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1 - Re-establish freedom of religion in schools. One proposal would be to have a 5-minute period of silence wherein the child can pray silently to God or meditate according to their own free choice. In this manner government will be free from 'respecting' any particular denomination or religion over another, yet maintain the constitutional right to worship.

2 - Give Congress FULL regulatory powers over the Executive and Judicial branches of government. This will prevent the Executive branch especially from establishing agencies or policies that are not in keeping with the will of Congress and in turn the people. This will also prevent private corporate intersts from determining the policies of the military-industrial complex. Congrssional regulators are at present allowed only Secret or Top Secret security clearances, whereas there are at least 30 security classifications above and beyond Top Secret within the Military-Industrial complex. This means that these operations remain "in the black" [so-called "Black Projects" or "Black Ops"] and outside of the scrutiny and oversight of Congress, and therefore they must NOT be considered an extention of the electorial government. ALL Congressional investigators should be given the HIGHEST security classifications available.

3 - Undertake a FULL house-cleaning of the NSA-CIA, and determine the extent of illegal intervention in the personal lives of U.S. citizens as well as the extent of illegal intervention into the affairs of other countries. If third world countries have been interfered with illegally [for instance as in covert CIA-backed assassinations of political leaders to be replaced by CIA 'puppet' dictatorships] then these countries should be restored to self sovereignty. Fighting interventionism with interventionism is counter-productive. We merely become that which we hate the most. Also implement an investigation into the claims that CIA founder Allen Dulles engaged in a collaboration with former Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen to bring former and 'unemplyed' Nazi Intelligence agents into the U.S. Intelligence community via Operation Paperclip to "fight Communism" by utilizing the intelligence expertise and apparatus of these National Socialists, without Congressional consent.

4 - ALL executive-military-industrial appointees [non-elected] should have a full background check and be required to pass a lie detector examination to ensure that they will remain loyal to the ideals of American sovereignty, that they will refrain from interfering with the sovereignty of other countries, and promise to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic.

5 - Get the U.S.A. out of the UNITED NATIONS, and STOP capitulating OUR military forces and hardware to an International Organization which is NOT determiined to defend the Independence and Sovereignty of the U.S.A. Encourage ALL nations to develop their own sovereignty and in turn respect the sovereignty of their neighbors by developing eco-political self-sufficiency as much as is possible. If all nations are linked to and thus DEPENDENT on a centralized global eco-political control center, then they are slaves to that sytem of centralized global control. If a system-collapse occurs, then self-sufficient countries will not collapse entirely along with the rest of the "dominoes", large corporate organizations that have put all of their economic "eggs" in one global "basket" for the sake of immediate wealth, by supporting the global pyramid economy. In the past powerful international economic interests have subverted the sovereignty of other countries by making extravegant loans to selective political leaders who were known to be likely to squander the money for themselves rather than for the cizitens, and thus incurring interest and debts which that "country" was unable to repay, and thus allowing the corporate interests to require national resources and sovereignty as "payment" in return for the loans. Measures should be taken to STRONGLY DISCOURAGE such subversive economic tactics which are detrimental to the sovereignty other countries.

6 - Examine ALL Executive Orders and determine which ones betray the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaraton of Independence. Begin with those which are blatantly un-Constitutional such as the FEMA-related E.O.'s designed to be implemented in the event of a "National Emergency" [E.O.'s 12148, 10995-11005, 11051, 11490, 12910], and which are designed to implement a "temporary" suspension of the U.S. Constitution. History has shown that when freedoms are "temporarily" suspended to impose martial law in a country, that "temporary" time period often amounts to years, decades or even an indefinite period of time.

7 - Return the U.S. economy back to the gold and silver standard, and get rid of the "Federal Reserve" promisary notes which are essentially I.O.U's with no integral value of their own. Introduce monies that are backed by actual wealth rather than merely an "assumption" of credited value . Open Fort Knox and use our "gold reserves" there to "prime" this new gold-backed economy, or if more resources are needed introduce certificates backed by valuable assets such as roads, bridges, traintracks, etc.

8 - Continue to work with Congress to develop stricter regulations designed to prevent powerful Corporate interests from bribing political figures with "Campaign" or other "contributions" designed to encourage the runner to favor their own eco-political agendas rather than the well-being of the citizens of the U.S.A. in general.

9 - Re-build our national grain reserves, which have been deplated as a result of NAFTA and GAAT policies which discourage a strategic grain reserve. As it stands, we now have only enough grain reserves to last a few days in the event of an economic collapse, or some other national emergency.

10 - Lighten restrictions on gun ownership, and rather make these restrictions SELECTIVE to illegal aliens, VIOLENT felons [who have used guns or other weapons in crimes in the past], and minors. Each citizen has a 2nd ammendment right to defend their homes and families from enemies foreign and domestic. It is unrealistic to disarm law abiding citizens when we all know that those who do NOT abide by the law -- for instance certain gang members -- will find ways to aquire guns outside of the law. In other words the disarming of honest cizitens equals the arming of the criminal element. Gun control will logcally increase criminal activity, as it has done in Washington D.C., which practices 100 percent gun control yet has one of the highest crime rates in the Union. Gun control can ONLY FAVOR criminals [who will not adere to gun laws anyway], and tyrants who would take away our freedoms.

