Christianity is the most widespread religion on Earth. It's God is said to be all-seeing and all-knowing. In fact, the Christian God is said to be the only God.

Christianity, though, is a human religion. And as with many things human, it has elements that are totally correct, elements that are totally wrong, but is mostly more complex than humans believe.

There are many Gods in existence. Some are what humans would call Gods, some call themselves Gods, some are thought of as Gods but do not agree, and some are on a totally different scale.

The same goes for Angels and Demons, These terms are not a label for a species, more a label for a group that has common features. Angels generally serve the light, while demons generally associate with the darkness. Throw in some other facts, like that there are exceptions to both of these statements, that light and darkness are not necessarily good and evil, and that there are many types of light and many forms of darkness, then it isn't hard to see why humans have relatively few details in this area totally correct.

One detail they do have correct is that Angels, Demons and Gods are supernatural in nature. They do have abilities and powers, many of which humans have no defense against. It is therefore hard to see why such beings haven't already conquered the humans, or even why they would want to bother in the first place. When it comes to the supernatural, humans have one advantage, one that all other entities would give anything to obtain, and one that few humans truly realize. Of all these beings, humans are the only ones with the power to change destiny.

Destiny is a force which controls every being, from the most powerful God to the lowliest Demon spawn. Nothing can stop it. But humans can control it. As a species, they have the ability to do anything. And this is the secret to their existence. Like other sentient beings, humans squabble and fight each other, but they all wish for a destiny that includes the continuation of their species. And so no entity can defeat them, at least on their Earth. Attempts have been made, of course. Demons, Angels and Gods mated with humans, hoping to produce offspring that had their powers, and could control destiny. Two things came out of this. One was a ruling that such offsprings were forbidden, a rule that unsurprisingly has not been obeyed all that well. The other was a discovery that few of the half-breeds had enough human in them to control destiny, and the few that could rarely gained mastery of either of their natures. In any case, a creature that was human enough to change destiny would by nature change their own destiny enough to take charge of their lives, which ruined the plans of their supernatural parent. To put it shortly, destiny would not fall into supernatural control so easily.

Another rule that existed amongst these beings was that they should not take mates from the forces of their opponents. This rule was obeyed more, as few beings tended to interact with their enemies other than through bloody battles. But Demons and Angels have emotions too. They can fall in love, and like humans, their love can be tragic. One such couple was made up of a Demon and an Angel.

The Demon was called Haiv, a regular and ordinary Demon as far as those terms apply. Her lover, on the other hand, ranked high in the Forsaken, an elite group of Angels known for their skills in combat, their faith in their light, and their pious attitude. Their relationship was formed in what humans would call a "twist of Fate". The Angel, Senophim, had been involved in a costly battle with an up-and-coming Demon God. The God had been defeated, but only three Angels had survived the battle - Senophim, the squad leader Diana, and a Lieutenant with the name Angel. The three Angels were separated while returning home, injured and exhausted. Senophim, after several strange events, would find himself struggling to survive alongside Haiv, and this reluctant alliance would blossom into an attraction, then a love affair. The couple abandoned their allies and fled to Earth, taking on human form. For several years they survived, birthing two children - the eldest girl, Glade, and her younger sister, Silence. But they were eventually found, surprisingly by Haiv's former friends, considering that Senophim's high position should have made the Forsaken's search the more urgent. In any case, the lovers were killed. Silence, still a baby, was sent off to be tortured and raised as a slave. Glade was just old enough to be aware of what was happening. As punishment for her parent's crimes, her memories were stolen, her developing powers sealed, and she was sent to live among humans that the Demons saw would make her life a misery. And this was the start of the story of the feared Demon-Angel hybrid, the warrior that her enemies know and dread as the Nightmare Girl.


When she was found outside the small town of Coral Bayside in 1548, Glade's only memory of her past was her name. As the Demons had willed, she had ended up in a small, tight-knit town, where everyone knew everyone else, and outsiders were viewed with suspicion. Glade was adopted by a cold couple, Bradley and Emma Barret. Her family life was like a movie - her new parents kept her around just for the appearance of good neighbours, and treated her like dirt, sometimes even beating her. At school she was teased for her unearthly aura and slightly strange behaviour. In fact, she was pretty, in an odd sort of way, and if she'd been several years older, the boys at least might have been more friendly. But she was the human equivalent of five, and so the other children teased her. She fought back at first, and was able to beat the bullies...until they ganged up on her. The cause of her school miseries was a popular kid named Billy Tinom. He was admired by children and grown ups alike, and his opinion held a considerable amount of power for his age. And one of his opinions was that he didn't like Glade.

Glade's only escape were her dreams. She dreamed of another family. A father who was strict, yet never beat her, and would fly through the air carrying her. A mother who would play with her, making her laugh with funny magic tricks. And even a baby sister, who Glade could play with and teach about building blocks, toys and strange other things that Glade couldn't make herself remember when she woke up.

Glade tried her best to be liked. She tried to make herself that the other children would like, that her parents would love, and who would impress the all-important Billy. Nothing worked. The children teased her, her parents beat her, and Billy hated her. As the years wore on, these things started to invade her dream world. Visions of her dream family would be replaced by beatings, taunts, and Billy's smug, grinning face. But in her dreams, Glade was strong. She turned the beatings back on her parents, scared the children, and had Bill begging for mercy.

And one morning, 8-year-old Glade woke up and decided that if she couldn't be liked, she would be feared.


Glade walked down the street. She had thrown away the 'normal' clothes that she'd worn these last few years to try and be popular, and gone back to her preferred clothes that had gained her laughs and scorn. The long, green, cloak-like clothes her little hands had made herself. She even wore her green and black face paint, another concoction of her own making, which she'd worn in public and gained more than mere scorn for. She wore her crimson hair loose and flowing, rather than have it tied back as just about everyone around her insisted. She did carry a school-bag, which held the little surprises she had for Billy. She'd tried giving presents like chocolates and flowers before, and she'd normally found herself eating gravel as thanks. These presents, though, were different. She walked up to Billy, who glared at her while a group of children watched and laughed.

"Hey, look at the freak girl!" Billy laughed, which started up a chant of "Freak Girl" from the kids. "Look at you, Freak Girl! Stupid face stuff, silly dress. You're even more freaky than usual!"

"Hello Billy. I have a present for you."

Billy didn't pick up on Glade's cold voice or stance. He laughed. "Yeah? Let's see what it is. If it's nice, maybe I won't hit you!"

Glade said nothing. She reached into her bag and produced a small rock. Billy laughed louder.

"A rock?! That's the most stupid thing you've ever done, Freak Girl!"

"Oh Billy, that's not the present." Glade smiled evilly.

Billy still didn't register that something was up. "Oh yeah? Then what is?"

Glade had always been strong for her age, but unknown even to her, the seals that had been put on her years before were failing. Powerful as they were, they'd been designed for a full grown Demon or Angel, not a developing child hybrid. They weren't designed to keep up with developing powers, and had been deteriorating for some time. Already some of Glade's potential power had returned, waiting for her to call on it. The upshot of this was that when Glade hit Billy's face with the rock, not only did she knock him down, but a torrent of blood, flesh and teeth burst out of Billy's mouth...and part of his face.

Glade took a moment to look at the other children. They were all frozen in shock, she was glad to note. She kicked Billy onto his back and took out a pencil from her bag. She threw the bag away and mounted Billy's chest. He looked up at her in shock, pain and anger, and started to struggle, but his injury made his attacks less than feeble. Glade showed him the pencil.

"This is your present...little boy."

With that, she jabbed the pencil deep into the corner of his eye. Reveling in the screams, she used the pencil to lever out Billy's eyeball, and pulled it away, snapping the optic nerve. Billy was hysterical now, and she wasn't quite finished. She grabbed him with one hand around the neck and forced him to look at her with his one remaining eye. In that eye she could see pain, agony, but she could also see fear. She was riding on a high now, and the boy's fear only pushed her further. Ensuring that he could see her every moment, she brought the eyeball to her lips. Her tongue slipped out, caressing and licking the eye, and drawing it into her mouth. She rolled it around her mouth, then gently squeezed the eye with her teeth, biting and crushing it. Swallowing the mutilated body part, she smiled down at the terrified boy beneath her. She leaned down and kissed his empty eye socket, licking the ruined flesh and muscle inside. Then she stood up and smiled at the children around her. Two of them stepped forward and dragged Billy away from her. One of them recovered enough to speak.

"We...I...I'm going to tell on you!"

Glade laughed. To the children, she was no longer the Freak Girl to be taunted, but a nightmare made flesh.

"Go then. Tell your parents. Tell whoever you will. But know this. When you cower in the arms of your beloved mother, and when your father wraps his protective arm around you, know that it means nothing. Because if I choose, I will devour your father's heart, and I will rip off your mother's arms, and who will protect you then, child?"

Even to Glade the words sounded strange, but at the same time they sounded natural somehow. As if she'd become the person she was meant to be. The children stared at her in horror, each one too scared to move. She glared at them.

"Go! Or I will kill you!" she snapped. The children ran screaming. Billy was left behind, desperately trying to run away, certain that at any moment the evil Glade would grab him and rip out his other eye. But Glade let him go. She turned her attention to how to deal with the adults. To her surprise, she realized she wasn't even nervous. She was looking forward to it.


She chose a place forbidden to children for her confrontation. There was a small wood on the top of a hill near the town. Some years ago a boy had fallen while climbing a tree here and had been killed. Ever since that day, children had been forbidden to go near the hill, but Glade was far past worrying about the town's rules.

She waited several hours. Night fell, and a full moon shone in the sky. Glade liked the moon. Something about it stirred...something inside her. Now, as it shone down on her, that something seemed to swell as fast as her anticipation of what was to come.

Finally she heard voices. The town was coming to her. Some were carrying lanterns, and she watched as the lights grew more distinct. The voices became clearer. They talked of evil and monsters. She smiled. After her years as a nothing, she was eager to be a monster. She threw back her cloak, jumped onto a tall tree stump and waited.

When the crowd reached her, her defiant stance seemed to surprise them. For several long moments, the people started at her. She stared back. Finally, one of them stepped forward. She wasn't sure, but she thought it was Billy's father.

"You!" The man snarled. "Just what the hell do you think you are? Some sort of monster?!"

Glade smiled. "Maybe."

The man pushed Billy in front of him, with one protective arm around him. Billy had a haunted look on what could be seen of his face. Bandages covered most of it. A pity, Glade reflected. She'd have enjoyed another chance to look at her handiwork.

"You smashed his teeth! You ripped his face! You...You tore out his eye, for God's sake! What did he ever do to you?"

"What did he do to me? What did he do to me?" Glade said coldly. "He tormented me. He laughed at me. He hit me. But most of all..." Glade paused, looking at the expectant faces. "Most of all...he was first on my list."

Billy's father gaped. "Your list??? What in God's name are you talking about?"

"I say nothing in his name. I am a monster, after all. At least, that's what you said. But what I do say is that each and every one of you have looked down on me, treated me as dirt for the crime of not being born in your pathetic little community. You all knew about the beatings my so-called parents inflicted on me. You all knew my misery, and you did nothing. Well, my misery ends here. And yours begins. It begins with the scream of a child, deprived of his eye." Glade smiled at Billy. "Does it hurt, little boy?"

Bradley and Emma stepped forward from the crowd. Bradley spoke. "Glade! You get over here and stop this right now. I'm sick to death of your..."

"Silence." Glade said dismissively.

"What? You little...If you don't come here right now, I'm going to..."

"I SAID SILENCE!!!" The power that had been waiting inside Glade for all this time erupted. A pair of wings burst from her back, shining with a bright light. They looked Angelic, yet the feathers didn't look like feathers, they looked like leather, or something similar. Her hands changed into terrible claws, her teeth grew into sharp fangs. Her body seemed to grow slightly, not physically, but her presence was several times more noticeable. Her aura was so real you could almost touch it. The light of the moon shone down on her, bathing her, increasing the presence that could never come from anything even remotely human. Worst of all were her eyes. Her green eyes hadn't changed technically, but the glare of them was no longer an angry child, but of evil incarnate.

"You pathetic creatures. You dare to look down on me? Me? I'll tell you what I am. I am your nightmare! I am everything that haunts you in your mind's eye. When you wake in the middle of the night bathed in sweat and gasping for breath, I am the terror that you can't quite remember. I am the stories that you tell your children about monsters and demons. But I am no mere dream or story. I am as real as the moon. And now..." Glade floated a few feet in the air. This new strength, almost a new personality, had filled her. She knew the carnage she was about to inflict, and she was intoxicated with it. She was an addict, and her drug was the pain and screams of her enemies.

"And now...I am your master. I judge your fate. And I decree that it is time for your moon to fall!"

With that, she thrust up her inhuman arms towards the sky and started to laugh. The laugh was utter terror for the townspeople, who stood in frozen horror as the moonlight increased in intensity, making her glow like a small sun. There was a flash, and beams of light shot into the crowd, evaporating those they hit directly. Those unfortunate enough to be hit only partially were horribly burned, the flesh and bone around the wounds warped in unimaginable ways. Glade breathed in the screams of pain and terror as the people panicked and started to run in all directions. She spread her wings and flew around in the sky, swooping and delivering death to one and all. She was barely aware of herself now, lost in an orgy of vengeance and destruction. The minutes passed, like seconds and hours at the same time, with different screams and pleas ringing deliciously in her ears. Only one thing remained constant - the mocking laughter coming from her own throat.


It wasn't until morning that she gained control of herself. She looked around. She was in the outskirts of the town, and it was literally painted in blood and body parts. The parts were so badly warped and mutilated that there was no chance of identifying any of them, even if she had cared to do so. She knew that she should be horrified at what she had done, consumed by regret and sorrow. But all she felt was satisfaction. She smiled as she looked at herself, now looking human once more, but with torn and bloodstained clothes. She went about the town, gathering anything that took her fancy, be it money, food, clothes or possessions she liked the look of. She took one look at the town, grinned at the carnage, then walked calmly away.


Years passed. Glade soon realized that she was aging slower than a normal human, and that the aging process was slowing even more. A century after the blood bath at Coral Bayside, she had the appearance of a human in her early twenties, and the aging process had come to a virtual halt.

For a few years she had wandered at random, taking what she wanted, though careful never to let the general public find out about her. Then she had encountered the contingents of Angels and Demons present on Earth. She had recognised them as like her, but different in various ways. One thing she had realized quickly was that none of them were happy to see her. They had all tried to destroy her. Her powers seemed similar to theirs in some ways, but hers seemed different somehow. The Demons and Angels were equipped to resist Angelic and Demonic attacks, but her attacks seemed to combine both of these elements somehow. This, combined with a sadistic temper and natural ability made her a fearsome warrior, and she soon gained a reputation. She became known as "The Nightmare Girl", because to the supernatural forces on Earth, she was a piece that didn't fit, a nightmare to her enemies, and as she refused to let anything she fought survive, next to nothing was known about her other than that she was actually female, and she was definitely dangerous.

For over a century she existed like this, fighting when she was discovered and then fading from all attempts to seek her out. But one day she became aware that some force had located her. She did not recognise the entity, and it did not attack. She was most aware of it in her dreams, but couldn't quite reach it. Finally, after over a week, she went to sleep and once more encountered the force. This time it entered her dream fully, and initiated communication.

She dreamed of a large stone throne room, lavishly decorated with elements she'd seen in various Demonic strongholds, but also with feature reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian culture. On the throne was a man. He looked human, very well built and powerful, but the awesome presence alone told her that he was far from human. He had a black costume on, that seemed to catch the light in the same way a vacuum would catch dust - it got sucked into the blackness and disappeared. He wore a silver double-sash over his chest, forming an X shape, and adorned with various runes and symbols. His hair was pure white, and flowed down his shoulders and settled on the top of his throne, itself apparently made out of warped bone and decorated with skulls. And there were his eyes, clouded and shifting as if they couldn't decide what colour they should be.

Glade was no expert on Demon and Angel politics, but she'd picked up a fair bit from some victims she'd interrogated. Looking at the invader of her dream, she knew that a being of such power should not be present on Earth. Before she could ponder this further, the man spoke.

"I've sensed you these last few decades. You have built up quite the reputation. No one in the history of any species has caused the damage you have but remained so elusive and mysterious. Even I have not discovered much of what I wish to know. You are the one they call the Nightmare Girl?"

"Yes." Glade replied warily. "And who are you to enter my dreams like this?"

The man grinned. "I have been called many names over the years. The one I prefer to use is Pitt."

"That means nothing to me."

"No. I am from long before your time. But tell me about yourself. For example, how is it the seals placed on your powers are so deteriorated, yet still have some effect on you?"


Pitt frowned. "You don't...Oh. I see. Part of your memory is sealed. Your earliest memory." Pitt's eyes widened. "By the don't know what you are yourself, do you?"

Glade growled. "One more look into my head, and I'll have yours on a plate!"

Pitt backed off a step, holding a hand up and smiling slightly. "I mean no harm. In fact, I might be able to help."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I sense that we have certain things in common."

Pitt started to explain some aspects of his past. How he'd been created by his father just to be used for some disturbing future plan or other. How the eldest of Gods had agreed, and laid down a divine law against him. How he had been forced to rebel, and become what the Gods feared most - the One Who Destroys Gods. And how he had fallen, forced out of his body, and made to exist only on the dream plain until the time for a resurrection was right. Glade was entranced by the tale. She was convinced that she had found a potential ally. Here at last was one who was as hated by the supernatural forces as she was - even more so. She told him about herself, what she knew about her past. Pitt's interest increased throughout her story, and he offered to try and completely remove the seals placed on her.

Memories flashed through her head. Her family's execution. Her banishment. Her identity. Incredibly, even more power flourished in her as the seals dissolved. Finally, the process was finished. Pitt stepped back.

"A child of a Demon and an Angel. Amazing. So few of those ever appear, and they are always destroyed. Incredible that you survived. But tell me Glade. Will you join me?"

"What do you mean, 'join you'?"

"I estimate that sometime in the next few centuries, I will have gained enough power to return to my physical body at last. Once that is accomplished, I must return to a plan I began so long ago. One that will give me control over destiny, and the power to destroy the remaining Gods. There is a network, an army if you will, under my control spread out throughout the Earth, and several other realms. I offer you the chance to join us."

Glade considered this offer. She looked Pitt in the eye.

"I accept. It sounds like fun."

Pitt chuckled. "Oh, I believe it will be. Come to Giza in Egypt. That is where my body lies. Once you are there, I will send my trusted servant to meet with you. Her name is Blackfire. She will tell you everything you want to know."

Glade grinned. "I look forward to it."

Pitt smiled back. "I knew we'd get along when I heard the name they'd given you. The Nightmare Girl, and the Prince of Nightmares..."


Several centuries had passed. Glade had been working in Canada, some minor work in one of Pitt's mortal companies that provided his revenue when dealing with humans, when she had received a message to return to Egypt urgently. She had just arrived at Pitt's central stronghold. She had heard about the boy that Pitt had taken in, something about him being a human descendant of Blackfire, and important.

"Glade, I'm glad you're here." Pitt greeted.

"Your summons was urgent?"

"Yes." Pitt indicated to the boy. He was in his late teens, but he was tall, taller even than Pitt, and looked tremendously powerful for a human, on level with a Demon.

The boy was wary. It seemed that he was unsure of what was expected of him.

"I have to leave, then?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, but before you can fulfill your destiny, there are things you must learn. You have become strong with us, but you must also become strong as a human. Don't worry." Pitt added, reassuringly. "I will come for you when the time is right. And you will not be alone. This is Glade. She will accompany you. I think you'll enjoy her company." Pitt turned to Glade. "Glade, this is the Wanderer I've been waiting for. His name is Sharve. Sharve Oman. He has to spend the next few years among humans before we can go for our goals. I charge you with his safety. I can not stress the importance of his presence to our mission. Do you understand?"

Glade nodded. "I understand."


Outside, Sharve looked nervously around the city. He knew it well, but now it seemed alien to him. He'd always had Pitt, Blackfire and the others before. He looked at his new companion.

"So...what are you, Glade?"

Glade looked back at him. "A nightmare. What about you?"

"I'm not sure. I think I've yet to become what I am. Does that make sense?"

Glade chuckled. "In a way, it does." For the first time in years, she thought back to her days as a mistreated girl, before that massacre under the moonlight. "It makes sense."