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Agharta - by Robert Ernest Dickhoff
Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey (fiction) - by Charles Howard Johnson
Beasts, Men and gods - by Ferdinand Ossendowski
Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures
by William Michael Mott
(go to about 30 minutes into the audio recording -- 2nd link above -- for the beginning of the Michael Mott interview)
Chronicle of Akakor, The - by Karl Brugger
City Under Ground (fiction), The - by Suzanne Martel
Coming Race, The - by E. Bulwer Lytton
Darkness Over Tibet - by Theodore Illion
Dulce Book, The - edited by Branton
A Dweller on Two Planets - by Frederick Spencer Oliver
Etidorhpa - by John Uri Lloyd
Or Use The
Flying Saucers From the Earth's Interior - by Raymond Bernard
Gods with Amnesia: Subterranean Worlds of Inner Earth - by Robert Sepehr
Guide to the Inner Earth, A - by B. Alan Walton
Hefferlin Manuscript - A Description of Rainbow City - by Hoffotin Mansell
Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds - by Jerome Clark
Hollow Earth, The - by Raymond Bernard
Hollow Earth Enigma, The - by Alec Maclellan
(Use the UP and DOWN 'arrows' at the top-right of screen to change the page / only a portion of the book is shown here)
Hollow Earth in the Puranas - by Dean Dominic de Lucia
Hollow Planets - by Jan Lamprecht
Incredible Cities of Inner Earth, The - by David H. Lewis
The Inner Earth, Antarctica, & Conspiracy Goodness - by Tim Swartz
A Journey to the Earth's Interior; Or, Have the Poles Reallly Been Discovered? - by Marshall Blutcher Gardner ยท 1913
Lasers, Cavers & Magic - by Steven D Kelley
Lost Continents & the Hollow Earth - by David Hatcher Childress
Mount Shasta: Home of the Ancients - (edited) by Bruce Walton
Mysteries of Ancient South America - by Harold T. Wilkins
Mysteries of the Inner Earth - by David Pratt
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, The - by Edgar Rice Burroughs
(fiction -- use up/down arrows at the top-right of the screen to scroll through pages)
Our Paradise Inside the Earth - by Theodore Fitch
"Pellucidar" - Book Series by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Rainbow City and the Inner Earth People - by Michael X
Secret of the Ages: UFOs inside the Earth - by Brinsley Le Poer Trench
Shambhala - by Nicholas Roerich
The Shaver Mystery and the Inner Earth - by Timothy Green Beckley
Smoky God, The - by Willis George Emerson
The Smoky God and other Inner Earth Mysteries - by Timothy Green Beckley
Subterranean Worlds - by Walter Kafton Minkel
Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth - by Timothy Green Beckley
Subterranean Worlds of Planet Earth - by Gene Duplantier
This Hollow Earth - Eric Norman
This Hollow Earth - by Warren Smith
Underground Alien Bases - by Commander X
Underground Bases and Tunnels - by Richard Sauder, PhD
Underpeople, The - by Eric Norman
Underwater and Underground Bases - by Richard Sauder
Visitors To The Inner Earth - by Professor Solomon
World Top Secret: Our Earth is Hollow - by Rodney M. Cluff
More Online Inner Earth Reading
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