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Val Valerian introduces the woman who experienced the encounters that she had with the "aliens" near Mt. Lassen, in the following words:

"The case of this San Francisco woman is highly illustrative of the abduction situation... This kind lady came to me recently for assistance and is in the process of receiving it. Her case is detailed below in the hope that it will contribute toward additional research in this area. Her name is understandably withheld to maintain confidentiality."

We will quote only portions of this lengthy account of a possible encounter with 'horlocks'(!?) under Reptilian control:

"...I described an experience I had remembered in reoccurring flashbacks WHICH TOOK PLACE IN THE WOODS SOMEWHERE NEAR MT. LASSEN, CALIFORNIA. I believe the year was 1969 or 1970. What happened there had a profound effect on my life, in a VERY NEGATIVE way.

"...I am a 31 year old woman living in the city of San Francisco. For the past 2 years I have been living in a nightmare of sleepless nights, hellish dreams, strange dreams in which the information 'given' in the dream 'comes true', what I can only describe as ominous coincidences and manifestations of a paranormal nature, unusual sensations during sleep (when I do sleep)... and to top it off, a slow but steady flow of bizarre memories in the form of intense flashbacks and nightmares (which reoccur constantly) of events going all the way back to my early childhood.

"I can mark the beginning of all this 'trouble' to a Saturday evening in July of 1988 when, while at work, I witnessed a luminous ball of light make a dramatic entrance and exit, stopping long enough to 'visit' with us (I had five witnesses in the room with me).

"From... October of 1990 right up through last weekend before I heard you speak I had been living with a kaleidoscope of images and memories of bizarre encounters and topsy-turvy like interactions with apparently non-human beings, none of which made any sense to me.

"While you were speaking it felt as if little bells were going off in my head. I could hardly believe that you were describing certain things that I thought (and hoped) only existed in my mind! I have spent the last 2 years of my life trying to convince my therapist that little grey creatures had repeatedly visited me as a child and on at least one occasion, while I was staying at a cabin in the woods with my parents, they brought me to their 'ship' where other (different looking) beings along with human beings (earth people) did all kinds of crazy things including what I refer to; for lack of a better explanation, as 'splitting my mind'. The closest description I could give to explain the above stated term would be that I experienced something akin to induced psychosis (Note: This may be similar to what some 'abductees' or 'contactees' have referred to. It is a well known phenomena that when one undergoes heavy trauma their minds may create an 'alternate personality' as a safeguard. The theory behind this is that the human brain is not so much divided into separate 'compartments' as it is divided into separate individual 'brains'. One of these 'backup' minds seems to take over in those suffering from multiple personality syndrome. This "splitting of the mind" might conceivably by accomplished through a type of technosis. Some UFO and Inner Earth "abductees" claim that when they are in the "other" realm another "consciousness" other than their waking consciousness takes over. It has been referred to as their unconscious, subconscious, dream-conscious, and so on. The ideas and motives of the waking and "other" consciousness may be different, for instance the "aliens", be they sauroid or human may have convinced one "personality" to cooperate with them whereas the waking conscious might not, and in fact the waking consciousness might even have no memory of events which had taken place while in the "other" consciousness, other than faint dream-like impressions. This is also evidenced by the fact that those suffering from multiple personality syndrome might do certain things or not do certain things depending on which trance-induced "consciousness" is dominant - Branton) This event occurred when I was eight, possibly nine years old. While I have yet to undergo hypnosis, I have many memories which are very fragmented and blocked. Although the above mentioned experience is perhaps the most traumatic, a lot of vivid images and details are somewhat clear. I have a distinct memory of being made to lay on a table and having what I thought was a three-pronged fork stuck in my lower back (right next to my spine) and a smaller one stuck in the back of my (she skips a word here, intentionally or unintentionally - Branton) directly vertical to the one in my back. I have the scars (both of triangular shaped patterns) to match the memory. I remember looking up at different colored lights that kept changing and feeling ok one minute and screaming in agony the next. I remember someone talking to me but I could not see them. I'm not sure how much of this is in sequence as I have not remembered it that way. I remember screaming because I really thought (and felt) like I was falling through a crack in the Earth, then some people came in and told me that I could stop screaming because it wasn't happening anymore. I remember awkward things, like a door opening when it wasn't supposed to and seeing human beings on the other side and someone saying 's--t!' or something close to that word. I remember a bunch of beings in some kind of outfits and because I'm screaming so loudly one of them takes off this 'head- piece' (like some kind of fire personnel wear) and I stop screaming because I see that it is a woman, but then I hear a man's voice yelling at her and making her put it back on her head. I remember a lot of screaming, but it did not do much good. At one point, after I had been on the table for awhile with the 'forks' plugged into my back (I also remember this voice I couldn't see saying the same things over and over and over again and I remember repeating it back to him--most of which I cannot remember) the one I call the 'head doctor' came in to check on me (I was very sick, maybe even drugged) and he now had on a shiny dark blue overalls with an insignia above his chest (the insignia consisted of an outline of a man or a being with a line down through the middle of it, and the left half of the figure was black or dark while the right side was light - Branton). I remember a whole set of separate interactions with the 'aliens'; of 'playing' with a strange looking one I thought was a child (a so-called 'hybrid'? - Branton), of being shown a dead squirrel and being asked to touch it, of being given 'information' while looking into the eyes of one of the grays (this information, what I can remember, appears to involve future events in my own life and also in the world including what appears to be some sort of global disaster). I also remember one of the greys asking something from me and I agreed to it -- whatever it is, I cannot remember. I REMEMBER MEETING A GREY WITH ORANGE-RED EYES THAT HAD SLITS DOWN THE MIDDLE... and all the other greys were afraid of this one. Perhaps the most disturbing thing I remember is of a group of three or so beings with long blue capes and faces I cannot remember, coming in twice to stick a 'pea up my nose'. When I had this particular flashback several months ago I swear to you I physically re-experienced what that felt like!

"...I believe I may have one of those implants that you spoke about at your workshop. I have checked on the roof of my mouth and did see what looks like needle marks as you suggested during your talk. I have experienced some strange things going on with my body lately and I find myself feeling compelled to do certain things--especially like going to certain locations; most recently all the way to Arizona! I do not wish to continue living like I have been for the past four years (Note: she also explained that the controllers motivated her into studying "Zen Buddhism" at the age of 12, and at age 20 she had come to the point of advanced Zen meditation. Could this be an attempt on the part of the controllers to put her into a semi-tranced state in which she could via the implant be all-the-easier influenced mentally? Many occult lodges attempt to get the "initiate" to surrender to certain spiritual entities by teaching them a form of "meditation" which involves "blanking out" the mind. As they say, nature hates a vacuum, and if a human surrenders control of their own mind and thoughts, some "thing" else will take control - Branton)

"...I have called all over the country and found support groups, but none in my area. I even asked Mr. Budd Hopkins if he would see me, but he became rather unenthusiastic when I insisted there were human beings in my memories (he does not believe there are humans involved/working with 'aliens'). He promised to put me in touch with 'his people' working in San Francisco, but as of yet... I have not heard from him.

"I don't mean to complain, but I guess I just wanted to convey my level of frustration.

"...You mentioned in your talk a woman researcher in Hawaii (you did not say her name) who claims to have had success in locating and deactivating these various implants. You mentioned she had some kind of instrument available that could detect these things. I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me how to get in touch with her. If you could send me her name and address or phone number or the name and address of anybody you think might be able to help me at any level. If you know anyone in my area who works with people like me... I would also appreciate their name(s). You mentioned that in England they have extracted some implants, do you know who and where? I feel as though I've been brainwashed and need to be 'de-programmed' but I can't seem to convince anybody that any of this really happened....well I did convince one person, unfortunately he's an optometrist. I guess I find that to be really funny, but I'm not sure why.

"I am willing to go anywhere inside or outside of the country. I do not have alot of money, but I do have some resources available to me..."

Unfortunately, this woman is not the only one in this desperate situation. Who out there has the compassion and the means to help these poor people? If your out there, we ENCOURAGE you to use your talents to help these victims and, if possible, aid them in removing the mind-manipulating implants which have been used by the 'aliens' as thought-control mechanisms used, no doubt, as part of their overall strategy of manipulation, subversion and infiltration of the human race.