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Note: The following is an E-Mail that was sent to me and forwarded to another E-Mail list, with my own comments following -- Alan

>>>On Thu, 27 Nov 1997, Martin Lindstedt wrote:
>>>> The Revolutionary regimes founded by survivalists and the
>>>> Resistance elements will be authoritarian by nature, but not all
>>>> encompassing. They will deal harshly with anyone who threatens
>>>> their reformation, yet not impose a government presence upon
>>>> society outside a limited purview. Such will be the inevitable
>>>> reaction to the current criminal regime which promises liberty
>>>> but has a policeman or informant on every city block.

A few more comments.

Yes, the current 'system' is probably doomed. However we should not throw out the baby with the bathwater. I believe that the Congressional system is ideal. The problem came when they decided to choose a chief executive or presidential position ["Give us a king", as the Israelites cried so long ago]. Most don't realize that when George Washington was offered the position as the first U.S. President, many including Ben Franklin objected that this was putting too much power into one man's hand. Those who supported the idea assured them that Washington had great integrity [which he did] and that all who followed him would be led by his example.


So I believe that we should keep the Congressional system, but eliminate the EXECUTIVE branch of government all-together. The problem came when the powerful oil monopolists, bankers and media moguls BACKED presidential candidates that would support their goals. Once in office these candidates felt obligated to those who put them in power. How the hell do you think guys like Nelson Rockefeller could become vice prisident of the United States? ["A fool and his money are soon elected" -- that's one that my older brother thought up... but it applies].

Those who would try to destroy the Constitutional separation between fraternity, monopoly and state by creating organizations like the Federal Reserve, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, etc., have NO place in a representative form of government. Yet they HAVE corrupted our Constitutional system. First, their presidential dupes claimed every possible power for themselves that they possibly could: the ability to veto Congressional legeslation, the power to write executive orders even if they authorize the suspension of the Constitution in the event of a national emergency which they do, the power to appoint unelected individuals to various positions within the Executive branch of government, the power to create or authorize secret Military-Industrial-Intelligence agencies that operate at security clearance levels that are so high that even the President and Congressional Overseers and Regulators are not allowed to have access to them or probe them [the 'Black' Ops] because of "National Security" concerns, meaning that the "nation" or government they are "securing" is NOT THE ONE that WE ELECTED, but rather the Military Industrial Fraternity which is more interested in power and profit than in liberty.

They would just as well see us all slaving our lives away in work camps to feed their military-industrial-fraternity empire.

So in short, ditch the entire Executive branch AND the presidential position, or at least LIMIT a chief executive's power to that of a chairman with ABSOLUTELY NO authority to veto Congressional will, or an arbitrator in the event that Congress is split on a decision, and LIMIT that term to only a few years.

Also, the original 13 colonies of America were 13 SOVEREIGN REPUBLICS. The 'Union' was merely a promise of mutual defense of these 13 SOVEREIGNTIES in the event that an outside force threatened them. The 'Federal' government in Washington, District of Columbia, was supposed to be the SERVANT of these sovereign Republics, however it became a fraternity-controlled government of its own, claimed more and more power over the Republics through taxing those who were NOT Federal Employees [which is Constitutionally illegal], and also today through the various Federal holdings within the 50 sovereign Republics [erroneously called 'states'], such as wildlife preserves, national forests, BLM lands, military reserves, etc. Here in Utah where I live Klinton simply CLAIMED for the Federal government large tracts of land in the southern part of the state WITHOUT the consent of local governing officials.

THIS IS ILLEGAL and is equivolent to a foreign government invading sovereign territory stealing land for themselves. It is no different than the Iraqis invading and stealing Kuwaiti land. But the National Guard did NOT come to help defend this state from a 'foreign' power.

So, I envision a Union of American Republics that are completely sovereign, yet united for a common defense only, NOT a defense controlled by 'Federal' military forces, but by the united militias of each SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC. I also envision a LIMITED government compose ONLY of elected representatives, one that has broken CLEAN FREE from the unelected executive-military- industrial secret government. Let's save the 'baby', yes, but flush the 'bathwater' [the shackles of the executive military industrial fraternity and their national socialist 'Black Ops' U.N. paramilitary thugs] down the sewers.

THIS is where we have to draw the battle-line. God help us all.



