Here are some 'differences' that I've discovered
COMMUNISM advocates a "STATE" controlled monopoly
FASCISM on the other hand advocates a "MONOPOLY" controlled state
FASCISM on the other hand, is an elite few "WHO CONTROL" an eco-political collective
FASCISM is the "RIGHT" wing of a socialist-capitalist Machievellian conspiracy
The FASCIST revolution on the other hand received financing "FROM" the Wall Street Banking Elite
FASCISM on the other hand is a government elite that is supported "BY" slave labor
FASCISM on the other hand "encourages" eco-political "CO-DEPENDENCE"
FASCISM on the other hand demands that the STATE controls the wealth of all "CITIZENS"
FASCISM on the other hand is an object lesson to the fact that "the ROOT OF ALL EVIL is the lust for money"
The moral of this story is that many Americans are condemning a system of tyranny that they in fact are supporting. In order to live high on the hog today many Americans have thrown their lot into the global pyramid-scam "egg basket" in order to live in luxury and extravagance. In doing so they are supporting a system of economic slavery which takes advantage of slave-wage workers in this and other countries, a taxated - inflated - manipulated - regulated co-dependent economic system that demands that we become indebted to and dependent on [and thus slaves to] creditors, and that we mortgage our children's' futures so that we can "keep up with the Jones'" today.
There has never, as far as I am aware, been a totally political system of government on earth. They have all been ECO-political systems. So giving up our economic INDEPENDENCE [the kind of economic independence exercised by our founders] is tantamount to giving up our political independence. For whatever force you are economically DEPENDENT on -- in this case the global economic network -- that is the force that you will SERVE on a political level. Just ask anyone who has lost a job as a result of "international economic cooperation".
We had better do as the Libertarians advocate, which is, if not creating a separation between monopoly and state then at least become eco- politically INDEPENDENT on a national, regional, community and family level, and thus maintain our sovereignty.
If we ignore these warnings then there may come a day [Y2K?] when the global eco-political network [Babylon] will come crashing down, and we may be looking for an easy-out as Esau did when he sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of soup. In this case however we may be tempted to sell our souls to the mark of the beast in order to keep our jobs within the 'system'.
I'm not advocating for everyone to up and leave their jobs, but I WOULD STRONGLY recommend that you begin working with others whom you can trust to begin building an "Ark" containing things that you will need to become self-sufficient, one that can be moved away from the chaos to a pre-determined 'hideout' in times of an eco-political system collapse.
Remember, if you snooze, you lose.
Patriotically yours