Posted By: RayelansMailbag <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 11 April 2007, 1:21 p.m. In Response To: I BELIEVE WE HAVE HAD THIS SINCE THE PHILDELPHIA EXPERIMENT (Rayelan) >Gunther told me that the invisibility cloak
>was perfected and had been in use since the 80s. The U.S. military has had the know how to build so-called invisibility cloak since the late 1970s, and word started to leak out into the open in 1982. When the cloaking field was activated on the F-117 Stealth fighter, if the plane was at a distance, one could not see it, but if one had a closer view of the plane while the cloak was up, one could see that something was there. The U.S. technology was bulky and was difficult to implement on small planes, but the technology was no problem to implement on large sea ships. Even though the technology could cloak, another group, a counter force, had the technology to track the F-117 Stealth planes when they were in the sky and fire missiles at them. Science goes through various levels of perfection, and this depends on how advance the scientists are in knowledge to decode and understand the seven atomic planes. Earth science only understand in varying degrees 2.5 (6, 7, 3 [and they barely understand the atomic plane of 3]) out of the 7 atomic planes. When science understands all seven atomic planes it can do a lot of magical things.
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Tesla's Creative Genius: Intuitive Knowledge predicted Networked Society
There are many articles about Tesla, his inventions, his quirks and the sad fact that much of his more advanced technology is still not in use or is - as with the US HAARP project - used for purposes that may not be in everybody's best interest. So when reading this article forwarded by a reader from Mexico, I asked myself "do we really need another one of these Tesla articles that can only repeat what has been said before?"
Some time ago, I had an exchange of ideas about Viktor Schauberger, another man who was much ahead of his time and at loggerheads with the current technological culture. The upshot of that exchange was, that it seemed to me that to really understand Schauberger' s technology, we must not only look at the technology itself, but at the spiritual dimension of the person. Both Schauberger and Tesla were deeply spiritual and obtained the clues for their inventions from that spiritual world beyond our ken. It was heir intimate connection with a world beyond the visible which helped them formulate novel ways of doing things - often counter-intuitive and in stark contrast with the technologies available during their time.
So when that Mexican reader sent me an article about Tesla, I was doubtful at first. But anyway, I started reading and saw that it does give a good idea of the spiritual dimension of Tesla's life and work, perhaps better than any other Tesla article I have read. And so the answer to the question - do we need another one of these articles - was answered in the affirmative. We need to have this information if we are to get closer to understanding those parts of Tesla's work that are still hidden from view, or that are being used in covert military programs for ends that we really have no clue about.