"And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and
under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are
in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and
power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto
the Lamb for ever and ever." - REVELATION 5:13
KANSAS, HUTCHINSON - Tunnel leading to Kinsley KA., and Nebraska. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )
KANSAS, KINSLEY - Tunnels leading to Colorado Springs CO., Hutchinson KS., Tulsa OK., Kokoweef Peak SW CA. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )
KASHMERE-KABAKORAM - An ex-Army Captain, A.C., tells how
during WWII he was shot down near Cheduba island and, once
rescued, requested leave at Kashmir. He and another man
left Srinagar and went to Rudok and then through the Khesa
pass to the northern foothills of Kabakorum. They found a
cavern that they were looking for... "My companion and I
fought our way out of a cave with submachine guns. I have
two 9" scars on my left arm that came from wounds given
me in the cave when I was 50 feet from a moving object of
any kind and in perfect silence. The muscles were ripped
out. How? I don't know. My friend had a hole the size
of a dime in his right bicep. It was seared inside. How
we don't know." source: Letter from A.C. in AMAZING
STORIES magazine, June, 1946;
Links Page for Srinagar, Kashmir.
KENTUCKY, FOURMILE - Report of some trapped miners who encountered a man dressed like a "lumberjack" who emerged from a lit tunnel in the rock wall and assured them that they would be rescued. This story seems to have been confused with another one. (see: Kentucky, Pineville & Pennsylvania, Sheppton)
KENTUCKY, FRANKLIN COUNTY - Workers discover a strange "well" where they break into an Underground River containing very strange fish not found on the surface.
KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON - Underground caves near
Lexington, reportedly containing the remnants of
an ancient civilization. source: Underground Mysteries. Also, other links.
KENTUCKY, LOUISVILLE - UFO 'abductee' Rex Ball claimed that he was taken by small 'oriental like' men into a UFO and then into an underground base jointly occupied by them and U.S. military personnel beneath FORT KNOX... just south of Louisville, Kentucky (although ANOTHER version of the story has it that Rex WANDERED INTO an underground base in GEORGIA).
KENTUCKY, MAMMOTH CAVES - A possible exploration of the unexplored levels of Mammoth Caves below the surface of Kentucky. Also see: "EXPERIMENT XXX" at the bottom of page 80 in the PDF version of the book THE SOUL OF THINGS. Also the www.archive.com version, beginning on page 82 (experiment xxxii) to 84, describing even larger and more beautiful cavern systems beneath the explored ones of Mammoth Cave, using "Psychometry", which is the "remote viewing" of the history of a physical object through touching it, like a rock, etc. More: --1-- -
KENTUCKY, PIKEVILLE - Strange disappearances in Kentucky's Truck Coal
Mine 3 miles east of town. Two boys seen entering the mine disappear
even though their lamp is found abandoned at the entrance. A full-scale search of the mine fails to turn up any evidence of the missing
boys. source: FATE magazine, Nov. 1950; Pikeville, Kentucky. This story seems to have been confused with another one.
KENTUCKY, PINEVILLE - On Dec. 26, 1945, a mine explosion in
the Belva Mine trapped several men. When they were rescued
some of the men insisted that they saw a "door" in one of the
walls open, and a man dressed as a "lumberjack" emerge from a
well-lighted room. After assuring the men that they would be
rescued, the strange visitor returned to the room and closed
the 'door'. Other similar accounts have been reported during
similar mine disasters, such as the one at a Shipton,
Pennsylvania (others say the real name of the town is
"Sheppton") mine, where similar "lumberjack" or "telephone
linemen" type of men have been seen, suggesting that they
exist in another time-dimension, possibly explaining why they
"knew" the outcome of the disasters. In some cases, the strange
"workmen", as if taking the role of guardian angels, had offered
trapped men unusual "lighting" to keep them out of the dark, and
in other cases, as with the Shipton (ie. Sheppton!?) disaster, "astral
visions" accompanied the visits of these fourth dimensional [?] visitors.
source: Pineville Kentucky newspapers, circa Dec. 26, 1981 -
Jan. 1982; Pineville, Kentucky. There is some confusion with this story, however. The story DID appear in the PINEVILLE newspaper, however other sources claim that the event actually occurred in SHIPTON, Pennsylvania although still others claim it was SHEPPTON, Pennsylvania (No city or town of "Shipton" Pennsylvania seems to exist). (see: Kentucky, Fourmile & Pennsylvania, Sheppton)
KENTUCKY, RIVERTON - Patsey Wingate, a victim of UFO
encounters, missing time, MIB limo's, harassment, black
helicopters, police-like cars in a temporal mist, death
threats, the works... spoke of a mountain near Riverton
where a certain UFO was seen on numerous occasions. While
on the mountain she would hear humming sounds coming from
underground, then at home later that night she experienced
frightening vivid "dreams" of "children underground [in]
the mountain [who] were begging for help. They were in
glass cages. Some of the children looked human, but some
looked like aliens." source: UFO UNIVERSE, Vol.3, No.2,
[Summer 1993]; (the "ghost town") Riverton, Kentucky.
KENTUCKY, SALEM - SE of Salem is Hodges cave [near Doan Spring?]
or in that general area... which some believe
is the cavern that is mentioned in John Uri Lloyd's book ETIDORHPA,
which was illustrated by a veteran Mason. Witnesses have stated
that they have seen Masons wandering about the area. One report
tells of a nearby stone staircase leading deep into the gloomy
darkness of the earth, which witnesses failed to fully investigate
as they were hit with an overpowering sense of terror. source:
SHAVERTRON magazine; ETIDORHPA by John Uri Lloyd; Salem - Doan Spring region, Kentucky; Some Fascinating Details on the origins of the book ETIDORHPA --- MORE LINKS: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- - -5- - -6- - -7- - -8- -
emanating from the cavern. source: TECH TROGLODYTE [NSS
affiliate newsletter for the
VPI Cave Club], Vol.12, No.2.
KENTUCKY, TAZEWELL COUNTY - Higgingbottom #1 or Devil's Slide cave is avoided by local residents because they are convinced that some loathsome creature lives at the bottom. source: CAVE LEGENDS OF THE APPALACHIANS, article by Janice Goad (which appeared in the TECH TROGLODYTE, a National Speleological Society affiliate, Vol. 12, No. 2 issue); Tazewell Co., Kentucky.
KENTUCKY (NEAR THE KENTUCKY-VIRGINIA BORDER) - From the Vol. 3 No. 3 - May, 1982 issue of THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter - In 1950, a couple of boys on bikes wandered by the mouth of (a) cave. The mouth of the cave was sometimes flooded with water from the spring thaws and rain. The boys found an old rotted boat by the cave's entrance, and after getting in, proceeded into the cave. Accidently they found a narrow recess in the cave wall and after going thru it, discovered steps going down to the depths. Having no means to light their way, the boys returned to the outside world for supplies and equipment with which to continue their investigation of the steps. After gathering equipment and supplies, the boys returned to the cave only to find that the spot which they had hoped to explore had disappeared and could not be found (was covered/concealed by someone?). After relating their experience to other individuals, the boys and several others attempted to again locate the narrow passage, but to no avail. Others of the Shaver Mystery Club also attempted to locate the hidden steps, but they too met with no results. The passage to this day remains lost and apparently is blocked... The cave is located in Kentucky, near the Virginis state line.
LEBANON, BEIRUT - Disaster workers have discovered a massive system of underground tunnels.
LOUISIANA, FORT POLK - Reports of over 19,000 war-ready
United Nations Organization troops, French, Pakistani &
Russian, along with massive underground facilities for
storage of military and other supplies. source: a former
anonymous serviceman who interacted with the base; Fort Polk, Louisiana... Also accounts from the Creek Indians of a vast subterranean domain beneath that state.
MAINE, Robinston - A secret socialist New World Order deep underground
military base manned by Red Chinese soldiers, beneath the area of Robinston,
Maine, was reportedly bombed by the Trump Administration with 30,000
pounds of bunker-buster bombs/explosives, killing at least 50,000
Chinese invaders/soldiers (which they begin discussing about 12
minutes into the video file).
MALTA, VALETTA - Tradition holds that before the British govt.
sealed up several tunnels, one could walk from one end of Malta
to the other underground. One of the labyrinths, discovered
by excavators, is the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni, in
which excavators discovered the bones of over 33,000 people who
had been sacrificed by an ancient pagan neolithic cult. National
Geographic, Aug. 1940 issue, told of several school children who
had disappeared without a trace in the Hypogeum. British embassy
worker Miss Lois Jessup convinced a guide to allow her to explore
a 3-ft. square "burial chamber" next to the floor of the lowest
room in the last [3rd] sub-level of the catacombs. He reluctantly
agreed and she crawled through the passage until emerging on a
cavern ledge overlooking a deep chasm. In total shock she saw a
procession of TALL humanoids with white hair covering their bodies
walking along another ledge about 50 feet down on the opposite
wall of the chasm. Sensing her they collectively lifted their palms
in her direction at which a strong "wind" began to blow through the
cavern and something big, "slippery and wet" moved past her before
she left in terror to the lower room, where the guide gave her a
"knowing" look. Later she returned after the 30 school children
and their teacher[s] had disappeared in the same passage that she
had explored, only to find a new guide who denied any knowledge of
the former guides' employment there. She heard reports however that
after the last child had passed through the "burial chamber" and
out onto the ledge, a "cave-in" collapsed the burial chamber and
the rope connecting them to the lower chamber was later found to
be "cut clean". Grieving Mothers of several of the children swore
that for a week or more following the disappearance they could
hear their children crying and screaming "as if from underground".
Other sources state that an underground connection exists or did
exist between Malta and reaches hundreds of miles and intersects
the catacombs below the hill Vaticanus in Rome. source:
GEOGRAPHIC magazine, Aug. 1940; More on the Hypogeum... More: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- - -5- -
MARYLAND, (BALTIMORE COUNTY) - Report of a top secret underground facility in the area.
MARYLAND, CROFTON - An ancient network of tunnels and crawlways
discovered beneath a parking lot in Crofton during excavations.
The artificial tunnels were reportedly covered by subsequent
construction. source: THE WASHINGTON STAR NEWS, July 25,
1973 & Aug. 15, 1973; "Google Earth" search for Crofton, Maryland.
MARYLAND, FORT MEADE - "Cavernous subterranean expanses" existing
beneath the National Security Agency's headquarters, filled with
over 10 acres of the most sophisticated supercomputers money can
buy, which monitor global telephone, telegraph, telex, fax, radio,
TV, microwave, internet and other forms of communication. source:
UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder.
off of Rt. 108, this underground facility is maintained by FEMA
[Federal Emergency Management Agency]. Long lines of cars have
been seen heading through the gate at shift change, in spite of
the surface illusion of vacancy and disrepair, vehicles which pass
through an electronic surveillance area and disappear behind a
knoll in the near distance. At least 10 levels deep, and several
electronic surveillance facilities, with possible NSA connections.
source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6;
Richard Sauder; "Google Earth" search for Olney-Laytonsville, Maryland.
MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON - Ervin M. Scott claimed to have intercepted
an electronically augmented telepathic transmission from a woman,
a cavern-dweller under the Salt Lake flats of Utah, whose people
were under siege by the "evil ones". She urgently warned about a
woman who was abducted into tunnels/caverns beneath an abby in the
north section of Boston 3 weeks earlier [the 1st church of Roxbury
is located in the north section of the city and is by far the oldest
"abby" in Boston]. Another "voice" breaks in on the "transmission"
and tells Ervin not to believe the former woman's voice, stating,
"Don't you know this is a lie? a trick?", and then warningly,
"keep quiet about this!". source:
SEARCH magazine, July 1964. Note: I do not recall the source, but several years ago I came across a reference to (if I recall correctly) the First Church of Roxbury in Boston, and that its "foundations" went very deep... a couple hundred feet to be exact. I do not recall the source, so take it as you will.
MASSACHUSETTS, MAYNARD - Underground FEMA facility. source:
Richard Sauder.
MASSACHUSETTS, NORTH SALEM - Reports of an ancient stone staircase leading into the earth, which has been blocked by fallen rock. Source: THE UNDERPEOPLE (Scroll DOWN to read), by ERIC NORMAN (page 21-22).
MEXICO (CENTRAL) - The Aztecs of Mexico believed that they once lived in Aztlan (Atlantis?), which suffered a devastating catastrophe, following which some of then escaped to a subterranean land called "Chicomoztoc" or the "Seven Cavern Cities of Gold"!
"they found a giant in Mexican cave, what happened next shocked the whole world."
MEXICO, "INTERIOR" - Frank J. Mezta of Calexico, California tells
of his visit to the "enchanted caves" in Mexico's interior. The
first attempt to enter the cave was halted by his premonition of
disaster, the second attempt succeeded, however they gave up when
they labyrinth became too complex to navigate with the supplies
they had. On the way out they found another tunnel that seemed
to appear from nowhere, however after hours of downward winding
travel with no end in sight they gave up and returned to the
surface. Mezta later heard of an American man who had hired about
2 dozen locals to investigate the cave, 10 or 15 years before.
They saw deep inside the cavern "a man with a bulls head" standing
next to a "naked midget". Several of the men tried to fire their
guns but they all jammed, and the lights went out. Several men
were killed or disappeared in the ensuing confusion and only a
few made it back to the surface alive. source:
THE HIDDEN WORLD, issue 8-A --- Also, more on the underground beneath the rain forests in Mexico's interior.
MEXICO, ACAMBARO - "Prof. Hapgood" discovered a stone staircase
leading into the earth in central Mexico, now filled with
hard-packed volcanic material. He concluded that it is very
ancient and must lead somewhere. The site is located on the
"Mizquiz" property. source: I.N.F.O. JOURNAL, Vol. 2, No.2;
Suppressed archaeological finds in Acambaro and elsewhere.
MEXICO, BAJA PENINSULA - Just off the coast of the Baja Peninsula there are some apparently strange and possibly Alien Anomalies.
MEXICO, CHIHUAHUA - Some of the largest crystals yet discovered have been found in caverns near Chihuahua. They are buried 984 feet (300 meters) beneath the Sierra de Naica Mountain.
MEXICO, GENERAL ZARAGOZA, NUEVO LEON - This cavern in Central Mexico is alleged to be the abode of a strange small be-pedal creature whose footprints have been seen in the mud of the cave by experienced speleonauts.
MEXICO, ITACCIHUATL - A woman by the name of Margaret Rogers claimed to have visited an underground kingdom inhabited by giant human beings, who were very benevolent to her. She wrote a lengthy story of her experience that was published by Raymond A. Palmer (AMAZING STORIES, SEARCH, FATE Magazines). The Margaret Rogers Story.
MEXICO, GUERRERO - The mysterious Juxtlahuaca cave.
MEXICO, LIYOBAA - In the Zapoteca province of Mexico many years ago, some Catholic priests investigated a cavern to hell where the Aztecs sacrificed humans. Catholic priests explored the cave and after passing the bones of many past sacrifices they continued down a long paved concourse with stone buttresses on either side. After going some distance, connected to the entrance with a long rope, a strong wind blew out their torches and they hastened their way back to the entrance and sealed off this "cavern to hell" for good. More: - -1- -
MEXICO, MEXICO CITY - An anonymous writer, claiming the power to
induce a deep trance in most hypnotic subjects, instructed one
woman while in a trance to remote-project from her body and visit
a mountain outside of Mexico City. When asked if there was a cave
in the mountain she said: "I'm inside. Oh! It's walls glow...
there's a shaft going down... its walls are smooth like the inside
of a piston shaft of a car... I'm there [at the bottom of the
shaft]. There is evil down here!" When bringing her back into
her body [difficult] she said, "I've been somewhere I shouldn't",
shaking and crying, and she also stated that a battle was taking
place in her mind, which she eventually won. [Others who have
reportedly remote-viewed underground facilities like Dulce, Pine
Gap, Cheyenne Mountain and others state that many of the bases -
especially the alien interaction ones - simultaneously exist in
the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions and are equipped with "magnetic
traps" designed to capture "astral spies" who might try to probe
their secrets]. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, July 1947; "Google Earth" view of Mexico
City; Information on the tunnels and caverns 30 Miles NE of the city, near the ancient pyramids. Also see: - -1- - -2- -
MEXICO, MITLA - Ancient city SE of Oaxaco, once containing a temple
with three sub-basements, the lowest containing a stone door leading
to an ancient underground concourse, wherein "sacrifices" would be
made to the "gods" of the underworld by sealing the victims behind
the stone door. After some priests entered the cavern centuries
ago, they emerged convinced that it was the gate to Hades, and
ordered the natives to fill-in all 3 sub-basements. source:
Charles Marcoux; Google-Earth view of Mitla Ruins area;
Explanation of Mitla Ruins; Project Lyobaa: Revealing the Underworld of Mitla theough Ground Penetrating Radar; Video search for: Mitla + Mexico + undergrpund. MORE: - -1- -
MEXICO, OJINAGO - A cave in a mountain 5 miles south of
Ojinago is believed to be the abode of devil-men who control
the minds of witches in the area, who make frequent pilgrimages
to the site. source: "Pilgrimage to the Devil", article by
Walley George in
FATE Magazine, Aug. 1957 issue. More related: - -1- -
MEXICO, PUERTO AVENTURAS - A strange yet interesting cavern system has been explored, along with strange legends which have given the cave the name of the "Cavern of the Dwarves". More: - -1- - -2- -
MEXICO, SAN JUAN TEOTIHUACAN - Beneath the "Pyramid of the Moon" a strange tunnel has been discovered which is 'rumored' to connect to the 'underworld'.
MEXICO, SONORA - A canyon near the old city allegedly holds
a cave that leads to the ancient underground city of Chihuatlan.
source: THE HIDDEN CITY OF CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux.
MEXICO, TANCITARO - A huge underground grotto constructed at some ancient time, has been discovered 15 miles from the city.
MEXICO, TEQUILA VOLCANO - Exploration of a vast cave-tunnel that runs through the mountain, and the home of dangerous serpents. source: TRAPPED IN LA VENTA CAVE.
MEXICO, YUCATAN PENINSULA - The Aquatic Cavern Worlds Below the Yucatan Peninsula. Near the beach resort of Tulum, there is a cavern system known as 'Sac Actun'. It is largely a water-filled cavern system that measures over 263 km (163 miles) in length, and communicates/connects with the 83 km (52 mile) 'Dos Ojos' system. Go to the following link and do a... Find/Search CTRL/F For: Mayan. Also see: - -1- -
MICHIGAN, BATTLE CREEK - Underground FEMA facility. source:
Richard Sauder.
MINNESOTA, FARIBAULT - Strange hauntings in the so-named Hell's Tunnel.
MINNESOTA, REDWOOD FALLS - A WWII trainee claimed to have discovered
a small underground passage near [west of?] Redwood Falls, which
led to an ancient tiled subterranean concourse and to an underground
alien realm. He spoke of the "deros" and "teros" and stated that he
emerged 6 months later with a "tero" woman who became his wife, with
no intention of ever returning, although both lived in fear as if
they were constantly being watched or stalked. source: letter sent
to Richard Shaver (Go to link and do a find-search CTRL/F for "Redwood") - [circa 1950's]; A "Google Earth" search for: Redwood Falls, Minnessota.
MINNESOTA, WEST KITTSONDALE - Teenagers explore unusual drains and staircases in the area.
MISSISSIPPI (WINSTON COUNTY) - The Chactaw of Mississippi believe that they emerged out a cavern world from a 50-foot high mound. Other tribes also trace their origins back to this mound, which "...has several natural openings, some of which have been 'sealed up' (the Park Service seems to have no good explanation for this), and it is said by the Choctaw to be the entrance to a vast underground realm".
MISSOURI, BONNE TERRE - Reports of "one of" the largest underground lakes yet discovered.
MISSOURI, CAMDEN COUNTY - A military veteran explored a cave in Camden County, where he saw through a small passageway a tall brownish bi-pedal reptilian humanoid dressed in a strange uniform and riding a "golf cart" sized conveyance.
MISSOURI, CAMERON - Rumors of a "haunted" cave or mine in the area[?]. source: unspecified;
Google-Earth view of Cameron, Missouri.
MISSOURI, CARTHAGE - An individual becomes lost in a massive underground storage facility in Carthage, Missouri, one that is utilized by the U.S. Navy. They enter the "Navy" zone and the tunnel continues deeper, until they inadvertantly pass through an alien "screen" that appears as a wall of the tunnel, and into a reptilian section. source: Pat Garrett.
MISSOURI, KANSAS CITY - An "underground city" nicknamed Subtropolis.
MISSOURI/KANSAS, KANSAS CITY - Somewhere on the Missouri river
near Kansas city a man exploring a cave or grotto in the side
of a steep embankment had a terrifying encounter somewhere on
the rivers edge. He allegedly encountered a tall creature with
cat or lizard like eyes, who had apparently been living in
the cave or possibly had come from the river itself. source: Charles Marcoux.
MISSOURI, KOSHKONONG - Stories of a mysterious cave within a canyon near the town.
MISSOURI, MOBERLY - A strange and ancient underground city that was once inhabited by 'giant' humans was reportedly discovered in the area.
MISSOURI, SPRINGFIELD - "Truck driver films himself driving into one of America’s underground cities..." beneath Spromgfield, Missouri.
MONGOLIA - Ferdinand Ossendowski's reports of ancient traditions of underground cities and huge caverns beneath Mongolia, from his book BEASTS, MEN & GODS; also, this subterranean kingdom of Agharta with it's capitol Shambhala is mentioned by -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- - -5- - -6- - -7- - -8- - -9- - -10- - -11- - -12- - -13- - -14- - -15- - -16- - -17- - -18- - -19- - -20- - -21- - -22- - -23- -
NEBRASKA, OMAHA - Strance caverns beneath the city.
NETHERLANDS - A nexus of Freemason-controlled underground networks and bases.
NEVADA-ARIZONA - Hoover Dam. Lake Mead's Hoover
Dam SE of Las Vegas. Rumors that the dam construction
workers penetrated extensive caverns near the base
of the cliffs, that Lake Mead is a hot spot of alien
activity, and that the floor of one level of the dam
contains a "wild tile inlay on the floor, with signs
of the zodiac and all sorts of stuff suggesting an
entrance." source: Letter from Vaughn M. Green
in SHAVERTRON newsletter, No. 14... In THIS WEBSITE we read: "...There is said to be a secret tunnel 2 to 4 miles underground leading from Area 51 to Area 52 and the real UFO alien experimental research for engineering technology exists in a large underground base 15 miles below Hoover Dam, Lake Mead and Boulder City said to be the size of New York City. There is reputed to be several alien races all living and working under the protection of the elite subterranean task force that operates at a level above the US top military echelon. All of this was brought to the forefront for the future deception of the entire world."... More: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- -
NEVADA, AREA-51 / NELLIS AFB (and surrounding areas) - Area 51 is a military base where recovered alien craft have been investigated. It reportedly has many deep underground bases and tunnels also. The following link contains one man's fantastic account of his travels to underground cities and eventually to the concavitic interior of the earth, where he spent several years beneath the surface, and it all began at Area-51 according to Colonel Billie Faye Woodard. Other sources: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- - -5- - -6- - -7- - -8- - -9- - -10- - -11- - -12- - -13- - -14- - -15- - -16- - -17- - -18- - -19- - -20- - -21- - -22- - -23- - -24- - -25- - -26- - -27- - -28- - -29- - -30- - -31- - -32- -
NEVADA, BOULDER DAM - Reports of underground tunnels and UFO
activity between the base of Boulder Dam and Jumbo Peak. source:
Lew Tery.
NEVADA, COYOTE SPRINGS - Strange disappearance of a man who was going to investigate a cave near the area, not far from Nellis Air Force Base and Area-51. More: - -1- - -2- -
NEVADA (EASTERN) - There is a cave in eastern Nevada which is the source of legends of a surface tribe who descended underground to live in an underground paradise beneath the earth.
NEVADA, EUREKA - A mysterious maze of underground tunnels and
rooms discovered beneath the immediate area of Eureka. source:
"An Underground Cathedral", article by Charles Hillinger in
NEVADA, FALLON AFB - ("the flats" near Reno) - At least 7 levels suspected, and an underground UFO base. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )
NEVADA, GASS PEAK - North of Las Vegas, Gass Peak is where one explorer looking for underground tunnels disappeared.
NEVADA, GROOM LAKE - A worker in the underground network under Groom Lake talks about the alien activity that he is aware of through Above Top Secret security briefings.
NEVADA, HAWTHORNE - The adjacent Walker Lake is allegedly a "bottomless lake" that has an underground connection to the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles away, and reportedly contains an Above Top Secret submarine base where submarines are housed that can commute through the subterranean aqua-caverns to the Pacific ocean and back... see: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- - -5- - -6- -
NEVADA, HENDERSON - Near the town of Henderson, the son of a woman by the name of Cherry Hinkle discovered (along with a friend of his who accompanied him) a cavern... which they explored. Deep inside the tunnel they began to hear guttural speaking from some creature, which frightened them so much that they left the cave and ran home, but not before discovering a strange "rod" with unusual writing on it, on the ground in the cave. That night a strange 'creature' which Cherry described as a "Lizard Man" with "ridges" on the top of its head and on its cheeks, peered through a window and tried to enter the house, before departing. Cherrie had the feeling that it wanted the rod back that the boys had taken, so in the morning they went back to the cave and laid the rod up against a rock near its' mouth, and since that time they have never again been bothered by the creature.
NEVADA, INDIAN SPRINGS - Charles Hall talked about his time in the military when he was stationed as a weatherman on the Indian Springs base (Creech Air Force Base) in Nevada, near ranges 1-4 of the Nellis AFB facility. Here he encountered the "tall whites", the "Nordics", and the "grey" aliens. The human-like "tall whites" lived in an underground 'city' beneath the ranges with their families/children.
NEVADA, LAS VEGAS - Several underground 'joint' Military bases exist
within 100 miles of Las Vegas. Also, some strange tunnels below the city of Las Vegas itself.
NEVADA, LOVELOCK - Humboldt Mountain Range. The cave is currently about 150 feet long, but it may have been longer in the past, before potential cave-ins blocked off the rest of the cavern. According to local native Americans Lovelock cave was once the home of dangerous cannibalistic red-haired giant humanoids. The native tribes of the area banded together and destroyed the giants my pushing them back into their cave and lighting it on fire, apparently throwing combustible materials deep into the cave, and the giants succumbed to this vengeful attack. The remains of 65 bodies were excavated from the cave. Victims of the giants? Four bodies of giants were found in and near the cave, ranging from 8-10 feet tall.
NEVADA, MERCURY - An electrician at the Mercury base
camp on the Nevada Test Site claimed to have seen
"aliens" in "stainless steel caverns" about 3000 feet
below the surface of the Mercury Site. The "Mercury
Workers" contracted through Reynolds Electric [a
division of E.G.&G.], and several of them told
terrifying stories of harassment and death threats
from base personnel in an effort to keep them from
talking. Also Las Vegan Stayce Borland and her
brother were killed by "burglars" during a time when
they were trying to help some of the Mercury Workers
who had been apprehended and were being held captive
underground. Many insisted that Borland's murder was
part of a conspiracy, similar to the 5 people killed
in a "helicopter crash" some years ago who, according
to former Wackenhut employee Michael Riconosciuto,
were trying to escape with documentation of genetic
research atrocities, alien interaction, and antigravity
craft technology in the underground facilities there.
This conspiracy of concealment is reportedly being
run by the aliens themselves to maintain control of
those military-industrial-intelligence agencies which
have been infiltrated and assimilated through advanced
mind control technology. source: "The Billy Goodman
Happening" - KVEG Radia 840 AM, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Nov. 19, 1989, etc.