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Economic & Political independence
[you can't have one without the other]

Right wing Capitalism [monopoly controlled state] and left wing Communism [state controlled monopoly] are in reality two wings that are attached to the same Machievellian 'beast'. Until we are able to see past the illusion of bi-partisan eco-political collectivism and apprehend TRUE libertarian ideals and values, we will continue to be divided and conquered by the truly 'draconian' subterranean powers who manipulate us behind the scenes. -- Branton

["William 'Reptifeller' Clinton" giving the Satanic sign of his devil worshipping 'bankster' masters. To learn just HOW CLOSELY Clinton is Related to the German Rockefeller family, click on the picture above]

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Eco-Political Independence? or WHORE of Revelation 18?...

A few years back I watched a program on PBS which investigated the Ethiopian "famine" that was big news some years ago. It turned out that the famine was not an act of nature but of man.

Western corporations came in to Africa and convinced most of the residents to give up their traditional farming practices and instead grow "cash crops" for the western industrialists... cotton, coffee, sugar, tobacco. Then the industrialists promised the men that they could go into the larger villages and "buy" food for their families once they had been paid.

Well, the African men agreed, and they put their wives and children to work. The fields were planted with large equipment yet the women and children were forced to harvest huge fields without the proper equipment... while the men of the villages sat around and bs'd about the latest tribal happenings.

When "payday" came, the men went to "buy food", however once they had passed through the many money traps that the westerners had established, prostitutes, bars, casinos, entertainment, etc., they had little or no money left to feed their families. Result: mass starvation, compliments of western "capitalism".

Now, before you go labeling me a communist remember that capitalism [a monopoly controlled state] and communism [a state controlled monopoly] are merely two sides of the same corporate-socialist coin.

The end result of capitalism and communism is a global economy, or rather a global pyramid economy with centralized control over former sovereignties that are perpetually indebted to the global bankers -- who secretly manipulated BOTH movements -- via defaulted loans and interest that is based on wealth that does not actually exist. See:

American corporations have sent their businesses overseas to take advantage of cheap labor, as an example paying old woman in third world countries 7 cents an hour to make shoes [true fact]. If our society survives in any form, perhaps those of the future will realize that national sovereignty and global economy can NOT co-exist. If imports-exports do exist in the future, maybe they should be limited for instance to 1/3rd of the national produce. For instance, for every apple imported/exported, that sovereignty should produce 2 apples. This would be for their own benefit so that the economy of that sovereignty might remain strong and independent. Those 'corporations' which violate such economic non-interventionism directives and send branches of their companies abroad, taking jobs away from the sovereignty to which they are a member, for the sake of cheaper labor, can simply be told "OK, your citizenship in this country has been terminated... pack your bags and leave! Enjoy your new business domain"

The following quote can be applied to "economic security" or "economic safety" at the expense of ones freedom or the freedom of others:

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

As in the crisis in Africa, resulting from corporate intervention, such interference destroys the traditional farming practices of the people, ruins their ability to take care of themselves, and makes them DEPENDENT on an unstable outside force for their provisions. Is that freedom? No, in fact it is SLAVERY! The economies of such countries are turned from production-based to parasite based economies with NO FOUNDATION. Such economies will eventually collapse because their foundation [if you want to call it that] lies outside of their domain. And ironically such a collapse will bring ruin to those wealthy corporations which left America to find "greener pastures", yet having ravaged and plundered the third world peoples literally to extinction and having consumed the wealth for themselves rather than put it back into the economy by offering half decent wages, those collapsing pyramid economies ultimately bring ruin to the monopolists themselves. This is exactly what we are seeing around the world. The pyramid is collapsing, the dominos are falling, and the egg basket is tipping over...

How long before what little supports remain under the American 'pyramid' collapse from the weight? Look at the signs... PREPARE to live independently from the 'system' because the 'system' is like a large skyscraper that is shaking in an earthquake, becoming weaker all of the time, until it will eventually collapse suddenly bringing total ruin and disaster to those who have not prepared.

Yet I continually hear Clinton and others crying about how we show throw more money into the global economy [IMF, etc.] and support it with every effort available. Well, what happens when you throw water into a spring that has since become a sink hole? The sink hole will DEVOUR the water and hungrily cry for more. Once an economy has turned from a production to a consumption based economy it's time to call it quits, let it collapse and start over from ground zero, because there is NOTHING that can be done for it. And hasn't enough damage been done as a result of capitalistic [and communistic] manipulation? Indonesia is the result of capitalist monopoly-state interference just as North Korea is the result of communist state-monopoly interference.

The only ones who benefit from a global economy are those at the TOP of the eco-political pyramid... the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Monetary Fund, the Trilateral Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the Bilderbergers, the Bank of International Settlements, the Federal Reserve, and all of the other PRIVATELY CONTROLLED eco-political parasites which are being fed by the global economic "pyramid". So what happens when the pyramid collapses and the New World Order, Inc. and its source of income becomes threatened? Well, don't underestimate the cruelty and desperation of the 'banksters'. They control the INDUSTRIAL sector, which essentially controls the MILITARY- INDUSTRIAL complex, which controls the MILITARY, which essentially controls the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government, which is eating into what little actual "representation" may actually remain in Congress. In short, don't expect a the banksters to tell all of those who have outstanding debts and mortgages - essentially living off of future wealth that does not actually exist - that they will forgive and forget. No, they will exact every last dime they can... AND THEY HAVE THE PARAMILITARY HIRELINGS TO SERVE AS THEIR COLLECTION AGENCY!!! So, if millions are rotting away in WORK CAMPS following the collapse, don't be surprised if a large majority of them have been put there under the pretext of working off their outstanding debts.

Most of us have seen BRAVEHEART, and of the sacrifice that William Wallace to win Scotland's independence from England. Well, did you know that a few short centuries later that independence was lost? Not in a war, but through economic manipulation. They were convinced to join a "common wealth" with England, and this turned into an economic "union" and later into the so-called "UNITED KINGDOM" which of course is controlled from London since that is where the economic power base upon which Scotland became DEPENDENT exists. Why do you think Germany and Japan focused on becoming economic giants following World War II? Germany with its 90 billion plus RESERVES [as opposed to America's multi-trillion dollar debt] possesses one-third of the entire economic wealth of the European Community, and Japan is of course the lynch-pin holding what remains of the Asian economies together. Germany, Japan and America are last three 'pillars' holding the global economy up.

Scotland is not the only country to lose its independence via economic manipulation. The so-called "European Economic Community" was created supposedly to strengthen all of the European nations' economies [yet how can one 'help' those economies by destroying their economic independence?], yet look how subtly the E.E.C. became the E.U. [i.e. "European Union"]. Where did the "economy" part go? It probably was no longer necessary, and would just get in the way of those powerful forces who are using the economic DEPENDENCE and ADDICTION which the European member countries succumbed to as a lever to get them to adopt a single political E.U. constitution! Good- bye national sovereignty! The Roman Empire is once again rising from the ashes!!!

The same can be said about the USA. Perhaps the founders should have called it the United REPUBLICS of America, but NOW we might as well call it the United DISTRICTS of America, the District of Columbia or Washington D.C. having turned from being the focal point of arbitration between a UNION of sovereign nation-states to being the command center for an oppressive EMPIRE [with occupational forces now in over 100 countries], claiming the power to confiscate state lands without the consent of the regional or state governments. And don't think that a great deal of economic pressure was not used, considering that the states have become so economically dependent on each other just as the USA itself has become dependent on a global pyramid economy.

For every 150 people in America there is ONE FARMER supporting them, but what happens when transportation breaks down, no shipments of fuel, or new parts, or food to the supermarkets. It's something to consider if America succumbs to the global collapse which it probably will since it has become so do-dependent on the global economy, not to mention Europe's dumping of the dollar for the Euro in 1999, the growing dangers of war in India/Pakistan, Lebanon/Israel, North Korea/ South Korea, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan just to name a FEW, and if that is not enough [I don't like sounding paranoid, but I believe I'm being realistic] Y2K is just around the corner.

The Hopi Indians have prophesied the utter ruin of America as we know it simply because we have ceased from depending on the LAND four our needs and have put our faith rather in a piece of paper [or a computer byte] which has actual value of itself but is rather an I.O.U. or a promise of credit, which is why the multi-trillion dollar national debt will NEVER be repayed, simply because the interest on this non-existence wealth is increasingly going out of control, and it is easier to borrow "money" based on wealth that does not actually exist than something with actual value.


It is somewhat hypocritical of people to condemn governmental political oppression while at the same time supporting a system of global economic usury and oppression.

So then, self responsibility is the KEY to maintaining true economic and political freedom, but in so doing do not neglect your spiritual life, for we are spiritual beings in material forms. Seek a "holistic" approach to life: spiritual, mental and physical self-responsibility, not in our own power but by the infinite grace of our Creator, for "In God We Trust" (or, do we?).

The following link should be very helpful in assisting you in preparing to become economically independent from the "system", or what is left of it. It is the best link I have found yet on the web for information on how to become self reliant, at least in a physical sense [see above]. The Bible says that wisdom is more valuable than gold and silver, and I think the time will come when you will realize just how true that is...


pres. & co-founder - Eaglenet

