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Dolphin Moon's Webpage

dolphins in sky with moon

Hi, My name is Crystal. One of my online nicknames is Dolphin Fina Moon. I go by both Dolphin Moon and Finamoon. I am Vice President of the Killer Whale Club. If you would like to learn more about me please go to my Profile Page! My Site Map has all of my pages that I have created on it. I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often! This is my homepage about my favorite animals: whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Although I usually call them by their scientific name, cetaceans. Please sign my guestbook while you are here. Thanks! Enjoy!

dolphin swimming

blue star bar

~*Don't let weeds grow up around your dreams! :0) *~
fairy and dolphin in moonscape
Fairy Nebula logo. This Fairy was created special for me, please do not take her.

dolphin swimming

blue star bar

my banner

If you would like to link to my homepage please save this banner on your computer and link it to...
After you put my banner on your site please e-mail me and tell me that you did. Thanks!
This banner was given as a gift by GMG and created by Jen. Visit her homepage called Starshinez and Daydreamz.

dolphin swimming

blue star bar

[My Profile] [ Ecco the Dolphin] [My WebCam] [Awards I've Won for this Page] [Sign My Guestbook] [View My Guestbook]

Cassie morphing a dolphin

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lady blowing dolphins from her hands

Ione, my Cyberphin
This is my Cyberphin, Ione. She and her friends love to swim all over my webpages!

adopt a Cyberphin

dolphin totem

adopt a Guardian Totem

Click here to support me at DolphinNet

dolphin swimming

blue star bar

Copyright 1997-2006 "Dolphin Moon's Webpage" created by Crystal Abel a.k.a. Dolphin Fina Moon. All rights reserved. All content and material copyrighted and written by Crystal Abel a.k.a. Dolphin Fina Moon unless otherwise specified. If Dolphin Moon's Webpage is using information or graphics without permission and you don't want us to use it please contact Dolphin Fina Moon by e-mail at the address below and the information or graphic will be taken off! Thank you.

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