode]. Their destination is the SOL system, where they intend to help enforce an electronic New World Order dictatorship that human agents of the Draco-Orion-SiriusB alliance -- who are members of international banking fraternities -- have been implementing on earth from their bases near Gizeh, Egypt; Dulce, New Mexico [controlled by ciakars or winged dracos, white dracos, and green dracos]; Pine Gap, Australia; and the German Thule Societies' M.A.L.T.A. base in the Alsace-Lorraine region of Germany and the 'New Berlin' base in the New Shwabenland region of Antarctica. Massive abduction, indoctrination, and implantation programs targeting earth's citizens have been carried out through previous decades in order to facilitate the take-over of planet earth and its annexation into the Draconian-Orionite collective. Massive Andromedan, Pleiadean, Tau Cetian, Procyonese, Arcturian, Iummite, Vegan, Koldasian and other forces loyal to the United Federation and the non-interventionist directives have established a massive 'blockade' near the orbital sphere of Neptune in order to prevent planet earth from being interfered with by incoming Draconian- backed forces, who are aware of their ancient genesis on planet earth and who are intent on overthrowing or enslaving the human race at this critical time in our planet's history, so that they can take back 'their' planet. The apocalyptic "war in heaven" is imminent. The final showdown between good and evil begins (the Holy Bible - Genesis chapter 3 & Revelation chapter 12)

