George Bush finally becomes president. A joint alien base off the Florida coast is re-activated, giving rise to the sightings at Gulf Breeze. On March 25, John Lear releases a statement to the public on the status of affairs with the alien situation. On April 27th, Leonard Stringfield speaks at a Milford, Ohio public library.
In May 1988, Reagan again makes a speech in which he refers to an "alien threat from outside this world". Newspapers report Reagan has been allegedly "warned" by astrologers that there will be a space invasion by 1993. It was discovered that EBE's are sensitive to any material having a left-hand atomic spin. On May 5th, Leonard Stringfield releases and article in Batavia, Illinois about aliens.
In June 1988, Senator Cranston is allegedly shown disks at Norton AFB. The publication "NASA Techbriefs" shows a photo of an EBE with no caption or explanation. Word comes from New Mexico to researchers that Los Alamos has developed an antimatter weapon, which allegedly will be used as a last resort if "the Greys cannot be pried away from the planet". The number of Greys on Earth is estimated at 20 million. In December, Steven White (President of Bechtel Investments) dies. Bechtel has been heavily involved in underground construction. Starting in 1989, billions of dollars are being spent modernizing NORAD.
Starting in 1989, billions of dollars are being spent modernizing NORAD. Data on Project Excaliber is released. The project is involved in developing a warhead that will penetrate 1000 meters of earth and then detonate. Useful for destroying underground bases.
1989 is the year that Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted that the United States Constitution would be re-written. In January 1989, William Cooper and John Lear issue an indictment to the president regarding the alien problem. No reply was ever received.
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