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Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 23:32:29 EDT
To:, CB34@Cornell.EDU,,,

7-22-YEAR OF OUR LORD 1998

CITIZENS AND COUNTRYMEN, We find ourselves in a time in history when mans heart has become cold, callous and uncareing, indifferent to say the least. A time in history where political correct and the general concensus of society seems to dictate the very heart of man. We claim to be a nation crafted under God and yet we see so little evidence of any such thing, as a matter of fact we seem embarrased to even make mention of God as if it makes us perverse in some way.

We notice not the times nor does it seem either that we care, when death and decay surround us unilaterally everywhere.. Our indifference in broadcasting, and our hearts is readily clear, for 8 million are homeless in Bangladesh - and who cares - 3000 and rising of children lie dead in a place called New Guinea, matters not some have said, our backyards only concern us, tis all we can see, our heart stretches no further than you, me, mine and we. We have become now a people hardhearted and cold and there's a recompence just on our, yes, threshold. Since we see not nor care not for others this day, the calamity of theirs is now heading yes our way, tsunami that hurled itself at the island abroad will visit us shortly on the beaches of west coast. Calamity we created by our own selfish wants will now visit us shortly in a violent way. We don't even help when the state burns next door to us, we're to busy ranting and raving over sports and soccer cup---so the floods shall increase as I said 2 months ago, and the fires shall start every place that you go, if you'd noticed the weather is different all record breaking and so, but your to busy watching TV to even know. The signs are around you as I've stated for weeks, but you'll hear not nor publish not this prophets decree, so the wind shall increase in proportions not known, and the earth shall start trembling not just abroad but at home. The last time I told you that the earthquakes would now come, they began the next day all just circling around, but you'll here not nor see not nor examine your cold hearts so the ground will start trembling and swallowing you up. I weep as I bring you this news, oh so sad, but you really should know it for its been forever read, in the book that you carry with such pride Sunday morn, but the rest of the week at your God do you scorn.

I warned you last week that the volcanoes would start, and you mocked me to scorn, 3 have rumbled for start--in a place where they persecute Christian women. I've read that's one that will blow and leave many lay dead. But you hear not nor see not nor believe what I've said, after all, all the prophets are dead your pastors said. So sad that it is reporters report not anymore, they know not what comes even when right at the door, The Christian church, what's your excuse now this day? Just too busy singing--" lets just all fly away". The cyclones shall strengthen, in every which way and your water is poisoned in every which way, your beef and your poultry and fish I did say was tainted and poison before president made his verbal display, to appoint a commission to look into that, wake up my dear brothers their is no time for that.

8 weeks ago to the day I announced global stock market would crash -- and the day is so near till they won't prop it up. When the market does crash such despair shall we see the violence, mayhem, maniacal cries you'll all hear, our world will then end as we know it this day and then soon a new leader will cause a display. Israel war, said it 2 months ago, Irelands summer the bloodiest yet spoke 2 months back, Koskov I warned you yes 2 months ago, but no-one will listen or look or even show. Nigeria a problem, South Africa oh my God it will be yes so ugly what shall we ever do? Your children shall continue to get more violent with you and the violence will continue and the murder increase unto you, but you'll hear not nor listen not and the church is busy yes playing church---and i plead and i warn in the hopes that you'll turn, turn back to the hearts that once cared about men and turn back to the God, yes the God of all lands. The next 15 weeks will reveal much to the blind but the church shame on you, you are way behind time----caught up with your pretties from Egypt you play, while the Babylonian army is perched in place to stay..Iraq and Iran, Egypt and of Russia ill say--they are the enemies of the U.S.A. and with these do not play---and what's with Nigeria? You will find out in days. Beware of the blackman who sleeps in Egypt to stay, he's no friend of this country, I don't care what he says. The Arab nations make war room roundtable talks, and the U.S. isn't invited give this now some thought. The heat shall continue in now every which way, and your aged shall perish while you spectate your sports play. I warned you long back that the basketball was done and the next day the strike, and Russian wrestling arenas tumbled down, but you hear not nor believe not these words which I now say this day--so the catastrophes shall now worsen, so from sports stay away, their your idols you worship all week and all day.

Stay away from the theme parks they are dangerous this day--all the water is poison as i stated back many days--the ocean is violent, take your children not their, for the sharks and the undertows are waiting out their, the ocean water now is as acid this day--and I warn you in love keep your children away. Hurricanes coming sooner than they all say, they will surround USA in yes one single day, Texas and Calif., follow east to the coast, stay away and stay inland, do not let your children play. Your children are the targets of a dark side of rule, cover them and bless them and keep them from school--their will be a mass exodus from our schools as we know, this Along stated back, many reasons shall show, but mainly you've told God where he can roam and he can rule. irlines I told you many weeks ago back will be catapulted from heaven and will never come back.

The beef that you stole from the Texas torn domain, it is cursed if you eat it, you shall not long remain.---Abroad I know this Africa will be bad, with weather and violence, how sad oh so sad. Import and export and the coin marches on, if it comes from the orient it brings pestilence of death, they are already here started with beetle of trees, but disease of proportion, and pestilence of disease, I forewarned long days back of these strands ancient and old that only might old Asians know the secret names told untold.

People of light you must hear me this day, the day that you dread is upon us this day--you will need revelation to reassess what you believe and the words of true prophets will aid you in way. If you think that your leaving, not as many as think will be leaving this earth till they prove who's they are--For were warriors and mighty men, were the assembly of men, were the warriors of wind--here to battle and win.


