Don't Put Me on a Pedestal

In his mind he saw me as
An ideal, flawless woman.
So fresh, so sweet and innocent,
The epitome of perfection.

He put me on a pedestal,
Above the Crowd so high.
Then saw I was not perfect,
And left me high and dry.

I never said that I was perfect.
I never pretended to be.
All I ever really tried to do,
Was to be the very best me.

Why do we put people on pedestals?
No one can live up to the ideal.
All it ever really accomplishes
Is to obscure and hide what is real.

Do not put people on pedestals.
We are all human, and we do err.
And when People on pedestals fall,
So do the people who put them there.

I don't belong on a pedestal,
I make lots of mistakes as I go.
Please try to give me the chance I need
To better myself, and change, and grow.

Don't put me on a pedestal,
Just accept me for who I am.
A woman who tries her hardest
To be the very best she can.

by Celia Tracy

copyright © 2001 Celia Tracy

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