Kehvarra - The Wanderer and the Healer

The first being to walk the world was the Wanderer. He was the first to look at the horizon and wonder what lay beyond. But at first, he suppressed his desire, for to explore the world would be to leave his love, the Healer.
But as time went on, the desire to explore grew, until the Healer saw the depression that the Wanderer bore. Finally, she told him to walk the world for one half of the year, the Time of Water. But when the Time of Ice returned, he was to keep his promise to return to her.
And so it was that the Wanderer set out on his first journey. He discovered many lands, and many wonders. And in his absence, the Healer created a continent of her own, the Isle of Respite.
A season passed, and the Time of Ice was upon the world. As the world grew colder, the Wanderer remembered the warm arms of his love, and returned to her at the Isle. For the Time of Ice, she soothed his tired body, and he revealed all the secrets of the world that he had uncovered during his travels. The Healer was impressed by his tales, and when the next Time of Water came, she blessed him on a second journey. Then a third, until the Wanderer would spend every Time of Water exploring the world.
During one of his journeys, he came across ourselves, the Kehvarra, who shared his desire to explore and thirst for knowledge. And he invited us to visit the Isle of Respite. There, the Healer poured the information that the Wanderer had given to her into our minds, to inspire us to reach beyond the horizon and seek new peoples, new experiences, and all the wonders our world has to offer.

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