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By James Bartley

The lines have been clearly drawn between those who promote the Draco-Reptilian New World Order and those who have shown by word and deed that they are part of the Resistance. This treatise is dedicated to those stalwart individuals who have made the commitment to resist the draco-reptilian overlordship. I believe within one generation a small percentage of Humans will have broken free from the Reptilian Yoke.

Since the release of my last treatise "Astral Dreamscape Manipulation" several people have contacted me and have provided graphic details of the sexual manipulation and exploitation they endured from the reptilians. They didn't allow personal embarrassment or shame to prevent them from admitting to me that they too had endured the very things which I described in Astral Dreamscape Manipulation. They even shared things which were NOT included in the Astral Dreamscape Manipulation treatise. I wish to thank each and every one of you BRAVE SOULS who have shared your experiences with me. You know who you are.

Before we can even think about defeating the draco-reptilian overlords we must first make an honest assessment of how the reptilian overlordship has negatively impacted each one of our lives. Second and just as important we must develop a better understanding of the Reptilian Mind. An understanding of the Reptilian Mind brings into sharp focus just how the human race has been led to its present state of Physical and Spiritual Degradation and Bondage. This treatise will go from the General to the Specific and back to the General in an attempt to make the reader understand just how far the reptilian overlordship has crept into our personal lives.


The reptilians are the Controlling Factor. One cannot understand why there is constant strife, tragedy and turmoil in the world without first realizing that the human race is under the control and domination of a Cruel and Remorseless Intelligence.

David Icke made an invaluable contribution with his book "The Biggest Secret." I will elaborate on some themes that Icke had brought up. The draco-reptilians ARE in control. Despite Icke's information exposing the ruling reptilian bloodlines, there persist this feeling amongst many that the reptilian overlordship doesn't have any direct impact in their own lives.

Some people are willing to believe that the British Royal Family and the so called Eastern Establishment are reptilian-human hybrids but they are unable or unwilling to see how their quality of life has been eroded by these same reptilian-human hybrids. Policies are initiated by these reptilians which are then passed down through successive lower echelon underlings who take the necessary actions. The end result is all around us: The quality of life (QOL) has been severely degraded for the vast majority of humans on the surface. This was entirely predictable. And these lizard creatures leave their phallic symbols all over the place just to rub it in our collective face. I'm seeing more and more Obelisk at SHOPPING MALLS these days.

I will say this more than once during this treatise: 98% of all Americans are dead or broke by the age of 65 and even that wasn't good enough for the Illuminatti. The minimum retirement age in America is now 70. This is why you see senior citizens working in Fast Food Restaurants. Its not because they are "bored and have nothing better to do." Its because they enjoy having things like a roof over their heads and food to eat. Virtually every decision people make is predicated on Time and Money or rather, the lack thereof. It is absolutely essential for the reader to understand this. This was all planned and it was planned by an inhuman intelligence that thinks ahead in terms of decades and centuries unlike most Americans who can see no further than the next paycheck. People are too busy trying to eke out a subsistence existence and consequently lack the time or the intellectual capacity to ponder the truly important questions in life like... why is it so hard to get ahead in this world? As Henry David Thoreau once said: "People are living lives of quiet desperation." And they don't even know it.

Television shows like "Leave it to Beaver" and the "Ozzie and Harriet Show" accurately portrayed the lifestyle of an American family in the 1950's and early 1960's. Ward Cleaver was the sole breadwinner in the family while his June wife stayed home and raised two well adjusted kids. Everything in the home was bought and paid for. Back then people paid for Goods and Services IN CASH. Contrast that with what is happening today. Americans are up to their eyeballs in consumer debt. Business Journals are now describing "The Four Income Family" with both parents holding two jobs. This is already happening in places like Hawaii where the cost of living is outrageous. Meanwhile what is happening to the young children of the working parents? Often as not they are shunted off to day care centers to be raised by strangers. Business journals have stated for the record that in order to retire with any sort of dignity and quality of life, we must each have saved a minimum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS unencumbered by debt. How's everyone doing so far?

The # 1 cause of Divorce in this country is the STRESS and UNHAPPINESS generated within the relationship by DEBT and the Lack of Money. One of the major causes of illnesses in this country is STRESS created by DEBT and the Lack of Money. But mere statistics can never tell the real story. People in Customer Service Related jobs will tell you it is absolutely normal for customers to call up and make a payment arrangement for a $15 Bill. "I get paid on the 1st and the 15th of the month so I'll send in a payment on the 16th." Bank Tellers will tell you just how low the balance is on the average customers bank account. Just ask them. You will be amazed.

Now multiply all those anecdotal stories by the 200 million plus population of America and you start to get the picture. Remember that one tenth of one per cent of America's population enjoys the top lifestyle on the planet. And yet it is many of these same elitist who coined the war cry "Money isn't everything." If that is the case why are Americans slowly but surely being WORKED TO DEATH? People are literally DYING ON THE JOB. Its amazing how tossing $50,000 into the equation can solve most family problems. I've tried being broke and miserable. I'd like to try being rich and miserable for a change.

Keep in mind that this poverty consciousness really gained momentum a scant eighty eight years ago with the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking System in 1913. Thirteen is an occulted number. 1933 was the year the "Eye in the Triangle" symbol first appeared on the Federal Reserve Notes. Thirty three is likewise an occultic number. 1933 marked the first appearance of the Latin inscription "Annuit Coeptus: Novus Ordo Seclorum." The translation? "Our Enterprise is Crowned With Success: A New World Order." Indeed.

We will look at the Educational System of America in a way that most have not. We will see how the lives of countless Americans are strictly regimented and how literally every county, state and federal agency is thoroughly controlled by the reptilians. This fact has severely degraded the quality of life of countless Americans.

Later in this treatise I will go into great detail about the Reptilian Mind and how the reptilian's perception of themselves as the dominant species on this planet makes it impossible for them to treat the Human Race as anything other than Domesticated Livestock. Let us first look at how the draco-reptilian overlords have manipulated the Educational system for the express purpose of turning our country from one that favored FREE ENTERPRISE and PRIVATE OWNERSHIP to one which practices COMMUNISM and COLLECTIVISM. The reader MUST understand this aspect of the reptilian agenda. I ask the reader to take the time to read this section carefully because everything else hinges upon it.

The American Historical Society was created by the Royal Institute for Foreign Affairs which was itself descended from Cecil Rhodes' Round Table. Thrican Historical Society set out to do was change America from a country that promoted FREE ENTERPRISE and ENTREPRENUERALISM into a country that embraced BIG BUSINESS and favored the multi-national corporations and banks. This occurred during one of the most under-appreciated and misunderstood periods of American history, the Reconstruction period.

If you look back in America's history, you will find that the further you go back into time, the more likely you will find that Americans owned and operated their own businesses. Whether these businesses were Farms, Mills, Tanneries or Shops, often as not the businesses were family owned and passed down from generation to generation. For those who didn't inherit a family run business, an entrepreneur would often set up his own business in whatever trade that best suited his skills and temperament. Again, the readers can test this for themselves. Find out what your grandfathers and great-grandfathers did for a living and you will find that most of them were SELF EMPLOYED.

This is an important distinction to make. The pilgrims didn't come here because they heard that IBM was hiring. They came here to practice religious and ECONOMIC FREEDOM. They and their successors wanted to own and operate their own businesses and reap the harvest of their own labors just as their ancestors did. This business mindset has largely been removed from the human consciousness. The world is rushing towards a Collectivist-Communist super state because private ownership and free enterprise is being stamped out. The Starship U.S.S.. Enterprise of Star Trek fame has tremendous personal and metaphorical meaning for me. One of the greatest aircraft carriers in history was named after free Enterprise. Free Enterprise allowed average business owners the opportunity to make as much or as little money as required to finance their particular lifestyles. I said LIFESTYLES not subsistence existence.

The dangers that FREE ENTERPRISE presented for the drac-reptilian overlords i.e. the Illuminatti during the Reconstruction period was two-fold. First of all, many of the Entrepreneurs and Businessmen were not taking loans from banks. This was a situation that was simply intolerable for the drac controlled money changers and money lenders. Secondly America was largely an agricultural society back then. Most of the population lived in the country. Citizens tended to stay in the countryside and work in their family's farms, ranches and artisan shops. The Illuminatti had to find a way to get these people away from the family run businesses in the countryside and into the Illuminatti controlled factories in the cities. Again, this was a process that spanned decades.

The Illuminatti resolved this problem by first ensuring that legislation would be passed that would make it increasingly difficult for Americans to run their own businesses. Today we see this in the form of endless licensing restrictions, zoning regulations, punitive taxation and the like. Secondly the American Historical Society, having returned from England as trained cadres imbued with the beliefs of COMMUNISM and COLLECTIVISM than began to indoctrinate their academic colleagues with these same beliefs. It wasn't long before the tenets of Communism and Collectivism began to creep into school curriculums. I will give short shrift to this because once again, the Truth is all around us in society.

Have you ever heard the following statement? "If you go to school, study hard and get good grades, you will be successful." Has anyone heard that statement besides me? What is happening is that CONSUMERISM instead of FREE ENTERPRISE and ENTREPRENUERALISM is being taught in todays high schools and colleges.

Small privately owned businesses have always been the backbone of this country yet countless American students are paying good money to be taught how to become someone's employee. The goal for many college graduates is to obtain a position with a large corporation because they equate large corporations with stability. One look at how many employees have been left out of the equation after corporate mergers should disabuse most people of that erroneous belief.

Free Enterprise ensures FREEDOM. Isn't it curious that immigrants come to this country, barely able to speak English and within months establish their own businesses often as not HIRING Americans to sweep their floors and operate their cash registers? Why is it that immigrants know that FREE ENTERPRISE is the fundamental basis for the "American Dream " and Americans born and bred here study for years merely to become someone else's employee? We are never paid what we are worth, we are only paid what the job is worth. Bottom line, if you are trading hours for dollars, you will NEVER overcome inflation and will probably have to rely on CREDIT which is just a euphemism for DEBT, to make ends meet.

This is absolutely essential to understand because Americans have been brainwashed into believing that we are FREE simply because we live in America. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are only as FREE as we allow ourselves to be and freedom whether or not anyone wants to admit it, and this is where I'll lose the New Age metaphysical crowd, HAS A DOLLAR SIGN NEXT TO IT. Financial Independence means being debt free and having enough money saved to enjoy a particular lifestyle. It means being in total control of ones own clock and calendar. Often as not it means somehow developing a RESIDUAL INCOME i.e. capitalizing on an existing income stream that never runs out.. And not have to work yourself to death in the process. But American students are not taught any of these things. They are told that upon graduation they can become "professionals" and accept the fact that they may have to work extremely long hours just to get themselves "established." I see right through "professionals" There is nothing appealing or ego boosting to me about working extremely long hours for so little return just to maintain the facade of the "professional lifestyle.". Many people have the trappings of "success" i.e. big comfortable houses and nice shiny cars but in reality they are just BROKE AT A HIGHER LEVEL They still aren't Financially Independent. Once again: 98% of all Americans are dead or broke by the age of 65. The manipulation of the educational and financial systems ensured that millions of Americans would live in a state of ECONOMIC BONDAGE. Americans are running out of money before they run out of month.
Americans are fed the deceit that if they go to school and study hard, then somehow some way, at the end of the rainbow, they will find financial security. Again this flies in the face of the facts. 98% per cent of all Americans are dead or broke by the age of 65. Many Americans who WILL become dead or broke by the age of 65 are college graduates.. And yet most self made millionaires in this country never went to college. A significant percentage of them never even went to HIGH SCHOOL. So why is so much emphasis placed on GOING TO SCHOOL and earning a degree?
No one has yet to explain to me, how a broke business professor who has never owned and operated his own business, can ever TEACH others how to be successful business owners. I'm different from most people. I'd raise my hand in class and ask this professor if he has ever done what he is teaching the class. If his answer is no, than I'm walking out. Better yet, I'm following him out to the parking lot and checking out what kind of car he drives. Does he care enough about his family to put them in safe cars which are usually expensive? I'd follow him home and see what kind of neighborhood he makes his family live in. I'd find out what kind of relationship he has with his wife and children. I WOULD CHECK THE FRUIT ON THE TREE.

Is this broke business professor really QUALIFIED to provide advice and counsel about something as critical as your financial future? Ask any college student what they are majoring in. The common denominator that all their answers will have is that after they graduate they will become someone's employee. And it really doesn't matter what they majored in. Business Journals and independent studies have pointed out that the majority of college graduates eventually work in professions that have nothing to do with their field of study in college. Your average American switches jobs every 3 1/2 years. People are becoming UNDER-EMPLOYED. There is nothing wrong with working a cash register somewhere but you don't need a college degree to learn how to operate one. Again you can conduct your own private poll and discover countless people in your own community that are OVER-EDUCATED AND UNDER-EMPLOYED. And these people will NEVER understand that Shapeshifting Reptilian-Human hybrids were ultimately responsible for their predicament. Indeed, most people will never even realize that their quality of life has been gradually eroded at all. Why is that? Because they are comparing their lives to their friends and relatives who are in the same financial straights that they are.

This is just a few of the things that financially independent people can do: They can provide the best health care for themselves and their loved ones and not have to choose a so called "Health Maintenance Organization" if they don't want to. Financially independent people can buy comfortable homes in safe neighborhoods so their families can live in relative peace and quiet. They won't have to stuff themselves into apartments. Financially Independent people can purchase the safest automobiles to transport their families in. And .last but certainly not least, Financially Independent people can send their children to Private Schools of their own choosing. The alternative of sending your children to a private school is MORE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED BRAINWASHING. There is even a name for it: Its called OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION and GLOBAL EDUCATION 2000. Look them both up on the internet. Its just more brainwashing but now its starting at the grade school level. This process has already begun in some states.

"Non-Governmental Organizations" or NGOs such as the Carnegie Endowment and the Ford Foundation pour BILLIONS OF DOLLARS into America's educational system every year. Is it any wonder that Americans are so ignorant about the history of this country? Most college textbooks these days pay scant attention to such subjects such as the Revolutionary War or the Mexican-American War. The Constitutional Convention is barely mentioned. The development of the American railroad system is completely downplayed. Even when important subjects are briefly mentioned it is routinely presented in a dry uninformative manner thereby giving students the impression that its not worthy of further study. Most college students would be unable to give you an adequate definition of MONEY. Likewise they would be hard-pressed to provide an adequate definition of INFLATION.

Is it any wonder that Private Ownership is largely being replaced by State Ownership of the means of Production? The latter is the very definition of COMMUNISM. Private Ownership and the ability to benefit from ones own labors will soon become a thing of the past because of a consumer mentality that is being inculcated within countless students. I mentally flushed this so called Educational System the morning after a consciously remembered abduction experience in September of 1990. I REASONED that after spending countless hours studying in college and paying exorbitant tuition fees, that somewhere along the line I would have been warned about non-human beings that abduct people at night. Alas that wasn't the case. I had to find out the hard way. Thereafter I used school for MY OWN PURPOSES. I used their libraries to study subjects which I felt compelled to study and didn't waste my time studying for their mid-terms and finals. I grew up.

Earning a College Degree is fine for people who want to learn a particular skill in order to enter a particular field or if they believe it would give them a better position and more income within a given field. What I am against is the false creed that Education is the be all and the end all and a guarantor of financial security because all the facts say otherwise.

This indifference and ignorance displayed by Americans was set in motion by the draco overlords working through reptilian-human bloodlines that control virtually every aspect of human life.

The Medical System is controlled by the dracos through the vehicle of the American Medical Association which uses Gestapo like methods to squelch any efforts at using SUCCESSFUL alternative medical treatments, especially as they apply to supposedly "incurable diseases." The World Health Organization metes out the same treatment to the rest of the planet especially to the so-called Third World.

The Cruel and Inhuman Intelligence that is responsible for this horrendous state of affairs needs to be studied and understood. Otherwise we stand no chance of ever rising above this Drac controlled society. We stand the very real risk of becoming "environmentalized" like animals, doing just enough to survive and nothing more. What a sad ending for a species that has so much potential. The next part of this treatise deals with an inquiry into the Reptilian Mind which is responsible for our present predicament.


David Icke pointed out in The Biggest Secret that the actual rulers of this planet are Reptilians who reside in the lower fourth dimension and who work through their reptilian-human hybrids that have attained positions of power on Earth. These reptilian-human hybrids are the driving force behind most of the systemic cruelty and wickedness on Earth. The use of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves, the International Child Prostitution business, Sexual Slavery and Torture, International Drug Trafficking with its concomitant miseries, Genocide, Human Experimentation, Chem Trail spraying ad nauseum are all spawned from the Reptilian Mind.

When one studies the Reptilian Mind, horrors such as Occultic Rituals involving human sacrifice and the horrendous and systematic sexual exploitation of women and children becomes understandable. These wicked attributes are imbued into their manipulated humans the world over at all strata of society. The result is a worldwide smorgasbord of human misery and suffering.. Why does a cruel and remorseless muppet dictator need to see the bigger picture and even know shapeshfiting reptilian exist? His job (and overwhelmingly muppet dictators are male) is to ensure the humans in "his" own country lead miserable lives.

What I have done to gain better insight into the Reptilian Mind has been to study, for comparison purposes, the work of the FBI's leading profilers for Serial Sex Offenders. At this point I haven't the means to play the role of "The Crocodile Hunter." I wish I could go out and capture a draco anytime I want to but for now I'm going to have work with the next best thing. We can study the operational methods and state of mind of manipulated and often HOSTED HUMANS controlled by the reptilian and demonic element. I believe that many serial sex offenders are actually controlled by reptilians and demonic forces.

The white adult males of European descent who overwhelmingly make up the serial sex offender/murderer population, use reptilian operational methods such as sadistic control, the use of restraints, ritual, rape and sodomy upon their victims. But that is not the only similarity. Many of the complex "fantasies" that Serial Sex Offenders/Killers see in their MIND is no different than what many reptilian manipulated Male Abductees see in their MIND or in the Astral Dreamscape. DEMONIC HARRASMENT and mixed REPTILIAN-HUMAN Heritage generates impulses that the Human side of the individual must overcome. I've said this before and I'll say it again:

The Struggle is within.

That is one thing that jumped out at me from the research of Roy Hazelwood, the FBI's # 1 profiler of Serial Sex Offenders/Killers. The Serial Sex Offender was almost always a white male of European descent. This dovetails so much with David Icke's conclusion that the Royal Bloodlines of Europe and the Eastern Establishment are actually Shapeshifting Ritualistic and Sadistic Reptilians that a knowledgeable person needs no further explanation.. The Serial Sex Offender may not be a Shapeshifter but the Reptilian Consciousness will be the driving force behind his heinous atrocities none the less. But just to show that the Reptilians are equal opportunity possessors I will also devote a considereable portion of this treatise towards describing the unbelievable cruelty of the Japanese Army during the RAPE OF NANKING CHINA in December 1937.

Iris Chang wrote the "Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust" which is the definitive history of this horrifying six week long event. Much of her information came from eyewitnesses among the Chinese survivors as well as the testimony of foreign nationals and missionaries. Again, the reader can decide for himself or herself if the sadistic and methodical methods of mass rape and murder the Japanese army used in Nanking have any similarity to the known operational methods of the ruling reptilian-human hybrids and the serial sex offenders.

The Rape of Nanking will provide a classic example of the HIVE REPTILIAN CONSCIOUSNESS in action. I will also use a contemporary example with the GENOCIDAL RAPE WARFARE that is occurring today in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia. I affirm that the conclusions I have drawn about the Reptilian Influence upon the serial rapist and murderers especially those that participated in the Rape of Nanking and The Genocidal Rape Warfare in the Balkans, are my own. In both cases, rape and murder were a matter of political and military POLICY.

It is doubtful if someone even as intelligent as Roy Hazelwood, the FBI's # 1 Serial Rapist Profiler has ever heard of the Reptilians or has ever seriously considered the demonic element that is fundamental to serial rape and serial murder.

I warn the readers that the descriptions I will provide of the countless mass rapes, mutilations, wholesale slaughter and "Entertainment" and "Competitions" the Japanese perpetrated in Nanking China are very graphic. Low end estimates of the number of Chinese who died during the Rape of Nanking START around Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand with high end estimates as high as Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand. Many of them were defiled and mutilated in the most horrible ways imaginable. No one, infants, the infirm nor the elderly, were spared the brutal and INHUMAN violence perpetrated by the Japanese Army.

A number of brave souls have contacted me after reading my paper "Astral Dreamscape Manipulation" and have confided to me graphic details of the imagery that was being sent into their minds by beings THEY KNEW TO BE REPTILIANS. I ask the reader to compare the methods and the mindset utilized by the Serial Sex Offenders-Killers that FBI profilers like Roy Hazelwood and John Douglas have studied, with the sexual sadism and genocide practiced by the Japanese in Nanking China and the Serbian practitioners of Rape Warfare today. Then compare the latter with what has been beamed into the minds of Male Abductees who have been subjected to sadistic sexual mental imagery and thoughts. . Compare all three and then ask yourself if there is any connection. And then remember that eye-witness testimony describing the behavior and characteristics of those promoting the NEW WORLD ORDER almost invariably describe involvement in Pedophilism, sadism towards female sex slaves and Ritual Murder.

The reader of this paper will find that again and again, Sexual Aggression towards innocent women, children and men and Ritual Murder make up a part of the reptilian character. These characteristics were then imbued into millions of humans under reptilian control. These manipulated humans then turned their ferocity and savagery upon countless innocent victims. This will be seen on an individual basis with serial rapist-killers and on a mass scale as in Nanking or Bosnia-Herzegovina. Eyewitness testimony even describes Japanese Soldiers dismembering Chinese civilians and eating them. This is a historical fact.