God Created Evolution

--by Bob Benchoff 9/9/01

Yesterday, 7:15 AM Eastern Standard Time, God provided for me the complete* logic of the evolutionary creation of life from that which was not previously life. [*Note: By "complete" I refer to that which is provable according to logical progression with tangible proveable applications at each step (not merely unproven suppositions); but I do not mean to use the word "complete" to refer to extra ideas nonessential to the logical progression.]

Prior to 7:15, I had been contemplating how God, being logical and not irrational, provided for us reasoning to allow us to follow his lead.

Our reasoning ability is optimized in science (such as math and other branches), which provides a format for people to reasonably discuss information. Science teaches us definitions and logical progressions, so that, for instance, we can read the Bible.

Therefore, at least in part, science has good reasoning functions. Therefore, faith in the good part of science that God provided for us is good.

A person can think about hitting a target with an arrow. So before they shoot the arrow, they could spend time purchasing the target they prefer, waiting for the right day to shoot, setting up the target, aiming, and then shooting.

To breathe under water, a person might first fill a scuba tank with air. Filling the tank can take 20 minutes, then there is the drive to the water, and the typical time required to get dressed in the scuba gear.

God knew his plan from the start, therefore God made preparations from the start. Before God breathed into Adam's nostrils, God prepared for that.

On the sixth day God breathed into that which would become Adam, and millions of years later, man became a living being.

Science, logic, observation, and the word of God (perhaps: such as through hearing or reading the Bible) each teach us of evolution.

For instance, the Bible teaches that people are transformed at baptism and become new creatures. And Jesus was transfigured at the mountain.

Science shows that genes can be altered to cause creatures to evolve into new creatures or clones. Science shows that genes might be altered so that the altered creatures become carriers of evolutionary traits, which might not appear for many generations, perhaps millions of years.

That which is good, works together with that which is good. This applies not only to living creatures, but also to spiritual and earthly matters.

For instance, Jesus Christ worked together with his disciples to handle large groups of people so they could be fed bread and fish, in a good and improving way. People ate of the bread and fish, and so their health was fortified or improved. Therefore, for example, the bread improved from it's former glory to be included in the higher glory of those people.

The bread came in part from wheat, the wheat in part from water, the water in part from hydrogen. Hydrogen is not generally considered to be a living creature.

I believe all things have the spirit of life, even if we don't perceive it.

Nonetheless, so-called non-life reacts to the laws of physics. An electron, for instance, has properties of gravity, inertia, magnetism, and so on. Also, an electron will naturally move to greater glory. Such greater glory is called different things according to people's viewpoints. A scientist, for instance, might say the electron naturally moves to a relative state of rest, unless acted upon by an outside stimulus. The outside stimulus likewise would represent a greater glory to the electron.

It is easy for people to understand that a water molecule can be part of a cycle. It can flow downstream, evaporate, rain, and flow downstream again. The glory of heat overwhelms it and takes it up, and the glory of gravity overwhelms it and brings it down.

The glory of the water cycle can be overwhelmed, such as by separating the hydrogen from the oxygen.

Some changes are more permanent than others, and may be thought of as having evolved.

Just below the cellular level, mechanisms such as RNA and DNA might be overwhelmed by chemicals and energy to evolve into what we would call a living cell.

A cell might imagine and learn that by being large, it is less likely to be destroyed and eaten by another cell. Therefore the cell might join together with another like minded cell, to evolve into a new creature: a two celled creature.

As we journey through life, let us continue to join together the best way for optimal success and glory for God.



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