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Crystal's Fantasy Realm

This is Brooke. She is guardian of journeys and Adventure.

Click here to adopt your own guardian.

"Spindrift" Copyright Sue Dawe

Hi, I am dedicating this realm to the unique creatures of the fantasy world. Unicorns, pegasi, fairies, mermaids, and other creatures have enchanted us for ages. Everyone has wondered some time in their lives if they are indeed real. Stories and tales have been past down for centuries of them and those stories have become engraved on the heart of every child.

Copyright Anne Geddes

My Favorite Photographers and Artists

Enchanted Childhood by Lisa Jane

Anne Geddes Official Site

Andrea's Anne Geddes Gallery

Natalie's Homepage: The largest Anne Geddes picture collection on the web!

Andrea's Kim Anderson Gallery

Fantasy Art & Illustration by Sue Dawe!

Enchanted Waters: David Miller Fine Art Posters

Andrea's Christian Riese Lassen Gallery

Don McMichel - Marine Artist

Dolphin Art Gallery -Paintings by Carlos Aleman

Warren Percell - A Californian Artist

Ocean of Light - The Talbot Collection - Marine Mammal Photographer Bob Talbot

Art of Apollo: Environmental Art

Nature Photography by Barbara Jordan

Gallery of Whale Sculpture by Vermont Fine Artist Wick Ahrens

The Fairy Web

Lilith's World of Fairies and Angels

DFairy's Realm


Disney's Little Mermaid

©by Emille Touraine

This is my pegasis, Cloud. She loves to soar above the Earth.

This is my unicorn, Magick. She loves the forest.
Click here to adopt your own cyber pet.

My Webrings I have Joined...

This Carmi and Bevs Magical Homepages site is owned by
Crystal a.k.a. Dolphin Moon.

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Moyra's Web Jewels
Some graphics made by Moyra's Web Jewels!

The MIDI playing is Enya's "Fairytail"
