The Bakersfield Underground?
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The Bakersfield Underground?

Excerpt from branton's SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE - SECTION 10

In April, 1972 a reader submitted a letter to FATE magazine describing what, if true, may be one of the more remarkable 'encounters' with a subterranean civilization. The letter, which appeared below the heading 'SPIRITS OR SUBTERRANEAN BEINGS', stated:

"Two years ago my small son Danny and I were playing in his bedroom when we heard a sharp metallic sound as if a large steel hammer had struck the concrete BASEMENT floor three times. It took us so by surprise that Danny began to cry. I was merely curious because I had heard a noise like that several months earlier in or beneath the living room.

"I decided to lie down on the bedroom floor with my ear to it. I clearly heard the roar of MACHINERY or I should say a 'hum.' As I listened I heard something or somebody moving around and fidgeting with what sounded like machinery.

"I quickly got up and fetched a small hammer from my husband's took chest and began to tap the floor, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, etc. I had continued for about five minutes when to my surprise the 'being' beneath the floor began to tap back, 1-2-3, 1-2-3. As I listened I heard a series of noises and knocks and then a MAN'S voice began to speak, not to me but to someone else. His words were too muffled to understand.

"I called the local police and asked if there were any underground installations in our town and they said there were not.

"Frequently after that I would place my ear to the floor and always I could hear the hum of machinery but never again the man's voice.

"It is my opinion that races of people live far beneath the earth in vast networks of caverns and they have access to miracle machinery that can project sound and even images to the earth's surface. I wonder if we are confusing these subterranean beings with spirits? -- WANDA LOCKWOOD, BAKERSFIELD, CALIF."
