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There is a CONSPIRACY in motion to manipulate "time" and to create alternate "timelines" that favor the agendas of the dark forces.

Such timelines were created by the dracos, the nazis, and other regressive and parasitical forces.

These timelines will eventually FAIL because they were NOT "built" on solid temporal "ground".

These "parasitical" timelines or worldlines can only exist by stealing energy from other neighboring timelines, and once the residents of the other -- more "natural" -- timelines begin to wake up to the reality of this "temporal rape" of THEIR realities, the parasitical timelines will begin to lose their power and dissolve into a morass of semi or non-physical thought-forms, becoming nothing more than "dreamscapes" (or, "nightmare" scapes!?) which will no longer have any power over the original, natural, legal timelines!

The parasitical timelines use legalistic, domineering, religiOSITY or CHURCHianity based systems that are all linked to the religio-eco-political MONSTER centered IN ROME! (Note: This link contains information from an EX-JESUIT PRIEST)!

Their mortal enemies, who they have slaughtered by the millions down through history, were The Protestants... the proponents of simple CHRIST-ianity....