Personal details

Name: Adam Diner

Address: 48 Cherry Avenue, Podunk, Texas

DOB: 26/01/1980


September 18th, 1996

This diary is part of a psychology project I'm doing for school. The idea is to see how a person acts over a long period of time, so I'll be writing in this pretty much every day until the end of the year. Andrew's the lucky one, he's got his own camcorder and a bunch of tapes, so he gets to do a video diary. That'd be cool.

Anyway, we were told to start with a simple entry. How are we feeling, etc. Well, it was the first day of school today, so I'm feeling bad. Well, not too bad, I mean, just tired I guess. After a summer of waking up whenever the hell I want it's not very nice having to get up at 7 in the morning. But nothing major wrong at the moment.

September 24th, 1996

This isn't going well. I'm supposed to be writing in this damn thing every day, not once a week or something. But it's a dull week. Hell, it's a dull town. God only knows what I'm going to fill this thing up with.

September 25th, 1996

Hi, good day, school, yadda yadda. Here's something for my damn psychological profile - boredom. Unbelievable boredom.

September 29th, 1996

Well, something actually happened today. Apparently a bunch of kids found some old relic or something on the beach, and all the nerdy types are getting all excited about it. Something to do with druids about a million years ago. What I really wish they'd found was a bomb or something - that'd make the days fly by! :)

September 30th, 1996

Now this was a good day! I FINALLY got the guts to ask Isabell out - and she said YES! Oh yes! Tommorrow evening, we're going to see a film. Can't wait!

October 1st, 1996

About two hours to go before THE DATE! Damn, I'm nervous. Can't seem to calm down. I hope I'm not this bad when I meet her, I don't want to act like a jackass in front of her now. Well, wish me luck!

October 2nd, 1996

Yesterday was GREAT! The film was least, the parts we actually paid attention to :) Afterwards we just went to a cafe and talked for ages over this huge bowl of ice cream. And now we're going out again next weekend!

Only thing that spoiled the night was this bunch of morons screwing around. I saw one of them try smashing another one's face in with a brick, or maybe a bottle. Didn't hang around, of course. We got the hell out of there as soon as we damn well could.

October 4th, 1996

Heh, it was only a few weeks ago that I wished that something exciting would happen, and now it's all happening at once. There's the going out with Isabell, of course, and there's a load of fights breaking out all over town. People are afraid it's some kind of gang war, I hear. In the bad areas of town, there's stuff getting smashed and fights all over the place. I'm sure glad no one I know lives over there. I heard on the TV that two people were burned to death in the street. Yikes!

October 5th, 1996

Damn, this fighting's getting worse! Three more deaths last night. One of them was really horrible, a five year old kid literally had his heart ripped out. This is getting out of control now. I hope something finishes it soon.

October 7th, 1996

Something happened today in school. A fight broke out in the playground, as it does, and this guy runs in, pulls the guys apart, and starts going on about the end of the world! Then he actually attacked one of the kids, saying something about 'releasing the talisman'. You could feel the relief when the police ran by and carried him off. That guy was seriously fucked in the head.

October 9th

Crap. That's one word for it. I was on a date with Isabell and this bunch of freaks run out of an alley and try to beat the shit out of us. I think I've buggered up my arm where one of those assholes chucked a bottle at it. For a sec, I honestly thought I was going to die. I dunno why they stopped chasing us, but I'm fucking relieved they did.

The worst thing though...I could have sworn I saw Andrew in the mob. But I'm probably imagining. I'm seriously freaked out here.

October 10th

Things are going to hell here. There's riots all over the fucking place, I can't leave the damn house. Two of our windows have been smashed in by bricks and stuff. Thank God for the phone lines. I called Isabell, and she's alright, but scared. I wish I knew what was happening.

I think it's the 14th now. I'm not sure. I'm hiding in Isabell's house now, I can't go back to my own. I don't know why I grabbed my diary off the table when I ran, but Isabell says it helps her to write hers, and I hope she's right.

I think I must be in Hell. I was just talking with my dad. He was trying to reassure me, I think, about all this chaos. Then my mum comes into the room and she fucking runs up and smashes dad's head in with the iron! I mean, what the Hell is going on my mum just


OK, I'm a bit calmer now. Just a bit, but I'm scared as crap. It's happening all over the place. Isabell's brother ran from the house yesterday and hasn't come back, just waving a knife around. We called Andrew's house, and it's as bad. His little sister answered the phone, he's gone and killed both his damn parents and she only got away by hiding in the airing cupboard damn it. This is just fucked up, it's like a nightmare or a bad movie or something. Mum, dad, I miss you.

October 16th

We had to run. Isabell's parents started arguing, it got bad. Her father ran at her mother with a saucepan, and she ended up throwing him through a window. The worst thing was her face. She looked horrified at what she'd done...and then it changed to this evil sort of gladness, like she'd taken pleasure in it! We only just managed to get out of there. We're in a corner of the school playground now, Isabell's asleep but she's having nightmares, I can tell. I just want to sleep, to wake up and realise it was all a dream.

Oh fuck, oh fuck

It's been god knows how long now. As if this place wasn't screwed up enough, we just saw some guy rip apart some old guy, and his entire body went...I dunno how to describe it. These spikey things kind of ripped out of his skin, I could see all these organs and stuff just falling out of his body, and his face just kind of warped, like he's not human anymore. And he started to eat the damn corpse!

It's all going wrong. I'm here alone in some alley, my parents are gone, my friends are killing each other, I have no clue where Isabell is, we lost each other when that damn monster came after us. Why haven't I gone mental yet? Part of me wishes I would, at least then the nightmare for me would be over.

It's October 29th, apparently. I'm writing what I've learned today, just to get it sorted in my head. It's that bad. Or maybe it's in case I fail now. Maybe someone will find this diary and know what to do, or at least know what happened. It's damn well not going to pass my course now.

More of the people are becoming those monster things. I've killed a couple of times now. Just the humans, I tried killing a monster, and I was lucky to escape with little injury - one less eye and three fingers gone.

I was pulled into some shed or something by that guy who attacked the kids in the playground. I still think he's crazy though. He told me that all this stuff is happening cos of those kids who found that old piece of junk on the beach about a month ago. He claims that there was some evil cult who called up demons hundreds of years ago here. I don't know how it works, but that old thing was chucked into the sea, which was supposed to bury it away and that would seal the demons away somehow. And he reckons that if we chuck it back into the sea, all this stuff will go away. Christ, this sounds like some bad movie I saw when I was a kid. What I should do is run like fuck out of the town and pray that everything's normal outside.

It's Hallowee'n today. How appropriate. I tried running today, just like I said I should have. But I can't run anymore. It's Hallowee'n, and I saw the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Isabell. Nailed to a wall like she was crucified, with bone nails through her wrists, and half her body missing.

I came back, and found the old man. He's gone crazy too. I dunno if I killed him, but he wasn't moving after I hit him with that plank of wood. I dunno if what he said was right, but I've got no ideas of my own. I remember hearing that old thing was taken to the local University to be studied. I guess I'm going to play demonslayer. This is the stupidest thing I've ever done.

I think it's November the 1st now, maybe the second. Good news is I've got the whatever-it-is. But I'm not sure if I can go on. I'm huddled and hiding in this cupboard, I haven't slept in days, I haven't eaten in ages, and all I can think about is seeing Isabell on the wall. And now I think I'm starting to go mad too. I keep getting these thoughts about killing and eating and blood oh fuck it's getting worse

Just another hour. I can run to the beach before then. If I can just get it in the water, maybe it'll all go away. But all those things out there. Please, if anyone finds this, don't forget me. I'm Adam Diner, I'm scared, I'm dying, please don't forget me, I'm going now.

Stupid. I really thought I could do it. It'd all be alright. I made it to the beach, chucked the relic in and NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED! Still monsters all over the place, everyone I know is dead, and I'm looking at my stomach, and half of it's gone.

I'm dying here. The madness is going, doesn't want a dead man, I guess. Just hiding in some rocks, want to die here, not in the claws of one of those things. Harder to write now, I'm free finally, can put this behind me. I can see Isabell, she's smiling. My parents, Andrew, all here. I think I'm going