God's Gifts
It is not easy to produce
To give birth to that which God sends,
But, we need not worry about our weaknesses,
God's love and power always transcends
Earthly, mortal weakness and quakings,
Because HE decrees the product's perfection
And sands us with uncomfortable, uncompleted feelings
Until we, too, hold out to Him our cup of election...
By doing His work, which is light
We develop our gifts enormously,
Turning our whole minds and souls
Into priceless paintings... for God has magnanimously
Bent to earth to scrape, dig and retrieve us
From this corruption--moldy, dusty, lowly--
Polishing each willing soul into something lovely
That He will be proud to claim as His own, Eternally.
by Margaret Millet Tracy
copyright © Margaret Millet Tracy 2001