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{...Founding organizational member of the "METAVERSAL ALLIANCE of SOVEREIGN TIMEWAVES" -- M.A.S.T. ... }

with Keanu Reeves



Below is a list of time travel links for all of you quantum warriors out there. Remember, when time traveling, that all Quantum Force personnel must adhere strictly to the Temporal Prime directive. This adherence is NOT to prevent one from changing history, for in a battle between the time-traveler and the timeline for third dimensional supremacy, the time-traveler WILL lose out to the timeline IF he or she [or it] insists on attempting to altar events that have been SET in the "eternal now" as a result of all past-present-future influences simultaneously being brought to bear against a particular time frame.

This in true within each of the "temporal velocities" respectively, however there are other "dimensions in time" where history and events have taken different tangents... I will explain shortly.

Only ONE third-dimensional event-matrix can exist within the same third-dimensional space-time field. True, one might be able to generate quasi-material localized "parallel" realities WITHIN their native space-time field that can hover pretty close to the periphery of the linear third dimensional realm, however one would be walking on "slippery ground" none-the-less, when it comes to maintaining ones solid third dimensional material integrity, especially if one does not maintain a solid "anchor" to their material point of origin.

Nevertheless there is a possibility that one might time-slide into parallel time-dimensions or temporal-velocities, especially IF the time jump is a long one. Short jumps of a few days for instance can be very unstable, and may result in a localized quantum-reality bubble which may slowly disintegrate or dematerialize into energy unless the time traveller returns to his/her point of origin.

One can MAKE the past without BREAKING the past, i.e. take part in past events within their native temporal velocity SO LONG AS those past events are already "history", and no attempts are made to interfere with those established events, for the sake of the time traveler. Therefore the "12 Monkeys" scenario of multi-linear cause-and-effect is by far more realistic than the "Time Cop" scenario of an infinite number of third dimensional realities, since there is just not enough "space/energy" to accommodate for an infinite number of realities on the MATERIAL plane - therefore the "weaker" artificial realities must take a back seat within more "liquid" or "fluid" dimensions.

This is not to say that other MATERIAL parallel world-lines do not exist [as we will explain...], however these are "relatively" few in number and difficult to access.

To prevent potential paradoxes, the trick would be for the time traveler to realize just which actions taken ARE in keeping with SET events and which are not. It's like surfing a wave, ARE YOU moving WITH the wave or is the wave tossing you back "under" and off the "shore" into 4th dimensional chaos? Are you a passenger ON the train or are you standing in front of the train trying to stop it, in which case the train will simply "push" you aside and off of the time-track into the timeless void of 4th dimensional ectoplasmic energy, thought forms, and dream pools where all of the other "naughty" time travelers go, along with their localized paradoxical baggage. It seems that "father time" has some built-in anti-paradox failsafes just as "mother nature" has her own failsafes based on universal laws. There may be other temporal trains/tracks, but unless you know what you are doing [in transferring from one to another] you might easily lose your reality base if you are not careful.

Remember, your zero-time reference "anchors" you to your natural time-slot. If you attempt to travel to other time-frames then you "may" have no solid temporal "anchor" there, unless you succeed in transposing yourself upon your temporal "dublicates" through psychic-astral means. However the natives will ALWAYS have the last say over what goes down [and it just may be YOU who "goes down" if you are not careful in following the rules of temporal travel].

The Universe's "fail safe" means of dealing with paradoxes essentially involves the phasing-out of paradoxes into a peripheral dimension with a slightly higher energy and slightly lower material ratio. This is speaking particularly in regards to ones' native time-wave. Therefore these weaker paradoxical-event-fields must as a result be phased-out into other dimensions of higher ENERGY-material ratio, dimension[s] where objects and events are more "fluid" and thus can accommodate localized paradoxes, but one will of course have to pay the price in the loss of material consistency or a loss of their "foothold" in the third dimension.

Now for some comments on parallel universes...

At any given point within the Metaversal/Multiversal event stream, there may be close to an infinite number of GHOST LINES (unused but mostly used-up "eventualities", similar in some respects to the depiction of ghost-lines given in the Steven King movie THE LONGELIERS); POSSIBILITY LINES - at any given point within the multi-event stream - would be somewhat less in number than Ghost Lines; and PROBABILITY LINES would be considerably less in number than these (although perhaps quite profuse from an individual perspective); and at any given point PRIME-ACTUALITY LINES (third dimensional) might run from a few to a dozen parallel "universes" depending on the source... some of these may be protomatter universes, others antimatter universes, others forward-time universes, others reverse-time universes, and so on. All of these parallel universes are intricately connected at the subatomic levels, for instance if we have "duplicates" in other parallel realities one can interact with these "alternate lives" in the dreamscape, especially if one masters the art of lucid dreaming.

There are some who suggest that there are seven actuality-lines in all, full-fledged third dimensional timewaves or eventlines which exist at different "temporal velocities" within the multi-temporal field. This would mean that some of these are behind us in time [because their temporal event flow is slower than ours] whereas others exist ahead of us in time [because their temporal event flow is faster than ours]. Therefore some who have travelled in time may find that they have actually been sliding from one of the seven temporal universes to another. And a traveler who goes into the past may find that they have actually travelled to an ALTERNATE past and history line which gives rise to an event flow different than the one from which they came.

Al Bielek, a defector from the Montauk projects, had stated that there are seven temporal universes, temporal velocities, or time dimensions. This fits in perfectly with quantum string theory, which allows for the existence of TEN DIMENSIONS, according to Stephen Hawkings' book A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. Hawkings however seems to be at a loss to explain just where the remaining SEVEN dimensions are, since there can only be THREE SPACIAL DIMENSIONS. So the remaining seven dimensions within the 10-dimension quantum string theory must not be SPACIAL dimensions, but rather TEMPORAL dimensions! This would also seem to fit-in with the claims of astral-nauts who have stated that there are seven dimensions to the MENTAL plane and seven dimensions to the ASTRAL plane. So then, why not seven dimensions to the TEMPORAL plane? From this perspective of 3+7[10]+7+7 levels of reality, there would actually be 24 overall dimensions [a very unique number when applied to Divine geometrics], however for the sake of string theory we will say that there are TEN PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS, which would mean that the three spacial dimensions or THE THIRD DIMENSION ITSELF is segregated into seven facets, or seven temporal dimensions which are built upon their respective facets of the "third dimension", which serve as a foundation of sorts for each of the seven temporal dimensions.

So then, like a tree, the Multiverse may have SEVEN "prime branches" relative to the ACTUALITY event lines, and in regards to para-physical realities such as the probability - possibility - ghost lines, even more sub-realities of differing degrees of density may exist, the denser branches being fewer, and the lighter branches becoming more numerous yet increasingly finer as the branches divide into smaller and smaller components. However all of these realities and sub-realities are ALL nevertheless ROOTED within the same Multi-Versal "base".

The main danger FOR the Quantum Ranger lies in the possibility of creating a paradox and thus initiating an alternate localized universe. Or rather, of being drawn into the finer dimensions and dematerializing into energy form rather than jumping from one of the MAIN BRANCHES to the other. If the oversouls of the individuals inhabiting ones' "native" universe do not consent on a collective unconscious basis to partition and extend themselves into the newly-created localized temporal singularities, then the lack of conscious/psionic energy focus will result in a loss of material consistency within the alternate reality as the subatomic particles no longer have the cohesive binding force of a WILL-ACTIVATED psionic energy field that is necessary to maintain material-particle consistency, for the collective psionic energy of the masses is what determines whether a particle-wave field manifests itself in an energy-phase state or a particle-phase state in respect to those inhabiting a particular frequency-vibration-velocity field, so in essence the combined PHOTOPSIONIC energy created in the cuasal plane [which permeates all other planes] gathers to itself psionic matter from the mental plane, and in turn the ectoplasmic matter of the astral plane which is created and woven from our chakra matrix, and finally gathering around itself physical matter composed of particle-waves activated in material phase -- from the frequency perspective of those who are "tuned-in" to those particle-wave fields through their zero-time reference, just as a radio tunes in to a particular "station" -- just like a grain of sand gathers around itself the "solid" shell of a pearl. So in a very real sense we collectively create our own reality-field, within keeping with the laws of Creator and creation of course. And those who attempt to violate those laws may find themselves castaways into the phantasmical realms of immaterial limbo...

If one creates a localized quantum reality field that is not strong enough [again via collective psionic consent] to maintain itself, the "Metaversal reality hologram" will simply "log-off" -- in varying degrees -- from the artificial alternate reality, and like an old branch dying and eventually falling off from a tree the localized parallel reality-field will dematerialize, as the "Metaversal tree" retrieves its vital substance from the "branch" so that it can be re-directed to more fruitful possibility, probability, or actuality lines/branches... as the abandoned "sub-reality branch" dematerializes from the material ACTUALITY LINE, diffusing first into an ectoplasmic PROBABILITY LINE, then into a psionic POSSIBILITY LINE, and finally collapsing into a GHOST LINE wherein all material and linear manifestations dissolve back into pure energy since all WILL-ENERGY necessary for the conversion of energy-waves to particle-matter is lost. The traveler becomes lost in space/time until the point where they are either somehow retrieved, or until their energized physical form "passes on".

We would recommend that you first consult veteran time travelers before attempting to shift to a parallel universe, since all universes may operate on different laws of physics that are unique to their particular timewave-length. In other words one must make the "switch" to the new track in the correct and precise manner, or they might "miss the train" altogether.

This warning is to ensure that all Quantum Force personnel maintain their third-dimensional connection to the material plane [one of the "nexus seven" actuality- lines that is], rather than being increasingly phased-out into an energy form [--the degree of the loss of material consistency would depend on the magnitude of the paradox itself--] and becoming lost between the dimensions, a fate that has beset many other less fortunate and more foolhardy time-trippers, or so our intel has revealed... although retrieving these time travlers from their mataphasic state would be another problem all-together.

In short we might be able to sum things up in the words of a certain song that many of us may have heard:

"Time may change me, but I can't change time..."

With these precautions in mind... happy "time-surfing"...



Music and Videos - by Enya

The U.S. Navy's Above Top Secret (ATS) Triad

ExTerran-QuanTerran-SubTerran Forces


