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From: Planetwatch  <planetwatch@h...>
Date: Sat Dec 2, 2000 7:46am
Subject: The Top Man Draco courier on Earth?!

Hi DS!
This is very interesting - from the new David Icke Magazine. This guy would be interesting to look into ...


Edhazhoerh / Antoine Rizzuto / Ricardo ES Salgado

[Name Withheld]

Editor's note: This is put together from a series of emails, therefore you will see intermittent breaks in the flow of the information.

Dear Mr. Icke,

My name is [withheld]. Presently, I live in [withheld], Canada. Ever since I was 5-6 years old ( I am now 31 ), I had a sequence of "dreams" / memories that I found difficult to explain, on a rational basis. Among others, I vividly remember visiting parts of Malta, Libya, Egypt, and Iran ( although, I have never travelled to those geographical regions ). I have many memories of huge underground regions that unite Egypt, Libya, and Malta. I remember attending, as a young child, and then, as progressively older, large, royal-like gatherings that were being held somewhere underneath the Libyan desert.

Very few of the individuals present were human-looking...some were, but their rank was low. The middle and upper echelons were made up of cream / ivory-coloured reptile-like beings, very tall. I have always felt dwarfed in their presence... it was not the sheer difference in height, but their behaviour, the solemn atmosphere surrounding the event, the scenery all around. During those "visits", I was able to speak fluently a Germanic-sounding language that is written with Arab-like characters. When I am awake, in a fully conscious state, I can say whole sentences in that language, without understanding what the words mean. Also, I remember the whole alphabet, and I can write whole paragraphs using those characters. I have showed the writings to native Arab people, and they do not recognize the characters as Arab.

Whenever I "visit" the huge caverns underneath the Libyan desert, I see gigantic structures... huge temples made of an orange / pink hue. The light is always medium towards low, never bright... it looks like the sun going down. The "sky" is coloured in shades of yellow / orange / red / grey / black.

When I was very young ( 5-6 years old, about the time of the earliest memories ), I remember being taken by a medium brown coloured reptile "guard" up the stairs of a gigantic temple. The entity telepathically calmed me down:

I know how unusual this sounds, but at no time did I experience terror or fear of any sort ( despite the very stange surroundings ). After climbing the stairs, we walked down huge corridors, within the temple / palace.

Eventually, we arrived at a room which looked like the throne room. There, I met more reptile-like individuals... guards, courtiers. Two of those took me to a stone-like throne, on which there was seated a very large ivory-coloured reptilian entity. I was reminded by one of the courtiers, to bow. He was their emperor / leader. He had very piercing, glowing, intense red-coloured eyes... for some reason, I felt unable to stare at him in the face. I would take a brief look, and then, I would feel compelled to look down. Although at no point in time did I ever feel threatened or scared in any way, at this time I suddenly began to feel even more calm. He extended a hand with 4 large-clawed fingers, and touched my hand. At the same time, he was telepathically transmitting a lot of images into my mind, so quickly, that all my other senses felt overwhelmed. When that stopped, I could gradually look up towards him. I could see his face clearly, but I could not maintain direct eye contact with him for too long, because something would, over and over again, compel me to look down, or sideways.

At that time, I became aware that he had large wings ( membrane, not feathers ), that were neatly folded. He also had horns, and a long, spiked tail. As unusual as this all looked, I felt completely calm and peaceful.

During another "visit", I remember being in a huge room, where the older, above-mentioned individual presented me to his son: his face was different ( I could easily tell the father from the son apart, and for that matter, the present courtiers all had distinctive facial features ). While the father always made me feel completely peaceful and calm, his son ( he has 3 others ) has a dry, a bit sarcastic sense of humor. He is the only one who openly jokes, teases, criticizes. He never made me feel afraid, but at times his very direct comments were embarrassing, in their bluntness.

Another time, again with both father and the son in question present, he managed to bring me close to tears... whenever that would happen, his father would gently touch my hand / arm and remind me that it's all OK, and that I have nothing to fear. This communication of information would take place telepathically: the whole mood would be conveyed at once, and not word by word. That, at the end of that, he stated, this time in the Germanic-sounding language, word for word: " that's just the way he is"... referring to his son's love of teasing.

There are so many more things that I remember, all very clearly. The only thing is that I know that I have never been to any of those places consciously.

As I said, I have amassed all these very detailed memories throughout the years, and I have never been able to make sense of them on a logical basis.

Please, can you help? I would fully appreciate to know if in your research you have come across events resembling the ones I have just mentioned. In the meantime, thank you for the time you took while reading this message.

It is not so much the case of abduction, as I do not have any recollections of virtually being dragged out of my room at night.

Instead, numerous times I wake up while possessing very vivid memories of events that, consciously, I haven't taken part in.

In the following paragraphs, I will attempt to summarize several of the main ideas... however, there is so much more to be said.

There is a Draco clan whose territory stretches across Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Malta, Sicily, underneath the sea and ocean bodies of water, touching down on Long Island ( not the whole New York ),Venezuela, Aruba, the border between Venezuela and Colombia ( under the mountains ), parts of Brazil, Antarctica.

They have occupied the Middle East and North Africa territories for the longest period of time ( I am not certain about how long their presence has been in Antarctica ). In more recent times, as recent as 30-60 years ago, they have taken a very close look at parts of Latin America, ultimately deciding to expand over there, as well.

The hub / heart of their immense domain was initially somewhere underneath Iraq. Then, it was moved, first to somewhere underneath Egypt, then, again, one more time, to a place situated somewhere underneath the Libyan desert.

There seems to be a pattern, that their bigger centers are situated either underneath deserts, or mountains, or bodies of water, or regions where not many humans live.

To give an example, in Sicily, they are located underneath the village of Siculiana and town of Agrigento ( a larger town, but still very dilapidated ). In the New York area, they are located underneath the ocean, to the East, and only touch marginally on Long Island. Over there, they maintain contact with some Native human tribes.

In Venezuela, they are situated underneath the mountains, to the West, on the Colombia / Venezuela border.

Similarly, in Libya, their structures are situated underneath the desert. I don't know if this happened by design or by accident. In any case, a pattern seems to emerge, where, there are small villages, where the human inhabiting the surface became aware that they happen to "sit" on the top of mega cities below. The ratio of human to Draco is skewed heavily on the side of the Draco.

The most palatial structures are located underneath Libya. They are huge - the size of some of the tallest skyscrapers in New York, as a rough guide. The difference is that the decor inside is also very grandeous. Very high "ceilings", and not many floors. Everything about the place is gargantuan... and not because the Draco people themselves are that much taller than humans ( 4-6 meters, as the some of the tallest ). In their culture, they prefer very high ceilings, and huge structures ( they can not stand cramped surroundings ).

The lighting is medium, and not very bright. This is another cultural trait... the Draco find harsh, bright lights quite annoying. When they come to the surface, it tends to be either early in the morning, or in the very late afternoon, evening even better ( on a sunny day ). Should they have, for some reason, to make it to the surface on a sunny, hot day, they will, no doubt survive the experience... it's just that they it's far more convenient not to have to deal with scorching heat and blinding sunlight.

Their body temperature is colder than that of a human... and, given a big temperature difference between the environment and them, their bodies will adapt the new temperature much faster than a human. It's another way of saying that on a cold day, a Draco will feel much colder than a human, and similarly, on a hot day, they will feel much warmer than us.

The Draco culture is different than ours, but not that different. Overall, they are very materialistic ( the very act of accumulation to excess ), ambitious, assertive, gossipy and scandal-loving, and very quick to retaliate / revenge.

In public situations, they like to adopt a very formal, pompous, classy way of behaviour. Also, they like to pretend that they are generous ( actually, the opposite is true, in real life... it goes hand in hand with the love of possessions ).

In a family situation ( "back home" ), their true personalities emerge. The typical household is "father"-centered, overwhelmingly male, and filled with strife and scandal. Every family has their own very bad blemishes, however, a few issues seem to appear, again and again.

The biggest conflict in a familial household is usually between two sons. They practically eat each other alive, so to say.

In the past, there was a trend to have only one son. Other families that elect to have multiple sons may easily lose one or two due to extreme violence between siblings. The human way of "brotherly love" seems really out of place in that environment.

Should the son make it alive ( probably by killing or badly maiming his other brothers ), his next enemy is his uncle on the father's side ( father's brother(s) ). Now, it's the uncle who will try, over and over again, to get rid of his brother's male offspring.

Now, this does not mean that in every family there will be these issues breaking the household apart, but, when I was mentioning above to "gossip", it is these kinds of events that you hear about, over and over again.

In the clan of which social dynamics I am familiar with, it is not their own problems that you hear about, but the neighbours', so to say.

Myself, I am not particularly drawn to gossip and scandal ( I am referring to my normal, day-to-day life ). However, during these "memories", the overall environment is so filled with "who-did-what-to-whom-and-why", that somehow it all seems normal, in a crazy sort of way. ( i.e. perhaps the Dracos have more interesting scandals than humans ?! Who knows, really ? )

One's occupation, as a Draco person, is decided solely based on clan, time of birth, and genes. Different families branch in different dirrections. Social class is similarly decided.

Higher Draco classes are predominantly active in the financial markets / investments / economists occupational area. The scientists ( which are part of the military ) rank at the bottom ( they are still respected, but just not "worshipped", so to say ).

I think this is because much of the technical work is done by biological robots ( who are skilled in even complicated matters, such as surgery.)

So, if you are scientist, you may work alongside robotical entities, while if you are a banker type, you get to work with people of your own kind.

There may be other social classes, but, to day, these are the main groups that I have seen.

Some Draco families keep human females as "pets", still relatively well-treated, but holding a status comparable to a kitten or a puppy in our world.

In all these years, I have been slapped once ( there wasn't much of a blow ), had my hair yanked a couple of times, and a few very minor stratches ( those healed alright, but right when I got them they stinged and bled way more, and for far longer, you would expect of a minor stratch.

I have never witnessed the type of physical suffering ( i.e. Satanic torturing ) that other people attest to. I can't explain this.

In my experience, the Draco people may mentally torture a human female ( and some of them seem to actually enjoy it thoroughly - teasing, sarcasm, name-calling, sessions in which they physically paralyze you, just by merely looking at you ).

The Draco people can emit sound vibrations ( some audible, some not ). They can control the frequency of these vibrations at will... and the effects on a human's mood is ranging from absolute terror, to calm and serenity, to excessive sleepiness, to orgasm not necessarily associated with sexual activity ).

For this reason, many times during these episodes I feel and react abnormally to the particularity of the situation at hand.

To make a point, I still remember very vividly my first visit to their household. One look from one of the "guards", I was feeling so calm, as if I was actually looking forward for the "visit".

Really, how many human young children do you see feeling deadly calm, in the presence of huge, dinosaurus-like, scaled and hornedca creatures?

... and there were so many instances in which, during those "visits', I felt compelled to act in way that was completely illogical and abnormal, when analyzed days later, in my conscious, logical frame of mind.

There is so much more to say....

I will try tomorrow, Saturday, to send you a continuation of this e-mail.

Yours truly,

Continuing on the e-mail that I have sent you on Friday...

The Draco family that I am "visiting" over the years has marital links into the Sicilian clans of Rizzuto, Cuntrera, Caruana, Manno, and Vella.

Years ago ( 30-40 ), the Draco wanted members of these families to emigrate from Sicily to different regions of the world, in order to start business concerns. It was supposed to be a joint project of sorts: the Draco were to provide the money ( seed capital ), while the humans were to acts as business managers ( "owners" is not really a correct word, because the true owners, to day, are the Draco.

It was through these families that the Draco began a heavy investment in the economies, and financial affairs of Venezuela, Aruba, Colombia, Brazil.

To the eyes of the unknowledgeable, it appeared that the humans were successful businessmen... in reality, they have, for years, lived on borrowed time, money, and land ( they run businesses which are not theirs, live in houses that actually belong to the Draco real estate empire, and are in fact instructed, in great detail, what investment to purchase and when to sell ).

For years, things went rather smoothly, as the humans did exactly as told by the Draco.

A few years ago, some of the humans from these families began to short-change the Draco ( I guess they became aware that the Draco do not monitor their actions too closely... and, besides, they were the ones who acted as the day-to-day managers and entrepreneurs, anyway. )

So, some of them began to skim profits, all too sure that their Draco relatives would not notice. After all, the amounts of profits in question were downright staggering. To give you an idea, about roughly 70% of the economy in Venezuela is under direct ownership of the Draco ( via these above-mentioned human family clans ).

In smaller places, like the island of Aruba, the degree of Draco ownership and control is more like 90%.

What initially began as banking, later expanded to include a vast array of business concerns, covering all sorts of industries: restaurants, construction companies, casinos, cattle ranches... and the list goes on and on.

I forgot to mention... the humans were dabbling in the synthetizing, transport, and wholesale of drugs. Initially, the Draco knew of this, but chose to let them to as they wished. Later on, problems appeared, because the humans were putting too much time into their own side-businesses ( while the Draco wanted them to put 100% effort in managing the economic empires they once entrusted them with ).

Over these unresolved issues, one day, the Draco got fed up, and decided to teach the humans a turn, a few men from the Cuntrera and Caruana families ended up thrown in jail ( some for quite a long time ).

Much of all this activity ( i.e. the heavy investment in Latin America, the decision to pull the plug on the cheating human business partners ), came under the direct involvement of a person who goes by Edhazhoerh / Antoine Rizzuto / Ricardo ES Silva Salgado.

He is the person who directly overseas his Draco family's economic interests on the surface of Earth. Although Draco, he is University educated in human schools, and is an expert in all matters pertaining to finance, investments, and economy.

I will have to stop here for today, but I will try continue this e-mail on Monday.

Yours truly,

Dear Mr. Icke,

I have previously sent you an e-mail ( at your --- address ) in regards to the Draco reptilian ( Edhazhoerh ), who leads simultaneous human lives under two human identities:

  • Antoine Rizzuto, relative to Cuntrera, Caruana, Manno and Vella Sicilian families; and
  • Ricardo Espirito Santo Silva Salgado, a Portuguese banker that heads the Espirito Santo chain of financial institutions, and, among others, the Lisboa / Lisbon stock exchange.

In my last e-mail, I forgot to mention to you the following:

Edhazhoerh is the son of a very high-ranking Draco leader, which calls a vast expansion of Libyan / Egyptian underground as his home-base. Edhzahoerh told me that, in his Ricardo Salgado identity, he has attended meetings of the Bilderburg group. While, on paper, he was an invitee ( technically, he is not a full-time member of this particular organization ). This is solely because, in reality, his rank is much, much higher. When in human form, he appears somewhat younger than the typically older-looking regular Bilderburg members. During those meetings, he mainly as an observer of sorts: he was particularly interested in the group's dynamics.

More important, as of last week ( now, when I writing to you it's Wednesday evening, November 15th, 2000 ), he was present at a supposedly important economic meeting that was held in Belgium. There, he went under his real Edhazhoerh identity. He told me that the main objective of this meeting was to finalize a step-by-step Draco-designed plan to de-evaluate the US currency, and to start a year-long upswing in the Euro.

The attendees haggled for quite sometime over the exact ranking order in which the European stock markets are supposed to perform in 2001. Edhazhoerh / Antoine / Ricardo had a very distinct ranking that he had proposed, months ago.

At the end of that particular meeting, the future top-performers were unchanged: instead, he made some concessions to the countries that will be ranked right at the very bottom of his list.

Another thing, before I forget: for some reason, the currently-happening Bush - Gore political mis-understanding is considered a complete non-issue by the Draco family that Edhazhoerh / Antoine / Ricardo is part of. Personally, I don't know the reason for it: to my knowledge, Bush was supposed to win ( this was information that Edhazhoerh had told me months ago ). Nowadays, the topic that is of currency to them is strictly the pecking order of the European economies for 2001-2002.

For some reason, the Dracos do not seem to be concerned at all about the US "fight" for presidency.

Even the fact that next year US' central bank will raise interest rates 3 times seems solidly settled.

Something else, on a slightly different note: months ago, Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Libya's Qadhaffi were instructed ( not advised, but rather ordered ), to request payments for their nations' oil sales solely in ECU's.

Yours truly,

Dear M. Icke,

Last week, I had another "memory", with regards to the Edhazhoerh / Antoine Rizzuto / Ricardo ES Silva Salgado.

During another "visit" to the underground below the Libyan / Egyptian desert, he was discussing the link between the US stock market and the US elections. In reference to the November 7 election day, he said "9:28 pm, to be exact". I have no idea what that particular information was supposed to mean.

Another dates he mentioned were November 16 and November 20, 2000.

Somehow, after November 20, 2000, there will be a brief rally in stocks in US?

That will be a brief event, though, because he also mentioned a declining US Dollar, stagflation, particularly during the next 6-8 months ( actually, he said "6-8 months", and I am not clear whether he meant the next 6-8 months starting now, or the first 6-8 months of the year 2001 ). Other things mentioned: more dips between November 15-20, and another Nasdaq testing of the 3000 barrier. Yet another thing that he mentioned: "2004" and "the Republicans" ( I am quite unclear of the rest of his sentence, but I know that these 2 elements were figured ).

I hope that you have received my previous e-mail over the week-end.

Now, to continue, this person Edhazhoerh is a Draco who can change his physical appearance into a human form, at will.

He was appointed by his father to oversee matters to do with economy, and the world of financial markets.

While in human form, he lives under two different identities ( he could easily have more, but I only know of two ).

On one hand, he calls himself Antoine Rizzuto, the same family name that is heavily inter-married with the Cuntreras and the Caruanas ( the more important ones in the overall Sicilian clan ).

He is particularly close with Nicolo Rizzuto and his son Vito ( who both know that he is not human, but do not have a problem with it, at all ).

I told you in Saturday's e-mail that, about two years ago, Edhazhoerh discovered some monetary theft on the part of the Caruana and Cuntrera families. Apparently, a few members of that human clan, while being entrusted to run a virtual economic empire on the behalf of their Draco sponsoring "relatives", elected to skim some of the profits.

Edhazhoerh chose to retaliate in true Draco fashion. The men in question were allowed to live... at Edhazhoerh's orders, a man by the name of Oreste Pagano ( a close personal friend of Alfonso Caruana ) indirectly passed information to police regarding the clan's extensive involvement in drug traffic and wholesale.

The police had known for years that these families are aggressively moving tons of hard drugs all across the world. This time, with the help of Oreste Pagano, a couple of senior men in the Caruana / Cuntrera families ended up behind bars, serving very lengthy prison sentences.

While it is true that they were indeed deserving of the prison jails they got, that is not the reason for which they got "caught"...

Edhazhoerh is eager to revenge on anyone who shortchanges him financially, that, about a decade ago, he used exactly the same technique to punish one his favorite "relatives", Nicolo Rizzuto.

Again, Nicolo had been entrusted with running some businesses in Caracas, on the behalf of the Draco. There were many such businesses, however, the one the disputed started over was a restaurant in downtown Caracas, called "Il Padrone".

Knowing that Edhazhoerh likes him - and stupidly thinking that he could get away with it - Nicolo mis-appropriated some of the profits. That was one thing. Another was the fact that both Nicolo and his son, Vito, were living too flashy lives in Venezuela, openly bragging about how successful their lives were, as entrepreneurs.

In fact all assets - the businesses, the houses, the cars - all belonged, indirectly, to the Draco.

For these two reasons, Edhazhoerh decided to teach Nicolo a lesson, while, simultaneously, getting Vito to leave Venezuela.

Shortly thereafter, Nicolo's house was raided, and he was thrown in a Venezuelan jail, where he remained for years. At the same time, Edhazhoerh "counselled" Vito that, given his father's arrest, his own safety cannot be guaranteed in that country.

Vito elected to accept the "advice", and re-located in Montreal, Canada ( where his mother, Libertina, and sister Maria Renda also reside ).

The Cuntreras and Caruanas got to benefit greatly from all this, because Edhazhoerh asked them to manage whatever assets Nicolo and Vito left behind.

For a number of years, Edhazhoerh blatantly lied to Vito, assuring him that every effort is made to free Nicolo from jail.

That was such a farce... first of all, the Draco by now have a virtual monopoly on Latin American politics ( via their extensive economic holdings ). Next to the Arab countries in which they placed human dictators at the helm, Venezuela, Colombia, Aruba, and Brazil rank immediately second.

To put it plainly, nothing happens in Caracas, without the Draco's explicit or implicit approval.

Even if, by a really stupid mistake, Nicolo would have been arrested, a call from Edhazheorh would have automatically freed him. Simple as that.

Eventually, after years spend - needlessly - in jail, Nicolo was let go... by then, he was quite old, and of a rapidly deteriorating health. Upon regaining his freedom, he immediately joined his son, and the rest of his family in Montreal.

The Draco have a high intelligence, however, at least in dealing with humans, they choose to employ a few tricks, over and over, apparently assured that they work, time after time again. Throwing their human business managers in human jails for lengthy terms seem to be the preferred way to deal with theft issues. That's in a best case scenario, when they "like" the person, and choose to spare his /her life.

When they are really ticked, and determined to get rid of the person permanently, they just crash the speeding vehicle of the wrong-doer, making it all look like an unfortunate accident / suicide.

Now back to Edhazhoerh: as I was telling you before, the very same person mascarades in human form as an economist / banker / businessman / charity person by the name of Ricardo Espirito Santo Silva Salgado.

In that position, he claims to be based in Portugal, and oversee a chain of banks and financial institutions ( even the stock exchange of Lisboa / Lisbon ).

You can't argue that the guy doesn't have a sense of humor. His main bank is called Banco Espirito Santo ( apparently nothing humorous about it ), up until you realize that the initials on all official stationery and corporate logos are BES ( for Banco Espirito Santo )... also for Bes, an Egyptian god... yet another Draco entity that humans worshipped, thousands of years ago, in Egypt.

In private, Edhazhoerh is quite "proud" of his twisted sense of humor... which also extends to the giant eagle-lie bird statues that he likes so much in the vicinity of the financial institutions that he controlls.

It may be just an eagle to us, humans, but it's yet another vestige to the Draco Ra-Horakhty / Horus concept... yet another "gentle" remainder of who exactly is in control ( just if any humans ever have a doubt ).

Apart from the jokes, Edhazhoerh has a genuine interest in the financial affairs of the mankind ( not through BES... that's just a little toy of his, on the side ).

His Draco family directly and indirectly manipulate and control the stock, bond, and currency markets of many major countries. They know, about a year ahead of time, exactly what countries' economies will prosper, in what order, and by how much, all the way down to the specific investments which are going to outperform.

For example, for 2001 - 2002 they want to decrease the strength of the US Dollar, while giving a jolt of strength to the decaying Euro.

Mr. David Icke, when responding to one of my e-mails, told me that Ricardo ES Salgado is a member of the Bilderberg group. Yes, he is... but that is NOT the way in which the real power and control is exercised. This individual, Edhazheorh, either by himself, or in consultation with his father decides, ahead of time, what will happen to our stock markets and currencies.

After that, this Draco family meets with the "other" Draco family ( the one who rules over much of Western Europe, and USA ). They talk things over, up until there is a mutual agreement ( i.e. at their last meeting, the "agreement" was over the exact order of the European countries that are to rank at the bottom of the EU economic pile... the top performing ones were already decided by the North African / Mediterranian Draco household, of which Edhazheorh is a part of ).

Something else... Dr. Icke was wondering whether the presidential crisis in US is a result of Dracos fighting with each other, or as a consequence of Draco's seemingly never ending efforts at economic, political, and emotional destabilization of the human race.

From all that I know, I can tell you this: it's the second one that's the one reflecting the truth.

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