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An Even More Excellent Way

--by Dr. Bob Benchoff 3/24/02

More excellence comes from Jesus Christ the living God. Just as air can cover you, more excellence can cover you and the whole earth and everything in it. More excellence can go beyond earthly imagination and exceed the known universe.

Beyond measure the way of Jesus Christ is more excellent, to include you and others for absolute goodness which is perfect justice which grace comes from almighty God.

God, being logical and not irrational, provided for us reasoning to allow us to follow his lead. Our faith in God activates this (Reference: click here for details).

Our reasoning ability is optimized in science (such as math and other branches), which God provided for us for good. Your reasoning without lessening your devotion to Jesus Christ provides a format for reasonable people to properly discuss advancing technologies, future plans, and new information, not only systematically, but also with clarity of purpose. Science teaches us definitions and logical progressions, so that, for instance, we can read the Bible.

The Bible teaches us grace so we can work to glorify Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us that there is more to life than. Specifications and the law are valuable, but there are greater values within reach.

Per law, we rely on works. Per grace we rely on the works of Christ.

As such, to works we can apply the scientific method. And as such we can have faith in the works of Christ and know that the scientific method would prove truthful and justifiably correct; without our having to test each aspect.

A more severe relationship analogy could be stated via leaving the dead to bury the dead, since faith in Christ leads to life.

Science, logic, observation, and the word of God (perhaps: such as through hearing or reading the Bible) each teach us of evolution. So the way of life is an even more excellent way.

For instance, the Bible teaches that people are transformed at baptism and become new creatures. And Jesus was transfigured at the mountain.

The Bible teaches of the value of your having faith in Jesus Christ and Christ's even more excellent way.

For instance, Jesus Christ worked together with his disciples to bring good tidings by using bread. Therefore, the bread improved from it's former glory to be included in the higher glory of those people. That was the work of science and the law.

But the greater and even more excellent way came from the miracle of those people receiving of Christ for the even more excellent way of increasingly greater respect for Christ for Christ's greater glory, which glory came not from greed, but from Christ's perfect charity.

Christ's charitable works were know by Christ per Christ's plan from the beginning, absolutely. The event of the breaking and sharing of the bread was simply a means to that end, relative to the people who by their faith (provided by Christ) chose to be there to be with Christ.

Some changes are more permanent than others, and may be thought of as having evolved. All of Christ's actions fit this permanent arrangement of an even more excellent way.

Christ seeks perfect and absolute justice, therefore that which is good and perfectly just must be glorified. This is what is right and perfect and beautiful and lovely. This is for your edification for Holy Works through your doing likewise for others, spreading the Holy Word of Jesus Christ

The glory for God is the even more excellent way and anxious for you to be a part of it according to God's perfect justice.

An even more excellent way is how to get to the right answer and to the right situation and to get the right happiness and results more quickly and in a more fulfilled manner, overflowingly. Overspilling good grace to others for the more excellent glory of Christ Jesus our Lord.



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