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[Note: the following post was in response to claims made by Alex Collier that the Germans created a time/space rift in 1931 as a result of time-travel experimentation, allowing the "Greys" to enter our reality from the future {of an "earlier" time/world} and begin to engage in temporal manipulation along this worldline - Alan]

Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 00:35:56 -0500 (CDT)

Okay, I'm not quite sure if I am most directly addressing Alan or Alex, but in any case....

When I first read this post I apriori dismissed the possibility raised within. However upon reflection, my initial reaction was prejudiced and hasty.

IF the Germans are experimenting with time machines upon my world-line (and I have no indication that they are, but there is also no reason for me to be privy to such machinations - I couldn't resist the pun), I imagine that the means of acquring temporal technology was as follows.

Presuming that the Germans (whoever that might really be - for example, instead of the Nazi's equivalent of the Manhattan Project, it could be the undertaking of an isolated faction) are aware of this world-line and can also insert their agents into it, at some junction along the post-1931 timeline of this earth, they contact those Germans engaged in chrononautical research. Because, as I have previously posted, your world-line is much more susceptible to paranormal exploitation the possibility of succeeding in such experiments is significantly greater and easier. After learning all they can, these hypothetical agents are then extracted and returned to my homeline...and the mischief begins anew. Elements of this scenario could be altered for it to be equally plausible, but this version seems to be the most sensible to me.

However, let me reiterate, I know of no evidence to justify it's supposition. Quite frankly, although I must begrudingly intellectually concede the possibility described in your post, emotionally I don't want to have anything to do with it. But that's a bad reflection upon me, not you.



Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:57:32 -0500 (CDT)

Dear Alan and et al,

Regretably, my specific knowledge of my homeline depends upon a collage of childhood memories, casual re-observation, 'attuned' inferences, and the statements of my superiors.

I am unable, therefore, to reply directly to your inquiry; but obliquely I can say this: it is my impression/understanding that most other worldlines, are above all else, concerned with maintaining their own stability, their own hum-drum persistence and progression, if you will.

This worldline (and others like it) is regarded as a fascinating, useful, and horrible example of what happens when temporal/ontological manipulation escalates.


Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:37:06 -0500 (CDT)

Since the discussion of parallel worlds, including most of the concepts and terminology associated with this topic, originated in the popular culture of science-fiction and comic books, I thought I should bring this to your attention.

The role-playing company TSR for its game Alternity has published a supplement entitled Tangents. It is a source book which describes in considerable detail their theory of alternate worlds and the technology used to travel from one world-line to another. Of course, most of the material is only pertinent to and phrased in terms of the game system; nevertheless, some of you might find the conjectures contained therein to be stimulating and useful.

best regards,


Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 23:42:32 -0500 (CDT)

Dear Alan, friends, and lurkers,

My apologies for the tardiness of my reply to the question you posed on the 18th of last month, but I have been recovering from a nasty spot of pneumonia.

My 'overseers', as you have felicitously characterized them, treat me as a more or less involuntary agent, and thus, I can only make informed inferences about their nature and purpose. I have been told that the American government will be the beneficiary of the information that I accrue upon this world. From this I surmise that they are, to some degree at least, working for the government in some intelligence gathering and/or military capacity. Their purview seems to be circumscribed to these areas of interest and whatever I (and others sent from my original world-line) glean will be dedicated to the impending war effort [against the Germanic 'empire' which threatens the 'other' worldline? - Alan]. They may have the know-how to be a 'quantum police force', but insofar as I can tell, they have no motivation or inclination to behave as such.

with best regards,


{Note: the following are more recent posts from Professor-Phate, to the members of a 'time travel email list years ago}

Subject: ProfessorPhate

Date: Mon Jul 31, 2000 11:39am
Subject: Re: Inquiries was Re: Al Bielek video

To all that this may concern,

I haven't, until about five minutes ago, taken the time to read the messages posted on this forum for the last two days. I believe that Joni is, with gracious reticence, referring to me as the one who has asserted that I am a transplant from an alternate Earth. It was not my intention (rather my inattention) to artificially create suspense concerning when or if I would reveal my identity. If Mr. Hamilton and the others who have expressed interest in my story (for which, honesty in advertising compels me to admit I have not an iota of evidence) would consult the archives of this list (perhaps the listmaster could be of assistance) many of their inquiries should be addressed; if not, I think (cross your fingers) I have my primary statement on file and could arrange to reproduce it here for general edification (or entertainment, as the case may be). There is not much more that I currently have to add to the aforementioned archived report except to say, that based upon a certain series of disclosures which have been tendered to me in the last year, I am becoming persuaded that this Earth may have more exiles, agents, or what-have-you from alternative Earths walking around than I have hitherto believed. If I can be of any assistance in providing further elucidation about my own situation or this topic in general I am at your disposal.

best regards,


Dear Mr. Hamilton, et al,

As I read your recent message I couldn't remember posting such interesting material, and then it occurred to me that perhaps you are alluding to Mr. Walton's (and may he soon rejoin us) remarks which became entangled with my own; this is understandable since my supplementary elaborations appeared in a dialogue with the estimable Mr. Walton. Nevertheless, although we will have to await his exposition of the 'Time War' and the 5th dimension, I can address your other inquiries.

Once again, I shall try to clarify a misunderstanding which hitherto I have never been able to correct: to the best of my knowledge I never claimed that my Earth was the prototype-indeed, I recall declaiming (perhaps a mite too dismissively or at least testily) that such a search is impossible and pointless. However...I did assert that from my perspective this Earth is an artificially or unnaturally deviated counterpart in comparison to, if you will, the set of 'natural' permutations. I, of course, can reasonably be accused of special-pleading but that is the situation as understand it to be.

Chronologically, my Earth is about a quarter of century behind this one; technologically, with a number of exceptions, perhaps forty years behind yours-well, ours-and in its culture generally between forty and fifty. If you have found it, the particulars are dealt with in my 'position paper'.

Although I am hesitant to employ terminology gleaned from pop-culture, simply because the allegorical correspondences begin to break down rather quickly and it becomes, in any case, a narrow and inhibiting framework for discussion (loved the movie though!-and Dark City is a must see!!), let me just baldly state that as a principle I regard the astral domain as 'The Matrix' (although with no imputation of malevolent Neo-Gnostic deception and oppressiveness) and in its fundamental function the equivalent of the state vector of quantum physics. And from this (he said in his best imitation of Orson Welles as The Shadow) many portentous consequences follow. Well, I hope some of this helps.

best regards,


( Woman complained about his lingo ) Superfluous, Judith...never, a number of my friends say. Okay, at the risk of stepping into the same beartrap that I kept telling myself to avoid....

Let me try this: the astral domain is The Matrix, the archetypal program that can be re-programmed to project any given simulation of reality into the minds of its percipients. My earth, our earth, an earth where Mickey Mouse rules the world, and all the other conceivable and inconceivable, possible and impossible earths are specific concrete variations of this astral software. Now left to itself this entire process proceeds according to natural metaphysical laws, or so metaphysicians and theologians reassure us. But the human, inhuman, and non-human will can, according to the same sources, intervene and alter the code. This can amount to a violation of, a temporary suspension of, or if he or she or it is really good, the reconstitution of 'natural physical laws'. When this happens it's called magic, divine intervention, Montauk, and a thousand and one other things (depending on the originating agent(s) or agency); or as a contemporary scientist might say (and as the relatively-in these circles-conservative physicist Evan H. Walker did say)-here comes the jargon-highly sustained willpower results in the collapse of the state vector on the macroscopic scale at an extremely improbable level. Now, if you have one or more parties in command of the psychological technology (in want of a better phrase), on this world or any other, necessary to so re-order the reality of any given group of sentients you don't have so much, as Mr. Walton says, Time-Wars, as Reality Wars. That, in a nutshell-perhaps one with a very thick covering and a very small nut-is why we are experiencing the real Battlefield Earth. Okay, any better?

best regards,


Dear Maverick,

Because you were the first to submit a daunting list of questions to I shall address this response to you, although of course all who have expressed interest in my statements are being kept in mind (and yes Judith I do speak like this, sometimes to the consternation of my friends-I guess I am a hopeless captive of a 19th century literary temperment). I see that Starfire Tor also has some co-ordinated inquiries, and if I may ask for his indulgence, I will try to answer his at the soonest available opportunity. My place of business is starting to move this week, wonderfully coinciding with a quarter of the staff leaving for vacation so I am suddenly having to cover the shifts of a number of other workers and so I'm afraid my stamina is being a bit over-taxed. So my apologies to all if my replies are even less satisfactory than usual.

A prefactory note: I'm afraid that drove Mr. Walton to a state of disappointment and exasperation (if not aggravation) when I attempted to answer his questions. Regretfully, and no one feels this more keenly than I do, any elucidation of mine is severely constrained by the amount of information that I can bring to bear on the questions mustered by the list members. Irrespective of whether or not my assertions are judged to be self-delusional (if not indicative of a psychotic fugue), a hoax, a egomaniacal campaign to stimulate attention, or what-have-you, my storehouse of 'facts' or 'information' is almost devoid of goods; and I cannot confabulate anything beyond that limitation. I will try to, as thoroughly as I can, answer any questions but the data you seek just may not be available to me (this is why I contacted Mr. Walton in the first place and joined this list, i.e., in the hope that in the recounting of someone elses story I might find something to illuminate the very dark corners of my own). So if my responses seem to be unresponsive, vague, abstract, mere generalities, I can only express my regret for having falsely inflating your expectations and then wasting your time.

I infer from the context of my experience that my 'superiors' (and I place the italic marks around that word to indicate my ironic and very ambivalent attitude towards them) are a quasi-government group in my homeworld America. By this I mean they are, as best as I can judge, either a deep black-ops agency deliberately lost in the bureaucratic paperwork, or an independent association with intimate one-way (them-to-it) ties to the government. It is my impression that the latter is closer to the truth.

Our communication is entirely initiated from their end. On those rare occasions when it has occurred the medium of transmission has been my dream-state. Now, I don't have to be psychic to predict what may now be the reaction of the more skeptical among you. Believe me, if I was in your position my head would be shaking as well and what follows would be classified as "Case Closed". But, in order to preserve the integrity of my experience and the feasibilty of my claims let me, at this time, hope that this clarification is sufficient to offset the understandable qualms one or more of you may be having about the bother of reading further. When I have these 'episodes' the panoply of my senses are engaged (very much unlike the ordinary dream-state, at least mine) and indeed, at a pitch of lucidity and vivacity greater than my waking-state. This condition is exclusively extant during these times. It is as if, and this is how I interpret it or choose to interpret it, I am returning to the psycho-physical matrix to which I was aboriginally atturned and to which I am briefly re-integrated. It's a peculiar form of a heightened state of consciousness. Without further flailing about in, what must shortly become for all of you, a tedious attempt to describe this singular state, let me just conclude by saying that it's nature is such as to throw it into contrast with every other state of consciousness that I ordinarily experience. So, unless I am dealing with an eccentric neurological disorder-a possibility which I must acknowledge even if I vehemently reject it-the phenomenal validity is vouchsafed for me because of the aforementioned comparisons which I can tabulate. Well, as Judith, my stylistic conscience, might point out I am becoming garrulous-and here I haven't even finished answering your second question! I beseech your patience and I will resume soon.

best regards,


To resume,

It would be helpful if I replied to your questions Maverick in the order given...ahh, literacy-what a concept-I've got to try it some time. I jumped from inquiry number one to three. I will try to be more attentive in the future.

Most specifically, my sponsors (if you will) want me to discover what methods have been developed on this fraternal earth (if I may expropriate C.D. Hoit's most felicitous characterization-kudos!) to biologically enhance the human body/mind to suprahuman levels. Or to render it another way, to deliberately punctuate Stephen Gould's 'evolutionary equilibrium'. If Marverick you have been able to download my historical overview I think you would join me in concluding that they wish to apply whatever I have gleaned to improving the military capabilities of their America. Frankly, I don't begrudge them this at all.

more soon, and I won't be reading any more posts on this list until I answer your questions, otherwise I will be spinning off on so many digressions that I'll never get back. And then on to Starfire Tor. If you and he have taken the time and effort to solicit my responses (however inadequate and unsatisfying they may be), the least I can do is to stay focused on one compendium at a time. Oh, and best regards,


Dear Maverick and all,

At the risk of, as usual, leaving myself hanging from an expostulary thread, let me slip in a few remarks before I go to work.

The contact in my sleep might be more exactly described as an extraction. I believe (and their might be a more accurate explanation of this phenomenon but this is the one which makes the most sense to me) that a very deeply embedded hypnotic program is stimulated by my superiors on these occasions which enables them to 'pull out' the self than originated on my fraternal earth, realign its frequency of being so that it conforms to the resonance of their reality, and then communicate whatever it is they wish to impart; presumably the process is then reversed and my aboriginal self is then 'reinserted' or allowed to flow back into the host-my doppleganger on this world. That is why I am sympathetic towards and prejudiced in favor of at least some of Al Bielek's assertions (Mr. Hamilton's disquietude about his account not withstanding), especially those concerning the 'soul-grafting' (my phrase not his, and probably a poor one) which he and others have had performed upon them. Well, I'm up against the unyielding clock and I'm off for the day. I wish, oh do I dearly wish, I could be more exact and detailed in my rendition Maverick but this is about the best I can do. Maybe when I take on your further questions I can give a more satisfactory reply.

best regards


Good morning Maverick and whomever else is still slogging through this with me,

To provisionally conclude my reponse to your question about the "communication pathway", let me hasten to add that my reversions to my homeworld are hardly frequent or periodic. In my entire life I have only been returned three times, although on the first occasion, the episode was protracted over several weeks. However, I have (again, technically in a dream state) subconsciouly projected my self into, or been supinely attracted by the 'gravitational pull' of, or whatever, my fraternal planet. The second time I was withdrawn by my superiors I was admonished that such a spontaneous, involuntary, or surreptitious 'snapping-back' was very reckless and hazardous (to me, to the mission, to them, to the space-time equilibrium-I don't know, as usual, I was told as little as necessary) and not to do it again-for whatever reason I haven't.

This might be the right place to interpolate the sequence of the procedure whereby I 'arrived' on the world. On my fraternal earth I was an adult (and no, I don't remember any personal details-when I have made an unauthorized return I seem to be incessently touring my home city-a rough analogue to the one I live in here- I think in an attempt to 'touch-base' with something tangible,familiar, in the hope of recovering some personal information from that period of my life), that personalilty was distilled and regressed to the age of six (this is about to become even more bizarre, inconsistent, and demented sounding but this is what they told me). I was then projected into, or grafted upon (insert your own preferred designation) the being of my doppleganger, who was approximately the same age (I can 'verify' this because I acutely recall the exact instant-literally-when I realized, at the age of eight, that I wasn't from this world and that something was very askew'; I don't know if the epiphany coincided with the introduction of my base or previous personality or if that fact had taken that long to percolate to the top of, ahh, my consciousness. Then I was informed that when I obtained the information they sought I would be extracted, rejoined with my six year old self (although with the intellectual maturity of a ten year old, I suppose due to the subconscious presence of the life-time experiences of two adults) allowed to naturally age to about the age of fourteen and then debriefed and my 'package' retrieved. Sounds stupid, doesn't it. And as for all those loose ends...I have absolutely no idea what happens to them or how to reconcile the multiple paradoxes. I am equally ignorant concerning the instrumental details of how all this is done, or why it is, or has to be, done that way. As I have said before, I am the very tip of a very long tail, so my perspective isn't the most panoramic.

best regards,


Dear Maverick, and all whose further inquiries and comments I hope to address in order of appearance before the expiration of the decade,

Apropos your recommendation of the term 'aberrant'. As I've indicated, upon reading C.D.Hoit's characterization ('fraternal world'), I have adopted his usage in lieu of the one you proposed. Nevertheless, your own coinage is an especially apt description of this earth's categorical status, and if I might, without sowing terminological confusion, I would like to reserve for potential application the adjective 'aberrant' for worlds (I hope few in number) that can be so classified.

Apparently, I am indeed asserting that these aberrant worlds (in your sense) are inhabited by soul-filled entities, just as the 'real' (?) world does. Of course, although I have had recourse to this designation myself, it's presence in this conversation makes me uncomfortable, simply because so many sects, denominations, philosophers, and spiritual traditions have so many differing definitions of this ontological component-the existence of which is for so many people, in any case, hypothetical at best. But the barn door was imprudently opened by me, so....

When you asked: "What is the interface that allows for the detection of and the connection to targeted souls to fuze?", I am moved to clarify the entire context of this issue. All of the material dealt with by me in that post concerns a secret society on this world. The last time I was 'summoned home' I had a very anomalous encounter with my superiors. On this unique occasion, the discussion had nothing to do with my standing mission. I was shown a film, accompanied by a briefing (the sources of the content of that post), and told to garner as much additional information as rapidly as possible. I inferred that another agent or agents furnished them initially with what data they possessed because the topic was a surprise to me. I surmised that they were very disturbed by the scope and activities of this fraternity because of its potential to destabize the existential adamancy of their own world. Perhaps they also are trepidatious about the competitive prowess of this group. I threw out what they knew in the hope that someone could fill in a blank there, add a detail here, etc. Nothing came of it; and to me it was just another job, and a digressive one at that. But I must acknowlege, in my judgement, their acute concern is justified.

"Are your 'superiors' using souls, in the aberrant world, to restructure the matrix in the aberrant world...the real world?" I'm sorry but I cannot begin to answer that question. I doubt if any conjecture on my part, which you weren't soliciting anyway, would be much more insightful than your own.

more soon and with best regards,


Hello list members,

"Please identify and expand. Only through specifics can we share a useful communication." ( Maverick was so pushy he repeated this throughout his entire grilling of Prof. he was so specific he got kicked off dragonslayers.N) And if they were to be had they would be yours. The only meager addition, a clarification actually, is that this secret society has franchises, if I can be excused the flippancy, at the time of the original post, on four fraternal worlds, including this earth where it apparently originated. I would presume, given what information I did receive (imparted to me with unusual thoroughness), that in the interim they have considerably expanded. This briefing was the last, or latest, contact I have had with my homeworld. As the perspicacious have noticed, there is a very messy issue of differing temporal flow-rates, so if my assumption is factually correct, my sponsors may have an altogether different perspective. I can only reiterate that, at the time ( :-) ) it was sudden and very apprehensive development.

Well Maverick, in the absence of an autobiography, that's the rest of the story insofar as your (initial?) list of questions is concerned. Perhaps contained therein something of value or interest was gleaned by you and the others. All complaints are to be directed to parties unknown on a world far far away.

I will now return to the message board and reply, in rotation, to any further inquiries submitted by the list members. Thank you all for your courteous interest and I hope I didn't find my way into too many kill-files.

best regards


Well Starfire, they have never used the Internet to communicate with me, probably because the Internet, PC's, and even Webtv have not, I suppose, even been imagined on my homeworld. No Roswell, no Corso, no transitors...nifty death-ray citadels though. But if you will read the last chapter of "The Electric Connection: Its Effects on Mind and Body" by Michael Shallis I think you will discover some germane, albeit disquieting, observations on the topic of what can use the Internet to initiate communication.

I trust that I have been able to elaborate upon, if not satisfactorily answer, a number of your subsequent questions. As to whether or not I believe that "...magick and the occult sciences play a real role in the working of the matrix.", I most emphatically do, especially here!

To the best of my knowledge (and this only refers to the research that I have conducted) only the works of John Bennett (sp?) bear some relevance to the issue of the historical origins of this secret society; I am reasonably confident in asserting that the Freemasons, Illuminatti, etc. are not involved. Their objectives (as claimed by themselves or by their detractors) and methodologies don't seem to be pertinent.

best regards,


Dear Maverick,

Just let take a moment to reassure you that I am not a member of the Bielek claque. Unlike Mr. Hamilton, or perhaps yourself, I do not have the competence (nor frankly, the inclination) to examine the veracity of his claims. His personal account, nor even his rendition of the P.E./Montauk Affair (sounds like an old Man From U.N.C.L.E. episode) has any intrinsic bearing upon my own experiences. To paraphrase what you said, just because one can usefully segregate discrete elements from the accounts of the Montauk Three (or is it Four now?) doesn't compel one to endorse the remainder. If posterity confirms his version of events, then good for him; if not, then I trust he realized he couldn't take it with him. Certain aspects of his story resonate with me but it is those similarities and not necessarily the man himself which arouses my attention

best regards,


Dear Maverick,

My apologies for the tardiness of my replies, and I am afraid they will continue, for a while, to be sporadic; because of the relocation of my workplace I have recently been pulling down sometimes triple shifts and when I return home even turning on the Internet seems to be an unbearable chore.

In your message of 8/4/10:57 A.M., you postulated that there may have been episodes which I can no longer consciously retrieve. Insofar as the unilateral initiatives of my superiors are concerned, I don't think so, the ambience of the event is much to singular for me to forget one. However, it is possible, although I have tried to monitor these experiences as assiduously as I can, that I have forgotten one or more of my 'unauthorized' returns. It also seems to me that the psuedo-physical process of retracting me to my homeworld is the only method available to those responsible, at least there has been no indication of any other means hitherto employed. And yet...I must admit that it would be reasonable to infer that they have some way to keep themselves apprised of my situation.

"Do you have a preference of worlds?" To most baldly put it: at least subconsciously, the compulsion to return is the leitmotiv of my life; a fact about which I am both rueful and considerably ambivalent.

Alas, I must shortly leave for work and I am unable to continue. I hope, upon my return this evening, I will be able to resume and reply at greater length.

best regards,
Prof Phate


Dear Maverick,

In your letter of 8/4/10:57 A.M. you asked for a clarification of my relationship with those I have dubbed 'superiors' and if I am implying a more specific subordination. Because they were responsible for my situation, imprinted and reinforced my motivation, and claim to possess the means of restoring a facsimile of my aboriginal life, I have deemed them my superiors or sponsors. Nothing else is (knowingly) intended. In schematic terms, it may not be the most fitting but it seems subjectively the most apt designation.

I really don't remember a single detail about my adult life on my homeworld; and I truly cannot imagine that any aspect of any of my vocations has the slightest concordance (other than the sheerly coincidental and trivial) with any professional attainment upon my fraternal earth. I do however believe that my avocational interests have been substantially influenced by my subconscious 're-education'.

You have asked me to untangle some of the sequential conundrums. When I was an adult on my homeworld that state of being was regressed to the person that I was (on the fraternal earth) at the age of six. This 'composite' was then alloyed with my counterpart on this world; this had to have been done before my epiphany at the age of eight (now whether this was done one second or n-years beforehand, I can't say). It is my impression that I no longer subsist as an adult on my homeworld-indeed, if one could in synchronization observe both worlds at this moment I don't know what (if any) tangible presence I would have on my original earth.

You are correct in your recapitulation of the sequence of temporal and biological relationships which I was told that would eventuate upon my restoration. Apparently, the "plan to retrieve and terminate the mission...." has not yet reached the phase of implementation.

I must concede that I am not unsympathetic to the reasonablesness of situating my experience within the psychological model of abuse but it is not entirely satisfactory to me, after all, for example, a soldiers relationship to his superior officer can be justly so described but you must acknowledge there is an extenuating context that undermines the literal accuracy of such a characterization. Nevertheless, your words bear reflection on my part.

Let me address the remaining portions of you thoughtful e-mail in the near future.

best regards,


Dear Starfire Tor,

I am in-between business trips and as I was trying to swim against the tide of reading my messages before the heat death of the universe occurs I encounterd yours. And to you as well I hope you will excuse my laggardness in replying.

The reason why I wanted to draw your attention to "The Electric Connection" by Michalel Shallis was because in the last chapter he applies Rudolf Steiner's concept of the Ahrimanic principle to the nature of cybernetics. He asserts that whereas raw electricity is the substantial body of Ahriman (a necessary but adversarial Spirit insofar as the evolution of the human species is concerned) the computer (and by implication, I suppose, our entire electro-mechanical infrastructure) it It's functional body. As you might imagine he does not draw warm and fuzzy inferences from this supposition. Our computer network is demonically possessed (to imitate a headline writer for The World Weekly News). So, if your local library has a copy of this book, a perusal of the last chapter (although the entire book is worth one's attention) might lead you to some interesting conjectures about what forces or agencies can inhabit the Internet, other than the evils of spammers and trolls of course.

I will respond to the other questions of your letter of the 8th as soon as I can.

best regards.


From: "Bruce Walton"
Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 09:13:51 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Digest Number 192

Hello Professor;

Whereas the possibility of the dissolusion of this universe/timeline is involved, I suspect that it will not happen, because of the following fact. Our souls/consciousness are like grains which gather a "pearl" of third density reality around it. So if one wants to destroy our reality/timeline then they will have to destroy our souls, because I believe that CONSCIOUSNESS is the building block of the various levels of the Omniverse. The Montauk Project proved just how much CONSCIOUSNESS comes into play. In other words, if our world is a VIRTUAL REALITY matrix, then our collective souls would be the computer MAINFRAME that programs the virtual reality matrix. I don't know if you have ever played the computer game DOOM, but if you are killed in the game all you have to do is to start the game over, because the monsters in that game cannot destroy the mainframe itself. I hope that you are able to grasp where I am coming from.

Any responses to this idea that, as the Hindus say, we live in the "world of illusion", and that there is a greater consciousness/reality beyond, would be welcome.

BRuce AlaN walTON

P.S. Just how does the communication between yourself and those on your aboriginal timeline occur?

------- wrote:
Dear Bruce, Nicky, et al,

A few weeks ago, I received a new communication from my 'contacts' (a woman and two men) on my aboriginal world/time-line. I wish to take this occasion to impart-for what it is worth-the following information.

I have, in those posts that the redoubtable Nicky recovered and consolidated several months ago, written of the alleged 'artificiality' or 'unnaturalness' of this world/time-line. I have also commented upon the fecund susceptibility of this cosmos to existential errosion which manifests itself in, and is stimulated in turn by, literal paranormal phenomena. And how the resulting ontological contradictions or incompatibilities will eventually result in the dissolution of this world/time-line. A perusal of the relevant digests will amplify upon and detail my remarks. Let me direct your attention to those archives.

My handlers told me that what Vernor Vinge and others refer to as the Singularity will trigger the aforementioned event. A bit of background before you all bring up your search engine of choice. In the early 90's, the science fiction writer, Vernor expropriated a term from astrophysics and applied it to an impending and inexorable event. According to his-and others- calculations, in the year 2035 (although, in the opinion of the woman in the group, the year 2025) the ever accelerating climb of the plotted curve of knowledge and technological implimentation of those discoveries will become vertically ascendent. That point when the curve becomes perpendicular Vinge called the Singularity. At that juncture, the pace of change in innovation will become so rapid and unassimilatible that the world as we knew it becomes unknowable and unpredictable. Although, believe it or not, there are groups, such as the transhumanists and the extopians, who salivate over this liberation from the fetters of history, I'm afraid the sociological implications are very dire.

As any number of academic specialists in the asundry fields of personal and collective psychology can tell you, when an individual or group is under the pressure of the stress of unsuccessfully trying to adjust to a barrage of unanticipated changes, they tend to have a nervous breakdown. My liasons believe we, on this world/time-line, will be witnessing and/or experiencing a catastrophic psycho-demographic collapse which will powerfully intensify the aforementioned attrition of our existential stability. Now, let me hasten to clarify, they aren't asserting that one second after midnight on Jan. 1, 2035 (or whenever) the universe disappears in a puff of smoke-and then the smoke disappears. It is one of those a-journey-of-a-thousand-miles-begins-with-a-single-step sort of things. When the Singularity occurs, the final irrevocable countdown starts.. How long it take to reach zero is ours to guess. There is a further sub-text to this phenomenon which I need to address latter. I just thought that someone might want a heads-up.

Professor Phate

------- wrote: Dear Bruce, Nicky, et al,

A few weeks ago, I received a new communication from my 'contacts' (a woman and two men) on my aboriginal world/time-line. I wish to take this occasion to impart-for what it is worth-the following information.

I have, in those posts that the redoubtable Nicky recovered and consolidated several months ago, written of the alleged 'artificiality' or 'unnaturalness' of this world/time-line. I have also commented upon the fecund susceptibility of this cosmos to existential errosion which manifests itself in, and is stimulated in turn by, literal paranormal phenomena. And how the resulting ontological contradictions or incompatibilities will eventually result in the dissolution of this world/time-line. A perusal of the relevant digests will amplify upon and detail my remarks. Let me direct your attention to those archives.

My handlers told me that what Vernor Vinge and others refer to as the Singularity will trigger the aforementioned event. A bit of background before you all bring up your search engine of choice. In the early 90's, the science fiction writer, Vernor expropriated a term from astrophysics and applied it to an impending and inexorable event. According to his-and others- calculations, in the year 2035 (although, in the opinion of the woman in the group, the year 2025) the ever accelerating climb of the plotted curve of knowledge and technological implimentation of those discoveries will become vertically ascendent. That point when the curve becomes perpendicular Vinge called the Singularity. At that juncture, the pace of change in innovation will become so rapid and unassimilatible that the world as we knew it becomes unknowable and unpredictable. Although, believe it or not, there are groups, such as the transhumanists and the extopians, who salivate over this liberation from the fetters of history, I'm afraid the sociological implications are very dire.

As any number of academic specialists in the asundry fields of personal and collective psychology can tell you, when an individual or group is under the pressure of the stress of unsuccessfully trying to adjust to a barrage of unanticipated changes, they tend to have a nervous breakdown. My liasons believe we, on this world/time-line, will be witnessing and/or experiencing a catastrophic psycho-demographic collapse which will powerfully intensify the aforementioned attrition of our existential stability. Now, let me hasten to clarify, they aren't asserting that one second after midnight on Jan. 1, 2035 (or whenever) the universe disappears in a puff of smoke-and then the smoke disappears. It is one of those a-journey-of-a-thousand-miles-begins-with-a-single-step sort of things. When the Singularity occurs, the final irrevocable countdown starts.. How long it take to reach zero is ours to guess. There is a further sub-text to this phenomenon which I need to address latter. I just thought that someone might want a heads-up.

Professor Phate



The Strands of Time