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************ THE HIDDEN VALLEY ************


Here is a
search for a dirt road leading up from Water Canyon (which the two men in the following account allegedly followed southward -- this is the southern end of the dirt road so the "hidden valley" is apparently SOUTH of here!?)

The following can be found in

Quoting from this article, which speaks of an...

"...incident which was related several years ago by a German national who we will refer to as T.S. Just east of the small town of Salem, Utah there is an area known as water canyon. According to local legend, this was the site of an ancient gold mine which had been excavated by a pre-Columbian race of native Americans who lived in the valley, perhaps when it was still part of the ancient Lake Bonneville which connected the Salt and Utah valleys and generally filled the entire Great Basin area. Today one can still see the ancient pictographs above what is believed to be one of the collapsed entrances to this ancient mine. These include pictograms depicting 'llama-like' animals entering a tunnel bare-backed while another line of animals is seen emerging from the ground fully laden - supposedly with gold. The pictograms have been vandalized over the years but are still observable to some extent. Many people have attempted to enter this alleged mine through digging, but have been frightened away by some supernatural force.

"T.S. had stayed in this area after World War II and had heard rumors of a 'hidden' or 'forbidden' valley in the mountains to the southeast of Spanish Fork. With permission, he and a friend drove their truck up the dirt road which winds it's way up Water Canyon and then south into the mountains (the entrance to this road is on private property, and is usually closed).

"They traveled a considerable distance up the mountain. Eventually they made their way southward for some time, possibly leaving their car and traveling the rest of the way on foot. (The entire journey to and from the area, he claimed, lasted 3 days, although he did not say how much of this time was spent traveling). Finally, they came to the lip of a 'hidden valley', which they were told earlier was situated between or behind the peaks, where they immediately saw some weird copper-like coils strewn over the ground, as well as some kind of bluish dust. Just then a silvery disk emerged from the valley below and hovered near them. Out of it emerged a creature which T.S. could only describe as being robot-like. The next thing they remembered the object was gone and approximately 1 1/2 hours of their time was missing and unaccounted for, although T.S. did faintly recall something about an underground installation. T.S. had his watch, but his friend soon realized that his own watch was missing. Strangely enough, this watch turned up a few days later in an unmarked package in his mailbox.

"This incident took place in the mid-1940's or a little later, and the fact that the watch was returned suggests that humans might have been largely involved with this 'base' at that time. One of our researchers personally investigated this story by traveling up this particular road, which eventually turns south and ends at the top of a peak south of water canyon where a transmitter tower is located. A large trail proceeds from a 'fenced' area adjacent to the road just east of this tower and continues towards a ridge to the south. Once at the top of this ridge one can see a box-like canyon to the northwest which eventually meanders down to the Utah Valley floor, and on the other side the now abandoned town of Thistle and Thistle creek to the east and southeast, but no hidden or enclosed valley. There is however a much higher ridge south of this one which would take a good deal of hiking to get to, and from the top of which one MIGHT be able to see the alleged hidden valley. This researcher did not continue as it was becoming dark and he was not equipped to spend the night..."

(Note: Bonnie Condie ... aka Sharula Dux ... stated during a taped interview in the 1980's at "The Source" restaurant in California, with Penny Harper, that south of Covered Bridge Canyon -- which is just northeast of Water canyon and is a southern off-shoot of the much larger Spanish Fork Canyon -- there is an underground base connecting to the Mount Shasta underground colony of hi-tech descendants of the "Naga-Mayas". Is this the same base that T.S. was referring to? Or are they connected in some way?)