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The center of the conspiracy against the Constitution of the United States is rooted within what many people believe to be our greatest strength... Capitalism!

I speak mainly of the global Corpocracy - based in Wallstreet. According to Antony Sutton, this Corpocrasy has destroyed the separation of Monopoly and State [via the CFR, Federal Reserve, IRS, Trilaterals, IMF, Bildebergers, and other eco-political organizations that would seek to fuse money and politics]. They have also financed numerous political abominations like Fascism and Communism. Read Revelation chapter 18, and I think you will get a clearer picture. The global economy that is run from Wallstreet is actually a pyramid scheme designed to destroy the ability of the individual to become financially [and thus politically] independent.

The manipulated, taxated, regulated, inflated economy which we serve continually makes us more and more DEPENDENT on itself. That upon which we depend is essentially our god, and the corporate elite essentially wish to play god by creating their New World Order Inc., which will give the elite MASSIVE wealth and power and force the increasingly indepted masses to essentially serve as slave laborers in the work camps of the mega-bankers [who OWN the various military-industrial paramilitary forces in existance] in order to pay off the INTEREST on the vast loans that the banksters have offered to EVERY NATION on earth.

Since no country is strong enough economically to ever pay off these loans, which were intentionally made to irresponsible and corrupt leaders prone to squndering the loans for personal agendas, the masses of the world will be under the eternal debt of the "banksters", as the uninitiated elite slave from the cradle to the grave in order to try and pay off the INTEREST incured through these defaulted loans. A Y2K or any similar crisis will not cause the banksters to forget trying to get a return on their investment, since they OWN the paramilitary forces who will be mobilised to gather all who they can to serve as slave laborers in the work camps that have already been built, in order to support the financial elite in their multi-trillion-doller underground network of reinforced bunkers... actual cities underground which they have constructed with OUR wealth. They, like the Morlocks in the H. G. Wells novel "THE TIME MACHINE", will perpetually "feed" on the slave society above, just like the mindless "Eloi" in the same novel, who are essentially the "human cattle" of the subterranean elite.

Forget about Communism, Fascism, the Military-Industrial Complex. They are just the whipping boys of the mega-bankers. The GREED for money is the root of ALL evil, and those elitist banking families who see themselves as superior to the rest simply because they have aquired more wealth, have a greed that is insatiable and which can NEVER be satisfied.

The pyramid scam which holds the world in bondage is designed to give the illusion that we are free, for the most effective system of slavery is the one in which the slaves are not aware that their freedom has been lost. Their pyramid scam can only can work IF there are gullible people who are willing to support the pyramid at ground level, with hopes of one day clawing their way up to the top of the pyramid. Those who support the "pyramid" will get what they deserve, for they have chosen the path of mutual exploitation [rather than self-responsibility] in order to aquire immediate wealth, mortgaging their future and that of their children in the process. They have helped turn America from a production-based economy to a parasite-based economy; an collectivist-economy based on TAKING wealth rather than an independent-economy based on MAKING wealth.

When the "crash" finally comes, those who are supporting the pyramid will fall. Having become entangled in the credit- debt web, they will become the slaves of those who for a time will aquire tremendous wealth during this chaos, those at the top of the pyramid. But those who have lost everything will eye the elite [though they hide deep in their underground fortresses] with envy and hate, and will see to it that their extravogant lifestyles will not last. Yes, the super-wealthy who have "made a killing" by selling the rest of us out can run. But will they be able to hide from the angry militias and mobs who will be searching for someone to take the blame for the evils which will surround them at that time?

Since there is no honor among thieves, the in-fighting and corruption at the top of the pyramid itself will ensure the ultimate demise of the financial elite. The Capitalists will see how they have been manipulated and lied to, when they realise that a Monopoly controlled State is NOT true democrasy. The Communists also will eventually realize that a State controlled Monopoly is NOT true communism. True communism, true democrasy, can only work by helping people to help themselves... by giving everyone the power to become financially INDEPENDENT from a fragile global system of inter-dependence. They will find that whether the masses are robbed through regulation [America] or through redistribution [China], the money and power ultimately ends up in the hands of the criminals at the top of the global pyramid.

But many will fail to learn the lessons of history. When this pyramid collapses, they will simply rush about in a panic and build an even stronger one. The antichrist WILL come, yes, and he will succeed in building a new pyramid, one that will require even more suffering from those at the ground level, who will bear the weight of the "stones" above them. The "beast" will turn all whom he can into numbered robots [at the expense of their eternal souls], and many foolish people will -- like Esau -- trade their eternal birthrights for the immediate desires of the flesh. But their false paradise will not last long... only a few years. The new pyramid will be built with amazing speed and on the outside it will be immaculate... but it will have no foundation and it will be hollow. It will be an absolute deception. And when it collapses for good it will be like a black hole imploding in upon itself, desperately sucking the life out of everything and everyone around it in an frantic effert to try and satiate its ever-increasing appetiate.

In light of this I would strongly suggest that we jump-ship NOW, romove ourselves from the "pyramid" and develop self- responsibility and sufficiency [through faith in God], before the ship sinks, before the pyramid collapses, and we are taken down with it.

