NEVADA, RACHEL (AREA 51) - A massive system of underground tunnels beneath the area.
NEVADA, RENO (ETC.) - Demolition explosions in a mine near Reno, Nevada broke through into a vast underground network inhabited by strange 'eyeless' bipedal creatures with mossy-like red hair and tentacles. They attacked to humans, who fought back, repelled, and captured two of them alive.
NEVADA, PAHRUMP - NW of Pahrump [which lies due west from Las
Vegas] is Devil's Hole National Monument, an annex of Death Valley
National Monument. It is an apparently "bottomless" aqua-cave
containing a species of cave fish located no where else in the
world. Like the legendary "subterranean grand canyon" -- which
reportedly runs beneath the Kokoweef and Dorr Peaks near the SW
flank of the Ivanpah Mts. just south of highway 91 and NW of Needles,
California -- the Devil's Hole water level ALSO reportedly rises
and falls with the tide, suggesting a connection with a massive
underground sea below and upstream, possibly in the area of eastern
Nevada and western Utah. At least 2 boys disappeared trying to
explore Devil's Hole, and Navy scuba divers were lowered on cables
and reported seeing a large subterranean river which roared up
from below, flowed across a wide expanse although they could not
estimate the depth because of a myriad of colonnades of black
rock through which the river flowed, before plunging once again
down an abyss. This reportedly occurred in a cave NEAR Devil's
Hole. Although "fenced in", Devil's Hole is open for publuc view.
source: ADVENTURE IS UNDERGROUND, by William Halliday; Virginia
Louis Swanson; Devil's Hole "Search"; More: - -1- - -2- -
NEVADA (SOUTHERN) - Reports of a vast SubterRiver(s) flowing beneath the deserts of southern Nevada.
NEVADA (SOUTH-EAST) - There is a cavern in south-eastern Nevada that, according to native Goshute tradition, leads to a "...beautiful grandiose world with lush fields, flowers, animals, abundant food..." deep underground. Two native maidens were 'taken' underground and re-emerged years later, describing their happy life in the peaceful world in the heart of the earth.
NEW JERSEY, NORTHERN - John Keel, after hearing reports
of strange sounds of pulsating machines coming from caves
in the mountains of northern New Jersey, personally visited
some of the caverns. source: THE 8TH TOWER, by John A. Keel. Quoting from the book... "During my own investigations into the mountains of northern New Jersey, I wandered uncomfortably through old caves half-filled with water after local residents had told me of hearing the sounds of pulsing machines."
NEW JERSEY, BROOKHAVEN - see: New Jersey, Newark
NEW JERSEY, NEWARK - German [Thule Society] infiltration of
the American military-industrial complex following WWII, via
the NSA, I.T.T., ARCO, EXXON, etc., led to the construction of
massive joint alien-fascist underground complexes [stemming from
the Nazi alliance with an alien collaboration, based under the
Gizeh plateau of Egypt - via the Grant Orient Lodge of Egyptian
Freemasonry and the various gnostic Bavarian cults that were
brought back from Egypt during the Egyptian occupation by the
armies of the so-called "Holy Roman Empire" of Italy-Austria-Germany].
Tunnel systems run from the I.T.T. Corporation building in Newark
to the I.T.T. facility at Nutley, to Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base in Ohio [mag-lev tubes], to A.I.L., to Long Island [Montauk
by Val Valerian (Note: Since the page is blacked-out, you will need to press down the LEFT mouse button and scroll-down to the bottom of the page in order to convert the BLACK text into readable WHITE); Area between Newark (bottom) & Nutley (top), New Jersey.
NEW JERSEY, PARAMUS - A massive underground facility with an
entrance located in an office building at 140 century road. The
building next door at 120 century road is also owned by the same
company which finances projects carried out below, which deal
mainly with abducted women and young girls who are heavily mind
controlled using brainwashing and extreme sexual abuse and torture
induced MPD alternate programmed personalities, in order to create
"sex agents" for a Nazi cabal which had infiltrated the American
Industrial Complex following WWII. These agents are used to
extract important information from, to bribe, or to blackmail
powerful men. There also may be a connection to the ARCO scenario
in New Jersey as well. source:
Mr. X; TheARCO/"Atlantic Richfield Company" Connection.
NEW MEXICO (GENERAL) - Several areas with native American connections that hint at a massive system underground.
NEW MEXICO, ALBUQUERQUE - Manzano mountain in southeast Albuquerque, or the Kirtland [AFB] Munitions Storage Complex, was excavated by the Air Force to serve
as a nuclear weapons storage area. The mountain is visible a
couple of miles south of I-40 on the eastern outskirts of Albuquerque.
Security is extremely tight. Also, reports of grey aliens operating
within some of the deeper levels. A 285,000 sq. ft. underground
extension facility was constructed in the same area in 1989,
although heavy secrecy surrounds these facilities. source:
UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder on Manzano Mountain; Richard Sauder on Kirtland AFB; Air Force Base, Multiple levels. Tunnels to Carlsbad NM. More: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- -
NEW MEXICO, CARLSBAD - Lechuguilla cave in the Carlsbad Caverns National Park is still being "pushed" and is becoming one of the most extensive caves in the USA, if not the World. More on the Lechuguilla cave network. Also tunnels to Fort Stockton TX, and Roswell NM. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 ) - More: - -1- -
NEW MEXICO, DATIL - Tunnel to the Dulce Base NM. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )
NEW MEXICO, DONNA ANA COUNTY - Reports of strange discoveries beneath Victorio Peak Mountain. The following video is normally a pay-to-watch video, however THIS version can be watched for free, however it is reverse-imaged (text is mirror-imaged or backwards, etc.) - More: - -1- - -2- - - -3- -
NEW MEXICO, DULCE. - The Jicarilla Apache Indians believe that
their ancestors emerged from the caverns in ancient times. When
they emerged they were plagued by monsters [saurians?]. Some wanted
to go back down but once their hero's slew all of the monsters,
all was at peace [ironically the Dulce underground network is now
reportedly under the control of some of the very 'monsters' or
'reptilians' that they may have succeeded in driving underground].
source: MYTHS & TALES OF THE JICARILLA APACHE INDIANS, by Morris E. Opler. In the town
of Dulce in NW New Mexico, one block from the PAN AM building
is the old high school, now used as an engineering facility by
MAKEN & HANGER [originally ZIA Corp.]. Inside the facility is
an elevator that leads to Level-1 of the massive underground
facility beneath the Dulce area which is also known as "Ultra"
or "Section-D", which runs under main street at a depth of about
200 feet. This level is guarded by PROFORCE Security, whereas
deeper and more secure levels under the Archuleta mesa to the
north contain automatic devices designed to KILL intruders.
Dulce is by far the most massive and most strategic of all of
the underground "hubs" of the joint military-industrial / alien
imperial collaboration in North America, with numerous tube-tunnels
radiating to all parts of the continent and beyond. source:
ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton; The Dulce Book; Maps etc. of Dulce, New Mexico; Google Search for ufomind + dulce; The Archuleta mesa actually spans the Colorado - New Mexico border; Bennewitz & Dulce UFO photos; The more recent experiences of Dan Burisch relating to Dulce. Sherry Shriner's The Prisoners of Dulce Base article; Former MI6 British agent speaking on the Dulce base and related topics; Interviews with Jo Ann Richards, whose husband Mark fought in the DULCE WARS; The Dulce Controversy; More on Phil Schneider; Map and Still More Data on the Dulce Base: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- - -5- - -6- - -7- - -8- - -9- - -10- - -11- - -12- - -13- - -14- - -15 - -16- - -17- - -18- - -19- - ... Enter the... DULCE MATRIX. The underground base under the Archuleta mesa north of Dulce is A or THE main HUB of underground alien activity in the USA, and possibly beyond. Tunnels reportedly lead from Dulce to Colorado Springs CO., Creed CO., Datil NM., Los Alamos NM., Page AZ., Sandia Base NM., and Taos NM. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )
NEW MEXICO, GRAN QUIVIRA - About 25 miles from the Gran Quivira there are some ghost towns and a "ridge", atop which some explorers found the opening to a cave from which emanated unusual noises.
NEW MEXICO, GUADELLUPE MTS. - In the 1800's, two trappers
reportedly discovered a cave in the Guadellupe Mts., which
they followed to a considerable depth. Hiding behind a
large outcropping of rock they observed in fascination and
horror a procession of beings in dark hooded robes enter
a large cavern and bagan to chant, at which a "crystal
like" entity descended from the stalactites above, hovered
and in a multi-colored display communicated with the beings
in some type of xylophone-like manner, until it once again
ascended and was lost among the stalactites above, at which
the procession descended DOWNWARD through the passage from
which they had emerged. source:
NEW MEXICO, LOS ALAMOS - Massive underground joint military-alien
facilities connected via shuttle to the Dulce, New Mexico facility
to the NW. The deeper facilities under Los Alamos reportedly
descend to great depths and intersect with alien sectors which
constitute the largest concentration of grey alien activity in
North America, with Dulce running a close second... although many
of the aliens apparently commute between Dulce and Los Alamos. To
minimize cattle mutilations the U.S. government has reportedly been
transporting daily shipments of cattle to rendezvous points in the
mountains SE of Los Alamos, where some have reported massive UFO
activity on these occasions, and also ancient heiroglyphs depicting
alien beings. source: Thomas Costallo; Sharula [Bonnie] Dux;
K. Studstrup; etc.; UFOMIND Search Page for Los Alamos National Laboratory. Tunels to Dulce, Datil, and Taos NM. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )... More: - -1- -
NEW MEXICO, ORGAN MTS. - 60 miles NW of El Paso, Texas in the
Organ Mts. of New Mexico. Helen Compton Gordon and her husband
discovered an old abandoned mine far above the "Bean Blossom Mine"
near their former home. Climbing the ore-splattered slope they
entered the other mine and discovered deep inside an immense
chasm separated from the main tunnel passage by a rock wall, on
the other side of which was a narrow ledge-precipice at the edge
of the chasm. They threw lighted sticks down the shaft and they
seemed to "fall forever", also rocks were thrown in which they
could not hear hit bottom. An old timer in the area told them
it was a "glory hole" and that miners tended to avoid them.
source: SHAVER MYSTERY MAGAZINE, Vol.1, No.2 [1947]; Google-Earth view of Organ, New Mexico; More details on the "glory hole" of New Mexico.
NEW MEXICO, PIE TOWN - An unexplored cave with large steps
leading deep into the earth near El Moro National Monument
NE of Pie Town. Also reports of a southern extension base
between Pie Town and Datil which is linked underground to
the Dulce base in NW New Mexico. source: THE HIDDEN CITY
OF CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux; Thomas A. Castello;
Google-Earth satellite view of Pie Town, New Mexico.
NEW MEXICO, RESERVE - Reports of an Underground Base west of Reserve.
NEW MEXICO, SAN CRISTOBAL - A homeless man spent the night
in a black rock cavern near some [hot?] springs north of San
Cristobal [north of Taos]. He was frightened from the cave
after seeing a "lizard like" humanoid, the size of a man and
walking upright on two feet. source: Tim Ore; Google Earth Sat-View of San Cristobal, New Mexico.
NEW MEXICO, SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES (between Albuquerque on the west and Sandia Mointains on the east) - Information on the secrecy surrounding the underground base beneath Sandia Mountain, New Mexico. Tunnels from there to the Dulce base NM. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )... More: - -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- - -5- -
NEW MEXICO, (MT.) SANTA FE BALDY - On page 33 of "The Time Before the Secret Words", by John Vivanco -- https://www.righthemispheric.com/ -- we read: "...one group claimed that they had remote viewed Martians underneath (Mount) Santa Fe Baldy in New Mexico. Apparently transported there some time ago by grey aliens in order to save them from the desolation of their home planet. Word from the remote viewers though -- THEY were on the verge of starvation and hunger with their supplies running out fast..."
NEW MEXICO, TAOS - Reports of a native American legend stating
that Montezuma was born near Taos and was "instructed by beings
who lived in Pueblo Peak, which is near Blue Lake, where UFO's
have been seen entering and exiting the water. Near Taos, in a
cave above the Lucero River, not far from Frijoles Canyon, ancient
and modern sacrifices were carried out by secret cults. "Members
of secret society groups in Taos have been found beheaded, like
Arthur Manby who told of a secret "Aztland" Hot Springs roughly
11 miles NW of Taos, flanked by petroglyphs on the canyon walls.
source: ALIEN INVADERS, article/treatise by TAL LeVesque. Tunnels to Dulce NM and several sites in Colorado. (source: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/777696 )
when he was young, about 12, he was out hunting deer NORTH
of Truth or Consequences, and was tracking a wounded deer
he had shot when he came across an intricately carved stone
stairway that led down into the earth, which he determined to
investigate after he killed the deer. He searched for years
but was never able to find the enigmatic staircase again.
source: Cossette Willoughby; Satellite Map of Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico.
NEW MEXICO, URRACA MESA - This mesa. in northeast New Mexico, is believed to contain a portal to another world or reality.
NEW MEXICO, WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE - Stories of secret tunnels below the area and surrounding regions.
NEW YORK (GENERAL) - Milinko S. Stevic, a Yugoslavian-born researcher, speaks of subterranean cities beneath New York, Tokyo, Leningrad and Sao Paulo. He believes that some of these underground cities have over a million inhabitants, some of whom have come to the surface and are living in the USA as REAL "ILEGAL ALIENS".
NEW YORK (CENTRAL PARK) - U.S. Military Forces have discovered tunnels under New York's Central Park containing thousands of IMPRISONED CHILDREN, victims of a massive (masonic?) pedophile cult, possibly working with IT's (inner-terrestrial 'aliens'. Many of these children have been rescued, others never made it. More: - -1- - -2- -
NEW YORK, LINCOLN TUNNEL - A man and his wife, traveling through winter snow, parked their car in the Lincoln tunnel to wipe the condensation from off of the car window, and once he was finished, he found that his wife had vanished without a trace, with no sight of her down through either side of the tunnel (source: John Grant. GREAT MYSTERIES. Chartwell Books., Secaucus, NJ., 1988). We quote from his book: "...In 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wright were driving to New York through blinding snow; in the Lincoln Tunnel they agreed to pause and wipe snow from the front and rear
windows. Jackson Wright never saw his wife, Martha, again." Map of the Lincoln Tunnel
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - A large triangular system of tunnels
utilized by a "masonic lodge", deep below the surface of
Manhattan. source: "Tunnels and Caverns Beneath New York
City", article by R. L. Blain-Sanders in the Fall, 1981 issue
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - Con Edison, while drilling a test
hole in the north end of East River Park, broke through
to open space about 200 feet below, suggesting the existence
of a large cavern below. source: "Tunnels and Caverns Beneath
New York City", article by R. L. Blain-Sanders in the Fall, 1981
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - Strange stories of several sub-basement
levels descending below the Empire State Building, rumors of
descending sub-basements connecting with ancient tunnels and
sub-basement levels controlled by the Federal government. Following the Twin Towers bombing it was reported that 6 sub-levels controlled by the Secret Service were damaged. Also in a similar fashion LOCAL reporters in the early hours of the Oklahoma City bombing reported that underground tunnels containing all kinds of military hardware had been blasted open, and also rumors of an 18-leveled underground facility below the Murah Federal Building, with the 5 upper levels being used for parking. These aspects of the bombings
were, predictably, not advertised by the national media monopolies. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR; various private news sources;
More on the New York City underground.
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - The Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine at 103 St. and Amsterdam reportedly conceals the entrance to an underground cavern used by an occult lodge, an actual "city" left over from former sub-inhabitants of the eastern seaboard during antediluvian/Atlantean times, and protected by "space-warping" technology. source: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OCCULTISM & PARAPSYCHOLOGY, by Leslie A. Shepard, pp. 889-890; Maurice Doreal; the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
NEW YORK, MANHATTAN - Reports of a large underground river that has been discovered beneath Manhattan.
NEW YORK, MONTAUK - An underground base 8-9 levels
deep below Camp Hero at Montauk Point, Long Island,
which is reportedly occupied by Ciakars from Alpha
Draco, Greys from Rigel Orion, Black Ops & German
Intelligence - Thule Society agents. The Montauk
mind control and space-time manipulation projects
were based there and at 25 other bases around North
America and reportedly involved over 25 thousand
"abductees" who have been programmed to serve the
as "sleeper" agents of the New World Order. The
computer archives of the Montauk Project are housed
in the underground facility near the Alsace-Lorraine
region near the German-French border, and is known
as the Montauk Alsace Lorraine Time Archives
[M.A.L.T.A.]. Entrances reportedly exist under
the old 7-story Montauk Tower in the nearby town
of Montauk; near the Sage Radar Tower and buildings
to the north; under the old Montauk Air Force Station;
Block Island; East Hampton; in a hill near the Light
House at Montauk 'Point' itself; in the cliffs
overlooking the beaches near Camp Hero; behind the
so-called "cement bunkers" that have been sealed;
under the "mystery closets" which can be seen
throughout the area; and connecting the basements
of three [?] buildings - now demolished - in the
Shadmoor area directly west of the Ditch Plains
public bathhouse and parking lot; an entrance near
a boulder which sits along the west side of the
SE entry road to the base; and also at Fort Pond
Bay. source:
Preston Nicholes - Peter Moon - Duncan Cameron - Al Bielek;
Michelle Guerin;
Michael Ash;
Mr. "X";
John Quinn;
SatView of Montauk Point, New York. Another source claims that the subterranean levels under Montauk reach at least 12 Levels deep. Go to 10:30 in THIS VIDEO and you will hear an 'Insider' referring to these SUBTERRANEAN LEVELS beneath Montauk Point, and the decommissioned Camp Hero, Long Island, which are now part of a PARK that conceals and hides the underground secret government and alien activity taking place deep below.
NEW YORK, ROME - A very large underground facility located at the
Rome National Air Base where is located a "Montauk Chair" similar
to the one at the base under Montauk Point, Long Island. An
underground tunnel with electric cars reportedly connects this
facility with another smaller facility in Rochester, an entrance
to this tunnel connection allegedly being located under the
Andrews Street bridge in Rochester. source:
Mr. "X";
Rome New York Air Base.
NEW YORK, SARANAC LAKE (ADIRONDACK MTS.) - Woodsman discovers an interesting and very large cavern.
NEW ZEALAND (ISLANDS) - There are nearly 144 small islands off the coast of New Zealand. This experience of an ex-CIA woman nicknamed "the Ghost" took place on/in/through an aquatic cavern system within this small rocky island which from a distance looks like two very large "rocks". They scuba dived through the water caverns and into some dry caverns deep below. She traveled there with a man named Brennon, whose father years before came to the surface and married a surface women and gave birth to Brennon, then his father went back to the inner earth and never returned, after his wife died. Brennon knew that it was his destiny to visit that 'world' when he was older. They entered an underground illuminated cavern and an underground community...
NORWAY, LILLEDAL - A hundred miles SW of Trondheim, Lilledal is a small valley running into Sundalen fjord from the south, close to the bottom of Sundal. A subterranean passage is said to go
through the Fjeld Kalken which rises over Yulevolden, reaching
from Hovedalen to Lilledalen. An iron gate is supposed to be in the passage with a guard dog[s?] tied to it, and only a few have gone that far. A red-haired dog is once said to have gone in at Lilledalen and after a long time came out by Maele in Sundalen, but it was hairless on one side. source: FOLKLORE - A QUARTERLY REVIEW, Vol. 20 [1909].
NORWAY, TROMVIK - underground "ghosts" stop demolition crew from tearing down an old barn. See: http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article907643.ece.
OHIO, MANSFIELD/CLEVELAND - A huge 11-foot-tall hairy creature with orange eyes was reportedly driven out of his underground home in tunnels beneath Cleveland's Riverside cemetery after construction work there destroy its underground home -- or the ACCESS to its underground home -- in the 1940's.
OHIO (RIVER VALLEY) - Caves in or near the Ohio River Valley, as well as in the neighboring states of Tennessee and Massachusetts, where giant human bones have been discovered.
OKLAHOMA, ADA - Joint alien-military underground facility.
source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6, 1992; Google-Earth view of Ada Oklahoma.
OKLAHOMA, BINGER - A large mound north of Binger has traditionally been "haunted" and also the site of a legendary entrance to a vast system of labyrinths leading to the "Land of Kenyon" within a vast cavern illuminated by a bluish electromagnetic aurora/phosphorescence, in which live a peaceable race. However deep below this cavern are other darker realms where malevolent "serpent people" dwell. This
story has made the rounds in years past, but others attribute its origin to a little known story penned by H. P. Lovecraft. One may wonder just why Lovecraft chose this particualr mound north of this particular town. Was this "haunted mound" connected to local legends or incidents in reality? source: Binger, Oklahoma;
H. P. Lovecraft.
OKLAHOMA, MCALESTER - Just before the Korean war three men
explored a cavern NE of MCalester, underneath a "haunted mound", near which strange manifestations, animal mutilations and missing livestock had been reported. The owner at the time had put crosses on the knoll in order to keep "evil spirits" away. The three man, once inside, made their way down into a large cavern and found a seemingly "bottomless shaft" around which spiraled a stone staircase with steps large enough to accommodate a 12 foot giant. They
descended for about a mile, not reaching the bottom, and decided to go back up. After the first two had emerged they heard a scream from the third, and some shots from his .45 revolver. They helped him out and in terror he told of hairy animal-men who had suddenly snuck up from behind him, grabbing him and trying to pounce him down to the ground. As evidence he showed his friends the
YELLOWISH BLOOD that his gun had extracted from the creatures.
source: Timothy Green Beckley; Victor C. Johnson; Google-Earth satellite view of McAlester, Oklahoma. Still More.
OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY - Reports which surfaced in the first
hours following the Oklahoma City Federal building bombing, yet were suppressed by the national media, regarding Firefighters who told of huge tunnels that had been blasted open, where they were shocked to see huge underground rooms filled with military arsenals, including missiles and missile launchers, tanks, etc. Also reports of an 18-level underground base beneath this Federal Building [and others?], with the top 5 levels being used for underground parking. These claims were made in reader letters to "The Phoenix Liberator" from a people who reported the "tunnel" aspects of the Murrah Federal Building bombing as described by local newscasters in the INITIAL hours after the blast. The "Liberator" however has been accused of being a channel for the "Ashtar" alien collective, a right-wing propaganda outlet spouting the 'revelations' of one Gyeorgos Hatonn, a reputed 9
ft. reptilian who supposedly "defected" from the Draconian -
Orionite - SiriusB "Kamagol-II" empire based under Heliopolis/Gizeh Egypt, yet who nevertheless still maintains close advisory contact with the active "Nazi" saucer battalions in the "New Berlin" base/city under New Schwabenland Antarctica and the two similar facilities under Dulce New Mexico and Pine Gap Australia, just as the "Gizeh Empire" had reportedly maintained ties with the Nazi's during World War II. The letters about the Oklahoma City bombing nevertheless seemed to be legitimate. Note: Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City has been cited by some as a major New World Order preparation facility, and like many major airports the Oklahoma City airport is intended to be used as a major transfer terminal for political dissidents once attempts are made to enforce the NWO in North America. Most major airports of this type reportedly have major underground FEMA, etc., facilities. Tinker Air Force Base is also where Cathy O'Brien reportedly met George Bush during her mind control "training". source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR;
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City.
OKLAHOMA, OKLAHOMA CITY - In Oklahoma City a woman said that her 4-year-old daughter was taken by an "underground family" who fed her and took good care of her. She was returned to her mother a few days later. Another girl said that she was befriended by some humanoids who lived in an "underground river tunnel" beneath Oklahoma City (check last paragraph in the link).
OREGON, CAVE JUNCTION - Suspected underground UFO base in or near Hope mountain near Applegate Lake. ( source )
OREGON, FORT ROCK BASIN - Water wells north of Fort Rock Basin
have been known to blow air for days during periods of high
barometric pressure - times when they should rather be taking
in air. source: "Central Oregon's Underground World Filled With Wind That Roars, Whistles...", Article by Larry Chitwood in THE OREGONIAN, Oct. 31, 1985; Fort Rock Basin, Oregon.
OREGON (Quartzville Drive) - The northern shore of the northern "arm" of Green Peter reservoir in north-west Oregon. One man claimed to have seen a "giant" emerge from a LARGE STONE DOOR which opened up in a cliff adjacent to the road.
OREGON, MT. HOOD - A UFO or UFOs have been seen entering and leaving Mount Hood -- an extinct vlcano -- in Oregon.
OREGON, JOSEPHINE COUNTY - The discovery of a strange, HUGE CAVERN in Josephine County, Oregon.
OREGON, LINCOLN COUNTY - A Subterranean 'Amazonian' Tribe where women 8 feet tall rule, is said to exist beneath Lincoln County, Oregon, according Virgin T. Godwin, author of the book BIZARRE SHAVER...
OREGON, PENDLETON - And old "underground city" that was build beneath the town of Pendleton.
OREGON, PORTLAND - "The Astounding Woodstock Mystery Hole just
2 miles west of I-205 located in Portland Oregon. Inside the
Mystery Hole you'll find a Giant Double Arch, Geometric 'codes'
inscribed on walls, and other oddities. A Black Obsidian Mirror,
and a Florite Crystal Tower, re-constructed based on information
gleaned from the curious glyphs insculptured on the Giant Double
Arch found deep inside The Mystery Hole." source:
HOLE website.
OREGON (SOUTHEAST) - The strange Malheur Cave in southeastern Oregon is traditionally, according to natives, the entrance to the underworld... and it also has a bizarre Masonic connection.