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This page is a response to Sophia Swaruu's article titled Vatican – Secret Societies – Power Structure on Earth – Federation – PART 1

The book of Revelation says that ROME, the "seven hilled city", is the "mother of harlots" and of the "abominations of the earth". Revelation calls it the Whore of Babylon.

This is exemplified by the fact that the PHALLIC obelisk at the center of Rome, which ONCE stood in ancient Egypt, was in turn "borrowed" by the Egyptians from ancient Babylon, the center of Baal worship and human sacrifice. This obelisk, which now stands at the center of Vatican square in Rome, was transported at great cost and effort to ROME in 10 B.C.

This same pagan design was later "borrowed" by the Freemasons of the USA and placed in the center of Washington DC, at the top of the PENTAGRAM-LIKE street layout of the city.

The Vatican/Rome (descendants of those who KILLED the Creator of the Omniverse born in the flesh -- the Logos-Yeshuah-Jesus) is, as the book of Revelation says, the "mother" of all of the abominations of the earth!

Adam Weishaupt, who created the Bavarian/German Illuminati in 1776 in response to America's freedom revolution -- WAS a JESUIT PRIEST.

The Jesuits infiltrated the former working man's GUILD of world Freemasonry -- which George Washington was a member of BEFORE the infestation of the Jesuit-Illuminati -- through the creation of the Scottish Rite. The 33rd degree and above are all lucifer worshipping lodges, and secret allies and collaborators (if not reptilian infiltrators themselves) of the SERPENT RACE.

Once the American masonic lodges were infiltrated and taken over by the so-called "speculative" masons backed by the jesuit illuminati, they began to sink their tentacles into the economic, political, media, and even RELIGIOUS.

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Freemason "PASTORS" In Churches! CAUTION!

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